Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 110 You are possessed by a koi fish, Brother Europa

Deserted mountain.

Sparsely populated.

All around were ghost plants glowing with black luster, towering into the clouds, rendering the sky a dark color.

Green mist emerges from time to time.

A little contamination is the result of corrosion.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die. This barren mountain is clearly a poisonous mountain. Can we really find a way to alleviate the poison in it? I'm afraid there won't even be anything to eat."

The hip-hop young man muttered.

A look of horror on his face.

Facial muscles are tight.

In a state of stress.

"The ghost residents here live in such an environment all year round. They must have some way of survival. If you find them, you will probably know the answer."

The ghost doctor gave an explanation.

"Wait a minute, are you sure that if a group of us humans break into the territory of the ghost residents, they won't kill us directly?"

The ghost doctor stopped talking.

Because he was not sure either.

But under the current situation, they must contact the indigenous people.

Without the help of the indigenous people, it would be impossible for them to find a way to alleviate the toxins in this deserted mountain.


Seemingly knowing that this was his own idea, the ghost doctor then explained: "Not all ghosts are hostile to humans. Generally speaking, as long as you have ghost coins, ghosts are willing to trade with you. This This is very obvious in the city of no return, otherwise I would not have the chance to gain knowledge about the ghost doctor profession. "

"We can judge in advance before coming into contact with ghosts, so we know whether the other party can trade."

Hear this.

Only then did the hip-hop youth calm down.

But still tense.

Perhaps because he felt that the atmosphere was too dull, the hip-hop youth took the initiative to introduce himself.

"I'm the fourth batch of public beta players, a second-level ghost master, level 14, and I haven't contracted a ghost yet."

See this.

Other players also introduced one after another.

The girl with a high ponytail was the first to speak: I am also the fourth batch of public beta players, second level, level 16, and I have not yet contracted a ghost. "

The middle-aged uncle was silent for a second, and then said: "I am the third batch of public beta players, level 3, level 26, and have contracted a ghost."

The ghost doctor pushed his eyes: "The second batch of public beta players, level 4, level 41, have contracted with ghosts."

The fierce man wearing a finger tiger hummed: "Same, second batch, fourth level, level 39, ghosts have been contracted."


Everyone looked at Jiang Ming, who was walking at the front.

Jiang Ming said casually: "Fourth level, level 20, contracted with a ghost."

Everyone:! ! !

Hear this.

They were stunned.

Level 20? Fourth level?

How the hell did these two words come together?

Have you reached the level of a fourth-level ghost master nearly 20 levels ahead of the players in the intermediate game area?

It's noisy.

Do you think you can't pass the experience test?

It's so incredible.

Level 20, that is, you have only experienced about ten dungeons, or even less. If you want to reach the fourth level of ghost master, you must eat and drink in every dungeon, and the food you eat cannot be sour bread, leftovers, etc. , but a yin material with a certain nourishing effect.


Level 20 also prevents players from having such luxury behavior.

How did he do it?

For a while.

All the players on the field were stunned.

Everyone is guessing how Jiang Ming did it.


One thing they were sure of was that Jiang Ming really kept his secrets secret.

Without being promoted to the intermediate game area, he actually reached the fourth level of ghost control ahead of schedule. In the elementary game area, he was like a rarity.

It must be a player who is extremely famous and has reached the top position on the dungeon list.

With these three fourth-level ghost masters, their survival rate can be said to have skyrocketed.

This time.

All the players looked at Jiang Ming with attention.

Even the ghost doctor guy in the mid-level game area looked serious when he pointed out the fierce guy.

They are also at the fourth level. They were poisoned and Jiang Ming detoxified them. Who can last longer?

In other words, among all the people present, Jiang Ming is faintly the strongest.

There is actually such a character in the primary game area.


With this thought.

The atmosphere at the scene became even more silent.

All eyes fell on Jiang Ming, trying to figure out who the other person was.


They are in trouble.

There is no road ahead.

In front of them, a boulder that was five meters high blocked their way up the mountain.

To the left is the miasma, to the right is the swamp.

There was no other way for them to go but the front.

The boulder in front was covered with strange blood-red vines, squirming like snakes, which was daunting.

The hip-hop young man spread his hands and said, "Oh, damn, we can retreat. Without knowing the terrain, it wouldn't be surprising if we take a detour and get lost here."

The other players' hearts sank.

They finally made up their mind to take a trip to the Barren Mountains, but they didn't expect that they would return without success so soon.

No one will be reconciled if they see it.

But even if they were asked to climb up here, they wouldn't dare.

The squirming blood-red vines looked like living things at first glance. They were the dangerous ghost plants mentioned in the Pure Land reminder. No one was willing to risk being killed to see if they could climb up.

Rather than that.

They might as well change direction now and try again to have a chance of hiking a 30,000-mile distance.

With this thought.

Five players are already planning to turn back.

Seeing Jiang Ming standing still, the middle-aged uncle said with relief: "Little brother, don't be stubborn. It's difficult to get through here. It's enough to successfully complete the main task. As long as the time is short enough, it will not be able to get an A-level evaluation. ”

In his opinion, the reason why Jiang Ming was not afraid of death and wanted to enter Barren Mountain was to get an A-level evaluation, but this was too dangerous.

Moreover, as long as the racing type copy is short enough, the rating will be improved accordingly, and you may not need to take risks anymore.


Jiang Ming raised the corners of his mouth.

"Indeed, this is basically difficult to get through, unless pie from the sky helps us smash this place open."

Middle-aged uncle:...

Other players:…

This guy is indeed very secretive, but his innocence is also truly innocent.

I have been having this unrealistic dream.

What's the difference between someone who believes in pie-in-the-sky and someone who lies in bed and says he can make a lot of money?

Just thinking about it.

The next second.


A strong earthquake that shook the ground suddenly occurred.

It seemed that something surprising was happening on the other side of the boulder.

If the players can climb up and take a look, they will see that on the other end of the boulder, two four-meter-high white giant apes, with black pus flowing from their bodies, staring at the eyes of the beasts that are about to fall. Biting together fiercely.

Getting closer to the boulder.

at last.

The two giant apes hit the boulder heavily.

The ground shook as it hit.

Gravel splattered.

A large number of frightened ghost beasts fled.

After a while of movement.

One of the giant apes was defeated, and it let out a sharp roar and ran away quickly, with the other one chasing after it.

The boulder that had withstood the fierce collision between the two giant apes had already collapsed.

Blood-red vines were crushed under the pile of rocks.

A large amount of smelly blood flowed out.

See this.

Jiang Ming smiled.

Plug-in yyds.

He suddenly felt that this plug-in [unless pie in the sky fell from the sky] was similar to a certain extent.

It is indeed a conceptual level ability.

The plug-ins in the test server version are beyond the standard.

Jiang Ming sighed for a while.

Then he pointed to the collapsed boulder and shrugged: "Look, pie will fall from the sky."

This scene.

The eyes of all the players were widened.


Is this okay for riding on a horse?

What is the probability that two ghost beasts will collide with each other and hit the boulder blocking their way?

approaches zero.

Only if you can calculate the probability is there a ghost.

It was completely a matter of luck.

But... combined with what Jiang Ming just said, "Help us break this place open", it's a bit incredible.

Damn it!

This guy turned out to be the European Emperor.

The koi is possessed. This is it.

No wonder the opponent can reach level 4 ghost master at level 20. Ganqing is an European Emperor player and relies on luck.


This is the most jealous.

Because it cannot be copied at all.

For a while.

The eyes of several players looking at Jiang Ming changed again.

If you follow the European Emperor players, their luck will not be sucked dry.

But don't encounter any opportunities when the time comes, and the opportunities will automatically slip into the arms of the other party, without giving them a chance at all.


The players continue on their way.

Continue walking up in the direction where the boulder was smashed open.

After the fuss between the two giant apes.

The way up the mountain was extremely smooth.

It was very quiet.


A dark wind blew from time to time.

The higher you go, the biting chill becomes more obvious.

The girl with a high ponytail said abruptly: "Don't you all need to replenish your food?"

The hip-hop youth curled his lips: "We don't want to, because we can't find food at all."

The middle-aged uncle also shook his head helplessly: "The movement of two giant apes has just passed here. All the weak ghost beasts around have already escaped. We can't defeat the stronger ones. After all, we are all ghost masters. Going hungry for two or three meals is not a problem." ”

Hear the words.

The girl with a high ponytail quickly came to Jiang Ming and asked, "Little handsome boy, are you hungry?"

Jiang Ming glanced at the other party in slight surprise.

Are you hungry?

He even asked others if they were hungry.

Don't tell me yet.

He's really hungry.


Jiang Ming answered.

The girl with a high ponytail's eyes lit up: "Then let's solve the problem of eating first?"

"No need, what if the pie falls from the sky and the food falls from the sky."

Jiang Ming said with a smile.

The words fell.

Far above the sky.

A shadow quickly enlarged in front of them.

It was like some kind of ghost attack from the sky.


Everyone was shocked.

They all retreated.


With a violent noise, smoke and dust filled the surrounding area.

Wait for the smoke to clear.

On a pothole not far away, a plump and authentic big flying pig was suddenly dead.

The aura of the fierce ghost-level ghost beast lingers in the air.


This is freshly dead.

The fluctuations in Yin energy have not dissipated.

Everyone's eyes were about to pop out.

There were five very obvious scratches on the body of this evil ghost pig. Judging from the direction it flew from, it should be the work of one of the two giant apes.

They could imagine that this evil ghost pig was leisurely moving in its own territory, and then the giant ape broke in. It thought the other party was in the way, so it grabbed it and threw it behind it, just in front of them.


It really fell from the sky!

It was a evil ghost beast.

If I eat it, wouldn’t my Yin power increase?

Just thinking about it.


I saw the hip-hop youth kneel down directly.

Kneeling in the direction of Jiang Ming.

“Brother, you are true to your words. I love you. I want to eat flying bird skewers. Brother, see if you can use your luck to make it.”

Jiang Ming: …

He twitched his mouth.

Although he could do it with the help of the plug-in, it was too outrageous.

He did not respond.

But his eyes fell on the dead evil ghost beast, and he raised his eyebrows, "Who can handle the food?"

"I, I worked in a slaughterhouse." The tough guy wearing brass knuckles took off his brass knuckles, took out a low-grade Yin-level kitchen knife from the inventory, and went directly to handle the food.

Other players also helped.

Enthusiasm was high.

This is the flesh and blood of an evil ghost beast. Eating it is very nourishing. No one in their group has eaten such high-end food.

How can they not be enthusiastic.

Seeing this.

Jiang Ming also stepped forward and prepared to help.


Five players collectively stopped Jiang Ming.

The hip-hop youth patted the dust on a stone and invited Jiang Ming to sit down.

"Brother, just sit down. How can you do such a dirty job? We will handle it. You wait and eat."

Other players nodded in agreement.

This is the Koi, the legendary European Emperor.

How can the European Emperor be stained with blood?

This is a big sin.

Although they also know that this is a matter of luck and may not be realized every time, if it weren't for Jiang Ming, the emperor of luck, they wouldn't have gotten their turn even if they had luck.

In this case, Jiang Ming is the favorite of the group.

Who dares to offend him.

Jiang Ming:...

Seeing the five players so determined, Jiang Ming shrugged and sat down directly.

This plug-in is indeed ridiculously strong.

The hip-hop youth's words are actually correct. To a certain extent, this is indeed true.

As long as he encounters a dilemma, no matter how difficult it is, he can achieve it in an incredible way.

It's like "pie in the sky".

Jiang Ming fell into deep thought, and the priority of this plug-in continued to increase in his mind.

It is already slightly higher than [Crooked Mouth Dragon King], and its status has begun to be equal to [Hard Mouth].

After all.

[Crooked Mouth Dragon King] has to encounter a pretentious scene to crook his mouth. If it is placed here, even if he crooks his mouth, he can't trigger the effect of pretending to be pretentious and slapping his face.

And [Pie in the Sky] has no such restrictions.

Read it to this point.

Jiang Ming began to adjust the priority order of the plug-in.

After a long time.

A strange meaty aroma came to his nose.

Jiang Ming came back to his senses.

He saw that the hip-hop youth had handed over a string of hind leg meat like a treasure.

"Brother, you take the first bite."

After saying that.

The hip-hop youth hesitated for a few seconds and said tentatively: "Brother, can I pay my respects to you? I think paying my respects to you can also let me experience the feeling of being a European emperor."

Jiang Ming: ...

"Get lost."

"Okay, brother, you eat well, I will help you grill it."

In addition to the hip-hop youth. The middle-aged uncle, the girl with a ponytail, the ghost doctor brother, and even the tiger-fingered man, all handed the first string to Jiang Ming.

It seems that they think that this can get a little bit of the European spirit of the koi.

For a while.

Jiang Ming experienced what it means to eat faster than others cook.

This group of players is too enthusiastic.

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