As expected, Li Yin was caught by the police and was arrested for murder. She did not struggle because she wanted to see what else this small town could do. Sitting in the detention center, she could still hear the heart-wrenching cries at the door of the police station: "Give me back my son's life! Police comrades, you must severely punish the murderer!"

"My son is only 19 years old! He was beaten to death like this, he is innocent!"

"My son studies so well and is so well-behaved, there must be something wrong with this woman! She must pay with her life!"


Listening to these noisy voices, Li Yin was confused again. She originally guessed that these ghosts in the town, like the hotel ghosts, were repeating the scenes before their lives.

But what are they acting out now? Someone killed their son in the past? Who did it? Zheng Lan? Hu Die?

None of them seem like it. I don't know whether Zheng Lan was cut in half before or after her death, and she died before or in the middle of the town's alienation. Otherwise, why is there no role for Zheng Lan in the town?

The same is true for Hu Die. From the attitude of her classmates, it can be felt that this fat girl is very soft-tempered and does not seem to be the type who would fight with others.

So, who killed these people?

I looked inside the town detention center and found that only my room was closed.

The prisoner was not here, and the person locked in was me, an outsider.

So, could it be that the murderer was not a resident of the town, but an outsider? That person has left now, and he is not in the town detention center.

His identity may be the culprit who conducted this experiment in the town, causing the alienation of the entire town residents and Zheng Lan's beheading.

Li Yin originally came to the police station to see if she could lead out some big fish or trigger a key plot. Now it seems that she thought too much.

The key point to break the deadlock should not be in the police station, so there is only one last place left - the hospital.

In her opinion, there is definitely another final BOSS in the town. Releasing the cover, controlling ghosts, sending messages... are all the means of that ghost, but the key is that she can't find where it is.

Li Yin is already a little impatient. If she really can't find it, she is ready to flip the table directly!

I don't believe that if I kill all the ghosts in the town, that thing won't come out!

Just as she was about to take out her axe to split the prison door, she heard a group of footsteps coming this way. Li Yin quickly took it back and prepared to observe for a while.

Unexpectedly, this group of people wanted to escort her to the court for trial.

What time is it now? And is it so fast to be sent to trial?

When Li Yin was taken out of the detention center and escorted to the court, it was completely dark. Outside the court, there was still a group of noisy family members. When they saw Li Yin being taken out, they immediately surrounded her, crying and cursing one after another.

Li Yin was escorted by two policemen through the crowd. She ignored the noise around her and looked up at the court building. She felt that this place also needed to be investigated.

As soon as she entered the court, Li Yin smelled a foul smell. After a few steps, three corpses came into view. They were the combination of the gangsters and school bullies just now.

However, their bodies were very different from the wounds they had caused themselves. They were not beheaded or smashed, but cut in half, which looked exactly the same as the cause of death of the classroom ghost.

Is this their real cause of death?

Li Yin frowned. This was definitely not a coincidence. It was very likely that they all died at the hands of the same person.

Who is this person? I can cut a person in half, but it is definitely not so smooth and neat. It is mainly because of the weapon. The axe is not naturally suitable for cutting things.

"Don't stop, go in!"

The police escorting Li Yin saw her stop and urged her, then quickened their pace and took her into the court.

The court was already full of people, and almost everyone cast their eyes towards Li Yin, with all kinds of emotions in their eyes, anger, sympathy, pity, disdain...

At the same time, there were the scolding and crying of family members, and the comforting voices of judicial police. The court was in a mess.

"She said she didn't kill anyone! She beat my son to death!"

"This woman is too cruel, she must pay with her life!"


In the plaintiff's seat, the family members of the three gangsters began to cry again, accusing Li Yin of being the murderer.

Li Yin frowned and captured the key information.


She never denied that she killed those three ghosts. Could it be that they


Obviously not, this trial is not for me, but for the real murderer who happened at the same place some time ago.

The one who caused all this was a woman, or rather, one of them was a woman.

The judge frowned and signaled the judicial police to maintain order again.

Then he knocked the gavel and announced the opening of the court.

The prosecutor began to read the indictment, accusing Li Yin of intentional homicide, cruel means, serious circumstances, and should be punished severely.

Li Yin listened expressionlessly without any reaction.

She was analyzing the information in the indictment.

The real place where the incident happened was not the school, but a small road in the back mountain, not far from the Qin family's old house, at three o'clock in the afternoon. The perpetrator was an adult woman, but her name seemed to be hidden by an unknown force and became the role she played, Hu Die.

The method of committing the crime was extremely cruel, cutting the three people in half, but before the police arrived, the woman did not leave, but stood there, as if guarding something.

In addition, the woman was not a local.

Seeing that Li Yin did not respond, the judge asked, "Defendant Hu Die, do you have any objection to the criminal facts and charges in the indictment?"

Li Yin shook her head: "No objection, I did kill them."

As soon as this was said, there was an uproar in the courtroom.

The judge also frowned and said in a deep voice: "Defendant Hu Die, are you admitting your guilt?"

Li Yin nodded: "Yes, I killed them."

"Why did you kill them?"

Li Yin glanced at him calmly: "Because they deserve to die."

This sentence immediately caused an uproar in the courtroom, and the family members in the plaintiff's seat stood up excitedly, loudly accusing Li Yin of being a murderer and asking the court to punish him severely.

The judge also frowned, but he did not continue to ask this question. Instead, he turned to the prosecutor: "Prosecutor, what do you think of the defendant's confession?"

The prosecutor nodded: "Although the defendant admitted her crime, her attitude was very indifferent and she did not have any regrets. This shows that she did not have a correct understanding of her behavior and did not realize her mistakes."

The judge nodded in agreement and looked at Li Yin again: "Defendant Hu Die, do you have anything to defend yourself?"

Li Yin stood up, looked around the court, and with a slight force, he broke free from the restraints on his wrists. He glanced coldly at everyone present and spoke slowly.

"You are all dead, but you are still deceiving yourself here, thinking that you are still alive."

"Don't hold this meaningless trial anymore, it's time to end it..."

After speaking, she stretched out her hand, and two fire axes instantly appeared in her hands. The terrifying aura emanating from them made all the ghosts present unable to maintain their human form.

The shrill screams resounded throughout the venue, and the courtroom instantly fell into chaos.

Li Yin ignored the screams of the ghosts. She held the two axes tightly and started to kill the nearest one. The two ghosts who had just escorted her were instantly separated from their heads and bodies, followed by the family members on the opposite side, the bailiffs beside them, the onlookers, the judge...

Ghosts fell one after another under Li Yin's axe. Her figure was very fast. When she swung the two axes, anyone who was touched would die. The whole courtroom instantly turned into a bloody slaughterhouse.

But Li Yin's eyes were always cold as ice, as if all this had nothing to do with her.

The ghosts close to the door had already rushed out, and the roars led to the surrounding residents to change constantly. They were ready to see what was causing trouble in the courtroom, but when they got closer, they saw the ghost corpses that had not yet dissipated on the ground, and the two axes that exuded an extremely terrifying aura. They were instantly scared to death and screamed and turned to flee.

After Li Yin chopped the ghosts in the courtroom, she stepped out to chase them.

At the same time, in the school, Ning Zhu was so anxious that she was about to cry. Li Yin was taken away by the police to help her! It is very likely that her identity will be exposed, and that will be the end!

She wanted to help, but the school had been blocked by the police long ago, and no one could get out.

Ning Zhu didn't know what to do anymore, and was so anxious that she saw the head teacher coming over and hurried to meet him, hoping that the teacher could help her think of a solution.

But at this time, even the teacher couldn't let someone go out, let alone one of the parties involved.

And the principal was missing, and the whole school was now in a state of disarray.

Ning Zhu looked at the blockade over there, held the wooden sign in front of her chest, gritted her teeth, and prepared to force her way in!

Although she had only known Li Yin for one day, this girl was mysterious, brave, smart, and occasionally out of tune, and even teased herself, but she had already regarded the other party as a friend in her heart, the only way to be in this weird

People who trust each other in the town.

She couldn't just watch Li Yin being taken away and do nothing.

The wooden sign on her chest glowed blue. Just as Ning Zhu was about to take action, she saw a large group of people running over on the street outside the school. There were at least hundreds of them, and they seemed to be shouting something.

What's going on?

Everyone looked over there. As they got closer, the 'people' could see their faces clearly. They had uniform gray-white skin, scarlet eyes, and horrifying roars. They waved their broken limbs and rushed straight to the school.

What kind of people are these? They are actually a group of ghosts!

She just wanted to remind the classmates and teachers around her to close the door quickly, but when she turned around, she saw that this group of 'people' were also undergoing the same mutation.

A chill rushed from the soles of her feet to the top of her head. Ning Zhu felt as if her brain was tightly strangled by something, making it almost impossible for her to breathe.

The surrounding scene seemed to have been paused, and everyone's movements were stagnant, leaving only the roaring ghosts approaching.

Staring blankly at everything in front of her, a guess came to her mind. Could it be that there was no living person in the whole town, and everyone had turned into ghosts?

Without giving her time to think, the ghosts around her who had already mutated roared and rushed up. They thought they were going to fight with the ghosts on the opposite side, but they ran back at a faster speed after running a few steps, as if they saw something extremely terrifying.

Completely ignoring Ning Zhu's existence.

Ning Zhu looked carefully and saw that in the middle of the group of ghosts in front, broken limbs and arms were constantly flying, accompanied by bursts of screams mixed with pain and fear.

The surrounding area was soon vacated. In the middle of the ghost group, in addition to the corpses on the ground, there was a thin figure dripping with black liquid. It held two fire axes, and the axe blades were shining coldly. The axe was covered with the blood of evil spirits, which was extremely terrifying.

The two axes in the man's hands seemed to have turned into terrifying death sickles, and every swing would take away a ghost's life.

The ghosts knew they couldn't get close, so they kept retreating, but the man had no intention of letting them go, and chased after them with two axes.

She was very fast, and caught up with the slowest one in a few steps, and cut it in half in an instant with the axe in hand.

The rest of the ghosts were scared to death, and they all sped up, trying to escape from this terrifying place.

But they were too slow, and every swing of the axe would cause a ghost to fall.

The bloody smell filled the air, and the temperature around seemed to drop a few degrees.

There were no ghosts around the man anymore, and 'it' slowly turned its head, with a hint of red light in its eyes, like a hunter eyeing its prey, and set its sights on Ning Zhu.

Ning Zhu felt that 'it' seemed to be smiling at her. The premonition of death kept hitting her nerves, so she didn't have time to think and turned around and ran.

Then the scene was staged on the street, like the starting stage of a marathon, a person was leading the way madly in front, and behind was a group of twisted ghosts chasing relentlessly, and finally a strange man holding two axes, chasing and slashing at the ghosts in front.

Although Ning Zhu seemed to be a weak little girl at ordinary times, she was really fast when running, and a large group of ghosts couldn't catch up with her.

The only one who was close was the ghost that the little girl turned into at noon.

She was no longer recognizable as a human at this time. If she lay down and didn't move, she would be a corpse, but the face of this corpse was actually full of human fear, and even the eyes seemed to be red.

It was scared and cried.

It reached out to pull Ning Zhu who was running in front, wanting this human who had protected it for several days to protect it again.

But how could Ning Zhu spoil it?

I protected her before because I saw my own shadow on it and thought it was human.

Now you, a ghost, are you asking me for protection? Are you dreaming?

She took off the wooden sign on her neck, grabbed the end of the rope and swung it around to hit the ghost. With a scream, the girl ghost fell to the ground and was trampled by the large group behind her. Finally, she died under Li Yin's axe.

Li Yin was a little surprised when he chopped it down. Would a ghost fall flat on the ground? Or was there a ghost who was doing something bad and tripped his companions to act as a shield because he couldn't run faster than me?

Hey, he's still so bad even after he died. He deserves to be killed!

It's the ghost just now. Does he look familiar?

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