The two of them were busy, but the truth was revealed.

Xie 207 put away the documents on the table, got in the car, and drove the two people towards the NG Institute.

On the way, Ning Zhu asked about the official announcement of the existence of the anomaly.

It was learned that it was three days later. Now Ningchuan is working overtime to build the institute, and the top management is preparing to announce it after the institute is built.

This time is good. It takes six days for public opinion to settle down and give people a buffer period in their hearts, so that when it is finally announced, it will not cause too much panic.

Li Yin looked at the scenery outside and asked, "What does NG Research Institute research?"

"Haven't you investigated it?"

"I was too busy to remember."

Xie Yunxiao nodded to show his understanding: "It's called a research institute, but it's actually a beauty salon that helps people lose weight. Its business is similar to Ruan Qiujie's."

Li Yin raised her eyebrows and found a common point: "Weight loss again? There won't be a liposuction project, right?"

"Yes, and it's the main project."

What do the people behind the scenes need so much fat for?

Li Yin was puzzled. Could it be used to make soap?

NG Research Institute is located in a remote area, on the edge of the Sixth Ring Road. The surrounding area no longer looks like Beijing, but a county town.

The architectural style of the institute blends in with the surrounding environment, as if it is an ordinary small company on the roadside.

Xie Yunxiao parked the car in front of the gate, and the three of them got out of the car together.

Before they could react, Li Yin raised her hand, and the nightmare field instantly covered the entire building under her control.

But this time it was different. She didn't let her ability work on furniture, walls, etc., but only on people.

Retracting her hand, Li Yin pointed in the direction of the NG Research Institute and said lightly: "Okay, cripple everyone who is still awake inside, and the mission is over."

Xie Yunxiao didn't know what Li Yin's ability was, but she chose to believe it.

Her eyes were blazing, and she located the only person who was still active in the company.

A woman.

Her figure disappeared instantly and went straight to the woman.

When she got closer, Xie Yunxiao saw her face clearly. Wasn't it Xu Xuan who was released in the morning? This guy really has a problem, and a big problem.

Just when she was about to go all out to subdue him, the cabinet next to her suddenly broke open, and a figure suddenly rushed out, with white light lingering in his hand, and slapped her abdomen.

Xie Yunxiao reacted quickly, and flames instantly spurted out of his body, forcibly changing his trajectory of movement, and at the same time kicked the man's arm.

The kick was not very reserved, and it actually broke the whole forearm and inserted it into the ceiling.

Rotating the body, the arm turned into a huge blade, and cut it into two pieces with one blow.

But it was not over yet, she had seen the attacker's face clearly.

It was a corpse, a corpse on the list.

Li Yin said that these guys were driven by a core, and chopping the body into pieces would definitely not be the end.

The arm turned into a claw again, deeply inserted into the chest of the corpse, and directly tore it in half, and a gray stone ball appeared in his hand.

He carefully put it aside, and then rushed out again, heading straight for Xu Xuan who had already escaped.

At this time, she was being carried on the shoulders of a woman in a windbreaker, jumping out of the window and escaping.

Seeing this scene, Xie Yunxiao stopped, turned around, slowly picked up the gray stone ball, and walked down the stairs.

When he arrived downstairs, he just saw Ning Zhu pressing the two people to the ground.

Xu Xuan was fine, not much injured, but the windbreaker girl next to her had her hands and feet broken and thrown aside, and could only wriggle on the ground, looking extremely miserable.

But even so, not a drop of blood flowed out of her body, obviously like the one she killed, it was a corpse.

Li Yin walked up and took off the mask of the corpse, and the face revealed behind it was indeed the missing person in the file.

"How do you want to investigate? Call Mr. Zhou?" Xie Yunxiao asked curiously.

Li Yin shook her head: "No, I can communicate with their souls, and souls will not lie."

As she said, she crushed the head of the female corpse, reached in and took out the core inside, and then swept it with the nightmare field, and colorful light bands suddenly floated above the head of the corpse.

This ability is so convenient. There were restrictions before, such as people who had been dead for too long, or people who were replaced by nightmare creatures, would not have colorful light bands.

Now, since the corpse can speak, why should it live?


Yunxiao's mouth twitched.

Is this what you call soul communication? I thought it was some romantic method, but it turned out to be so direct and crude.

Li Yin took a quick look at the windbreaker woman's memory and found nothing useful.

This guy is just like the corpse underground, a puppet that can only execute orders, but she is responsible for killing people.

Kill the people on the list.

She killed four people in total, all of whom were gray on the list.

But Li Yin knew that this was definitely not all, and there were also those who completely disappeared from the world, and there was no trace of their existence, so there was no way to determine the number of people.

No, there is still a way, but it is very troublesome, such as investigating single-parent families, or families without children.

After a brief thought, Li Yin gave up this idea. Not only is it inefficient, but even if the list is found, it will not be of much use.

Continue to watch the woman's memory, ready to see what the person who collects the body looks like.

As a result, another moving body is seen.

The person behind the scenes is hiding very deeply.

Throwing the corpse aside, Li Yin looked at Xu Xuan, who was retreating with fear on her face, and smiled.

She was a cute little girl, but in Xu Xuan's eyes, that smile looked like a devil from hell.

"Xu Xuan, right? Explain to me, what are these corpses?"

Xu Xuan's voice trembled, tears filled her eyes: "What? What corpses?"

Li Yin looked at her for a while, turned to Xie Yunxiao and asked: "Where is the core?"

Xie Yunxiao shook his head: "She doesn't have a core in her body, but there is a high heat reaction in her brain."

In this case...

Li Yin coughed, recalled the list of suspects Xie Yunxiao gave last time, and began to read them one by one.

Since Xu Xuan is also the other party's puppet, there must be a backdoor.

Perhaps just like a ghost, any action to investigate the person behind the scenes will cause him to run away.

So as long as you try one by one until a name touches the taboo, you can roughly determine the suspect.

Li Yin had a beautiful thought, but before she could say a few names, Xu Xuan's body began to change drastically. Her face became extremely pale, and pustules began to bulge on her head, making her head extremely huge.

It was as if something was about to break out of her body.

And Xu Xuan had already fallen to the ground motionless, as if she had turned into a corpse.

Li Yin scratched her head, looked in the direction of Xie Yunxiao and asked: "Do you need to pay special attention to the person I just mentioned?"

Xie Yunxiao shook his head helplessly: "No, he went to Linhai with the support and didn't come back."

"That's really unlucky..." Li Yin thought about it, and still asked: "Is it a fake death?"

"He may have planned it, but you also saw the situation in Linhai. Everything happened too fast. No one can get away there by faking death."

"It's really troublesome..."

Li Yin stretched out his hand, and Xu Xuan, who had mutated into a monster, exploded instantly, turning into a bloody mess of debris, and a disgusting stench filled the air.

The invisible aura blew away the flesh and blood, not a drop fell on the three people.

It looked unusually cool.

Li Yin turned her head and used the nightmare field to cover Xu Xuan's body again. This time there was a reaction, and the colorful light bands slowly floated up.

She was not vague either, and stepped on the broken meat to contact it.

But seeing Xu Xuan's memory, Li Yin frowned.

Her memory was too chaotic, as if there were three personalities squeezed in the same brain.

Xu Xuan should be the main personality to control daily life, but she was just a disguise, and her insides had been hollowed out, but she didn't know it.

Deep in her memory, the second personality was the personality that controlled her body and performed surgery on those corpses. She cut and sutured skillfully, and every movement revealed a calmness and precision that did not belong to her age.

But there was no thought.

Whether it was cutting or suturing, there was no fluctuation in her heart, nor any awe of life, or fear of corpses, only indifference, like a machine.

And the last and most hidden personality is the voice that issues orders to the second personality.

This personality rarely appears, but it is like an invisible thread that controls Xu Xuan's actions and even thoughts.

Perhaps this is not a personality at all, but a means of controlling others.

No wonder Master Zhou couldn't detect it. This kind of person who feels that what he says is correct from the bottom of his heart, even Master Zhou's lie detector is powerless.

While looking at the memory, Li Yin asked Xie Yunxiao: "Did the rich man you investigated at noon have a high-heat reaction in his brain?"

Xie Yunxiao shook his head: "I don't know, I didn't notice it."

"Then let the people in the Abnormal Bureau be careful, maybe they will become this kind of monster."

After saying that, Li Yin continued to watch the operation process.

The operating table was no longer a corpse, but a young man.

Li Yin recognized at a glance that this was the missing man with glasses at that time. He was really pushed onto the operating table for transformation.

Xu Xuan picked up a gray stone ball from the side and tried to let the man with glasses connect to it, but failed.

The deepest personality in his mind spoke, and then Xu Xuan took out a box from under the operating table, which contained a white stone ball.

Just from the memory, he could feel that this stone ball was different. The fluctuations it emitted were closer to the crystal on his pendant.

"Xie Yunxiao, have you seen the white core?"

Xie Yunxiao, who was contacting the Abnormal Bureau, was stunned, his face changed obviously, and he put down his phone, as if he was hesitating about something.

Li Yin also exited from the memory, looked in her direction, and asked again: "In Xu Xuan's hand, there is a white stone ball, which exudes an aura very similar to my pendant. You know what it is, right?"

Xie Yunxiao still did not answer, but lowered his head, with a complex light flashing in his eyes.

"Can't you say it now?" Li Yin narrowed his eyes, wondering why Xie Yunxiao was so hesitant. Could the white stone ball represent something bad?

Xie Yunxiao finally spoke, she sighed, and shook her head slowly: "I do know, it's not that I don't say it, but... I can't explain it clearly."

Li Yin gestured for her to talk about it.

"That is... the abandoned core." Xie Yunxiao said while organizing his words: "I don't know where the perfect controller core came from, but it is not a product of the research institute. I also saw the white stone ball by chance. Unlike our perfect controller core, that thing... well, it seems to have thoughts."

With thoughts?

Li Yin was a little surprised and asked, "Isn't the body of your perfect controller a stone ball with thoughts? Could that thing be a failed perfect controller?"

Xie Yunxiao shook his head: "Impossible, I can feel that there is a fundamental difference between that thing and us. And the failed perfect controller candidate will not turn into a white stone ball, but maintain the original color, the same as your pendant."

"Since they have thoughts, can we communicate? Try to ask about their origins."

Xie Yunxiao shook his head again: "No, there is no way to communicate. They are very confused, just like... there is a madman living in the stone ball, a madman who can't be awakened."

Li Yin was a little helpless: "So what is the origin of your perfect controller?"

"I don't know, this is not the level I can reach."

Xie Yunxiao took a deep breath: "But those who can touch it are not ordinary. We may really dig up a big fish this time."

The list of suspects in her mind narrowed down again, but the few people left made her feel cold on her back.

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