The live broadcast was a mess.

The netizens who watched the live broadcast were now confused.

"What's going on? Where's the live broadcast screen?"

"Did the director go to the toilet? Why is there no signal all of a sudden? I paid to watch a black screen?"

"Director! Director, come out! Explain, is there really a ghost?"

"Please resume the live broadcast quickly, I'm so panicked now!"

"It's all scripts! It's all scripts!"

"Who, yes, it's you, why are your pants wet? Hahahaha!"


Compared to the laughter in the live broadcast room, the director team was as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

They checked various equipment in a hurry, trying to find out the problem, but no matter how they checked, everything looked intact.

Then it can only be that there is something wrong with the stars.

As soon as this thought came out, the director broke out in a cold sweat.

No matter who has a problem, the guests must not have any problem! Otherwise, do I still need to live? The fans can drown me with a mouthful of spit!

"Go in and save people! Quick! Everyone go!"

The eight guests in the abandoned residential building are now scared crazy!

To be precise, there are seven left. No one cares about the female star who fainted. The other person who was just performing sisterly love is now running faster than anyone else and disappeared in a flash.

The person running at the back sprained his foot and limped and couldn't run fast at all. Seeing that the axe killer behind him had pulled out the axe and rushed over, he looked fierce and pulled the person running next to him hard.

Just as the man was about to run wildly, he suddenly felt a huge force coming from the side. The whole person staggered and fell directly to the ground.

The piercing screams could be heard from outside, followed by a series of angry curses.

"Wu**, I'll fuck you! I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!"

This scene made Li Yin laugh. If she hadn't been anxious to catch up with the cult member named Zhang, she would have definitely taken out her phone to record it and go back to show it to Ah Zhu.

However, the most urgent task was to catch up with the group of Zhang. It didn't run very fast. If it was on a flat place, she would have caught up long ago, but there were so many things in the residential building that she couldn't use her full speed. In addition, its body seemed like liquid, so it was really hard to catch it for a while.

The star on the ground was still cursing, but Li Yin ignored him and stepped over with the axe.

He was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Hahahaha! Its target is not me! Wu**, you TM wait for death! I..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the terrifying figure holding the axe coming back again! The axe in his hand was raised high, flashing a cold light in the moonlight.

He could imagine that if the axe came down, his head would definitely be removed!

No, I am 1.75 meters tall, and I can't even save my neck!

"Brother, spare my life! I have never looked down on people with dwarfism! I was also very short when I was a child, I... I am not 1.75 meters tall at all, I just have height-increasing pads! Please spare my life! Don't cut my calves, and don't look at my head..."

Li Yin's running steps paused when he shouted like that.

What the hell? Who is he calling brother? Who is he calling a dwarf?

I'm 1.6 meters tall, rounding off!

Li Yin really wants to open this man's skull to see if there is paste or tofu inside, and by the way, cut off his calves and stuff them into his mouth.

But there was no time to care about him now. Li Yin grabbed a handful of cement blocks from the wall and threw them out. There was a loud bang, smoke and dust rose up, and the whole wall was beaten into a hornet's nest.

The man surnamed Zhang was obviously frightened, and his squirming body paused, and his two irregular eyes were full of shock.

He didn't remember that there was such a strong monster in the office in Ninghe City.

He was so strong that he could break through the cement wall with his bare hands, and a handful of stones thrown casually had the effect of machine gun shooting, and the ordinary axe, the arm chopped by it could not be restored, as if he had never had that arm.

What kind of power is this? From the capital? When did she target me? Did she do what happened last night?

If I keep running like this, I will be caught up sooner or later, I have to think of a way.

The man who turned into a puddle quickly circled with the help of dust and came to the other side of the corridor. Li Yin instantly broke through the concrete wall, but only saw the female star lying on the ground, and there was no trace of the puddle.

At this time, the female star was waking up slowly, opening her hazy eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a terrifying figure standing in front of her, holding a sharp axe and covered in dust.

She screamed suddenly and fainted again.

Li Yin observed the surroundings vigilantly, pricked up her ears and listened carefully to the sounds around her, slowly passed by the female star without even looking at her.

She took two steps, turned back suddenly, grabbed the attacking claws, and swung the axe in her right hand without hesitation. With a "puff", the only remaining arm was cut off.

The man let out a shrill scream, and his body began to liquefy rapidly. He was about to run away, but his head was tightly grasped by a small hand and pressed to the ground with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, three consecutive axes chopped off his legs and the lower part of his waist, abruptly interrupting the liquefaction process.

Li Yin chuckled: "You run pretty fast, keep running?"

The man grimaced in pain, but there was only a thin membrane that kept squirming in the place of his mouth, which looked as disgusting as it could be.

Li Yin picked up the axe, stepped on its head with one foot, pressed its upper body to the ground, then raised the axe and chopped it down fiercely.

The man screamed instantly, the sound was shrill and harsh, but Li Yin had no mercy at all, and wanted to chop up this cult leader and feed him to the dogs.

However, she just knocked the man unconscious and didn't want to kill him for the time being.

After all, the duration of the light band is limited, and watching the memory will reduce one's perception of the outside world, so it is not advisable to watch it now.

Li Yin searched on the ground and found the female star who was thrown into a room.

After checking, except for one arm being chopped off and the clothes being stripped off, there was nothing serious.

Li Yin was afraid that she would die from excessive blood loss, so he turned around and tore off a piece of cloth from the woman's own clothes, tied it around her to stop the bleeding, and then covered her with the clothes on the ground.

As for her figure? Li Yin's eyes were full of disdain.

She's still a female star, but she's far inferior to my Ah Zhu.

Thinking of this, she didn't waste any more time, and found the hole she had just opened and jumped up to support Ah Zhu's battlefield.


On Ning Zhu's side, the two stone warriors she released were already the second most defensive puppets in the family, but the man in front of him didn't take them seriously at all.

I saw his arms quickly deformed and turned into sharp tentacles, each of which was like a carefully polished blade, flashing cold light.

As soon as he moved, those tentacles shot out like lightning, directly hitting Ning Zhu and the stone warriors' vital points.

So fast!

Ning Zhu's eyes condensed. If she hadn't used energy to strengthen her body again today, she might not be able to dodge it, and she couldn't even see the attack clearly.

The stone warriors had no time to react before the tentacles pierced their bodies. However, these stone sculptures didn't have any so-called vital points. Even if their heads were chopped off, as long as they were not completely destroyed, they could still continue to fight.

Seeing this, Ning Zhu quickly distanced herself and used long-range attacks to harass the outside.

At the same time, she threw a few more topaz magic balls over there.

She found that the people over there seemed to have the same characteristics as ghosts, and their power would be suppressed by the magic balls.

At least they were unwilling to contact.

With the light emitted from the magic ball, Ning Zhu saw the man's face clearly.

Very ordinary, never seen before.

Not anyone who was worthy of suspicion as Li Yin said.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a strong murderous aura coming. Looking up, she saw that the tentacles had broken through the blockade of the magic ball and were shooting towards her.

Ning Zhu was not panicked at all. He controlled the wooden puppet to stand still and swung the axe in his hand. There was no sound of metal collision, but it was like a hot knife cutting butter. All four tentacles were cut off by the axe.

The man screamed, and it was obvious that the cutting of the tentacles caused him a lot of damage.

"What is this axe?"

Almost all monsters that they encountered for the first time would ask the same question.

No one would have thought that an ordinary fire axe with a hole on it could easily break their defenses, and even the damage caused could not heal itself.

Moreover, the terrifying aura emanating from it made him want to turn around and run.

Ning Zhu had no way to answer this question, but she knew very well that this was a good opportunity!

She quickly controlled the two stone puppets to suppress him, and she quickly approached with an axe, ready to give him a fatal blow.

But at this moment, the man's back suddenly began to wriggle, and four tentacles suddenly stretched out. With just one swing, they cut the stone warrior in half. Even the wooden sculpture under Ning Zhu was not spared and shattered in an instant.

Seeing that the tentacles were already in front of him, Ning Zhu swung his axe to block them, but found that it was too late. The tip of the tentacles was already in front of him, and he could not avoid it.

There is no escape!

At the moment of life and death, the wall under her feet suddenly burst open, and a pair of small hands embraced her legs and waist, taking her out of the attack range of the tentacles at the critical moment.

Li Yin touched the girl in her arms, and after confirming that she was not hurt, she turned and looked at the ground just now, only to see that the tentacles had deeply penetrated into the cement. If this time it penetrated Ning Zhu, the consequences would be disastrous.

She didn't expect that the monster here would be so strong.

Originally thought that giving an axe to Ah Zhu would ensure that there would be no mistakes, but she didn't expect that she still underestimated the opponent's strength.

Li Yin's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Because of her carelessness, she put the girl she liked in danger.

Now she has only one thought, to crush this monster to ashes!

The man didn't seem to expect that his attack would be interrupted by someone who suddenly appeared.

Has the man surnamed Zhang run away? Or is he dead?

A hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and then he moved his body, and more tentacles stretched out from all parts of his body, launching a more fierce attack on Li Yin and Ning Zhu.

Faced with such an attack, Li Yin was not panicked at all. She held Ning Zhu and shuttled through the corridor, flexibly dodging the attacks of those tentacles.

First put Ning Zhu in a safe place, and then the energy covered his whole body, and his eyes flashed dazzling light in the darkness.

Just as the man was surprised at the change of the small figure in front of him, a fire axe appeared in front of him and chopped directly into his chest.

At the moment of lowering his head, the man suddenly found that his vision was strangely turned over, and even the cracks on the ceiling could be clearly seen.

What happened?

Before he could react, his body had already fallen heavily to the ground.

It took no effort to twist the man's neck. Li Yin pulled out the fire axe stuck in his chest, raised it high, and chopped it down heavily without a trace of mercy in his eyes, separating his head from his body!

"Not dead yet? You're lucky."

Li Yin picked up the head, put it together with the man surnamed Zhang, and prepared to leave.

There are still things to do tonight.

That is to cooperate with Ninghe City and the Abnormal Bureau to thoroughly investigate the headquarters of Kangtaisheng Pharmaceutical.

The time is set at twelve o'clock in the evening.

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