The man was dead, dead as hell.

The man was dead, dead as hell. An ambulance took the body away in a few minutes.

Li Yin also left the edge of the town and walked slowly on the street.

The town did not seem to be affected by the car accident on the edge. The shops on both sides of the street were still open, talking and laughing to attract customers. The pedestrians around did not see anything unusual, as if it was just an ordinary town.

I took out my phone and took a look. There was still no signal. I couldn't contact my childhood friend, so I could only walk over to take a look.

Where was it?

Following the path in my memory, Li Yin came to an old house on the edge of the town. This old house is hidden in a lush bamboo forest, with blue bricks and black tiles, simple and quiet.

Li Yin stood in front of the door, looking at the slightly mottled wooden door, and an inexplicable sense of intimacy surged in her heart.

When they were young, the two of them were very naughty. When they saw such a high door, they competed to climb up directly. As a result, a piece of wood on the door was kicked off, and the old grandfather who was still alive at the time was so angry that he cursed.

Gently push open the wooden door, making a "creaking" sound, as if awakening long-dormant memories. In the yard, the flowers and plants are still lush, but it looks a bit desolate.

Li Yin walked in along the path, stepping on the green grass with every step, making a rustling sound.

Walked to the front of the main house, pushed open the door, and a musty smell hit her face.

The furnishings in the house are simple, but arranged in an orderly manner. She walked to an old table and gently stroked the tabletop, as if she could feel the warmth of her childhood friend.

"Are you there?" Li Yin asked softly, but the only response she got was the empty house.

This made her a little depressed. It seemed that her guess was right. The person who sent her the message was not her childhood friend, but a ghost entrenched in the town.

How dare you lie to me! No matter what you are, I must expose you!

The girl's gnashing voice echoed in the empty house. Now she hated the ghosts in the town! She wanted to pull them out and tear them into pieces immediately.

To calm down her good mood, Li Yin walked around the house, trying to find some clues. Suddenly, she found a tattered book on the bookshelf. It looked very familiar. It was the diary that her childhood friend often held when she was a child.

She hurried over, picked up the diary and opened it. She saw that it was densely written with the handwriting of her childhood friend.

The handwriting was not good-looking, but it gave her an extremely familiar feeling.

It was that guy's handwriting.

She remembered the things recorded before. The two of them made trouble together, went to school together, and were scolded together... Came to the town to play, slacked off together, went on adventures in the wild together, and slept in the same bed when they were tired.

That time seemed to be just yesterday. They were carefree at that time. Laughter and sunshine intertwined together, forming the most beautiful memories.

As the diary was turned, the style of the following pages became different.

"Li Yin, why don't you reply to my message! I'm leaving and I'll never see you again! You bastard, don't come to see me off!"

"I'm really leaving! If you don't come, I'll never be friends with you again!"

"Wuwuwu, you bastard, I'm leaving tomorrow to go to the capital. They said I might die. I don't want to die yet, you bastard..."

"I know you will definitely come to my house and may see this diary! Li Yin, I tell you, I'm done with you! I won't care about you anymore! We are not friends anymore!"


Seeing these diaries, Li Yin's eyes were a little wet.

She seemed to be able to see the mood of her childhood friend when he wrote these words, from expectation to disappointment, to despair and anger. Every sentence was like a needle piercing her heart, making her feel extremely painful.

"I might... die..."

Could it be that she left the town and went to the capital for treatment?

She had an incurable disease?

Thinking of this possibility, Li Yin closed her eyes painfully.

But she had no impression of the news in the diary. She really didn't receive any news...

She continued to flip through the diary, wanting to know more.

Suddenly, her eyes fixed on a line of words: "Li Yin, be careful... There seem to be ghosts in this world!"

Slowly closing the diary, she couldn't imagine what her childhood friend had experienced before leaving, but since she mentioned ghosts, it was obvious that she saw or heard something...

But it shouldn't be a big deal. After all, according to the driver, Lao Qin's family had moved to the capital.

The good news is that uncle and aunt should still be there.

It's just a move. The bad news is that I don't have their contact information...

Damn it, find time to go to the capital to look for them. Yes! Ask Officer Liu, he should be able to find the address!

Thinking of this, Li Yin cheered up again and decided to put this matter aside for the time being and solve the problem at hand first.

Put the diary in your pocket and leave the old house.

The sun has set. Li Yin touched her stomach and felt a little hungry. She was ready to go to the town to get something to eat.

She remembered that there were several delicious snack bars near the school, but she didn't know if they were closed now.

The Qin family's old house is not close to the school. It takes about fifteen minutes to walk there, but Li Yin walks faster to ensure that she can reach the snack bar before her stomach growls!

When passing by the hospital, she was surprised to see an acquaintance, the driver Lao Tan.

He was sitting on the ground listlessly smoking a cigarette. Hearing the footsteps stop in front of him, Lao Tan looked up and saw his passenger.

"It's you. Have you found the people from Lao Qin's family?"

Seeing Li Yin shaking his head, Lao Tan gave a bitter smile: "He's dead. The hospital didn't try to save him. He was sent directly to the morgue. And my cousin, he wasn't in the hospital ward at all because he was also in the morgue."

Li Yin was silent for a moment, and then comforted: "My condolences... What about your cousin?"

"I don't know. There's no signal on my phone. I just went to his house and there was no one."

He finished smoking the last bit of his cigarette, threw it on the ground and stomped it out, then stood up: "Want to eat something? I'll treat you."

Li Yin nodded: "I'm just about to go to the school to eat something. Let's go together."

The two walked one after the other, neither of them spoke.

Lao Tan was still accepting the change in his worldview and the fact that there were supernatural events in the world, while Li Yin was wondering where he could find the ghost and kill it.

The school was at the easternmost part of the town. There were not many people living here, and the snack bar was also for students.

The two walked into a shop that was open for business. There were no customers inside. There was only a middle-aged woman cleaning the table. When she saw the two people coming in, she showed a warm smile on her face: "Come on, what do you want to eat?"

Li Yin ordered a few special snacks, and Lao Tan ordered a bowl of beef noodles.

The driver was still frowning, lowering his head, looking at the table from time to time, and looking at his mobile phone from time to time.

"Little girl, you have a strong ability to accept, you may not think there is anything... But, whether it is the invisible wall outside the town, or the strange news that makes people return to the town, these..."

He was a little incoherent. He was obviously over 50 years old, but facing such a thing, he couldn't accept it for a while, and he couldn't even describe his current mood.

"Lao Tan, are you a local?" Li Yin asked suddenly.

Old Tan nodded: "Yes, I grew up in a small town. Later, I got a driver's license and drove a taxi."

Li Yin asked again: "Have you heard any rumors about the town? Such as legends, stories, etc.?"

Old Tan shook his head: "No, the town has always been very peaceful, and the population is not large. Any incident in anyone's family will spread to the surrounding areas. How can there be any secrets."

"How many years have you not been back?"

"Three or four years, I haven't been back since my father passed away."

"Have you heard from relatives and neighbors that there have been any outsiders or investments here?"


Old Tan closed his eyes and recalled carefully, and nodded: "Yes, I heard that last year, a team of university professors came to the town for an inspection and gave a speech to students at school."

University professors came to inspect?

Li Yin didn't know if this news was useful, but he still remembered it in his heart.

"Uncle Tan, what are you going to do?"

Old Tan sighed again: "Let's live in the car. The house here has been sold, there's no one at my cousin's house, and there's no signal on my phone, so I don't have money to stay in a hotel."

Yes, there's no signal on my phone, and I don't have any cash on me, so where should I live?


The two of them thought of something at the same time, looked up at each other, and took a breath of cold air at the same time.

What the hell, how can I pay for the meal?

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