The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

"How did you tell that?" Officer Xiao Wang couldn't help asking.

Manager Chen stretched out his hand, but didn't dare to touch the eyeball, instead pointing to the blue circle around the iris: "In our company, only the boss's artificial eye has this circle of blue. No one knows what it's for, but everyone knows that it's the boss's exclusive symbol."

Officer Xiao Wang frowned: "In other words, this eyeball was replaced by your boss?"

Manager Chen nodded: "It should be... But he said before that his eyes are unique, and he has only one in the world, which is very precious."

Li Yin asked: "How many times has your boss changed his artificial eye?"

"In my impression, it has always been this style, and I don't know if he has changed it."

Li Yin asked: "Did he change it? ”

“I really don’t know. And we employees don’t dare to ask about the boss’s affairs.”

“Does this kind of artificial eye need to be taken off and cleaned?”

“Of course it needs to be.”

“He hasn’t washed it?”

“Never washed it in the company.”

“Since it is so valuable, why did it end up in Kong Jing’s hands? And has it always been like this?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen the boss take it off in the company. Moreover, there is no style with the same pupil color among the artificial eyes customized by Miss Kong Jing. I can show you the sales records at that time.”

After saying that, he walked quickly towards his office, and soon brought a few paper documents and handed them to Officer Xiao Wang.

Officer Xiao Wang took a look and found no problems, so he handed them to Li Yin next to him.

Li Yin glanced at it and saw that it was indeed the complete contract and record of Kong Jing’s customized artificial eyes here.

She bought a total of five artificial eyes, spending more than 40,000 yuan in total. The colors of the five eyes were different, but none of them were the same as the one in her hand.

"Why did your boss lose his eye?"

"Because of a car accident, which happened at the beginning of this year. It's not serious, but his right eye was seriously injured and one of his eyeballs was removed."

Also a car accident?

Li Yin nodded and continued to ask: "Has the perpetrator been caught?"

"It wasn't an accident, but I was driving carelessly. Um... I was driving under the influence and hit the guardrail."

"Does your boss like to drink?"

"I haven't seen him drink much. Even when the company goes out for dinner, the boss doesn't drink much."

Li Yin asked the last question: "Did your boss go back to his hometown? Where is it?"

"In Ping'an Town, I don't know the specific street and house number." After saying that, he added: "Maybe the production supervisor will know."

Ning Zhu next to him was a little curious: "Why would he know?"

"He flatters and gives gifts."


But when Li Yin heard the name of Ping'an Town, he frowned.

Han Xiuli fled to Ping'an Town, and Officer Liu was also there. Now there is another boss with a deliberate artificial eye.

Something might happen over there.

After asking what they should ask, the three of them were ready to leave.

Li Yin looked up at the LOGO and signboard hanging in the company. The logo was a very simple stick figure eye, with a line of small words written below: Embrace the real world with darkness.

The more Li Yin looked at this line of words, the more she felt something was wrong.

It was said to be a blessing or comfort, but this seemed to be ambiguous. Could it be that only those who have lost their light can see the truth of the world?

Such words are more like a provocation and suggestion.

After leaving the company, the three of them got into Officer Xiao Wang's car.

"Are we going to Ping'an Town now?" Officer Xiao Wang started the car, but did not leave immediately, and looked at Li Yin.

"Sister Xiao Wang, can you help me find out the cause of Kong Jing's car accident?"

"It's a small matter. I'll ask my colleagues in the bureau for you."

After that, she took out her mobile phone and made a call. After briefly explaining the situation, the other party agreed and said that he would send her the information in a while.

While waiting, Li Yin hesitated for a moment and asked the second question: "Sister Xiao Wang, is there any urgent task in your bureau recently? Can you tell me about it?"

Officer Xiao Wang shook his head blankly: "No, Xiao Li, why are you asking this?"

"It's Uncle Liu. Didn't he go on a mission recently? He seemed very anxious, so I asked."

"You mean Brother Liu? He seems to have been promoted recently or something, and the director gave him quite a bit of freedom.

Move permissions. He seems to be investigating something on his own, right? I don't know, I haven't seen him in a long time. "

She used to go on missions with Officer Liu. Now that Officer Liu rarely comes to the station, she has become idle and was transferred to another team.

Li Yin nodded and did not continue on this topic. He smiled and said: "What happened just now is really troublesome for Sister Wang. She has to go with us during the holiday. Finally, please trouble Sister and send us to the station. Come on. I'll treat you to dinner when you get back."

Officer Xiao Wang was amused by Li Yin's cute and social tone, and then asked: "Are you planning to go to Ping'an Town?"

"Well, let's go for a walk and treat it as a tourist. Let's see what's delicious and fun."

"Can you find him?"

Li Yin scratched his head: "I don't even know his name."

"I'd better take you there! I just asked my colleagues to send me the information, and we'll go directly to the door! Moreover, this is a major case involving human life. I am a police officer and have an obligation to find out!"

Hearing the words 'I am a policeman', Li Yin thought of Officer Liu back then. Looking at Officer Xiao Wang's serious look, what reason did she have to refuse?

There's no need to go to the station, just take Officer Xiao Wang's car.

It's just that the car is really old, the air conditioner is broken, there is a smell of gasoline in the car, and there are creaking sounds from time to time, as if it will fall apart at any time.

So much so that Ning Zhu in the back row felt a little motion sick.

Li Yin searched the location of Ping'an Town with his mobile phone and found that it was not far from Luo'an Town, only about 70 kilometers away, and the river that passed through Luo'an Town also flowed through Ping'an Town.

She didn't know where Professor Fang found the strange fish. If she had time, she would like to investigate it.

After driving for about two hours, we finally arrived at Ping'an Town. Although the town is not big, it gives people a sense of peace and tranquility.

Officer Xiao Wang first parked the car on the side of the road, took out his mobile phone and called Officer Liu, but no one answered.

I opened the chat software again and looked at the information on it.

"The information states that Kong Jing's car accident was an accident. The car accident happened late at night. Kong Jing was driving alone on a remote road and suddenly lost control and hit the guardrail on the side of the road. Strangely, her The speed of the car was not fast, and the road conditions were good and the visibility was clear. There was no reason for the car to suddenly lose control. What is even more puzzling is that the colleagues responsible for investigating the accident scene did not find any braking marks. It seemed that Kong Jing did not take any deceleration measures before the impact. ”

Putting down the phone, Officer Xiao Wang added: "Because she hit the guardrail and needed compensation, she chose to contact the nearby police station, so we have this information."

"Is it another accident?"

Li Yin didn't say anything, but he still put these two coincidental events together in his heart.

"Sister Xiao Wang, can you help me investigate how many such accidents have occurred in the past year?"

This question made Xiao Wang feel helpless: "There are too many. In a big city like Linhai, there are thousands of traffic accidents every year. Even if there are no casualties, there must be hundreds."

"Is that so?"

"Do you suspect that these incidents are related to ghosts?"

Because she experienced the incident of the human-faced ghost in Feng Qi's family and the incident of the splitting ghost taking over the body, she now accepts the fact that there really are ghosts in the world.

"Well, it's possible, or it could just be an accident."

The three of them followed the address shown on the information and arrived at an ordinary residential area.

This is an old-fashioned residential building. The distance between the buildings is very close, the greening is not very good, and it looks a bit depressing.

Officer Xiao Wang led the two of them into one of the buildings. The corridor was dark and narrow, and there was an old smell in the air.

Arriving on the third floor, I found the door of Room 302. Officer Xiao Wang stepped forward and knocked on the door. There was no response from the door, so she knocked hard a few more times, but still no movement.

"Is there no one there?" She frowned, then took out her phone and looked at the information: "The information says this is the right place."

Li Yin looked around and found that the door next door was half open, and it seemed that someone was at home. She walked over and knocked on the door, and an old man's voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Hello, grandma, we are here to see Li Jichao. Do you know where she has gone?" Officer Xiao Wang was still wearing a police uniform, and there were three girls outside the door. The grandma was not too vigilant, but just a little confused. .

"Are you the police? Are you here to see Xiao Chao? Did the kid commit a crime?"

Officer Xiao Wang shook his head: "There are just some things that require Mr. Li's cooperation in the investigation, no

What a big deal. "

She knew very well the wonderful relationship between neighbors in these towns.

If she nodded here today, I'm afraid that in a few days, the news that this man named Li Jichao committed a crime outside would spread throughout the community.

If this matter has nothing to do with him, it will be very troublesome to deal with it later.

Hearing that it was not a big deal, the old lady smiled more: "The child is promising. I heard that he opened a big company in the city and has brought his parents to live in the city."

Officer Xiao Wang was a little surprised. This contradicted the information he had.

"When did this happen? How long have they moved away? Have they come back recently?"

The old lady shook her head: "I came back once last month, but I left after a few days."

"Haven't you come back recently?"

"No wow. "

Behind him, Ning Zhu took out an iron plate to detect it, and suddenly widened his eyes. He pulled Officer Xiao Wang's arm hard and pulled him behind him, looking at the old lady in front of him vigilantly.

To be precise, he was vigilant about the room behind her.

There were actually three bright spots in it!

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