The two of them couldn't go to Uncle Ye's place because Ning Tiannan was not in the store.

Because the store couldn't be empty.

If someone came for help at this time and couldn't find anyone, someone might die.

So the principle of the firm is that life is the most important, always on call, and always responsive!

Li Yin sat at the front desk, holding her chin with both hands, watching Ning Zhu busy preparing lunch in the kitchen. The occasional aroma of food made her stomach rumble.

"Are you hungry? Wait a little longer, it will be ready soon." Ning Zhu said without turning his head, his hands moving without slowing down.

Li Yin nodded, but felt a little melancholy in her heart.

The date plan was ruined, and she could only watch the store here, but she was also very happy to have the opportunity to be alone with Ning Zhu.

She could even eat the loving lunch made by Ah Zhu herself! This is so happy, okay?

My Ah Zhu is super virtuous!

At the dinner table, the two sat opposite each other, and Ning Zhu served a bowl of soup to Li Yin and placed it in front of her.

"Try it, this is the pumpkin soup I am best at."

Li Yin picked up the bowl, blew away the hot air gently, and tasted it in small sips.

The sweet pumpkin flavor spread in her mouth, making her close her eyes and enjoy this beautiful moment.

"Delicious!" Li Yin praised generously.

It's not a couple filter, it's really delicious, much better than her own craftsmanship, and even not inferior to Aunt Huang next door.

Ning Zhu smiled, and seeing Li Yin enjoying it, she also felt satisfied, and at the same time a little happy.

If we are really together in the future, can we enjoy such time every day?

Ning Zhu couldn't help but look forward to the future life.

The future is still long, take it slow.

"Azhu, are you and your father-in-law the only ones running our office? Why don't you hire some people to help run the store? That way you can relax, right?"

Ning Zhu shook his head: "The Abnormal Bureau doesn't allow it."

"People who have experienced strange events are not allowed?"

"No." Ning Zhu smiled and shook his head: "Ninety percent of people who have had relevant experiences are scared and live in fear all their lives. They will panic at the slightest disturbance and can't do related work at all."

"What about the remaining ten percent?"

"They went to a mental hospital."

"Ah? In this case, how does the Abnormal Bureau ensure that they don't leak related things?"

Ning Zhu shook his head: "The Abnormal Bureau has their own methods, I don't know."

After dinner, Ning Zhu took the dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen, and Li Yin followed to help. The two cooperated tacitly, and they really felt like an old couple.

"Azhu, do you think my father-in-law will agree with us?" Li Yin asked suddenly.

Ning Zhu heard this, stopped what he was doing, lowered his head and thought for a while: "I don't know, maybe. Dad is very good to me. If I bring it up to him, at least he won't object."

"When will you tell your father-in-law?"



"Not telling you."

"Then I'll tell you!"

"Don't tell me!"


After washing the dishes, the two returned to the counter to answer the phone.

Ning Zhu was grinding a piece of wood with a small file. Her movements were very gentle, as if she was carving a work of art.

Li Yin was lying on the table, staring at Ning Zhu's profile in a daze.

The more I looked at her, the more I liked her.

"Azhu, what are you doing?"

Li Yin was a little curious.

I remember Ning Zhu said that she didn't have the talent and didn't have the ability to inherit the family's means. Why did she pick up these tools now?

Ning Zhu did not stop what he was doing, and replied with a smile: "I don't know why, I feel a little inspiration recently, so I'm going to give it a try. By the way, I haven't asked you yet, why did you come out so quickly in the workshop just now? Have you learned what dad taught you?"

Speaking of this topic, Li Yin turned her head away awkwardly.

She didn't want to tell Ning Zhu that she accidentally broke the tool. Although her father-in-law didn't say anything, it would be bad if it was someone's ancestral thing.

She could only say vaguely: "Ah, that, I just tried it, and it doesn't seem to be suitable for me. Azhu is more suitable for doing these."

Hearing this, Ning Zhu looked up at her and said with a smile: "Really?"

"By the way, Azhu, the props made by our family can be used by the combatants of the Abnormal Bureau. Why haven't they been taken seriously by the top leaders? Like this

If the combatants can be equipped with such things, it will greatly improve the combat effectiveness, right? "

Ning Zhu has also thought about this question, but after she came into contact with the family's methods, she roughly understood some of it.

"The main reason is that it is too difficult to make. My father spent more than 30 years and only made more than 600 props in total. This efficiency is simply impossible to meet the needs of the Abnormal Bureau. "

Li Yin nodded. She thought that these props would be difficult to make, but she didn't expect it to be so difficult.

On average, it takes half a month to make one, and the ability is not particularly outstanding, it can only be icing on the cake.

No wonder it is not taken seriously.

Unless changes can be made to enable ordinary people to use it.

Wait, since ordinary people can't use it, why do Azhu's wooden plaques and walnuts seem to work in her own hands?

Li Yin asked this question.

Ning Zhu didn't know much about this matter: "These two things are handed down from our ancestors, and the skills used are now lost, and there are only these two left."

Li Yin was a little moved: "Azhu, you are so nice. "

Ning Zhu stopped what he was doing, and gently tucked his scattered hair behind his ears, smiling with a hint of doubt: "What's wrong with me?"


"By the way, you didn't throw away the walnuts last time, did you?"

Li Yin took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and inside was the magical walnut. It can be seen that it was well preserved.

Ning Zhu reached out and prepared to take it over to have a look.

Unexpectedly, the half-stretched hand was caught by the little girl, and then gently pulled, and their faces were almost close together, so close that they could feel each other's breathing.

Ning Zhu's heartbeat accelerated instantly, and a blush appeared on her face involuntarily.

She saw the successful smirk on Li Yin's face, realized what was going to happen next, and slowly closed her eyes.

Sure enough, the next second, a soft touch came, with a faint fragrance, that was the unique smell of Li Yin.

Ning Zhu's heart surged with an inexplicable emotion, nervous and expectant, and even a little sweet.

She responded carefully, fearing to ruin this beautiful moment.

Their lips were tightly pressed together, as if time had stopped at this moment.

I don't know how long it took before Li Yin reluctantly let go of the girl in his arms, looking at her red cheeks, full of pride.

"Azhu, your lips are so soft." Li Yin said with a smile.

Ning Zhu's face turned even redder like a ripe apple when she heard it, and she gently hit Li Yin: "You... don't talk nonsense."

"Wait for our dad to come back in the evening, and we'll go out to play."

"Where to play?"

"Eat, watch a movie, and then find a place to rest."

Ning Zhu: "..."

"Li Yin."

"Hmm? ”

“I noticed that your little head is full of dirty things. Who did you learn it from?”

“Of course I learned it from my Ah Zhu! Come on Ah Zhu, kiss me.”

“No more kiss!”

Until the evening, there was still no news from Ning Tiannan.

Ning Zhu was not worried. This kind of situation happened frequently before, otherwise she would not have gone to look for her father a week after he disappeared.

Li Yin brought a folding bed from somewhere and put it behind the counter. She was lying comfortably on Ning Zhu's legs and looking at her mobile phone.

Officer Liu sent a document about the blockade notice of Linhai City Mental Hospital.

It was almost the same as what the little nurse said. The hospital was indeed blocked.

At first, only a few patients with self-harm tendencies were sent to the hospital. The doctor's initial diagnosis did not find the cause of the disease, so they could only be admitted for observation. But before long, more and more patients of the same type appeared. , in just over ten days, the mental hospital was already overcrowded.

They could only urgently contact the city's major hospitals for consultation.

But even with the most advanced equipment, they still couldn't find out the cause of these patients' illnesses. In addition, their symptoms were exactly the same, so they could only temporarily diagnose them as some unknown brain infectious disease. Then they applied to block the hospital and isolate it from the outside world, waiting for experts from all over the country to come for consultation.

In the notice, in order to let the police responsible for the blockade know who to let in, the symptoms of the patients were specifically written.

Seeing the oral accounts of the patients above, Li Yin couldn't help but frowned.

She had heard of these!

"I saw a ghost! It must be a ghost! It lives in my head. It ate my brain! It ate my skull too. Now it wants to come out. I must let it out. I must..."

"I can hear it, and it's still whispering in my ear! As soon as I close my eyes, I can see it. It must be a ghost! It's still saying! Stop it! I'll let you out! Stop it!!"

"It can still see me... It still

Can see me..."

All patients showed a tendency to self-harm, attempting to hit hard objects with their heads. The patients could feel pain normally, without any signs of intracranial hemorrhage or craniocerebral injury.

In addition to the symptoms of the head, they also showed symptoms of panic, depression, insomnia, and some patients even had hallucinations, saying that they saw the people around them turned into ghosts.


Looking at these symptoms, Li Yin immediately thought of the ghost story told by Wang Yue. The old-fashioned plot that she rated as "a garbage ghost movie plot twenty years ago" turned out to be true!

And And this last description reminded her of a previous incident.

Hotel ghost!

Yes! That was the sentence used at the end of the article on the forum at that time.

After killing the ghost that the little girl turned into, she was still wondering why this ghost did not show similar abilities.

Could this incident be related to the hotel ghost? Or is it another similar experiment done by the cult?

What is the purpose of their experiments? Simply to cultivate ghosts and use them to harm people?

In addition, she remembered that the person who was injured in the hotel was sent to Linhai City Third Hospital for surgery, and Wang Yue went to The same hospital where they treated their stomach problems.

Later, they were probably transferred to a mental hospital for treatment.

Is this incident related to them?

Judging from the symptoms, it might be a vengeful ghost.

But the illusion created by the vengeful ghost should cover a certain area, right? Why are there symptoms of contagion? And judging from the fact that they can still talk normally, there doesn't seem to be the fainting phenomenon that happened to Officer Liu and his friends at Feng Qi's house.

This is a bit strange.

Also, my roommate really can't tell stories.

He can get just one sentence wrong, Otherwise, I might have noticed this a long time ago!

Ning Zhu felt a little tired, put down the wood in his hand, stretched, and took back his hand to touch Li Yin's little head.

It was furry and felt very good, and it was very enjoyable to touch.

He lowered his head and saw the solemn expression of the little girl.

The last time he saw Li Yin showing this expression was in Luoan Town, when she summoned that terrifying clone.

Thinking of the terrifying aura that seemed to come from the chaotic nightmare, Ning Zhu couldn't help shivering, and his voice became nervous.

"Li Yin, is something serious? Your face is so scary..."

Li Yin heard the voice from above, turned her head, but only saw half of Ning Zhu's face and a plump.

So big...

She couldn't control her sinful little claws, touched it, but was beaten aside by Ning Zhu.

"I'm asking you about business! Don't touch me! "

Li Yin rubbed his face in disappointment, sat up and shook his head: "It's nothing big, my informant found a ghost and asked me to deal with it."

Ning Zhu was a little surprised: "You have an informant? You are not really the eldest daughter of some power, right?"

Li Yin smiled: "If I were the eldest daughter, I would definitely be the first to support Ah Zhu and let you sleep in my palace every day."

Ning Zhu: "..."

"Just kidding, it's just that a friend seems to have encountered a ghost and asked me to help deal with it."

As he said, Li Yin stood up: "Ah Zhu, I'm going out first and will be back soon. You should be careful at home. It will be closed after 6:30."

Although Ning Zhu wanted to go with him, she still had the task of watching the store. She wanted to say "pay attention to safety", but she didn't need to worry about Li Yin's strength.

She could only nod: "Well, go and come back quickly."

Li Yin waved her hand, walked to the door and suddenly turned back and smiled: "Ah Zhu, if our dad doesn't come back tonight, can I sleep in your room? ”

Ning Zhu: “Then where do I sleep?”

“I’ll hold you in my arms while I sleep!”

Ning Zhu’s face felt a little hot, and he lowered his head without refutation: “Go quickly and come back soon…”

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