The two of them hadn't arrived yet, but the battle had already started. The reason was that their underground laboratory seemed to have received some kind of news, and was destroying materials and organizing evacuation, but was discovered by the people in the office, and then a raid was launched.

The power left in the laboratory was still terrifying. Four distorted monsters were rampaging in the corridor of the laboratory. They exuded a disgusting stench, and every time they waved their limbs, they would bring a bloody storm.

These monsters even killed their own people in the underground laboratory. The crazy appearance made the investigators of the Abnormal Bureau responsible for the outer perimeter alert stunned.

They had never faced such a monster before, and it seemed that the other party still had a physical body, not a ghost. Therefore, many methods that work on ghosts and monsters cannot work on it.

"Or, let the police bring guns to support. I think it should be effective." One of them said hesitantly.

His family's five evil-suppressing methods have all been used just now, but the opponent doesn't seem to be a demon at all, and it didn't work at all.

"It's useless. Their recovery ability is too strong. The bullet may not be able to penetrate their skin at all. Even if it is penetrated, it can heal quickly."

As he said, the man raised the peach wood bow in his hand and put on a green arrow. The tail of the arrow has a few very long and even somewhat obstructive rooster tail feathers.

The bow was bent and shot, and the arrow with a stream of light directly pierced the monster's head.

But within two seconds, the wound healed by itself, and there was not even a pause in the movement.

The methods of others were just ineffective, and the other person was even worse. Two of the three black dogs she brought to exorcise the evil were beaten to death, and she was crying bitterly while holding the only living one.

"When will Linhai's support arrive? Didn't they say we would have a joint operation? Why haven't they come yet?"

One of them couldn't help but complain. Seeing that the monster had killed all the people in the laboratory and roared towards them, he could only wave the giant axe in his hand to meet it.

But the axe, which was always effective before, could only cause shallow wounds on the monsters, and some of them even failed to break the defense.

The others also rushed to fight, using all their means to attack the monsters.

If it was just one, it would be fine. With the six of them, they would still have the strength to fight, but there were four monsters! They could only hold on.

The peripheral investigators were extremely anxious, but they were just ordinary people. Even if they all rushed forward, they would not have any effect, and might even become a burden.

They had to continue to call and ask where the master named Ning Zhu in Linhai was.

She must have had special means to kill so many monsters in Hongxiang Street!

Now the investigators of the Abnormal Bureau can only think like this. If even the masters of Linhai can't do anything, once the monsters rush into the city, it may cause unimaginable consequences.

On the battlefield, the strong man holding a giant axe faced the siege of four monsters. Even though he had strong defense, he was still beaten all over and cried bitterly.

Of the six people on the scene, only he could stand in the front row, and the others were limited to assisting in the back, but their attack methods did not seem to have much effect on the monsters. If it weren't for the strong man relying on his defense to support, he would have been defeated long ago.

The woman who used the beast control ability commanded the last black dog to harass from the side, but it did not cause any damage at all. The rest of the people only had some effect with the peach wood bow, and the rest were almost the same.

Seeing the black dog being attacked again, the woman's mentality completely collapsed, and she shouted: "We can't fight this thing at all! I want to retreat!"

After that, she ignored the obstruction of others, hugged one, carried one on her back, and dragged three dogs and ran back.

The other few people looked ugly. If this woman left, they would be no match for these monsters.

When they were considering whether to adopt a tactical retreat, the strong man in front suddenly screamed. His copper skin and iron bones could not hold on at all. He was hit by the monster and his abdomen was pierced, and the axe fell out of his hand.

Seeing that the monster's next attack was about to fall on him, the strong man's eyes were filled with despair.

I don't want to die yet. I haven't found the axe killer yet, and I haven't proved my axe yet...

Just when he thought he was about to die here, a silver light suddenly fell from the sky! Instantly, one monster was chopped in half, accompanied by a piercing sonic boom. Dozens of "bullets" landed on the remaining three monsters almost at the same time, breaking their skin.

Blood holes.

What's even more surprising is that these blood holes didn't heal!

Before the five people came to their senses from the sudden change, the sound of horse hooves came from the side. Looking in the direction of the sound, they saw the girl riding a strange-shaped wooden horse, rushing towards them quickly, with a red-headed and white-bladed fire axe in her hand flashing an ordinary cold light.

Because it looked like an ordinary fire axe.

The strong man suddenly remembered something and turned back quickly.

Sure enough, the silver light that just flew over was exactly the same fire axe as the one in the girl's hand.

The monster that was hit by the axe never stood up again, as if it was really dead.

Thinking of this, the strong man quickly reached out to grab the axe on the ground. His hand had already touched it, and the wooden handle was no different from an ordinary fire axe. He only needed a little force to lift it up.

But this force almost made him stagger. No matter how hard he tried, the fire axe on the ground did not move at all.

Seeing this, although he was confused, he could only give up and quickly dragged his injured body to the back.

The wooden horse had already rushed into the battlefield at this time. Ning Zhu was surrounded by silver light and energy filled his whole body. Whether it was reaction speed, defense, or strength, it was greatly enhanced.

However, it did not happen that Li Yin's body became transparent, which made her a little puzzled.

But it didn't matter. She felt that she was omnipotent now!

Although the monster was seriously injured by Li Yin's stone, it was still extremely fierce. Seeing Ning Zhu rushing over, it roared and pounced on her.

It was huge in size, but extremely agile. It came to Ning Zhu in almost an instant and slapped her head with its huge claws.

But this extremely fast attack, hitting the silver light on Ning Zhu's body, only produced a wisp of white smoke, and even burned the monster's claws!

Seeing this, Ning Zhu's confidence surged. With a swing of the axe in her hand, the monster's shoulder fell to the ground. The blood that gushed out instantly dyed the ground red, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Seeing this, the five office staff members all showed shocked expressions. They had never seen such a powerful force. With one axe, the monster had no power to fight back.

Ning Zhu did not stop. She continued to swing the fire axe in her hand. Every swing was accompanied by a silver light. Every time the silver light fell, a monster fell down.

Soon, the remaining three monsters were also killed by her one by one.

Standing not far away, Li Yin was still wary of attacks that might cause harm to Ah Zhu at first. Seeing her riding a wooden horse and cutting melons and vegetables, she immediately smiled.

Heroic! Like a female general on the battlefield.

So handsome!

Love it!

Just now on the way here, Ah Zhu told her mysteriously that he would show her a powerful fighting form in a while, and told her not to attack, just stand by and scout the battle.

Li Yin thought it was some kind of secret technique of the Ning family, and she was looking forward to it for a long time, but she didn't expect it to be the same energy burst form as hers.

However, Ah Zhu's control over energy is obviously much weaker than hers.

The energy is not filled throughout the body, but a large amount of dissipated energy is used to fill the body surface.

The effect of doing so will be greatly reduced, and it will waste a lot of energy.

But it doesn't matter, I can make up for it when I go back, hehehe...

Ning Zhu also found the problem, his energy consumption rate is very fast, more than the energy used to strengthen his body.

In order to save energy, he deliberately rode on a wooden horse to fight, but the consumption still exceeded expectations.

I can only... I can only trouble little Li Yin...

Seeing that all the monsters have been dealt with, the five people from Ninghe City Office couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I've heard that there are many masters in Linhai. Today, I see that they are indeed extraordinary!"

"Yes, heroes emerge young! This girl is so young, but her strength is so amazing. It's really admirable!"

Everyone praised Ning Zhu's strength, and Li Yin, who was standing beside her, straightened her back.

You guys are quite good at talking!

If you can talk, talk more. I love to listen!

Ning Zhu's condition was not very good at this time. She still had some energy, but she found that using energy in this way could also have the effect of tempering the body, so that now her whole body was sore.

Seeing that the monster had been destroyed, the investigators of the Abnormal Bureau rushed into the laboratory to rescue evidence, and several people from the office followed. They had to protect the safety of everyone in the Abnormal Bureau.

Li Yin saw that Ning Zhu was not in good condition, and hurried forward to support her.

Ning Zhu no longer concealed her discovery and the disadvantages.

After listening to her story, Li Yin was stunned for a moment. Can energy be used in this way?

Then she tried to mobilize a little energy to

into the muscles.


No effect?

No, when I absorbed the energy, my body had been strengthened once, and when I used the burst form, the energy filled every cell, which was much stronger than Azhu's muscle tempering, and there was no such effect.

It seems that this method is useless to me.

It was confirmed that Azhu was fine, it was just a side effect of using energy to become stronger, and it can not only strengthen the body, but also consume energy in a fixed way!

Double happiness!

After Li Yin settled Ning Zhu, he also entered the laboratory.

Under Kangtaisheng Pharmaceutical, three floors of the basement were transformed into laboratories. The first floor was still normal. In each room of the two floors below, you can see glass jars of different sizes. In the jars, there are nothing else, all of them are corpses!

Some are big and some are small. The big ones are in their forties or fifties, and the small ones are even less than ten years old!

And their bodies all have different degrees of mutations, obviously they are all failed experiments.

Everyone at the scene had an extremely ugly expression on their faces. When they looked at the researchers killed by monsters on the ground, their eyes changed.

It would be a relief for them to die directly! It would not be too much to be torn into pieces!

Li Yin was looking for something in the underground laboratory.

These monsters were in form, and they were definitely not created by normal biochemical experiments. If they were the product of ordinary experiments, they would not be afraid of the energy and axe in their bodies.

And their form reminded her of someone.

Li Muyi.

Although the appearance was very different, in her opinion, the core should be the same thing.

It was the black stone that flew out of Li Muyi's body, and there should be one here too.

Where could it be?

Li Yin thought as she came to the third underground floor.

The people from the Abnormal Bureau did not stop her. After all, they saw the "magic weapon" thrown by this petite girl, which instantly crippled three monsters and directly turned the tide of the battle.

It was too late to admire her in my heart, who would dare to stop her?

The third underground floor is mainly an operating room. You can also see a person tied to the operating table. His stomach was cut open, his internal organs were all over the floor, and half of his face was melted. It was obvious that he was not going to survive.

Li Yin came to the operating table and ignored the corpse. Instead, he put his hand on the table.

This is not a technological product with a lifting function and various brackets in a normal hospital operating room, but a stone table, gray, with some kind of pattern carved on it.

It is abnormal at first glance.

Li Yin gently pressed her hand into the stone table.

The material is very ordinary, but it is unclear what it is.

She pushed again and actually lifted it up. Only then did she realize that the stone table was spliced ​​together, and there was a space underneath, in which a small box lay quietly.

Found it...

She reached out and took out the box, touched its surface, and still didn't know the specific material, but it was heavy and should be solid.

Can I open it? If I open it, will another black crystal fly out and enter my body?

If not, what impact will it cause?

Li Yin weighed the options, took out the axe and put it aside, while mobilizing energy to protect her body surface, raising her vigilance to deal with emergencies.

Then she slowly opened the box.

Nothing flew out, and there was no black crystal inside, but a piece of rag.

Li Yin was stunned for a moment, a piece of rag? What is this?

She reached out and took out the rag, and found that it was very thin and very soft. The feeling of touching it was like touching human skin.

She tried to inject a little energy into it, but failed. In her feeling, this thing was solid and no energy could enter.

It was a bit strange.

There were footsteps on the stairs, and several investigators from the Abnormal Bureau walked down the stairs while talking.

But suddenly, the conversation stopped, replaced by a shrill scream.

Looking back, I saw that several people fell to the ground for some reason, their whole bodies were twitching uncontrollably, their skin was falling off, and the flesh and blood inside were wriggling, as if some strange changes were happening.

Is it because of it?

Li Yin noticed something was wrong and quickly put the cloth back. When the lid was closed, the twitching and screaming of several investigators from the Abnormal Bureau also stopped.

Several people supported each other and stood up, looking at each other, not knowing what had just happened.

This change naturally attracted the attention of others. Soon a large group of people gathered at the stairs and asked them what happened.

Several people looked confused. They didn't know what was going on. They just felt that something had entered their bodies, and then they couldn't control themselves and fell down.

But they can't say they are fine now. Their skin is broken like eggshells, and blood is constantly flowing out, but they don't seem to feel it.

Pain, still standing there to talk about her feelings.

It was not until others reminded her that she realized it later and was helped to the hospital.

Li Yin frowned and looked at the box in her hand, weighed it, and put it aside.

But before that, she still used the axe space to cover it as usual, and she would see if it worked. Anyway, this thing was not suitable to be kept in her hands.

As long as it is opened, everyone around will mutate, what is the point of it? I don't want to retaliate against society. If I accidentally open it, I will have to take the blame. It is better to leave it to the Abnormal Bureau.

She called the leader of the Abnormal Bureau and explained the matter to him.

Although this person seemed to have no idea what was in the box, he understood the danger of this thing and immediately said that he would take it back to the Abnormal Bureau in person.

At this point, the matter of Kangtaisheng Pharmaceutical has come to an end.

There is not much information about the underground laboratory. It is just a simple experimental site. They have not carried out large-scale human experiments like Luoan Town, but simply manufactured test products.

Although the means are cruel, the harm is still much smaller than Luoan Town.

Walk out of the basement, take Azhu back to replenish his magic, and buy a ticket back to Linhai for tomorrow's train.

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