The two walked out of the office with helplessness on their faces.

In fact, Li Yin had prepared herself for the possibility of not being able to learn before coming here, after all, the methods of the office are very difficult to learn.

For example, although Ah Zhu's can be activated by herself, it is basically impossible to make the same props.

Even if the appearance can be imitated, after injecting energy, it is at most like a stone, thrown out to hit people, without any special effects.

The Yufeng Sword Art of Uncle Ye's family is even more so. Unlike Ah Zhu's family, which is more inclined to assist and make props, Yufeng Sword Art gives people the feeling that it must be practiced from childhood.

Before coming here, Ah Zhu also said that the Wind Control Sword Art can only provide the user with basic abilities. Even if the master recognizes and obtains the same power, it cannot be achieved overnight. What is more important is to strengthen one's own strength through continuous practice.

It is also the only method in Linhai that does not know where the upper limit is.

In other words, the method is just an entry point and a way to activate potential. What is more important is the swordsmanship and mentality.

In this way, it is really difficult for me to calm down and learn a swordsmanship.

However, I was cheated of three hundred yuan for no reason, which made Li Yin a little unhappy.

At this time, Ning Zhu next to her asked: "Li Yin, I wanted to ask you yesterday morning, why do you want to learn other people's methods?"

Li Yin was puzzled: "Why?"

"A person can only master one method. If you learn other methods, the one you master will lose its effect."

"Is there such a saying?"

"Well, so..." Ning Zhu looked at her strangely: "So, your spatial ability is really a superpower, right?"

Li Yin scratched her head, and there was nothing to hide, so she laughed and said: "It is indeed a superpower, but it is not very useful. People I can't get in, and I can't put things in. It seems that only my axe and ghosts can be put in. "

Ning Zhu has seen this before: "Where did the ghosts go? Are they all alive in there? Is the space inside very big? Can you get in?"

Li Yin nodded: "I should be able to get in. I stuck my head in before and saw that it was pitch black inside and I couldn't see anything, so I didn't explore it in depth. As for whether the ghosts inside are dead or alive, and how big it is, I don't know."

"Is that so."

It was the first time that Ning Zhu heard of superpowers, and it felt a bit strange.

"Where are we going now?"

"Well, I'm going to go to Linhai Child Care Center. Didn't the information you helped me find last time mentioned this place? I feel that there may be some clues hidden there. "

"Let's go, is it far?"

"I'll use the navigation."

The two scanned a shared bicycle on the street and rode to a less crowded place in the suburbs, and then changed to Li Yin's princess hug.

The location of Linhai Child Care Center is not too remote. It is considered an old city area. Nowadays, there are mostly factories and warehouses here. There are fewer residential buildings, but it is not an uninhabited area.

It is slightly different from the photos I saw on the map. It looks more dilapidated and even looks like it has been abandoned for a long time.

The barbed wire on the fence is rusty, and the wall is full of graffiti and mottled traces.

Because there is no doorbell, Li Yin chose to use his own sneaking method. He jumped onto the top of the wall with Ning Zhu in his arms, then turned over and landed steadily.

It was a little weird here. Except for the occasional sound of the wind, there was almost no sound.

The two walked through the empty yard and came to a seemingly abandoned building.

The door of the building was locked, and there was a "Do Not Enter" sign on the door, but it was obvious that no one had been here for a long time.

Li Yin gently pushed the door open, and the door hinge made a harsh creaking sound, as if telling the desolation here.

Fearing insects, the two walked in carefully, and a musty smell hit them.

The room was full of dust, and there were some broken toys and furniture piled in the corner.

It seemed that no one had been here for a long time.

This children's welfare home stopped operating three years ago. At that time, due to financial problems, it could not continue to operate, and the children were transferred to other welfare institutions.

Li Yin came to a place similar to an office. The door lock was broken by her with a little force, and it was also full of dust.

Walked to the window, opened the curtains, let the sunlight in, and then turned around to investigate.

The layout of the office is very simple, with a filing cabinet, a desk, and other things.

There is nothing outside.

First open the filing cabinet. There are not many things inside, just some group photos, employee manuals and several financial statements, which are covered with thick dust.

Li Yin first picked up the group photo and looked at it. A group of children were smiling happily, and a kind old grandfather was sitting in the middle. The time was written in the lower right corner, which was fifteen years ago.

The oldest of these children is no more than ten years old, and the youngest should be only two or three years old.

Li Yin scanned the faces of the children one by one, and finally stopped on a child in the corner.

Ning Zhu also saw this child and confirmed: "She is the child who drew the cult symbol in my family's files."

Li Yin nodded. She looked no more than six years old. Calculating the time, she should be the same age as Senior Sister Su Ji. I don't know where she went and whether she was adopted.

Put the photo away and prepare to find time to let Officer Liu check the whereabouts of the child in the photo.

He picked up another photo, this time the time was changed to thirteen years ago. There were fewer children, probably adopted, and the old man in the middle was replaced by a middle-aged woman who looked about forty years old.

"Has the director of the orphanage changed?"

"Yes, when the old director grandfather passed away, my grandfather went to the funeral. I was only four years old at that time, and my grandfather cried very sadly, so I have a deep impression."

"What is the relationship between this woman and the old director?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard my grandfather talk about the old director's family."

"Does our grandfather have a good relationship with the old director?"

"Yes, they have known each other for a long time."

Li Yin continued to look at the photo. This photo was taken in the year when the children disappeared.

It can be clearly seen that the smiles on the faces of these children have become stiff and deliberate, and some children even reveal an inexplicable uneasiness in their eyes.

What are they afraid of? Afraid of the new director?

At this time, Li Yin noticed that there was a familiar face in the photo, a little girl with short hair and a dirty face, standing next to another thin little girl.

This person seems to be... Senior Su Ji?

Is the person next to her Yoona?

It was hard for Li Yin to connect the girl who was like a little punching bag with the bold and eccentric little girl now.

However, the girl next to her was indeed Senior Su Ji from her appearance.

Calculating the time, Yoona should be only four years old, and Senior Su Ji is only a child of seven or eight years old.

Quite cute.

So, they really came from this orphanage...

But it cannot be proved that this orphanage is related to the cult.

Li Yin put away the photo and continued to look at the next one.

The time was nine years ago. The director was still a middle-aged woman. There were fewer children around. Yoona and her sister were still there, but the girl who drew the cult symbol disappeared.

There was no useful information in the photo, so Li Yin picked up the financial report again.

Shaking off the dust on it, the dense numbers on the financial report gave her a headache. She was not a financial major and was not good at these things.

However, he still patiently flipped through the pages, trying to find some clues.

When he turned to the last page, Li Yin's brows suddenly frowned.

The time on the last page was three years ago, when the orphanage closed down.

There was an obvious mistake here, a huge amount of expenditure, but there was no note.

What was such a large sum of money used for?

Li Yin decided to write down this doubt first, and then ask Officer Liu to help check the whereabouts of the money after returning.

Below the financial statement is a thank you list, recording the names and donation amounts of some kind people who have donated to the orphanage.

There are hundreds of people recorded in time, among which Li Yin also saw several familiar names.

Ning Tiannan, Fang Shuozhi, Zhang Hairen, and another Ye Zhuang.

Li Yin felt that the last name was suspicious and quickly showed it to Ning Zhu.

Ning Zhu laughed out loud after reading it: "This was Uncle Ye's previous name. Later, he went to the police station and changed his name to Ye Lingyun."

"Hey, I think Ye Zhuang sounds better."

"Haha, I think so too."

The two continued to look in the office. There was basically nothing useful in the drawer of the desk, just some reports and daily necessities.

Ning Zhu accidentally saw something under the table, bent down and pulled it out, dusted it off, revealing the image below.

It was a photo.

Seeing the person in the photo, Ning Zhu couldn't help but exclaimed: "Li Yin, look! Is this the split ghost from last night?"

Li Yin hurried over to take a look.

There were three people in the photo, the new director of the orphanage, a middle-aged man, and a man who looked to be in his early twenties.

Li Yin

At first glance, he recognized the identity of this person. It was the male ghost from last night, but a younger version.

"Are they, mother and son?"

Li Yin frowned. If her guess was correct, the existence of the orphanage could be basically confirmed and was related to the cult.

She took out her mobile phone and contacted Officer Liu directly, notifying him of her discovery first, and then made her request: "Help me investigate the identity of the new director of the orphanage, whether he is still alive, where he is now, and his family relationship. Also, I want a detailed list of the orphanage's missing and adopted cases in the past ten years. In addition, focus on investigating the child I circled in the photo. I want to know her current location."

Officer Liu also attached great importance to this and said that he would go to the unit to check the information immediately. He told Li Yin about what happened last night, and Li Yin said he was not surprised.

The matter of the monster attacking the villa and taking away the mother body was similar to her guess.

Regarding Professor Zhang's rush back to school, Li Yin did not think that such a thing could be used as evidence. After all, she could find out whether it was true by just checking it out when she returned to school. Instead, she was more interested in what the classmate saw.

Is there a ghost in the school? I'll go back and investigate.

She didn't forget the cell phone signal in Linhai University that Officer Liu had found.

Could it be related to this?

Officer Liu's voice on the phone became a little intermittent, as if there was signal interference.

Li Yin picked up the phone and took a look. The full signal became two bars, and then one bar, and the call was forced to be interrupted.

"Something is coming..."

She was already quite experienced with this phenomenon, and turned to look in the direction of the gate.

Ning Zhu also took out his peach wood sword and topaz magic ball.

Not long after, footsteps sounded outside the office door, and a young man walked in with a blank look on his face: "Who are you?"

Li Yin disappeared without hesitation, and when she appeared again, she was behind the young man and kicked him to the ground with one foot. Then the fire axe appeared out of thin air and pressed on him.

The next second after the axe touched, black mist immediately emerged from the young man's seven orifices, followed by a scream of extreme fear.

Li Yin raised his mouth with disdain. "You still want to pretend with me? Don't you want to think about who killed you in the first place?" However, looking at the young man who was trembling all over, screaming constantly, and even incontinent, Li Yin admitted that he was disgusted. His axe was the only bad thing. Every time he took it out, it would scare the ghost half to death. It was very difficult to ask him something. So he replaced the axe with a walnut, and the screaming stopped. "Tell me, which part are you from? Do you remember the cult? Tell me everything you know." The young man on the ground wanted to struggle when he saw that the terrifying axe was no longer suppressing him. As a result, Ning Zhu hit him with several topaz magic balls and he couldn't move at all. "I don't know what you are talking about. I just came back to see my home. I didn't expect to meet you. Let me go, or I'll call the police!" Li Yin sighed. He didn't expect that this ghost was still pretending when he was about to die. However, from his words, he guessed that this guy should be the personality of the time when he ran the orphanage. He took out a photo from his pocket, put it in front of the young man, pointed at the woman on it and asked, "Is this your mother?"

The young man shook his head up and down, which was considered a nod.

"Is your orphanage related to the cult? What is your purpose here? If you don't tell me, I will chop you to death."

Li Yin said, and summoned the axe for a moment to scare it.

But the ghost suddenly stopped pretending, with familiar contempt in his eyes.

"Come on, chop me to death, and chop this person to death, I don't believe you dare to do this! You dare not break the law! If I don't come out, what can you do to me?"

He didn't say anything about 'I am an immortal existence' now. After all, the mother body was uprooted by someone, and I really didn't know if he could be resurrected if he died. He was afraid.

Li Yin said: Hey, you are quite arrogant?

Directly unfold the axe space and put it in with one hand.

Then he said hello to Ning Zhu: "I'll go in and meet him."

"Be careful."

"Don't worry."

After saying that, Li Yin entered the mysterious axe space for the first time with anticipation.

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