After the two of them were killed, they were still alive.

Sitting back in the car, Ning Zhu looked at the girl behind her through the rearview mirror, and recalled the conversation in the office just now. She always had a feeling.

It seems that we are the villains...

Li Yin's plan is very simple. Since the family has such a good relationship, it would be a waste if we don't take advantage of it.

Take them back to the town, let the official account and local media send a message saying that the two people have been arrested by the police for suspected premeditated murder, and explain where they are being held. I don't believe that he won't come to rescue.

She is very clear about the style of these cult members. As long as they have extraordinary power, the stronger the power, the weaker the legal concept will be.

After he saw his parents being arrested by the police, he would definitely take the risk and come to jailbreak.

The premise is that he didn't know it was a trap, and he didn't know someone had already targeted him.

So Li Yin made two preparations, asking Azhu to go to Yu Po's house to guard against it, while she waited in the detention center.

The two of them used video chat non-stop. As long as one side was disconnected, it proved that the prey had taken the bait and went to the other side.

As for how she was sure that Li Jichao had mastered supernatural power, it was of course because of the eyeball in her hand.

She guessed that this eyeball might be some kind of test of the cult. The car accident plus the implantation of the artificial eye was the process. Li Jichao was still alive, so he should have succeeded. Kong Jing died, which meant that he failed.

Since he succeeded, it's impossible that there is no reward at all, right?

In this cult, even a cleaner can use the ability of the back tentacles. She doesn't believe that Li Jichao can't do anything.

What if he doesn't come...

The only way to start is from the clue of Yu Village. Anyway, they are all looking for clues about the cult, and everyone is the same.

Rather, she is more interested in the fish village than Li Jichao, especially the village chief and the strange fish covered with tentacles under the ground.

Killing them must give a lot of energy.

And she is also very curious, what are those villagers, aliens? Or mutants?

What is the fish called the God Ancestor? Why can it grow so big? And so disgusting?

Well, I guess Senior Sister Su Ji will be very interested in it. If she catches it and studies it, she can write several papers.

Her plan was quickly approved and implemented by the authorities because Ning Zhu contacted a senior official of the Abnormal Bureau through his connections, explaining that it was the follow-up of the eyeball incident, and they also took it very seriously.

After asking for relevant details, he immediately began to deploy and asked if he needed support, but was rejected by Li Yin.

One is to fear alerting the enemy, and the other is to fear that there are too many people and she will not have the opportunity to kill.

If this person doesn't die, how can I see the memory?

She has no sympathy for the members of the cult.

Ten thousand innocent souls in Luoan Town are still waiting for someone to bring them justice.

At 10:20 pm, Li Yin sat alone in the lobby of the police station, wearing a police uniform that didn't fit her well, pretending to be a police officer on duty.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be a single police officer in the entire police station, and even a fool would suspect a trap.

If you want to act, you have to do it in full, and you can't joke about the safety of the police, so you can only play the role of a police officer yourself.

Li Yin flipped through her phone boredly. The dormitory group was very quiet. The last message was three days ago. She asked them if they needed to bring food, but no one responded.

Sun Tingting didn't like to chat in the group. Wang Yue and Lu Qing were still trying to "decipher the text on the slate" and had no time to chat in the group.

The school was really a waste of students' time. Is it really okay? Why didn't they send a notice to explain the truth? Could it be that they had other considerations?

Li Yin wanted to try to look at this issue from the school's perspective, but unfortunately failed.

And Yoona hasn't contacted me for a long time. Is it because of the busy schoolwork?

But today is the National Day holiday. Will they not have a day off?

Or did I really guess that both Yoona and her father Professor Zhang have problems? They were in a hurry to explore last night. They really wanted to kill Han Xiuli by borrowing a knife?

There are still too few clues...

Li Yin lay on the chair with her head raised. She picked up her phone and looked at Ning Zhu on the other side with a smile: "What are you looking at?"

"Looking at you."

"Is it beautiful?"

"You asked me when you know it?" Ning Zhu smiled wickedly: "My dad just asked me where I was and whether I would go home at night."

"What did you say?"

"I said I was with you."

Li Yin was surprised.

She opened her mouth and said, "Azhu, have you had a showdown with our dad?"



"Hehe, I'm kidding. The aunt from the Abnormal Bureau has already told my dad about what's going on here. He just called to give me some instructions. What, are you disappointed?"

"What am I disappointed about? When I go back, I'll take the betrothal gift to our dad and show him my face. I'll move into your house in the future! I'll hold you to sleep every night!"

"Hehe, no need. My energy consumption is not that fast."

"Who told you about energy? I want to eat your peaches!"

Ning Zhu's face turned red. What peaches are not peaches? What are you thinking about every day, girl! Can you say this outside?

But she couldn't help but look down at her body, feeling a little happy.

Am I so delicious?

The two chatted about the whispers between young lovers, and time soon came to twelve o'clock.

"By the way, Ah Zhu, do you know? Uncle Ye's fried skewers stand is very popular in front of our school. Many students go there to check in and take pictures."

"Huh? Why? Because it's delicious?"

"No, it's mainly because Uncle Ye's character is more interesting. Just think about it, wearing a set of ancient costumes, carrying a long sword, and looking imposing, but wearing an apron and selling fried skewers on the roadside, this picture is interesting to think about."

Li Yin found a few photos of Uncle Ye being watched and sent them over, laughing: "There is a public account in our school that specially wrote a push saying that Uncle Ye is a fried skewers hero in the rivers and lakes, with unique skills, but because he is tired of the disputes in the rivers and lakes, he hides his identity and sets up a stall in front of our school to sell fried skewers."

Ning Zhu chuckled: "The fried skewers hero in the rivers and lakes? Who wrote this? The imagination is really big. If Uncle Ye knew, he would be so angry..."

Halfway through the words, Li Yin's mobile phone suddenly showed that the signal network connection failed, and then there was no signal at all.

Seeing this, she jumped up from her chair, then sat back down, and shouted loudly: "Damn it! Why is there no internet connection?"

Because she was not sure where this person would attack from, she was ready to play the role for a while.

Li Yin's guess was right. Li Jichao did not know that this was a trap, and thought he could rescue his parents in the dark without anyone noticing.

He was dressed in black, with a black cap on his head and a black mask on his face, wrapping himself tightly for fear of being recognized.

He squatted across the street and did not act immediately, but observed the situation inside to determine whether there was an ambush.

This observation lasted for twenty minutes.

During this period, he saw the small policeman inside jump up from the chair, shake his mobile phone vigorously, sit back, fiddle with it for a while, but to no avail, throw it in the hall, get up and patrol the detention room inside, and come back to continue fiddling with his mobile phone.

It looked fine, except that the policeman was a little smaller.

After making the judgment that there was nothing unusual, he did not hesitate any longer, and reached out to his right eye, dug out a ball of flesh and blood from it and threw it on the ground.

As the flesh and blood squirmed, it suddenly swelled to the size of a dog. The most conspicuous thing was the huge eyeball on the front, which looked like a human eye, but it was not like a human eye when you looked closely, and it looked more like a pattern made of color blocks.

The flesh and blood squirmed for a while, and then split into several small pieces of flesh and blood. They quickly spread out and drilled into various corners of the police station, aiming directly at the surveillance.

After confirming that the surveillance cameras around and in the police station were covered with flesh and blood, he waved his hand, and the flesh and blood rushed to the glass door of the police station at a very fast speed.

He was going to let the messenger of God eat the police inside directly, leaving no trace.

But he miscalculated.

When the flesh and blood was less than one meter away from the glass door, the originally closed door suddenly opened automatically, and the little man disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already behind the flesh and blood. He slapped it with a slap, and the flesh and blood instantly broke into pieces, turning into a pool of disgusting blood foam on the ground.

Li Yin clapped his hands, looked at the bursting flesh and blood, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then he looked at the man on the other side of the road, throwing the stone in his hand up and down, ready to take the man's life at any time.

Li Jichao looked at this scene with deep horror in his eyes, but he did not act rashly.

The opponent's speed was too fast, he could not run away, and the messenger of God was not so easy to be killed. As long as there was a trace of flesh and blood left, it could be reorganized infinitely.

And he, who was bound to it, would not die.

But he waited for a full minute, and the flesh and blood on the ground still had no intention of reorganizing, and even began to float with red mist, accompanied by a foul smell.

He had never encountered such a situation before, even though he had encountered it before.

Even after being chopped into several pieces by that person, it can still be restored to its original state.

But this time, the messenger of God seems to be really dead!

"You, what did you do? Impossible! Did you kill it?"

Seeing this, Li Yin sighed, thinking that this man could come up with some new tricks, but unexpectedly, with just these two moves, he was alert in vain.

Then the stone thrown in his hand disappeared instantly, and a hole appeared on the man's forehead, and he slowly fell down.

She knew that these cult members were very tight-lipped, and it would be easier to ask them without wasting words. It would be easier to just look at the memory directly.

Looking around, I happened to see that the surrounding surveillance cameras were all covered with a bunch of disgusting things.

It was quite considerate and saved me a lot of effort.

Li Yin dragged Li Jichao's body to the side of the police station, summoned the axe and held it in his hand to prevent sneak attacks, and then touched the light band above his head.

A memory appeared in his mind.

The beginning is a scene of him and his parents at home. He excitedly shows his parents the greatness of the All-Knowing God Church and pulls them into the cult. Then the scene changes, and the flesh and blood in his right eye receives the task instruction, which is to select the right person.

The process was very blurry for Li Yin, and it seemed that the flesh and blood automatically detected and selected Kong Jing.

Then he assigned the flesh and blood to cause a car accident and destroyed Kong Jing's right eye. After that, it should be Kong Jing's surgery, customizing the artificial eye, and finding the pupil light.

Then why didn't Li Jichao continue to pay attention to Kong Jing when she was tested, but left Linhai and returned to Ping'an Town to take his parents away?

The subsequent scene reveals the answer.

The matter is related to Ninghe City next door. It seems that they are investigating the cult and rely on some clues to find Ping'an Town.

Li Jichao was afraid that his parents would be hurt, so he made a deal with someone and exchanged a ball of God's flesh and blood for a certain technology.

And this technology is very familiar to Li Yin. It is Kangtai Shengsheng Pharmaceutical, the disguise technique of the man surnamed Zhang!

I didn't expect that he was already dead, but this technology has not disappeared.

It makes sense. Since this technology has been perfected, it must be widely circulated within the cult. It is not an easy task to completely eliminate it.

The person who came to exchange items was covered with a layer of black fog. He sounded like a man, not young, and should be over 50 years old.

He put forward two conditions, flesh and blood, and Han Xiuli.

Sure enough, Han Xiuli came to Ping'an Town for a purpose, to seek Li Jichao's protection?

Li Yin recalled the map. The old building where she and Yuner and Officer Liu explored was not far from Tongguang Yiyan.

Perhaps because of some accident, she didn't contact Li Jichao, so she chose to run to Ping'an Town.

The person who took her away must be one of the masterminds behind the Luoan Town incident, who came to kill and silence her.

Who is it...

From the time point of view, when the two of them were trading, he just happened to have captured his parents. Before he could use this technology, he heard that his parents were captured by the police, and then he rushed to the police station to rescue them.

Like Yu Po's memory, Li Jichao's memory did not appear in the other party, which was a pity.

After the memory ended, Li Yin looked up at the starry sky with a complicated mood.

Back to the police station, picked up the phone and looked at it. The signal was restored, and five messages popped up at the same time.

Three were sent by Ning Zhu, and the other two were from Yu Yuner.

The moment she saw the message clearly, Li Yin's pupils shrank suddenly, and her breathing stagnated.

"Sister Li Yin, my father seems to be possessed by evil spirits, can you come and see?"

"He has been muttering something, 'the truth of the world', for several days!"

Li Yin couldn't believe her eyes.

Professor Zhang, the truth of the world...?

What does this represent?

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