The girl was wearing a black shirt and a hat, and her face was not clearly visible.

She seemed to be trembling with fear. This reaction was abnormal. If an ordinary person dared to pretend to be a ghost and scare people here at night, he would definitely not be so timid.

Only ghosts would be afraid of his axe!

Thinking of this, Li Yin chopped down with an axe without hesitation, but only chopped down the clothes. The girl seemed to melt and flowed to the side.

Seeing this scene, Li Yin felt disgusted.

If it was the agency's method, it was too weird...

The liquid that the girl turned into quickly reshaped on the side, but it was no longer in human form.

Four sharp legs supported the ground, and the body seemed to be stretched, appearing thinner, while the head was abnormally huge, without a neck, directly connected to the torso, occupying most of the body, and full of uneven pits, as if corroded by something.

This is not a ghost, nor a human...

Li Yin was not sure what it was for a while. She was so scared that she was shaking all over, but she still rushed over.

This kind of thing, she had a deep impression, that is, a ghost controlled by a cult.

Thinking of this, Li Yin did not continue to observe, stretched out her hand to grab a handful of stones from the side, injected energy and threw it violently.

The stones were like bullets, instantly hitting the girl's body into a hornet's nest.

But its forward movement did not stop at all. Its ability to liquidize seemed to make it immune to physical damage, but the hole in its body was constantly burned by the energy attached to it and could not heal.

This attack was just a test, and then the axe space was opened to cover it.

It still had no effect.

This proved that the girl was still alive, not a ghost, and her body was still there, but it was transformed into this appearance.

Obviously, this was the method of the cult.

I had known for a long time that the influence of the cult was very large, but I didn't expect that she would encounter it just after arriving in Ninghe City.

Ning Zhu said that ghosts were not common, and generally speaking, they might not be encountered once every few months. The large-scale appearance in Linhai City was most likely artificially sent there by the cult, some to cover other experiments, some to collect data, and some to cover up something.

The ghosts and monsters that appeared on this street were obviously the latter.

So, the things on Hongxiang Street were probably related to the cult.

Li Yin raised his foot and kicked the mutant girl who was approaching away, and began to observe the girl's appearance.

Now she doesn't look like a human, but more like some kind of arthropod, a flesh-colored beetle.

Her face was twisted to the top of her head, and on the front was a pair of compound eyes like a fly, with two tentacles shaking constantly beside the compound eyes, as if exploring something.

Living transformation.

This is the conclusion she came to.

It seems that unlike the cult experiments in Linhai, which like to attack ghosts, this one seems to prefer to tamper with human bodies.

In her opinion, this monster is not strong, but it is a bit difficult to deal with the fact that it is still alive.

Li Yin took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Ning Zhu to ask for the phone number of the Abnormal Bureau here, but she realized that there was no signal when the ghost appeared.

After taking a look, it was indeed the case, and she took it back helplessly.

The monster was still shaking, like a preparation before a battle, and it seemed to be trembling because of fear.

Li Yin ignored these and took the axe to meet its legs.

In less than a minute, a fleshworm appeared on the ground. Its four legs turned into rotten and smelly liquid the moment they were chopped off by the axe. It was obvious that they could not be reattached.

The monster on the ground was still twisting and struggling.

Li Yin looked down at the face of the girl on the monster, and still felt a little sympathetic.

The same transformation, he turned from a boy into a little girl, but she turned from a little girl into a monster, and this girl seemed to have self-awareness.

From her eyes, despair, fear, helplessness, pain can be clearly seen...

She can receive information from the outside world, but she can't control herself.

It's really sad.

"Do you need me to help you get rid of it?"

Li Yin put the axe

He placed it on the monster's body and looked directly into the girl's eyes.

It seemed that the axe's ability to ward off evil spirits had taken effect. The girl had gained some control over her body, but she could only blink.

She also understood what Li Yin said, her eyes full of gratitude and expectation.

Li Yin sighed in his heart, took out his mobile phone to record the girl's appearance, then raised the axe and chopped it down with force.


The huge force split the monster's body in half, and the body that originally belonged to the girl instantly turned into a pool of rotten meat.

There was no blood, no screams, as if the one who had just died was an inanimate object.

But Li Yin knew that this body was once a living person.

Perhaps because the girl's body had turned into a monster, she didn't feel too much discomfort when she killed someone for the first time.

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly found that colorful light bands were floating on the corpse, just like the person who had just died.

Li Yin felt a little inexplicably emotional.

This is the first time I have found specific information since I started to track down the cult, right? It's really not easy.

I couldn't wait to touch the light band in the sky, and a memory came into my mind.

Although she had known about her ability for a long time, and knew that the light band saw the most unforgettable memory of the deceased, she was still shocked by the girl's experience.

As expected, this memory was the process of her being forced to accept transformation. Pain, despair, and helplessness filled the entire memory.

There was no name, no specific location, only a dim room and a group of people in white clothes.

The girl in pain couldn't hear any sound at all, and the only thing echoing in her ears was the buzzing of flies.

As time went by, Li Yin could feel that the girl's pain was gradually reduced, and the sounds around her gradually became clearer.

Suddenly, a scream exploded from her ears, which instantly focused her mind: "Mr. Zhang! Success, she didn't melt, and she still retained consciousness!"

Li Yin's eyes widened suddenly, and this name reminded her of someone.

Professor Zhang——Zhang Hairen!

But this speculation was overturned immediately, because the girl turned her head and saw the man's face.

It was not the familiar Professor Zhang, but a man who looked to be in his thirties.

Never seen him.

But it didn't matter, because the girl had stood up and followed the man out.

After passing through a door, the sign on the wall caught Li Yin's attention.

There was a line of words clearly written on it: "Kangtaisheng Pharmaceutical".

Never heard of it.

But since we know the name, as long as it is a registered company, we will be able to find it.

The picture gradually blurred, and just when Li Yin thought it was about to end, it suddenly became clear again, and the sound of conversation also sounded.

"You will arrive at three o'clock tomorrow morning, right? Where is the location? The company? OK. Haha, after so many years, the old guy is finally willing to give me a copy of the experimental data. What happened? Success? I don't believe it. Send it quickly, I can't wait."

Then the voice sounded again, ordering the girl to guard near Hongxiang Street, not letting anyone get close, and trying not to kill people. He didn't want to make things worse at this critical juncture.

And the reason for sending her there was because the ghosts here were killed by the people in the firm.

The scene ended here. Li Yin closed his eyes and thought for a while, then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The clue was found. The location was at the headquarters of Kangtaisheng Pharmaceutical Company. If nothing unexpected happened, it was in Ninghe City.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. There was already a signal.

There were still two and a half hours before three o'clock in the morning. Li Yin chose to raid the headquarters directly.

The plan was simple. While there were not many people there, he directly caught the man named Zhang, and then waited for the person who delivered the information to fall into the trap.

There is only one step left to catch the real clue of the cult. Li Yin feels that he has never been so happy as he is now.

Kangtaisheng is a 30-year-old old pharmaceutical company located in the suburbs of Ninghe City. It covers a large area and has a beautiful environment. It is the dream place for many job seekers.

But no one could have imagined that under this glamorous appearance, there are shocking secrets of colluding with cults, human experiments and even making ghosts.

Li Yin came to the outside of the company wall, took out his mobile phone and looked at it. There was a signal.

It's a bit troublesome. I should have caught a ghost as a signal blocker.

But there is no time now. There should be no one inside.

He lowered his hat, then jumped up to the company, and followed the shadow of the corner to the office building.

Because only here is the light on.

Using Li Yin's infiltration method, he easily entered from the third-floor window and casually

A few stones accurately cut off the surveillance of the room and corridor, and went straight to the fifth floor,

which was the office of the company boss.

He did not choose to enter from the front, but came to the next office first, and went to the next office through the window to observe the situation in the room.

He could see a person sitting in the office, with his back to the window, and could not see his specific appearance. There was a camera in the upper right corner, facing the direction of the door.

Fortunately, he did not choose to break in from the front door, otherwise he would definitely be photographed.

The camera installed in the boss's office is definitely not connected to the security room. It is either in the hands of the boss himself or in the hands of a more powerful person.

Anyway, it would be very troublesome to be photographed.

Thinking of this, Li Yin picked up a piece of cement from the wall, flicked it lightly, and it disappeared in his hand in an instant, along with the screen window and the figure of the girl.

Fortunately, this is an old building, and the windows are all old-fashioned screen windows, so it would not make too much noise if it was taken down.

While thinking, she did not hesitate at all. Before the man could react, she had knocked him unconscious and pressed him to the ground.

So easy?

This made her a little unbelievable.

The cult's headquarters in Ninghe City, the security capabilities are so poor? He only has the mutant girl as a bodyguard, and no other backup?

Li Yin frowned and turned the man on the ground over.

"No, I've been fooled!"

The man on the ground was not Mr. Zhang in the girl's memory, but a faceless monster!

Where his facial features should have been, there were densely packed red pustules. The moment he turned over, the pustules began to expand rapidly! In just one breath, it expanded to the size of a fist.

It will explode!

Li Yin reacted instantly, but she did not choose to run away, but directly took out an axe and chopped off the man's head.

But the pustules still did not stop growing, and seeing that they were about to explode, she could only throw them into the sky with force.


The huge explosion echoed in the sky above the city, and the entire headquarters of Kangtaisheng Pharmaceutical Company seemed to tremble in this loud noise.

Li Yin took advantage of this time, picked up the body on the ground and jumped down from the fifth floor, quickly disappearing into the night.

And this scene happened to be captured by the security guard who was broadcasting live downstairs.

The live broadcast room was immediately boiling.

The barrage of "WTF" filled the entire screen. Just because they stayed up late to watch the live broadcast, they witnessed a scene that was enough to reorganize their worldview.

First, a huge fireball appeared in the sky, and the deafening explosion seemed to pierce the eardrum, and then a strange black shadow was seen carrying a corpse and jumping several meters high.

"Anchor! You told me this is a special effect. Is your company shooting a promotional video?"

"Anchor, speak up! What is that!"

"Call the police! Someone killed someone and dumped the body! What are you doing as a security guard?"

"Are you sure it's a person?"


Someone has already predicted that this incident will definitely be on the front page of the news tomorrow, and the person involved, Li Yin, is calling to report safety in an alley.

Ning Zhu was awakened by the explosion. He knew who made it without having to guess, and quickly contacted Li Yin to confirm her situation.

"It's okay, we found a little clue here, and it will be over soon."

After comforting Ah Zhu, Li Yin looked at the headless body on the ground and felt a headache.

These monsters in Ninghe City are not martial arts ethics. Why don't they disappear after being hacked to death? How can I deal with the body?

But there is also a good thing, that is, after they die, there will be light bands floating on their bodies, that is, before I hacked him to death, he was still alive in pain.

This is why Li Yin was in a hurry to bring the body out.

I am a good man who helped them get rid of their problems.

Li Yin was a little proud.

But there are also some disadvantages, that is, if you die, you will not get energy.

It doesn't matter, the clues are obtained, and the next step is to catch people directly.

They were openly discussing the plan in front of the exploding puppet. They must not have thought that I could read the memory, right?

An abandoned residential building in the suburbs? It's just convenient to do it!

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