The fish was in a mess, and the fish was in a mess.

One of the four fish monsters let out a sharp cry, and the trembling in the voice exposed its inner fear. "Go! Stop her! Don't let her in!"

The other three fish monsters transformed instantly and rushed over desperately.

With a sneer on her lips, Li Yin stretched out her hand and instantly broke the arm of the one that rushed forward, pulling down all the bones and meat, kneading them in her hand, and then throwing them out.

I didn't see how much strength she used, but the three fish monsters fell straight down, their heads pierced by bones, and they couldn't die any more.

The last one also completed the transformation in fear and rushed over here.

A pair of huge and sharp claws cut through the air, and with a biting cold wind, they grabbed Li Yin fiercely.

But they were easily held back by two fingers, and then a painful scream came from the cabin. The fish monster's hands and feet were all broken and thrown aside, and the remaining torso was held in Li Yin's hand.

She didn't think it was fun to torture these monsters, but she just didn't want to kill him so early.

Wait until the matter is over, find a quiet place to read the memory, isn't it better than killing him directly?

Li Yin raised his head and looked directly into Professor Fang's eyes. There was a smile on his lips, and his tone was as relaxed as inviting ordinary friends to share stories: "Okay, Uncle Fang, now, can you talk to me properly?"

Professor Fang smiled: "Li Yin, you really surprised me."

Although he said he was surprised, his tone did not mean the slightest surprise. It was still the same as usual, gentle and distant.

Li Yin also smiled: "Aren't you surprised? Isn't all this in your plan?"

"Oh? In my plan? What else do you know?"

"Of course I don't know anything. What I know is what you want me to know, isn't it?"

"Do you think so?"

"What else?"

Just as Professor Fang was about to continue speaking, the helicopter suddenly shook violently, and the pilot screamed in fear.

But the two did not turn their heads to look at each other, but just looked at each other quietly, as if everything around them had nothing to do with them.

"The plane is out of control! Mr. Fang! We are going to crash, think of a way!"

Professor Fang still did not turn around.

The helicopter was falling rapidly, and the wing touched the building next to it. Sparks flew in an instant, and the metal collision made a harsh sound, and the fuselage shook more violently.

Professor Fang could only hold on to the wall beside him to barely stand firm.

The pilot had already parachuted. Even though he knew that parachuting was a life-or-death experience so close to the ground, it was better than waiting to die.

The helicopter finally hit the ground. After a loud bang, flames shot up into the sky.

In the flames, a small hand waved violently, dispelling all the surrounding flames, revealing two figures standing in it.

A mere crash naturally couldn't hurt her at all. She just wanted to see how Professor Fang, an "ordinary person", would deal with it.

Ask if you're alive, and look at your memory if you're dead. There's no difference.

The flames dissipated, and the figure on the opposite side was revealed.

He was wrapped in a layer of disgusting flesh, covered with blue blood vessels and squirming muscles.

It was like a fluid, slowly fading from Professor Fang's body, and it was also it that absorbed all the damage for Professor Fang.

And these retreating flesh and blood quickly shrank into a test tube.

"Li Yin, you are so cruel. You obviously have a lot of questions to ask me, right? How can you watch me die?"

Of course, he didn't know that Li Yin had the ability to spy on other people's memories. This was one of Li Yin's biggest secrets. So far, only Azhu knew it.

"With your status, how could you die so easily? And this crash was also planned by you, right?"

Li Yin looked at the pilot who was smashed to pieces not far away, without a trace of pity in his eyes.

This person is probably also a member of the cult and does not deserve sympathy.

She looked at Professor Fang again and chuckled, "You are really a lunatic. You are testing me with your own life?"

Professor Fang did not answer, but made a gesture of invitation: "Okay, now if you have any questions, just ask them."

"Too many, let's start with my uncle. Did you capture him? Is he still alive?"

Professor Fang seemed to have guessed that she would ask this, smiled and shook his head, and sighed: "It was me, as for whether he is still alive, I don't know. But I guess he is not dead."

"He is not in your hands

? "

"Well, Li Wenhe is the person my superior wants. He has been sent over a long time ago, and I have no right to contact him."

The word "he" gave Li Yin a new understanding of the cult.

Back in Ninghe City, the contact person of the copper finger did not show any respect to Zhang Xingwen of the silver finger, and Zhang Xingwen did not show respect to his superior in his memory.

In addition, Professor Fang now directly calls his superior "he" instead of a honorific.

I am afraid that this cult is looser than I thought.

No wonder it is a polytheistic sect. I am afraid that its internal structure is not solid.

However, such an organization has decentralized power, is elusive, and is even more difficult to deal with.

"Why did you catch him?"

Professor Fang smiled: "You inherited the surname Li, but it seems that he did not tell you everything."

Li Yin frowned: "What are you talking about?"

"For example, the means passed down in your family. "

Family inheritance...means?

This word made Li Yin think of the firm at the first time.

Could it be that my family was also an organization similar to the firm in the past? But why have I never heard of it?

Li Yin did not dwell on this issue too much, but hurried to ask: "You haven't answered my question yet, why did you arrest my uncle?"

Professor Fang shook his head: "I can't tell you this."

"Is it related to the experiment you did?"

"Yes, but only a little."

Li Yin was silent for a while, and continued: "What happened ten years ago was done by you, right?"

Professor Fang did not deny: "It was me."

"There are also the family of three in the hotel, the fusion ghost in Luoan Town, the human-faced ghost in Feng Qi's home, and what happened in Linhai University today. I can guess the others, but why did you create the ghost in Feng Qi's home?"

"Hehe, that, in fact, there is no special reason, it's just that the number of failures is a bit too many, I want to find something to try my research results. "

Professor Fang laughed and continued, "Ten years ago, I conducted a small experiment, mainly to collect data and prepare for the next. As expected, the experimental subject went out of control, but the out-of-control experimental subject happened to collect some additional data, so I didn't stop it immediately. "

"In that experiment, I wanted to test whether the ghosts after the fusion of pollutants could affect the surrounding environment and creatures and transform them into tools to obey orders. The experiment in the hotel is a follow-up to the experiment ten years ago. Because that failed, I changed my mind. Instead of making people puppets of ghosts, I turned people into ghosts attached to ghosts, while retaining their memories and personality before death. They are amazing, right? There has never been a ghost with consciousness, but I created it! And they also have abilities that even I didn't expect, and even achieved an effect close to pollution. "

Professor Fang's answer was similar to what Li Yin guessed, but there was still a question: "Then why did you abandon them? Because at that time, you thought the experiment failed, right?"

Professor Fang nodded generously: "Yes, they didn't show the effect I expected at the time, so I gave up on them. ”

“You are the one who took the egg away, right?”

“It was me.”

“Where is it now?”

“At the headquarters.”

“Where is the headquarters?”

“I can’t tell you. Unless…”

“Unless I join you?”

“Well, will you agree?”

“I agree. Tell me, where is it?”

Professor Fang laughed: “You girl, you lie so easily. Okay, no more jokes. Let’s continue talking about the experiment.”

He seemed to treat Li Yin as a confidant, sharing, or showing off his achievements over the past ten years.

“Three years ago, I made all the preparations and started the final experiment. The experimental subjects were also carefully selected by me, the most suitable materials, that is, my adopted daughter Su Ji, and Li Muyi.”

“Li Muyi is your adopted daughter?”

“Well, what we want to hide is not something that an ordinary policeman can investigate. "Professor Fang held up two fingers and continued, "I prepared two plans for them to choose from. Become a ghost god, or a human god."

"If you want to become a ghost god, you must experience death first. They seemed to have a quarrel at that time. People's obsession with life is really ridiculous."

"But even if you want to become a ghost, it's not that easy. So I prepared the most painful way for her to die, helping her become an angry ghost, and ensuring that she would be strong enough as a ghost. But in the end, something unexpected happened. "

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