At this time, the role of my second axe became apparent!

The first axe was used to chop ghosts, so it must be very dirty. So, is it okay for me to use the second axe to cut vegetables?

This axe is so sharp and can also exorcise evil spirits. If there are any unclean things in the dishes, they can definitely be solved at the same time. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?

The more Li Yin thought about it, the more he felt that this was a good idea. He immediately stood up and went to the back kitchen.

The area of ​​the snack bar is not large, with only a dozen square meters in total, but it has everything it should have.

He reached out with his left hand and took out an axe from it. Looking at the smooth axe blade, Li Yin felt a little regretful.

If I had known I would not have taken that one back, I would not be able to tell them apart now…

Forget it, it doesn’t matter if I wash it!

I took it to the sink and turned on the tap. Just when I was about to wash the axe, I smelled a fishy smell and quickly pulled my hand back.

There is something wrong with this water!

Not to mention what would happen if I ate it, I felt like I would have a stomachache just by smelling it.

Fortunately, the female ghost boss exposed herself just now, otherwise, if I ate the food she made, I would have turned into a jet fighter.

Li Yin went to the bathroom again and saw that the water in the tap was still fishy and smelly.

It seemed to be a problem with the water plant.

Let’s go and have a look tomorrow.

It was dark outside now, and I was not familiar with the way to the water plant and could not find it.

Sitting back on the chair, Li Yin thought for a while, got up again, went to the kitchen faucet, and wiped the fingerprints on it with his sleeve. The same was true for the bathroom.

He opened the door, wiped the handle, and then left the snack bar.

The main reason is that I am afraid that when the town’s problems are solved, the people in the town will investigate after they sober up and regard me as a criminal suspect.

Even if I have Officer Liu’s support, I have to prepare for the rainy day.

So, where should I stay tonight? Go back to the Qin family’s old house?

But no one has lived there for six or seven years. There are two layers of dust and I don’t know how many spiders there are...

Forget it, just take a walk and have a look.

I don’t know where the bastard Old Tan has gone. If I meet him, I will definitely beat him up!

Walking slowly on the street, she visited one store after another. Most of them were closed, and the few that were not closed had no one inside.

Aren’t you afraid of being robbed?

Li Yin was a little surprised. Where did everyone go?

But she saw that there was a supermarket that was not closed and there was no one inside. This made her a little happy. She took two well-packaged breads and two bottles of water, picked a chicken foot and a ham sausage, put them in a plastic bag and left the supermarket.

It’s not stealing. I’ll pay when my phone has a signal!

Looking at the plastic bag in her hand, Li Yin thought for a while, and went back to get a few more breads and water for tomorrow's breakfast.

When she came to the main road, she squatted on the side of the road and looked at the school gate, thinking about how to investigate and where to sleep today, while eating bread and chicken feet.

When she turned around, she happened to look at a girl.

Both of them were stunned.

The girl was thinking, this girl looks cute, why does she act like a little gangster?

Li Yin was shocked by the appearance of the girl in front of her.

Since she became a girl, her vision of girls has become higher, and the reason is that her face is really good-looking.

But the girl in front of her is not inferior to her current self at all!

The only shortcoming is that she has a bruise on her face and a bandage on her head, as if she was beaten by someone.

But this does not affect her beauty, but adds a bit of pitiful temperament.

There is such a beautiful girl in the town! Can I go to her to ask for her contact information?

Oh, by the way, there is no internet now...

What a pity.

The two passed by each other, and the girl walked into the school. Li Yin watched her disappear and continued to eat chicken feet.

After eating the bread and drinking a mouthful of water, he felt eight-tenths full. Then he stood up and threw the garbage into the trash can.

Li Yin had already thought about where to go tonight.

Carrying the remaining food, he came to the wall on the side of the school, found the blind spot of the surveillance, jumped with ease, and landed lightly, perfect!

Compared with the several schools he attended in high school and the No. 3 Girls' High School in the city, the scale here is much smaller. There is only one teaching building and a student dormitory, and the rest are football fields and basketball courts.

There are not many rooms with lights on in the student dormitory. After all, the school is not closed. Most of the students are within two kilometers of their homes. They ride their bicycles back. The dormitory is prepared for children from nearby villages.

Li Yin walked around outside the teaching building, locked the door, couldn't get in, and walked around again

Arriving at the dormitory building, she observed the surroundings and found a washed and dried school uniform, took it off and put it on herself.

Although it was a little big, at least she could sneak into the dormitory without being discovered directly.

She walked into the gate and smiled at the dormitory aunt. The aunt looked up at her and seemed a little confused, but did not say much, just nodded and signaled that she could go in.

Li Yin was happy, it seemed that her school uniform worked, at least it did not arouse the suspicion of the dormitory aunt.

She walked into the dormitory building quickly and looked for a suitable room.

She remembered the rooms with lights on in the dormitory building just now. These rooms could not be visited. She would see which of the remaining rooms were unoccupied and make do with them for one night.

The dormitory building was very quiet. No one could be heard talking or making any noise, as if the whole building was empty.

Wandering in the corridor, I clearly saw that there were about a dozen rooms with lights on in the dormitory building, but no one could be seen in the corridor.

Did they go to bed so early?

At this moment, the door next to them opened with a click, and a girl walked out.

The two looked at each other and were stunned.

This person turned out to be the girl they met at the school gate just now.

The girl was still in a daze, and Li Yin had already reacted. She wanted to ask the girl for her contact information just now, but she didn't have time to act. Now that she has met, of course she can't miss this opportunity.

She walked forward quickly, one hand on the door frame, showing a smile that she thought was handsome, and said to the girl: "Hi, we meet again! What's your name? Can you tell me your contact information?"

The girl couldn't help but chuckled.

She felt like she was being hit on by a little girl who was half a head shorter than her.

No one would be angry if they were hit on by such a cute little girl, right? They would just think it was cute.

Before she could reply, she saw the little Lolita put her arm back and talked to herself over there.

"What's wrong with me? I need to get her contact information now. What's the point of getting to know her? When the problem is solved, she will definitely not remember anything when she wakes up, and there may be more trouble."

Forget it, I'd better find a place to sleep...

Get up early tomorrow to wait for Officer Liu at the edge of the town, at least tell him about the situation in the town and stop him from coming in.

Wait...Why don't I try to see if I can get out? Can't I call him?

Knock, I didn't think of it, I'll try it later.

Seeing the little girl was about to leave, the girl hurriedly called her: "Wait a minute, you...are you from outside? What do you mean by solving it?"

Li Yin turned around vigilantly. She remembered that the boss lady had asked such a question before she was alienated.

Could it be that such a lovely girl actually...

But when she saw the girl's expression, she was a little stunned. There was no change like bulging eyes or yellow skin, but nervousness and expectation, and some uneasiness.

Li Yin raised her eyebrows and asked hesitantly, "You are from outside, too?"

Hearing Li Yin's words, the girl who was cautious just now jumped up immediately.

When she saw this little girl at the school gate, she felt that she was a little different from the people in the town, especially her movements, which were mainly unruly.

And she was obviously not a student of this school, but now she appeared in the dormitory building, and she was wearing an ill-fitting school uniform.

The girl was almost certain that she had sneaked in.

That's why the question just now came up.

"Well! I am also from outside, and I have been trapped here for two weeks! Little sister, are you new here?"

Two weeks?

Li Yin didn't expect that the abnormality of the town had started so early. After losing contact for half a month, the outside world didn't notice it at all. This is very abnormal.

Could it be that there is actually a channel in the town that can contact the outside world, making the outside world think that everything is normal here?

If there is, then the mastermind behind the scenes is likely to be there, and the most likely place is the police station and the government building.

I'll go check it out later.

"I just came this afternoon., what's your name?"

"My name is Ning Zhu, what's yours?"

Ning Zhu was very interested in this little girl who looked very small and cute, but spoke in an old-fashioned way, and didn't even look like a girl. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart: How could she be so cute!

"Li Yin."

The sound of high heels came from the stairs. Li Yin looked in the direction of the sound and saw a shadow gradually appearing at the corner of the stairs.

Ning Zhu suddenly became nervous when she saw the shadow, and hurriedly wanted to pull Li Yin into the room, but after pulling it, she found that the little girl seemed to have nails on her feet and didn't move at all.

All she could do was to anxiously say, "Go into the room quickly, or it will be too late if you are discovered!"

Li Yin naturally would not completely trust someone she met for the first time. Even though she looked super pretty, she was not someone who was easily seduced by beauty!

However, she did not think that this person named Ning Zhu could do any harm to her, so she decided to follow her in to see the situation.

As soon as Li Yin entered the room, she began to look around. It was a six-person dormitory with bunk beds, tables and cabinets. It was a very ordinary dormitory, but only one bed was covered with bedding.

Ning Zhu gently closed the door and looked around, as if looking for a place to hide, but such a small room, without even a bathroom, where could she hide?

Finally, she saw the quilt on her bed, and an idea flashed: "Hurry, lie down in it, she will come in soon!"

Looking at the fragrant and soft quilt, Li Yin could not help swallowing her saliva.

She could smell the body fragrance of the girl on it from such a distance.

In order to observe what Ning Zhu was talking about, and to learn more from the girl, Li Yin climbed onto the bed and lay down in the quilt.

Then Ning Zhu quickly took off her shoes and got into the quilt.

The quilt was not very big, and it was a single bed, so the two of them were pressed tightly together, with almost no space.

When had she ever been so close to a girl? Li Yin blushed.

Smelling the fragrance lingering around her nose, she couldn't help but nod. She was not wrong, it was really fragrant!

The door of the next room was closed heavily, and the footsteps were closer and stopped in front of the door.

Then with a click, the door lock was opened, and a figure walked in.

Li Yin could feel that Ning Zhu's whole body stiffened for a moment, but she still tried to keep her voice calm: "Auntie, are you here to check on me? Why are you here so early today?"

"Zheng Lan, you went to bed so early?"

The aunt's voice sounded emotionless and sinister, a bit like the tone of a snack bar owner, not like a human.

And, Zheng Lan? Isn't her name Ning Zhu?

Li Yin frowned and became more alert.

"I feel a little uncomfortable today. It may be my period."

The woman at the door did not doubt it, but asked: "Just now, someone from outside the school ran in, right in the dormitory building, did you see it?"

Ning Zhu shook her head: "I have been in the dormitory, and I didn't see anyone come in."

The woman's voice paused for a while, as if she wanted to find clues from Ning Zhu's expression, but obviously she didn't find anything unusual, and then said: "Well, forget it, you should go to bed early."

After that, she turned and left.

The door closed, but Ning Zhu didn't relax at all. It wasn't until the sound of high heels went upstairs that her tense body gradually relaxed and she exhaled deeply.

"It was a close call, Li Yin, she was looking for you. If she was found, you would be doomed!" Ning Zhu sat up and looked at the little Lolita curled up in the quilt.

Li Yin climbed up from the bed, leaned on the ladder of another bed, looked into Ning Zhu's eyes and asked slowly: "Your name is Ning Zhu? Then, who is Zheng Lan?"

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