The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not clear.

Ning Zhu blinked her big eyes. She really didn't understand why Li Yin had such a strong power, but didn't even know these most basic knowledge.

"What do you want to know?"

"All! For example... the reasons for the formation of ghosts and monsters, and their classification."

"The reasons for their formation?"

Ning Zhu organized her words and said slowly: "We are actually just guessing about the reasons for their formation, but there is a high possibility. It is now recognized as the mainstream theory. The reason for the formation of ghosts and monsters is..."

"Is it the extreme emotions before a person dies?"

"Don't you know this?"

Ning Zhu was stunned, and then pinched Li Yin's waist angrily.

Hands were placed there, and they just pinched.

I have to say, this little girl's touch is really good!

Li Yin felt a pain in her waist, and then she realized how ambiguous their current postures were.

Ning Zhu was lying on one of her arms, with her legs and arms on her body; she was lying on her side, with one hand around her shoulder, and the other hand had just been pulled out to show the axe.

She didn't know where she had put it before.

But what made her blush was that their legs were still entangled together, and she couldn't pull them out.

She didn't want to pull them out either.

The distance between the two was almost zero, and Ning Zhu's breath could spray on her face.

Silently retracted her arm into the quilt, pretending to know nothing, but actually reaching out.

Ning Zhu pouted and snorted softly from the tip of her nose: "You know what I mean, but you still ask me? It's fun to see me explain seriously like a fool, right?"

Li Yin looked at her cute appearance, and her head was hot, and she leaned over and kissed her lips.

Although it was like a dragonfly touching the water, it was separated at the touch, but it still made both of them blush.

"You, what are you doing..."

Ning Zhu shyly turned her head away, and Li Yin was a little embarrassed: "You are so cute, I couldn't help it... Ahem, sorry Ning Zhu, I didn't mean to tease you, I just had a guess, so I wanted to confirm it."

Ning Zhu was not really angry. Seeing Li Yin admitting her mistake, she stopped dwelling on it and continued: "Well, you guessed right. It is because of the strong thoughts before a person dies. The classification of ghosts is also derived from this. For example, people who die in despair become ghosts of despair, and people who die in fear become ghosts of fear after death. Their abilities are also different."

Li Yin raised her eyebrows: "Then are there any extremely happy people who become ghosts after death? By the way, are there really people who die happily?"

Speaking of this topic, Ning Zhu chuckled: "Of course there are, but I haven't seen them. There are very few in our country. It is said that the free country on the other side of the earth is full of such ghosts. It's outrageous."

Li Yin imagined what was going on, and couldn't help but twitching her lips. She probably guessed it.

Therefore, she was more certain that the ghost in her uncle's house must have been placed there deliberately.

This cult is really extraordinary to be able to transport a ghost from the other side of the ocean to harm people here.

"You just said that ghosts have different abilities. Can you tell me more about it?"

"Well. The abilities of ghosts are generally relatively simple. For example, a ghost formed by fear will drag people into the scene they have experienced before, and let people die after experiencing the cause of its death; resentful ghosts can create illusions, which are difficult to break and more troublesome; hateful ghosts will make very strict rules in the area. Generally, this rule is related to the thing it hated most in its life. If it is violated, it will be killed directly; angry ghosts will kill people directly, and their frontal combat power is very strong. It is a very troublesome ghost..."

Li Yin nodded while listening. Creating illusions should be the ability of the stitched monster in Feng Qi's home. The classroom ghost Zheng Lan seems to match it; the angry ghost has also been seen. The "mermaid" by the river, without saying a word, came up and attacked directly, extremely irritable! Is this the anger of the fishing man's air force?

But what surprised her most was that the little girl in the hotel who was abused to death by her parents did not resent her parents before she died. Even if she turned into a ghost, she was only afraid of pain and torture...

It was really a bargain for those two scumbags to die directly!

"By the way, is the formation of ghosts related to the legendary soul?"

Ning Zhu shook his head: "I don't know, but there is no evidence to prove the existence of souls for the time being, so I can only treat it as unrelated."

"Okay, what ability do the ghosts who died happily that you just mentioned have?"

"We usually call this kind of ghost a bliss ghost. I also heard about it from Uncle Chen. He dealt with one in the past. It is said that its ability is very troublesome. After entering a certain area, there will be crazy laughter in your ears. Even if you cover your ears, it will be useless! The laughter will continue until the ghost is killed. Once the contact time is long, people will go crazy and laugh with it, and they will never become normal again."

Li Yin nodded and confirmed that the ghost was the bliss ghost. However, Ning Zhu said that this ghost will not stop laughing before death, but why did it stop laughing when he took out the axe? Isn't it still bullying the weak and fearing the strong?

"By the way, do ghosts have consciousness?"

"How can it be possible? There has never been a recorded ghost that can retain consciousness before death."


After speaking, both of them were silent.

Li Yin thought of the parent ghosts in the hotel, and Ning Zhu thought of the residents in the town before they mutated.

"Well, let's go back and ask Uncle Chen and the others. This is a bit strange..."

Ning Zhu didn't know what to say. He couldn't say that he was short-sighted, right? This would put his father's reputation at risk.

Li Yin saw that Ning Zhu didn't know about this either, so she changed the subject: "Ning Zhu, your Uncle Chen, what's the matter with his transformation?"

Thinking of that disgusting transformation, not only Ning Zhu, but even Li Yin couldn't help grinning.

That was really disgusting. Compared with him, the mutation of the girl who fused the ghost core was not worth mentioning, and even a little handsome.

Ning Zhu's face was a little pale, and he shook his head: "I'm not very clear either. The methods of the Abnormal Bureau are generally not revealed to our office. They are very mysterious. This is the first time I have seen Uncle Chen show such an attitude, but..."

"Aren't they using the same methods as you?"

"No, the methods of our office have been passed down for hundreds or thousands of years, but the Abnormal Bureau has only been established for less than a hundred years."

"Compared with theirs, which of your methods is stronger?"

"I haven't seen Uncle Chen take action, but I was fortunate to see the fighting of other people in the Abnormal Bureau once. I don't feel that his fighting power is much stronger than my father's, but he is just an ordinary team member. In this way, the overall strength of the Abnormal Bureau is very strong."

Li Yin nodded. The fact that it has developed into such a powerful force in a hundred years is enough to prove that the methods of the Abnormal Bureau are very effective.

"Since the Abnormal Bureau is so powerful, why do they need to integrate civilian affairs offices to assist them in handling abnormal events?"

Speaking of this, Ning Zhu's mood became a little depressed: "This is about the side effects of the Abnormal Bureau's methods. It is said that those who use this special method in the Abnormal Bureau will not live for more than ten years. It is a very dangerous power. The more frequently it is used, the faster the death will be. Unless it is absolutely necessary, they will try to avoid fighting. That's why we need to integrate civilian affairs offices like us and use our traditional methods to assist them."

This is basically consistent with Li Yin's own guess. In her opinion, Uncle Chen is very strong, much stronger than ordinary ghosts, especially the chaotic aura on him. He doesn't look like a ghost, but rather like the mutant girl with the core of the fusion monster.

It must have cost a lot to obtain such power.

So the price is life?

Ning Zhu continued, "I have a brother who is very talented. He is much better than me in learning the family skills. But later he secretly participated in the test of the Abnormal Bureau without telling his father. The results showed that he was very adaptable and was recruited to the capital as an exception. There has been no news for four years."

Thinking of Uncle Chen's transformation, Ning Zhu shuddered. She couldn't imagine whether her brother would become like that.

Li Yin didn't know how to comfort her. After all, Uncle Chen's transformation was really disgusting, otherwise she wouldn't have taken out an axe and dealt a fatal blow the moment they met.

Ning Zhu was a little depressed. If he had turned into a monster with a big mouth and a belly full of tentacles when they met again, she would definitely have to stay away from him.

"Li Yin, I lied at that time. I don't know the tricks passed down in our family. I can't learn them no matter what. Even my wooden plaque and walnuts were made by my father for me, and I can't even use them properly..."

Li Yin gently hugged her shoulders and said softly: "It's okay Ning Zhu, I will protect you in the future."

Ning Zhu buried her face in Li Yin's barren chest, and even Li Yin could clearly feel the temperature on her face.

"Thank you, Li Yin."

After a long while, she continued: "I also went to do the test without my father's knowledge, hoping to change the current situation through other methods, but my adaptability is only 2, which can't even meet the most basic requirements


Li Yin did not ask her about the content of the test, but patted her back gently.

It's okay to ask about this kind of thing at any time, anyway, there is still a long time with Ning Zhu in the future.

"Ning Zhu, tell me about your firm. What is your so-called method?"

She now has a question in her mind.

Since the ability used by the Abnormal Bureau is so dangerous, why not vigorously promote the firm's methods?

Is the firm self-contained and unwilling to pass on its abilities? Or do their abilities have their limitations and weaknesses and cannot meet the needs of the Abnormal Bureau?

Ning Zhu nodded: "Li Yin, the firm's methods may be different from what you think. The way to become stronger through practice in novels does not actually exist. Whether it is our Ning family's exorcism technique, Uncle Ye's Yufeng Sword Technique, or the methods of several other firms, they are not strengthened through practice, but inheritance. "

Li Yin's mouth twitched.

No, we are both firms, why is your name so much lower than that of Yufeng Jian Jue? It feels like one is a sect in a novel about cultivating immortals, and the other is a fortune teller who sells fortunes under a flyover.


"Yes, if you want to obtain inheritance, you must become a disciple and be recognized as a disciple by the master. When teaching methods, every step must be recognized by the master, and it must be completely recognized from the bottom of your heart, without any doubt, otherwise it cannot be used. That's how I am..."

Seeing Ning Zhu was a little depressed again, Li Yin quickly touched her head, comforted her and motioned her to continue.

"The reason why I said that the way to become stronger is not to practice is because there is only one way for us to gain strength, which is to follow the steps and formulas passed down completely, without any changes. As long as you don't imitate it well, the effect will be greatly reduced. But as long as you imitate it and get the master's recognition, the power can be used. The principle is still unclear. "

Li Yin suddenly realized that this feeling was somewhat similar to the sacrificial dance in the past. As long as you follow the established steps and postures, you can connect with the gods and gain power.

No wonder it is called a means, not a power. It turns out there is such a limitation.

"So, your means can't become stronger, but only weaker, right?"

"It's not getting weaker, but with the death of the master, the inherited means will be lost little by little and gradually lost." Ning Zhu shook his head, "This means can't be passed down through written records, because there are many places that need to be felt with the body. A slight deviation in movement may cause the power to fail to be activated. Only by teaching hand in hand and letting the disciples feel the subtle changes can they master it. ”

“It’s really amazing…”

No wonder the country has not popularized the means of the firm. First, the power is limited and there is no way to solve all abnormal events; second, it is impossible to popularize it. Just the point of hand-in-hand teaching has greatly restricted the development of the means of the firm. Moreover, it is impossible to make a teacher completely recognize the disciple without a long time of getting along. Neither the country nor the individuals in the firm have the time to waste.

But she is still very interested in Uncle Ye’s Yufeng Sword Technique.

After all, who didn’t dream of becoming an elegant swordsman when they were young?

All the questions should be asked are almost the same. Li Yin looked down at the girl in her arms with an expression of enjoyment on her face.

The reason why she kept asking, asking everything... was to hug her for a while longer and enjoy the feeling of skin-to-skin contact.

Gently stroking the girl’s long hair and feeling the softness tightly against her chest, Li Yin’s eyes were a little blurred, and her hands were uncontrollably moving down...

Ning Zhu felt that a little hand had done something wrong, and quickly looked up, but saw Li Yin’s silly face.

“What are you doing? ”

“Hey, Ning Zhu, I really don’t remember what happened last night. Can we…can we try again?”

“Try, you big head ghost!”

Ning Zhu’s face turned red. She was still a little painful now. If she tried again, she would definitely fall apart.

She quickly grabbed the little hand, then got out of Li Yin’s arms, sat up, picked up the phone on the bedside and looked at it, and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “It’s past eight o’clock! We still have to go to the hospital!”

After that, she hurriedly looked for her clothes, but couldn’t find them. Then she remembered that she was carried to the bed by this guy when she was taking a shower yesterday.

She glared at Li Yin, got up and wanted to go to the bathroom to get clothes, but her feet hurt when she landed on the ground.


Li Yin heard the sound and quickly got up to help: “What’s wrong, Ning Zhu, are you okay?”

Ning Zhu rolled her eyes at her unhappily: “It’s okay, you quickly put on your clothes, we’re going to the hospital to see my dad and the others. "

Looking at Ning Zhu's beautiful back as she walked towards the bathroom, Li Yin felt

A little bit of guilt, but more of happiness.

"Ning Zhu?"


Ning Zhu turned around and saw the girl sitting on the bed, smiling happily.

"What's wrong?"

"Ning Zhu."


"I love you."


"What nonsense are you talking about? Get up!"

Turning around, the girl's face was already red, and even her neck and ears were flushed. Her heart seemed to jump out of her chest. She opened her mouth but felt difficulty breathing.

Li Yin, you...

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