The truth is, it's not clear.

"I... I don't know..."

"How do you reproduce?"


"How are they born? Why are they in their heads? What is the transmission mechanism?"

"I don't know..."

"Tell me what you know about the truth of the hotel experiment."

"I don't know about this either..."


Li Yin has been a little impatient. Are you cosplaying here? If you don't know anything, what's the point of having you?

Now she only had one last question left. She suddenly approached the ghost girl's ear and whispered, "Professor Zhang, is he one of yours?"

The ghost girl was stunned for a moment, her eyes full of confusion: "Professor Zhang?"

"Zhang Hairen!"

"No... I don't know..."

Li Yin: "..."

"What do you know? Say whatever you want to say? Otherwise, you will die!"

The ghost girl looked very painful and wanted to cover her head with her hands, but unfortunately her arms had been chopped off by Li Yin, so she could only curl up in pain.

"I, I remember my daughter, Qi Xiaoyun, a very cute girl, where is she? Where is my daughter?"

Looking at her painful appearance, Li Yin's expression was indifferent.

It seems that these resurrected parent ghosts do not have past memories, only the same personality and goals, that is, although they have been resurrected, they are no longer the same as they used to be.

The axe fell, and it was shattered.

Li Yin turned around and came to Xu Wei.

This guy was dead, and the colorful light band above his head was more than one meter high.

The young nurse next to him was crying, watching a living person die in front of her. She felt extremely scared and helpless.

The doctor next to him also sighed repeatedly.

The skull was smashed, the brain was all over the floor, and the treatment was not timely. In this case, even if the experts and professors in the city came, there was nothing they could do.

Li Yin patted the nurse's shoulder, reached out to touch the light band in the sky, and a memory came into his mind.

After a careful look, he didn't find any important information. It mainly talked about how scared he was before he died.

He couldn't see, and was dragged out of the ward and thrown into the operating room for a big hole in his head. He didn't know what happened until a big hole was smashed in his head. He was still begging for mercy from the doctor, saying that he was cured.


Li Yin comforted the two and asked them not to go out first.

Then he walked out of the operating room with a walnut in his left hand and an axe in his right hand.

She found that Ah Zhu's family-inherited skills were indeed unique. Although they were much less lethal than her own axe, each one had unexpected effects.

If possible, she would ask her father-in-law for a few to expand her skills. Otherwise, every time she went out to fight monsters, she would swing her axe and chop. When she encountered a hiding ghost, she would be at a loss and could only stare blankly.

Li Yin first went to a few isolation wards to take a look. Four were empty, and the remaining two had two corpses with their heads cut open. There was no light belt. It should be that she was late.

She continued to walk around, kicking the locked ward door open while walking around.

Everyone inside was in a coma, and several people had their hair pulled out and circles drawn on their heads. They should be the next batch of "operation" targets.

As for the cause of the coma, it should be the method of one of the two ghosts.

I remember that the male ghost showed the ability of the ghost hand at that time. If their abilities were different, the female ghost should be the one who caused the coma.

If we continue to analyze, we can also see that these resurrected parent ghosts actually do not even have independent personalities. Their actions are illogical and they can only open people's heads in a fixed way. Except for being able to talk, they are not fundamentally different from those unconscious ghosts.

For example, Xu Wei, the doctor and the nurse have no ghosts in their heads, but they still have to open heads.

So, what is the way of transmission?

Contact with the real parent ghost? And, the daughter ghost's body?

The daughter ghost should also be resurrected.

And these ghosts are all its ghosts, sharing the same mother body.

This ability is a bit familiar, and it is somewhat similar to the situation of Li Muyi, the mutant girl in Luoan Town, and the residents of the town.

Well... Now think about it carefully, the two parent ghosts at the beginning were also quite interesting. Although they were two ghosts, it was not that they would not die if the daughter ghost did not die.

Otherwise, when the male ghost learned that he had killed the female ghost, he would definitely not have that expression.

After they died, resurrection must have paid a certain price.

Or, they didn't know that they

Being able to be resurrected, I really thought I was going to die at that time.

So where were they resurrected?

Li Yin thought for a moment and thought of the suspicious people, namely Shen Feiyu and Wang Daozhang who were possessed at the beginning.

The two of them were trapped in the hotel, possessed, and receiving treatment in the third hospital at the same time.

As for whether he was later transferred to a mental hospital, she didn't know, but she could find out by checking on her mobile phone. Remember, a group of them are Internet celebrities. If something happened, there would definitely be relevant articles on the Internet.

I took out my phone and took a look.

There is still no internet. It seems that the ghosts in the hospital have not been killed.

There were probably two left, which came from the minds of the two people who died in the isolation ward.

I thought it would be troublesome to find them, but the fact was that these two ghosts didn't know how to hide at all, and they didn't possess people, so they were caught by Li Yin casually.

Another round of torture confirmed that they indeed had no previous memories.

Li Yin tried to tell them about how they dismembered his daughter, but one of them went crazy on the spot. The other one tried to resist and was taken away with an axe.

I took out my phone and checked to see that I had a signal.

Three missed calls, and a bunch of messages popping up.

Two of them were from Ning Zhu, and one was from Officer Liu. As for the messages, most of them were from her roommates, asking if she would come back to stay at night.

Go back to live?

joke! I still have to stick with my Azhu! How can I go back to live?

Thinking of A Zhu, Li Yin's fighting spirit was ignited on the spot.

It's not yet eight o'clock in the evening, and before ten o'clock, they must be found and killed as a family of three! No one can stop it!

Thinking of this, he quickly went downstairs and called the doctors and nurses to check the surveillance. After getting the photos, he sent them directly to Officer Liu for him to investigate his identity, and then took a taxi to Linhai Mental Hospital.

I hope to have a chance encounter with my father-in-law here. If not, I'll use A-Zhu's ID to fool him through.

I believe that the comrades from the Anomaly Bureau over there will give me a face!

The first task Ning Tiannan received was to deal with a ghost that was committing crimes in Linhai, the one that attacked Officer Liu.

They called in surveillance and questioned the victims, and finally came to a conclusion that everyone could hardly believe.

That ghost has self-awareness!

This is incredible. No matter whether it is an office that has been passed down for hundreds or thousands of years, or the Anomaly Bureau, which has a large national integrated database, there has not been a single similar ghost record.

The people in the Anomaly Bureau take this very seriously, and even the mental hospital that caused a fuss is moved to the back, and they must give priority to catching this ghost!

Among all the offices in Linhai, Mr. Ning is the one with the most tricks, so he was assigned to carry out this task.

At the same time, Mr. Xiong, who was slightly injured, was called to go to the mental hospital to investigate.

The yellow beads thrown by Ning Tiannan just now are a kind of sealing props. Unless they are particularly powerful ghosts, they will be suppressed by them.

Several investigators from the Anomaly Bureau were conducting a detailed investigation on the unconscious man. However, no matter how they tested, the final result was that he was just an ordinary person with nothing special about him.

But they had also seen the ghost hand just now with their own eyes.

"Mr. Ning, do you think this person used some kind of family method?"

Ning Tiannan couldn't make a conclusion on this issue.

Family inheritance methods cannot be used for evil, otherwise the ability will gradually lose its effectiveness.

But there is a premise, that is, no one knows, and if you do it secretly, it will be fine as long as it is not exposed. And this person seems to have both.

In the past, I would hide in the dark and attack people. I don't know what method was used to make people unconscious, but they did not take the next step, but left directly.

But now he is openly attacking the police. His behavior seems illogical and puzzling.

Listening to their conversation, Officer Liu weighed it up and shared the information he knew about his parents' ghosts and their possessing abilities.

As for the intelligence channel, he directly pinned it on Chen Jinze.

After all, Captain Chen is still on duty in Luo'an Town. He doesn't know when he will come back. There is no proof!

After listening to Officer Liu's words, everyone at the scene looked solemn.

Self-aware ghosts can possess living people and even rise from the dead.

Such an existence is too dangerous! Unprecedented danger!

Fortunately, it has now been successfully captured.

"Mr. Ning, we need to take your topaz ball back with this person and give it to the higher-level department for study. I'm afraid we won't be able to return it to you in a short time."

"It doesn't matter, if you need this magic ball, I'll give it to you. I'll go get it now.

Mr. Yuanxiong, is that okay? "

The staff of the Abnormal Bureau nodded: "Of course, when the incident is resolved, we will settle the two commissions for you."

Ning Tiannan nodded slightly, showing a nonchalant demeanor.

In fact, he was thinking in his heart, after getting the reward, what gift should I buy for my daughter? Should I prepare one for her girlfriend?

As a father, I don’t even know the family situation of my daughter’s girlfriend. Will she look down on my family’s gifts?

Then give my daughter more pocket money and buy whatever they like?


Before, I was worried that if my daughter brought home a yellow-haired boy one day, what expression should I use to face it.

Now it’s okay, no There is a boy who brought back a girl and called me father-in-law.

This... can I not agree?

The staff of the Abnormal Bureau saw Ning Tiannan frowning and sighing, and thought he was worried about the patients in the mental hospital. They all admired him.

As expected of the head of the old-fashioned firm in Linhai, Master Ning, who is known as a scholar, is so concerned about others. It is really rare.

How could they know that Ning Tiannan was thinking about his daughter's marriage at this time.

At this time, Officer Liu next to him suddenly asked: "Master, are you going to investigate the Linhai Mental Hospital?"

Ning Tiannan nodded: "Does this officer have any other information to tell you?"

Officer Liu shook his head: "I have a friend who knows some tricks. Can you take her in too? "

He still remembered what Li Yin said at that time. Since there is a chance now, he must fight for it.

Ning Tiannan frowned.

He knew everyone in Linhai Office. If there were idle people who heard about the mental hospital, they would definitely take the initiative to apply to the Abnormal Bureau. It is impossible for a policeman to come to him.

Could it be that it is an idle ability user?

This is not a trivial matter.

But he still asked calmly: "What is her name and where is she now?"

Officer Liu was surprised and said: "Li Yin, I can call her now!"

"What is her name?"

Ning Tiannan suddenly widened his eyes, with an unbelievable look on his face.

"It's... Li Yin."

Officer Liu was a little unsure of the attitude of the man in front of him, and hesitantly repeated it again.

The staff next to him didn't know what happened here, so they came over to ask.

Ning Tiannan thought they heard what Officer Liu said, and was afraid that the people in the Abnormal Bureau would misunderstand Li Yin as an unregistered ability user and define her as a criminal, so he waved his hand and explained: "Nothing, my son-in-law. "

Now it was Officer Liu's turn to be shocked: "What?"


Ning Zhu lay listlessly in the store, not carving the wood in her hand, and threw it aside, refreshing her phone over and over again.

Why didn't Li Yin reply to the message after being out for so long? Did something happen?

Should I go and see her? But I don't know where she is.

What should I do...

Ning Zhu was a little anxious. Seeing the sky gradually getting dark outside, she didn't plan to close the store, fearing that Li Yin wouldn't be able to get in when she came back.

At the same time, she could see Li Yin as soon as possible.

Just as she was waiting anxiously, footsteps were heard outside the door. Footsteps.

Ning Zhu looked up happily, but found a man standing at the door. In the night, only his figure could be seen clearly, which seemed a little blurry.

He stood at the door of the store, motionless, as if he was afraid of the sculptures placed in the store and did not dare to step in easily.

The man at the door was 1.8 meters tall, burly, wearing a black windbreaker, giving people a mysterious feeling.

His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the night, constantly scanning the store, as if looking for something.

This man, something is wrong!

Ning Zhu frowned slightly, and a sense of uneasiness surged in his heart.

His hand had already grasped the wooden sign in front of his chest...

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