The news was so strange that the town was in chaos.

Li Yin had lost contact with his childhood friend for several years, and he even thought that he was dead. Why did he suddenly appear again today?

And what a coincidence, the news brought by Officer Liu coincided with the news, and even the location was the same.

This made Li Yin feel a little strange, but he didn't know what was strange.

Seeing the news on the phone, Officer Liu was relieved. He was really afraid that there would be a large-scale casualty incident like the hotel or the murder artist case in the town.

Now it seems that some people can even go back to worship their ancestors, so there should be no problem.

"Do you have class tomorrow? How about we go to investigate tomorrow?"

Because he had to avoid the director's sight, he did not choose to contact the police station over there to inquire about the situation. He didn't have any friends there, so he could only go and see it in person.

"Why not go today?" Li Yin asked casually while picking up her phone to send a message to her childhood friend. "I have to go back to write a report, and a friend is coming to visit. I don't have time today." "You are quite busy. Is your friend Professor Zhang? Is he back from a business trip?" "Yes, I haven't seen him for a long time. I want to talk to him." Li Yin understood his thoughts. For people like them who have few friends, it is indeed a pleasant thing to be able to meet with old friends who have not seen each other for a long time. She herself now wants to rush to Luoan Town to see what her childhood friend has become. "Then let's go tomorrow..." After saying this, the atmosphere suddenly fell into a brief silence. Li Yin looked up in confusion and found that Officer Liu was looking at her with strange eyes. "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Officer Liu twitched his lips: "I guess... you'll take a taxi and run over there in a while, right?"

Li Yin also twitched her lips: "You really know me..."

Officer Liu didn't know what to say, but he still trusted Li Yin's ability. As long as the supernatural events entrusted to her were never left overnight.

"Okay, go and be careful."

"Don't worry."

After seeing Officer Liu off, Li Yin took a Didi and set off for the town.

The driver was a middle-aged man, very talkative, and he was chatting with Li Yin about the fun and customs of Linhai City all the way.

"Little girl, you said it was a coincidence. Generally, taxis here are unwilling to go to Luoan. It's too far and the road is not easy to go. But you said it was a coincidence. I was just about to go back and was thinking about whether there was anyone going the same way. I took the last job and ended up meeting you. We are destined to meet."

The driver laughed as he spoke, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth.

Li Yin smiled politely and didn't say anything.

The driver continued, "My family is in Luoan. I haven't been back for several years. Today, I suddenly received a message from my cousin saying that something happened at home and my uncle was seriously ill, so he asked me to go back and see him."

Talking about his hometown, the driver sighed a little. This town is full of memories and emotional ties for him. Although he hasn't been back for many years, whenever he mentions it, there is always an indescribable sense of intimacy in his heart.

Li Yin listened quietly and nodded occasionally in response.

She was not very familiar with Luoan Town. She had only gone there a few times when she was a child with her childhood friends. In her impression, the town was not big and close to the river. There was nothing fun in the town, but the outdoor environment was very good and she liked it very much.

"Little girl, you are not from Luoan Town, right? Are you traveling?"

Li Yin shook her head: "My friend's family seems to be worshipping their ancestors, and invited me to go over for a gathering."

"Ancestor worship?" The driver was a little confused. He couldn't remember which family in the town had the custom of worshipping their ancestors: "What's his family name?"


The driver suddenly realized: "Old Qin's family. Before my family moved to Linhai, I heard that his family became prosperous and moved to the capital. I didn't expect them to come back to worship their ancestors."

They moved to the capital?

Li Yin was stunned. This was news she didn't know. It turned out that the childhood friend's family had no news because they moved to the capital?

But why didn't this guy send me a message? I thought he was dead.

"By the way, uncle. Do you know how their son is doing now?"

"Son?" The driver was stunned: "I haven't heard that his family has a son? Isn't it a daughter?"

Li Yin was also stunned. Daughter? That guy has a sister? I haven't heard of it either?

She took out her phone and prepared to send a message to her childhood friend to ask, but she saw that the profile picture was gray again. She had to give up and wait until she got to the destination.

The car continued to drive and drove out an hour later.

We drove along the winding country road near the sea. The scenery on both sides gradually changed from high-rise buildings to rural scenery with green trees and vast farmland.

The driver seemed to be very familiar with this route. He drove the car easily and shared interesting stories and memories about Luoan Town with Li Yin from time to time.

He talked about the happy times when he was a child catching fish by the river and running in the fields, as well as the old shops and scenery that have gradually disappeared in the long river of time.

Li Yin listened quietly, and an inexplicable sense of intimacy surged in her heart. Although she was not from Luoan Town, the driver's story made her feel as if she was in that rural world full of vitality and vigor.

There were not many cars on the road, and the driver drove relatively steadily. When Li Yin was drowsy in the back seat, she was suddenly awakened by a whistle.

Looking up and looking forward, there was a car there.

At this time, the driver also said: "Let's take a rest at the gas station in front. I just need to add some gas."

Li Yin nodded and had no opinion.

In the gas station, two drivers were smoking and chatting. They seemed to know each other.

They were talking about Luoan Town. Coincidentally, the other driver was also from Luoan Town, and even had similar experiences. Today, a relative suddenly contacted him and asked him to go back to the town.

He also said that he met several other people who were also going back to Luoan Town on the way. They were all wanderers who had not returned for many years and suddenly received news from home.

Hearing this, Li Yin raised his eyebrows and realized that something was wrong. Why did so many people suddenly want to go back to Luoan Town?

If it was one or two people, it would be explainable, but including myself, there were four people.

This was definitely not a coincidence.

Except for myself, they were all from Luoan Town, and from the conversation between the two, they were usually busy in Linhai, but they decided to go back to Luoan immediately after receiving the call.

Is this normal?

What about myself?

Li Yin recalled her mood in the restaurant when she received the news, and her brows frowned immediately.

At that time, I was definitely surprised to receive a message from my childhood friend whom I hadn't seen for a long time, but at that moment, I actually had the idea of ​​leaving on the spot!

This idea overlapped with my real thoughts at the time, so I didn't react immediately, but thinking about it afterwards, this was not normal.

So, were they affected? Is there a force guiding them to return to their hometown?

Is it the cult experiment mentioned by Uncle Liu? Or some kind of ghost?

But in any case, this trip became interesting!

This was the first time she had seen a force that could slightly affect her for a moment.

Maybe this time she could really catch a big fish.

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