The night before the wedding, the family went to bed.

At night, Li Yin returned to the dormitory with a lot of bags. The three roommates sat at the table, buried their heads in something, and didn't even look up when someone opened the door.

"Are you doing your homework? I brought you some fruit. Do you want to finish eating before you do your homework?"

Li Yin waved the plastic bag in her hand, which was full of big and plump cherries.

Sun Tingting turned around and greeted Li Yin: "Little Li Yin is back? Did you have fun?"

Li Yin thought about it and nodded: "Not bad. What are you busy with? Have you eaten?"

"No, I'm doing my homework. Qingqing and Yueyue seem to be studying something and haven't eaten yet."

Studying what?

Li Yin leaned over to take a look and found that the two were staring at their phones intently. The picture made her feel familiar. When she leaned in to take a closer look, Wang Yue immediately took the phone away from her.

"Hey, isn't this little Li Yin? When did you come back?"

"Just came back. Do you want to eat cherries?"

"No, I'm doing research. Maybe there will be results soon!"

"What are you researching?"

"Hehe, I won't tell you."

As she said that, she turned around again, opened her phone and zoomed in and out of a picture over there, looking like she was studying seriously.

Li Yin didn't care much. She took a basket to wash some cherries. When she came back, she just heard Lu Qing's gurgling sound. She couldn't help laughing and said, "Qingqing, your stomach is rumbling. Stop playing with your phone and go eat."

Lu Qing didn't even raise her head: "Wait, wait, it's almost there, just a little bit..."

Li Yin laughed dumbly. This feeling was exactly the same as when she was addicted to playing games in the first year of high school.

She didn't want to eat or drink.

She grabbed a handful of cherries for each roommate, and sat at the table to preview the content of tomorrow's course.

At half past ten, Li Yin stretched, picked up the last cherry and ate it, then looked behind her.

Sun Tingting was still reading, and the cherries on the table had been eaten, but Wang Yue and Lu Qing didn't touch any of them.

Li Yin frowned, and noticed something was wrong.

Wang Yue was usually famous for her greed in the dormitory, and she would definitely rush over first when she saw something delicious. Why was she so abnormal today?

She stood up and walked behind him gently without making any sound.

He looked at her phone, which showed an enlarged photo, which had even been enlarged to the pixel level. Not to mention the pattern, even the details on it were basically invisible.

What is this?

Li Yin reached out and suddenly snatched Wang Yue's phone before she could react, and shrunk the picture to its original size, ready to see what made them so fascinated.

Wang Yue was stunned, then stood up immediately, with a hint of anger on her face, and reached out to grab it: "Little Li Yin, what are you doing? Give it back to me!"

Li Yin dodged sideways and looked at it carefully, but the picture on the phone made her stunned.

Isn't this the one that Senior Sister Su Ji showed her in the laboratory? It looks like a stone slab, the skin of some creature.

Is this Professor Fang's research project? Why does Wang Yue have this photo?

After dodging Wang Yue's hand again, Li Yin put the photo in front of Lu Qing: "Qingqing, is this also what you are studying?"

Lu Qing's vision was blocked, and there was a hint of impatience on her face, but after seeing the photo, she immediately returned to normal.

"Yes, this is it. It is said to be Professor Fang's research, right? It has been very popular in the college these days. It seems that many people are studying what the text on it is, and want to crack it and win the favor of Professor Fang."

Is that so? No wonder they are looking at the photos day and night.

But...didn't anyone tell them that this is not text at all, but the lines on the skin of some creature?

"How did you get this photo?"

Lu Qing looked up at her and said, "It was passed in the group, what's wrong?"

"Do you have any idea?"

Seeing that he couldn't get it, Wang Yue crossed his arms and hummed, "Of course, I think if I work harder, I can crack the content above! So give it back to me quickly, I have to race against time, otherwise someone else will get it first!"

Li Yin returned the phone to Wang Yue, holding back a smile and shaking his head, saying, "Ahem, you guys study it. But you have to be moderate, don't even skip meals because of studying this thing, the body is the capital of the revolution."

Wang Yue sat back in the chair with the phone and continued to

She started working hard to get Professor Fang's attention.

"I know, I know! Be careful that your girlfriend will hate you if you talk too much!"

After that, she picked up the cherry on the table and put it in her mouth: "Hmm, so sweet!"

Li Yin smiled and shook her head, took her mobile phone, and took another bowl of cherries and left the dormitory, preparing to go to the school's small supermarket to buy some food to bring back, so that they would have something to eat if they were hungry at night, and go to the next door to keep in touch.

When she came to the door of the next dormitory, she found that their door was not closed, so she looked inside.

The three of them were sitting together and chatting, and the other was sitting at the table playing with his mobile phone.

Li Yin guessed that he was probably studying the photo.

Just now, seeing Wang Yue and Lu Qing's loss of appetite, she was a little worried, wondering if they had encountered some ghosts or something.

But now it seems that she should have worried too much.

If it was a ghost, it would not create an illusion and choose the person who was tricked. Moreover, judging from the performance of Lu Qing and Wang Yue, it was quite normal. It did not seem like they were controlled or had an illusion.

Li Yin knocked on the door, showed the cherries in her hand to the three people, and said with a smile: "What are you talking about? I bought some cherries. Do you want to eat some together?"

The three people's eyes lit up, and they all stood up to greet her.

"Wow, little Li Yin, you are so considerate!"

"Great, I was just thinking about eating cherries!"

"Come on, come on, sit down!"

Li Yin waved her hand and put the cherries on the table next to her: "No, no, I still have to go to the supermarket. If I go too late, it will be closed. Do you need me to help you bring anything?"

Seeing the three people shaking their heads, Li Yin said goodbye and turned around to leave the dormitory.

When she walked to the door, she suddenly turned around and asked: "Have you seen the picture that is particularly popular recently? Aren't you going to study it?"

The reply she got was that she had seen it, but was not interested.

Only then did Li Yin put her heart back in her stomach.

It seems that I was overthinking. They really just wanted to use this research result to prove themselves, so as to gain the attention of the school and better resources.

However, Li Yin herself was not interested in this kind of thing at all.

After all, her resources were good enough to make any student in the school jealous.

On the way to the supermarket, students could be seen sitting alone or in groups of three or four, studying pictures on their mobile phones. Although I don’t know where this picture was leaked from, it has now become a collective activity of the School of Biology.

Coming out of the supermarket, Li Yin looked up and saw the lights on in the laboratory building.

Is that Su Ji’s laboratory? Hasn’t the senior sister gone back to rest yet?

Li Yin felt a little strange, so he turned around and prepared to take a look.

When he walked to the door of the laboratory, he could hear the slight buzzing of the instrument before he entered.

Following the light, he saw Su Ji sitting at the table, staring at the computer screen with his eyes, holding a pen in his hand and quickly recording something on paper.

"Senior, it's so late, are you still busy?" Li Yin asked softly.

Su Ji looked up and saw that it was Li Yin, and a smile appeared on his face: "Yes, some experimental data needs to be sorted out. Why are you still outside so late?"

"I came out to buy something, and I saw the lights on in the laboratory, so I came to take a look."

Su Ji waved at her: "It's just right, little Li Yin, come and see, the genetic sequencing results of the strange fish we studied are out, and there are some very interesting places."

Li Yin leaned over to take a look. On the computer was the genetic map of the strange fish they sent for sequencing a few days ago. The various complex data and patterns were dazzling.

Su Ji pointed to some data and said, "The test results are very surprising. These fish are far from fish, but are close to mammals. Some of their gene sequences are even very similar to humans."

Li Yin was surprised and said, "How is this possible? They look like fish."

Su Ji nodded, "Yes, this is also what confuses me. We are currently studying these gene sequences to try to find out the secrets. If the gene sequencing results are correct, this may be a major discovery."

"What do you think, seniors?"

Su Ji pondered for a moment and said, "My guess is that these fish may not be the result of natural evolution, but the product of some kind of human intervention. Their genes have been artificially modified, so they show this peculiar shape and characteristics."

Human intervention?

Li Yin raised her eyebrows, which instantly reminded her of the underground cult laboratory in Ninghe City.

Speaking of transformation, she knew that no one was better than them.

In addition to the characteristics of these fish and the results of gene sequencing,

As a result, Li Yin had reason to suspect that this was their doing.

But now we can't be sure, because the laboratory was destroyed and there was little data left.

At this time, a chuckle came from the door: "It's so late, you are still in the laboratory? Go back and rest early."

The two looked in the direction of the voice and saw Professor Fang standing at the door, smiling at them.

Li Yin quickly stood up and greeted respectfully: "Hello, Professor Fang."

Su Ji also stopped the work in his hands and stood up: "Professor, why are you here?"

"I heard the sound and came to see, I didn't expect it was you two little guys. You haven't gone back so late, have you made any progress in the research?"

Su Ji nodded and reported his findings to Professor Fang.

When he heard her say that part of the gene sequence of these strange fish is similar to that of humans, Professor Fang's face showed a hint of surprise.

"Similar to humans? This is indeed a bit unexpected. What are your plans next?" Professor Fang's tone was a bit expectant.

"We plan to send the samples to several other research institutes for gene sequencing to ensure that there are no errors and to rule out the possibility of sample contamination, and then further study these gene sequences to trace the origin. Perhaps this is an ancient vertebrate, a close relative of marine animals."

Professor Fang nodded and praised: "Very good, this is a very promising research direction. However, you should also pay attention that this kind of research may involve some sensitive issues and need to be handled with caution."

"Professor, do you think this genetic similarity may be the result of human intervention?"

Professor Fang was slightly stunned, pondered for a moment and said: "The possibility of human intervention does exist. But with our current level of technology, it is basically impossible to reach this level. You can continue to study in depth, but you must also keep an open mind and don't jump to conclusions too early."

Li Yin stood aside without speaking, she was observing, because Professor Fang in front of her was also her suspect.

But from the conversation between the two just now, she did not find any flaws.

If Professor Fang is a member of the cult, his adopted daughter, Su Ji, cannot be completely unaware of it.

But the conversation just now was so natural, as if it was really just a teacher and a student discussing an interesting scientific problem.

Am I overthinking?

The man that Ning Heshi went to meet was a cleaner from the School of Biology.

According to normal people's thinking, would his superior be hiding in the same place as him?

It's hard to say.

But in the whole school, she only has three suspects.

Professor Zhang is the most suspicious, followed by the instructor of her grade, and finally Professor Fang.

As for the instructor, there is no evidence now.

And Professor Fang is very easy to confirm.

As long as Professor Zhang is not, he is definitely, but if Professor Zhang is, he can't get rid of suspicion.


How can I continue to investigate?

Li Yin raised her head and looked at Professor Fang's face. The more she looked, the more she felt that the smile on his face was fake.

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