The teacher said that he was not going to teach the students.

It makes sense. To learn these methods of the firm, one must be a person with a pure mind. If one cannot devote oneself to the polishing of skills, how can one be the same as the master?

Walking into the campus, Li Yin thought about it and sent a message to senior sister Su Ji to ask if she was in the laboratory.

After waiting for a while, there was no response. Maybe she was busy, so Li Yin did not bother her and went back to the dormitory first.

In the dormitory, Wang Yue and Lu Qing were sitting together eating melon seeds and watching TV series, while Sun Tingting was reading a book.

Seeing Li Yin coming back, the three of them surrounded her in surprise.

"Li Yin, you're finally back. We almost thought you were kidnapped!" Wang Yue said exaggeratedly, while giving her a big hug.

Li Yin smiled and patted Wang Yue on the back, then turned to Lu Qing and Sun Tingting: "I'm sorry to have worried you. I just went for a walk nearby. I didn't expect the signal there was bad, so I didn't reply to you in time."

Lu Qing widened her eyes: "Walked around nearby? You disappeared for a day and two nights! Where did you go?"

Li Yin was a little helpless: "It's just some personal things, it's hard to say. But I'm really fine. Look, I'm back well, right?"

Sun Tingting, who has always been taciturn, looked at Li Yin seriously this time: "Li Yin, if you encounter any difficulties, you must tell us. We are roommates and should help each other."

Li Yin felt warm in his heart and nodded: "Don't worry, if I really need you, I will definitely find you."

"Let's go out for hot pot later, Lu Qing will treat us."

"OKOK, I'll take a rest for a while, I'm a little tired from the car ride."

After chatting with the three roommates, Li Yin washed his face and lay on his bed, closing his eyes to sort out the gains of the day and a half.

First, the Abnormal Bureau, through Ning Zhu's mouth, unveiled the mystery.

But apart from the transformation of Uncle Chen, which made people feel a little surprised, she felt that the Abnormal Bureau did not reach the height she expected.

However, this department is like the police, responsible for solving problems in normal times. Above this, there should be a superior, or a parallel department, with more powerful power to deal with emergencies.

Maybe the headquarters is in Beijing, and Ning Zhu's brother was taken there for training.

There are also firms, their methods are very strange, and they do not need energy accumulation and practice. They only need to use the inherited movements, handprints, and formulas to release powerful power.

The principle made her completely confused.

Even the official couldn't figure it out, so why did she get involved?

However, the identity of the firm must be there, otherwise future actions will be very troublesome.

The reason why she did not choose to directly agree to Ning Zhu joining her own firm is very simple. She wanted to ask Uncle Ye.

After all, he can fly! This is so cool!

Even if I can't fly the sword, I can still fly on the axe!

Hmm... Why do I feel a little low?

Putting aside the random thoughts, this trip to Luoan Town not only did not solve the mystery, but added more doubts.

Especially what is my clone?

Why does she have such a terrifying aura? What is the energy vortex escaping from her body?

Li Yin didn't know, but what she knew was that she must not use this ability easily before studying it clearly, otherwise it is likely to cause an extremely serious disaster.

If that is really the monster she saw in the illusion, I am afraid that the whole earth will suffer.

In addition, the reason why the energy in her body disappeared strangely also made her pay great attention.

The huge amount of energy is far beyond the results of her hard work in the past month. If she can absorb all of it, she can't imagine how strong she will become.

But it disappeared so strangely, which made the girl very depressed.

Leave at least a little...

Putting aside her depression, Li Yin recalled what she had asked Ning Zhu this morning and confirmed her own specialness.

The corpse of a ghost will not disappear quickly, and no one can kill monsters to level up.

Then what am I? A special physique? And my ability is indeed very different from those of the people in the office and the Abnormal Bureau.

Even she herself did not understand what this ability was.

But one thing is certain, her ability must be related to becoming a girl.

So, what is the matter with becoming a girl?

Thinking of her uncle being captured, the "monster" in the recording, and the cult's experiments


Li Yin had reason to suspect that all this was done by the cult.

Now everything was back to finding clues about the cult. When Officer Liu came back, I would give him the photo of the mutant girl and ask him to investigate the girl's identity. He should be able to find some clues.

However, could this really be done by a cult? Not only did they turn me into a girl, but they also changed all the information about me in the world.

With such power, why did they do experiments like the mutant girl? Is it meaningful?

And why did they turn me into this and not contact me?

Could it be that they didn't do it?

There were too many questions, and Li Yin couldn't help but sigh.

Now we can only regard it as the work of the cult, find them out, and force them to tell us the whereabouts of my uncle before we talk about other things.

At this time, a message popped up on the phone, which was sent by Ning Zhu.

"I'm home."

Li Yin smiled and sent her a kissing emoticon: "Have a good rest, I'll send you a video tonight."

Ning Zhu sent a "hmm", Li Yin smiled happily, did not disturb others to rest, and put down her phone.

"Wang Yue, I'll sleep for a while, call me when it's time to eat."



In Luo'an Town, watching the box with the mutant ghost corpse being lifted onto the helicopter, the girl in military uniform also jumped on with the mutant human.

She is not in a good mood now, it should be said that it is very strange.

Just now I went to the Qin family's ancestral home, but did not find the diary that Xiao Qin said.

In other words, the boy is likely to be alive and has known about Xiao Qin.

This makes her very unhappy.

But the boy has not been to Beijing to find Xiao Qin for such a long time. Either he is dead or he doesn't want to meet Xiao Qin. He is a scumbag.

This makes her a little happy again.

Don't tell her when you go back, just wait a bit, no rush...

Putting the cage next to her, she waved to Chen Jinze below: "I'll escort the sample back and come back later."

Chen Jinze saluted the girl and watched the helicopter slowly take off and gradually disappear from sight.

The girl sat by the window, looking at the scene below, feeling a little depressed.

She thought she could fight something here, but in the end there was only an angry ghost, and the target was killed by something unknown, which was really boring.

She said to someone next to her: "Go back and help me check someone, her name is Li Yin, she should be a freshman this year, she is in Linhai." "Li Yin? Okay, I'll help you check when I get back." A man who looked like an officer next to her nodded in agreement. He glanced at the cage and asked curiously: "What are they going to do with this mutant human?"

The girl shrugged: "How else can they deal with it? Of course, they will hand it over to the laboratory for research. We have never encountered such a degree of mutation before. Maybe we can find something new from it."

The officer nodded in agreement. Indeed, this mutation is very strange. Not only can it be seen in human form, but there is no trace of pollution. If some valuable information can be found from it, it will be a major breakthrough for the entire country.

At this moment, the radar of the plane suddenly issued a shrill alarm.

"Report to the commander, the radar shows that an unidentified flying object is approaching us rapidly!" The pilot's nervous voice came from the communicator.

The girl frowned, stood up and walked to the window, and sure enough, she saw a black dot in the distance that was rapidly enlarging.

A bad premonition surged in her heart. This speed was definitely not something that an ordinary flying object could achieve.

"Be prepared for battle!" The officer ordered decisively, picking up a pistol and ready to respond to emergencies at any time.

At the same time, he commanded the soldiers next to him to move the mutant human in the cage to a safe place to prevent it from suddenly going crazy and causing chaos.

The black spot has become larger and clearer. When it finally appeared in front of everyone, everyone was stunned.

It turned out to be a person!

To be more precise, it was a monster!

About 1.8 meters tall, covered with black mutant cuticles all over the body, with huge and hideous black wings on its back. Looking closely, it turned out to be a disgusting polymer composed of tentacles entangled together!

Three tails extended outward from the spine, and the ends of the tails were shining with a cold light, like a knife or a blade.

One of the monster's hands maintained the appearance of a normal human, but the other arm was extremely long, as if it had turned into a long whip. What's more terrifying is that the original palm position is now a huge sickle that is two meters long!

The sickle flashed with a cold light, as if it could easily tear apart anything that stood in its way.

Its eyes were scarlet, emitting a chilling

, and the human-like face was full of ferocity and violence.

The monster opened its mouth and let out a thunderous roar. The sound waves hit the helicopter like a substance, making the ears of everyone in the cabin buzz.

The girl's face showed a hint of excitement, flames rose, fine scales covered her body, and her arms became inhuman.

Just as she was about to rush out to fight the monster outside, she suddenly realized that she was in the sky and couldn't fly! And there were so many people in the plane. Once the monster found an opportunity and destroyed the plane, everyone on it would die.

At the moment when she was distracted, the monster had already swung a giant sickle to hit her head on. The pilot driving the helicopter barely avoided it, but he was also scared out of his wits.

Seeing this, the girl frowned, her arms changed again, and the muscles bulged out a huge organ similar to fish gills, with flames rising inside. The next moment, the flames dyed the entire sky red.

When the flames gradually dissipated, the monster had disappeared.

Just when the officer breathed a sigh of relief, a loud noise suddenly came from under the helicopter, and then the whole body shook violently.

The three tail blades tore open the armor at the bottom of the helicopter, like a sharp dagger piercing into the soft abdomen.

Then, with a flexible roll, the box containing the mutant ghost corpse was rolled up, and the wings were quickly flapped, disappearing into the sky.

This incident made everyone stunned on the spot.

After a moment, the girl's angry shout resounded through the world.

But it was just impotent rage, and the remaining reason restrained her and prevented her from rushing out. It would be bad if she was trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

And he couldn't catch up.

At the same time, the four people in Li Yin's dormitory finished their hot pot and walked back.

No one expected that Sun Tingting, who looked the most quiet, could eat spicy food the most, and Lu Qing, who looked like a tomboy, couldn't eat a single bite of spicy food.

As for the remaining two people, they had no taboos and everything tasted good.

After saying goodbye to her roommate, Li Yin came downstairs to senior Su Ji's dormitory and sent her a message.

"Is senior sister here? I'm downstairs."

Not long after, a familiar figure was seen in the door of the dormitory building. Su Ji, with a messy hair, waved to Li Yin with a tired smile on his face: "Xiao Li, you are back? Let's go to the laboratory."

"Senior sister, didn't you get enough rest? You look so tired."

Su Ji just shook his head: "I went to bed early last night. I don't know why, I felt very sleepy and just woke up now."

Li Yin said with concern: "It is very important to do experiments, but the body is the capital of the revolution. Senior sister, you should pay more attention to rest and don't be too tired."

Su Ji smiled and rubbed Li Yin's head: "I know, little housekeeper. Let's go to the laboratory."

"Why go to the laboratory?"

"The teacher brought back samples of new species and asked us to record the data starting tomorrow. Just when you are back, I will take you to visit first."

"New species?" Li Yin was a little surprised, but what surprised her even more was why she, a freshman, was asked to participate in such an important experimental project? This is an opportunity that many masters want but cannot get, right?

"But senior sister, I don't know anything, and I haven't started learning yet."

"It's okay, I'll teach you."

When they arrived at the door of the laboratory, Su Ji took out the key and opened the door. There were three large water tanks inside, which should be the so-called new species.

Is it a fish?

Li Yin stood on tiptoe and leaned on the water tank to look at it. She shrank back after just one look.

It was indeed a fish, but it was so ugly that she would never eat it.

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