The three of them came to a residential building in the city and came to a door on the 14th floor according to the address.

The young nurse's face was full of worry. She had just called the patient several times, but the other side kept prompting that the other party could not get through...

Li Yin also took it seriously. The appearance of ghosts is usually accompanied by a lack of mobile phone signal. It is very likely that the patient encountered such a thing.

Standing in front of the door, the young nurse pressed the doorbell, but there was no response. She knocked again, but it was still the same. She had to look in Li Yin's direction as if asking for help.

Li Yin motioned her to step back, walked forward, and with a force of both hands, she directly inserted it into the anti-theft door, and then gently pulled it, and the whole door was removed by her.

Put it in the corridor and walked straight in.

Ning Zhu patted the young nurse who was standing there in a daze, and motioned her to move aside: "You stay outside, it's dangerous inside."

Then he walked in.

The room was a little dim with the curtains drawn. No one was seen, but a bloody smell could be smelled, accompanied by a somewhat oppressive atmosphere.

Ning Zhu took out the iron plate and injected a trace of energy, wanting to detect whether there were ghosts or something like that around.

But the next moment, the iron plate shone brightly, and all the grooves used for reference lit up at the same time.

Ning Zhu was startled and looked up suddenly, but there was nothing in the darkness.

He moved his ears and seemed to hear a strange gurgling sound. Following the sound, there was only a wall there, and the sound came from the wall.

It was as if something was rolling in the wall.

At the same time, the young nurse in the corridor suddenly felt her hair stand on her back for some reason. She was sensitive by nature and felt that something was staring at her, right behind her!


She wanted to call for help, but fear gripped her throat so tightly that she couldn't even make a sound.

She could only feel that the thing behind her seemed to be getting closer and closer.

She didn't even dare to think about what it was, fearing that she would collapse in the next second.

No! Absolutely not! I don't even know what the thing behind me is, how can I be so scared that I dare not move?

What if I scared myself?

The little nurse kept recalling the four terrifying ghosts in the operating room at that time, and the scene where Li Yin chopped them down like a god from heaven, to cheer herself up.

Gradually, she felt that her hands could move, just like a ghost pressing on the bed, and her whole body became active with a move.

She used up all the courage she had accumulated, turned around suddenly, but found that there was nothing behind her, only that snow-white wall, nothing.

The little nurse let out a long breath and laughed at herself. It turned out that she was really scaring herself.

It's just...have there always been so many cracks on the wall behind? Is it dangerous?

In the room, Ning Zhu pressed against the wall, trying to find the source of the strange sound.

But the gurgling sound disappeared, heavy and quiet, just like an ordinary wall.

Just as she frowned, thinking about whether to break the wall to see if there was something hidden inside, Li Yin's voice came from the bedroom: "Oh my god, so disgusting, what is this?"

Ning Zhu quickly retracted her hand and walked quickly towards the bedroom, only to see Li Yin standing by the bed, pulling the black thing with her hands.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a person's hair.

The man lay motionless on the bed, with blood dripping from his head, his scalp turned outward, and many hairs that were forcibly pulled out were scattered around, and scalp and minced meat could be seen mixed in it. The scene looked extremely bloody.

And Li Yin's hand was inserted into the woman's hair, as if he was turning something.

"Is she still alive?"

Ning Zhu frowned and moved closer, and found that the woman's condition was worse than she had imagined. There was almost no intact skin on the top of her head, and her skull was exposed.

"She should still be alive, but..."

Li Yin lifted her hair and took a half step back to signal Ning Zhu to look over.

Ning Zhu felt a chill rush to the top of his head when he saw it.

In the hair behind the woman's head, there were densely packed eyes! Human eyes! These eyes were embedded in the scalp, protruding outwards one by one, some were tightly closed, and some were slightly open, as if peeping at everything around them.

She suddenly realized something, looked up at the exposed skull, and her breathing stagnated.

This was not a skull, it was clearly dozens of upturned eyes.

's eye white!

No wonder it's uneven, no wonder it's bloodless!

At this moment, Ning Zhu seemed to see the woman's body twitch. Is she still alive?

Li Yin also noticed this and reached out to press on the woman's neck. With a little force on her fingertips, she felt the pulse through her clothes.

The touch from her fingertips showed that the woman was indeed still alive and her muscles were still beating.


Li Yin frowned. She found that the touch was wrong.

She quickly reached out to other places, but the touch from her hand was exactly the same.

And it was also beating.

Thinking of something, she lifted the woman's clothes and saw that there was no skin on her neck, but all eyes were wide open!

The eyes in the hair had spread to the back!

Just as the two were stunned, several more eyes slowly opened on the skin.

Li Yin quickly pulled back her hand, goose bumps crawling all over her body, she wanted to chop her hand off now.

Touching this kind of thing is so disgusting!

Ning Zhu also took a step back, her face pale, she had never seen such a weird scene, her scalp, her neck... all over her body were eyes, those eyes seemed to be staring at them, making her feel uncomfortable.

Compared to ghosts, the scene in front of her was many times more disgusting.

"What is this?"

Even she didn't know, Li Yin naturally couldn't know, but she knew how to deal with it.

Two axes appeared in her hands at the same time, pressing on the woman, the gaze of those eyes suddenly turned into fear, and quickly closed.

But you can still see the traces of continuous rotation under the skin.

These eyeballs did not disappear, but were hidden under the skin, making a gurgling sound.

Ning Zhu also thought of something at this time. He turned his head suddenly and looked at the wall. He just saw that under the peeling wallpaper, eyes were closing rapidly.

Then since there is on the wall...

He slowly lowered his head and looked at the ground. He saw countless eyeballs squeezed in the gap of the floor under his feet, staring at everything above.

Just then, a scream came from the corridor. Ning Zhu and Li Yin looked at each other and rushed out of the room almost at the same time.

The little nurse fell to the ground, kicking her legs and backing away. One hand was waving in the air and screaming.

Li Yin immediately ran over and grabbed the arm in the air. Looking closely, he saw that there was an eye on the arm! The eye was spinning around, like a living thing, observing the surroundings at this moment.

"Ahhh! Officer Li, help me! I don't want to die yet! Please save me!"

Li Yin grabbed his arm and looked at the nurse, and slapped her in the face: "Calm down! How do you feel now? Does it hurt? Are you controlling this eye? Can you see anything?"

The young nurse was awakened by this slap, and shook her head vigorously: "I can't see, I can't feel, I can't control it! Officer Li, please take it down, or I'm going crazy..."

"Are you going crazy? It affects your brain?"

"No, I'm scared!"

Li Yin put his eyes back on his eyes and pressed around with his hands. Under the skin and in the muscles, there were bulging bulges, which were obviously not just patterns on the surface, but had a complete eyeball structure.

"Bite your teeth tightly! There is no anesthesia for the next operation of Dr. Li!"

After saying that, before the young nurse could react, Li Yin's hand had quickly pressed on the edge of the eyeball, and with a little force, two fingers dug in.

With a soft "puff" sound, the eyeball in the nurse's arm was directly pulled out by her, leaving a huge bloody hole in the original place.

She squeezed the eyeball and tore a piece of cloth from the nurse's clothes, and tied it to the wound to stop the bleeding.

Because the action was too fast, it was not until then that the young nurse made a sound of sucking in cold air.

She stared at Li Yin and her arm in disbelief, as if she had seen something horrible, her lips trembled, but she could not speak.

She hoped that all this was an illusion, a dream, but the piercing pain in her arm reminded her that all this was real.

The severe pain almost made her faint, and she even had difficulty breathing.

But she still resisted and did not fall asleep, but when she recovered a little, she opened her mouth to thank Li Yin.

Li Yin nodded: "My treatment is not professional, you stop the bleeding yourself. By the way, do you have eyes anywhere else on your body? If so, don't be afraid of the pain. I suggest you have surgery as soon as possible, this thing will increase in value."

When the nurse heard the word "surgery", her whole body trembled and shook her head vigorously: "It's gone, really


Ning Zhu reached out and pulled the nurse up from the ground, and at the same time put an activated topaz ball in her hand to prevent the eyeball from appearing on her body again.

After doing all this, Ning Zhu looked up at the wall.

The originally snow-white wall had cracks that appeared at some point, and they were also filled with eyeballs.

Ning Zhu took a breath of cold air, and her voice trembled a little: "Li Yin, we can't delay any longer."

She was afraid that if she let it go on, the whole building would be covered with eyeballs! By then, I'm afraid no one in the building would survive, and they would all become the miserable person in the bedroom.

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