The girl was born in a big city, but she was born in a big city.

The picture in the memory fragment is very vague. It seems that the girl and another girl are classmates and sisters in a school.

They go to class together, eat together, go shopping together, and share each other's little secrets together.

The days at that time were so beautiful and carefree.

The girl never expressed her love to the other party, and she has always kept this love deep in her heart.

Then the picture suddenly became chaotic, with experiments, monsters, fear and despair...

There seems to be a man in the picture, who is conducting an experiment. He gave the sisters two choices, but no matter which one they choose, one of them must die.

"Is this... the reason why she turned into a monster? Because of the experiment..."

The scene in the fragments continued. They had a big fight, not because of the right to survive, but because they both wanted to leave the danger to themselves and give the chance of survival to each other.

But even so, the love in the girl's heart still did not decrease in the slightest. She secretly participated in the experiment without telling the other party. The process of the experiment was extremely cruel and painful. The girl endured unimaginable torture just to protect her beloved.

Li Yin didn't know whether the specific result of the experiment was success or failure, but judging from the situation in the town and the girl's mutation, it was most likely a failure.

With a long sigh, the love seemed to still echo in her heart, and even combined with the energy, making the already powerful energy more turbulent.

What on earth is going on?

Li Yin frowned. She knew that this must be related to the black crystal, but the crystal disappeared after flying into her body, and there was no trace of it at all.

"Li Yin, what's wrong with you?"

Ning Zhu saw that Li Yin's face was getting paler and paler, and cold sweat was oozing from his forehead, and he became more worried.

She gently stroked Li Yin's hair, hoping to give her some comfort.

Li Yin didn't say anything. She just wanted to find a quiet place to study the source and nature of this energy.

The bus sped along the road and soon left the area where Luoan Town was located and came to a nearby county town. Officer Xiao Wang and Ning Zhu hurriedly sent the unconscious person to the hospital.

Originally, Ning Zhu also wanted Li Yin to check her body to see if she was injured, but was rejected by Li Yin.

"I'm fine. I want to... find a place to rest."

Ning Zhu nodded worriedly: "I'll find you a hotel."

Officer Xiao Wang happened to walk out of the hospital and heard the conversation between the two. He came over and waved to Ning Zhu: "Are you all exhausted? Go and rest. I'm here. Come back tomorrow morning."

She didn't know why Li Yin appeared in such a dangerous place, but Officer Liu didn't ask, so she didn't ask much.

Ning Zhu was indeed very tired. She had experienced too many things this night. She had too many questions that needed to be answered by Li Yin, but now was not the time to ask questions given Li Yin's condition.

In addition, the doctor said that her father and the others were fine. They only had some skin injuries and would be fine after waking up.

She was relieved and nodded gratefully to Officer Xiao Wang: "Then I'll trouble you, sister. I'll take Li Yin to rest."

Ning Zhu carried Li Yin on his back and went to a hotel near the hospital and booked a room.

Although the room was not big, it was very clean. The bed was soft and comfortable, and people didn't want to get up again after lying on it.

Gently putting the girl on the bed, Ning Zhu asked again worriedly: "Li Yin, are you really okay? You look so bad."

Li Yin squeezed out a bitter smile. She didn't know what was going on with her now. The energy and memory fragments seemed to merge together, and she was no longer violent. Instead, a stream of inexplicable thoughts hit her mind. It was not uncomfortable, but with a hint of strangeness.

She didn't know what this feeling was, but now for some reason, she couldn't help wanting to look at the girl next to her...

"It's okay, Ning Zhu, I'm much better now. Go take a bath and have a good sleep. You must be exhausted today, right?"

Speaking of taking a bath, Ning Zhu suddenly became energetic.

In the small town, because the water was particularly smelly, she hadn't taken a bath for two weeks in a row. She usually used the few mineral waters to brush her teeth and wash her face, which was simply too luxurious.

She felt that she had been smelling bad for a long time!

In addition, she was knocked down by Li Yin in the evening and was covered with black dirt. It was great to take a good bath now!

But there was no change of clothes. Should I go out and buy some?


In the end, the temptation of taking a bath and smelling good overwhelmed the desire to buy clothes. Ning Zhu took the bathrobe provided by the hotel and walked to the bathroom.

While walking, she was thinking: Is this bathrobe clean? Will I get sick if I wear it? But if I don’t wear it, I don’t have any clean clothes yet.

Well... we are all girls, so it shouldn’t matter, right?

When she reached the door of the bathroom, Ning Zhu turned around and asked, "Li Yin, why don’t you come and take a bath together? The bathroom is quite big, I’ll help you wipe your back." Hearing this suggestion, Li Yin almost couldn’t suppress the restless energy in her body, and quickly closed her eyes to calm her mind: "Ahem, it’s okay, you take a bath first, I... I’ll talk to you later..."

Ning Zhu thought she was shy. She found out when they lived in the same dormitory that this little girl looked and acted like a little hooligan, but she was more shy than anyone else in her heart, and even hesitated for a long time to sleep in the same bed.

It’s pretty cute.

"Well, okay then."

Ning Zhu walked into the bathroom without locking the door, fearing that Li Yin was not feeling well, and that she would be the first to hear anything.

Gently took off her school uniform jacket and threw it into the sink, which contained a short-sleeved shirt, a tight tank top and a bra.

After taking off her short-sleeved shirt and looking around, Ning Zhu was relieved to confirm that it was not stained with the black stuff.

At least she had clothes to wear.

As for the school uniform jacket, there was no need to keep it after leaving that hellhole.

Throw it away quickly, it's unlucky!

Ning Zhu has a very well-proportioned figure, thanks to her long-term exercise.

Her waistline is tight, her muscle lines are smooth, her arms and legs also have some strength, and her chest looks particularly round under the vest, looking healthy and beautiful.

Turn on the faucet, let the water wash her hands, and start washing her face and neck, trying to wash away the fatigue of the day.

Outside the door, Li Yin sat on the bed and tried to maintain her original intention.

She likes to look at pretty girls, but she is not a pervert. She, who has good family education, would never do such a thing as peeping at girls taking a bath!

Right! This is definitely not my idea, it is that energy! It is the residual desire of that girl that is affecting me!

You nymphomaniac! You didn't eat the girl you liked when you were alive, and you come to affect me after you die? Dream on! I am a gentleman!

Li Yin tried not to pay attention to the situation in the bathroom, took a deep breath, and tried to focus on her breathing to calm her inner fluctuations.

Hum! I succeeded!

Opening her eyes, the little girl was surprised to find that her neck had stretched out long without her knowing when, and it was in the direction of the bathroom.

Li Yin: ? ? ?

No, I can't hold it back.

Am I absorbing energy or will? Why is it so difficult?

I seem to have had similar feelings before, that is, every time I kill a ghost and absorb energy, my mood will be a little low.

Obviously, absorbing energy to become stronger is a very pleasant thing, but I feel a little depressed.

No, there is an exception, which is the first time I encountered a ghost at my uncle's house, and it appeared with laughter.

After absorbing its energy, before entering the illusion, I felt very happy.

Could it be that these energies are actually the strong thoughts of the ghost before death?

So, after killing the monster that girl turned into, all its love was poured into my body? Because there was too much, it turned into desire?

Oh my god! You woman, you even tricked me after you died! You are so bad!

No, I can't be sure yet. I will ask Ning Zhu later. She should know the knowledge of ghost classification. I, who has changed my career, need to learn it well.

Ning Zhu.

Ning Zhu...

Li Yin's eyes were blurred for a moment.

Ahem, I am a girl, right? It's okay to take a look. She just invited me to take a shower together.

Take a look, just a look!

Me, I said I was going to get tissues.

This reason is perfect!

Li Yin couldn't control her legs, stood up, and tiptoed to the bathroom. Her heartbeat accelerated. She tried to convince herself that this was just out of concern for Ning Zhu's health, not out of any other improper motives.

The door was not closed! Ning Zhu, you are too bold!

The sound of water dripping on the ground seemed to be sprinkled on the little girl's heart...

Li Yin stood in front of the bathroom door, her heart beating like a drum, and her heart was full of struggle.

But this energy was just like the message that the wig girl sent to her at that time, and it coincided with her most real thoughts, and she couldn't resist it at all.

One hand lay on the door frame, and half of the little head was poked out to peek.

The snow-white skin was looming in the water vapor, revealing a hazy beauty, as if it was a fairy in a painting, leisurely and contented; the long hair swayed gently, like a fluttering black ribbon, adding a bit of liveliness and vitality to this quiet picture.

Slender waist and straight legs

Her legs looked even longer and more natural in the water, and everything was so beautiful.

She didn't seem to notice that someone was peeping at her, and was concentrating on bathing. Occasionally she looked up, revealing her perfect clavicle and slender neck.

Ning Zhu gently wiped the water stains on her chest. For some reason, her mind was full of that petite figure. She killed ghosts and monsters like a god and came to her side. She jumped from the roof and faced the huge monster like a mountain. She stood on the pile of corpses and took the monster's head.

There was also the glimpse of beauty when they first met; the strong wall-dong when they met for the second time; she was blocked in the corner by gangsters, and she came to the rescue with an axe...

Every scene made her heart beat wildly and lingered.

Ning Zhu didn't like stories like Prince Charming since she was a child, nor did she like those girls' dolls and jewelry. She preferred those brave and fearless warriors, and liked their perseverance and courage.

Now, she seemed to have found the warrior who made her heart beat, the one who always appeared at the critical moment to protect her.

Even if they had only known each other for a day, even if the other party was a little girl smaller than herself...

Suddenly, footsteps were heard behind her, and Ning Zhu turned her head in confusion: "Li Yin, you..."

Before she finished her words, a petite body was pressed against her back, with arms around her waist, hugging her tightly, and there was not even a trace of space between the two.

Ning Zhu's body suddenly stiffened, and an inexplicable emotion surged in her heart.

She felt the warm body temperature and the body close to her, as if there was an electric current coming from behind, straight to her heart.

She could feel Li Yin's head on her shoulder, her breath hitting her neck, but it itched in her heart.

Her voice sounded softly in her ears: "Ning Zhu, you are so beautiful."

This sentence was like a magic, which made Ning Zhu's heartbeat accelerate instantly.

"Li Yin..."

Her voice seemed to whisper in her throat, as thin as a mosquito.

How could she not hear the affection in Li Yin's voice? But, isn't it moving too fast? I... I'm not ready yet!

We haven't confirmed the relationship yet!

Shouldn't they date first, then slowly get to know each other's temperament and preferences, gradually accept each other as they really are, slowly collide with each other's hearts, and finally experience a romantic confession, and naturally come together?

Now this is...

Ning Zhu was thinking a lot, and just when she wanted to turn around to look at Li Yin's face, she suddenly felt a strong force coming from her waist, and she was lifted up.


Then, with the girl's exclamation, Li Yin walked out of the bathroom and threw her on the bed.

"I, I haven't wiped my body clean yet, I will dirty the bed..."

Li Yin said nothing and slowly climbed up from below.

The two looked at each other, and Ning Zhu saw that the girl's little face was full of blush, her eyes were blurred, but full of affection.

She looked a little crazy for a while...

"Li Yin... be gentle..."

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