Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 144 God, this is simply a god

Seeing that Jiang Ming did not shirk his responsibility, the leader of Xuanyin Division immediately became alert.

To be honest.

Listening to Shen Rongfei's description of the case-solving process at that time, he still felt it was too outrageous. It felt like Jiang Ming had witnessed the murderer's crime and told it word for word.

Even for a detective, this was too amazing.

It's not that he didn't believe it, but as the highest person in charge of Xuanyin Division in Minghai City, he needed to know these things personally.

It just so happened.

There was a similar case on hand, so he had the idea of ​​asking Jiang Ming to diagnose it.

Now that Jiang Ming accepted it, he had a higher opinion of Jiang Ming.


He did not hold back and began to describe the case.

"It's like this. The case happened three days ago in a duplex house. The deceased was the owner of the house. He was hit hard on the back of his head. Next to the deceased, there was a collapsed bookcase and a meteor hammer that matched the murder weapon. The preliminary judgment was that it was the murder weapon that caused the death of the deceased."

"After the ghost officer's identification, there were no other wounds on the deceased's body, and there were no signs of struggle before death. The time of death was consistent with the reaction of rigor mortis."

Shen Rongfei and her father-in-law and mother-in-law listened carefully and helped to think about the details.

The first thing that came to mind was burglary and murder.

After all.

Those who can live in the Fu family villa must be rich people.

And this situation is not uncommon in the Pure Land.

If a ghost has money that does not match its rank, it is very likely to be robbed.


Jiang Ming said indifferently: "An acquaintance committed the crime."

Hearing this.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law were stunned.


How can this be an acquaintance committing the crime?

How did you come up with it?

The leader of the Xuanyin Division's eyes lit up and nodded directly: "Yes, Detective Jiang's thinking is sharp, and the ghost officers initially judged that the crime was committed by an acquaintance."

Hearing this.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law on the side were even more confused.

What on earth is the brain of their human son-in-law like?

Just by listening to a description, he can make the same diagnosis as the ghost officers of the Xuanyin Division?

It's amazing.

Seeing the two elders staring at him, Jiang Ming added: "The most obvious feature of a crime committed by an acquaintance is that the deceased was attacked from behind and had only one wound on his body, which means that the deceased knew the murderer and had a certain degree of trust in him."

"In addition, the murderer deliberately messed up the crime scene and did not take the murder weapon with him, just to mislead the ghost's judgment and make him think of accidental suicide."

Father-in-law Shen Zhong subconsciously retorted: "Can't it be a random burglary? For example, the murderer disguised himself as a takeaway, courier, or property, and stabbed the deceased as soon as he opened the door. In the Pure Land, this kind of situation happens a lot."

Jiang Ming shrugged: "Father-in-law, now you see a stranger knocking on the door with a knife from the door frame, will you open it? Of course, you can also say that the murderer hid it in advance, but that is a meteor hammer. If someone enters the house with such a thing, everyone will be on guard."

"In this case, the murderer cannot hit the back of the head of the deceased."

At this time,

Mother-in-law Liu Ruyan suddenly whispered: "If it were me, I would definitely be scared and run back desperately, and the murderer might still hit me on the back of the head."

Jiang Ming: ...

You are just arguing, right?

Okay, okay.

I just like your serious attitude.

The more serious you are now, the more painful it will be when you are slapped in the face later.

It will also completely change the family's stereotype of him.


Jiang Ming continued to explain, slowly: "This involves another point of knowledge. You may not know that if you are not a doctor, the appearance of rigor mortis represents to a certain extent whether the deceased had done strenuous exercise before his death."

"According to the ghost's identification, rigor mortis did not appear in advance, which means that the deceased had not done strenuous exercise before his death. If there was no strenuous exercise, it means that the deceased did not escape, and this premise does not exist."

"In other words, the deceased was killed by the meteor hammer picked up from the bookcase by the murderer when he was unprepared and had his back to the murderer. Only acquaintances can do this."

Listening to this set of analysis, the father-in-law and mother-in-law were in a trance.

I just think that this son-in-law is simply amazing.

He can judge so many things in just two sentences.

He grew up eating brains.

So good at analysis.


On the other side.

The surprise in the eyes of the leader of Xuanyin Division is also getting stronger.

I began to look forward to it.

He continued: "The person who found the deceased was a friend who came to play with him. When he found that no one answered the door and he couldn't contact anyone, he chose to contact the Xuanyin Division. After the ghost arrived at the scene, he found the deceased in the study."

"According to the description, the study was locked at the time and could not be opened from the outside. There were no passages around. It was a completely secret room. The only key that could open the study was also pressed under a book in the room."

"The ghost surveyed several times and did not find any fluctuations in Yin power. There was nothing around that could be used to obtain evidence. The only suspect was also confirmed to be standing at the door at the time of the crime and had never entered."

"Because of this, the case has not been able to make a breakthrough, and even the suspect cannot be found."

"Detective Jiang, do you have any insights?"

"A little." Jiang Ming asked thoughtfully: "Since there is no suspect, we can only start from the secret room. In addition to the murder weapon, the deceased and the key pressed under the book, what else is there at the scene?"

The leader of Xuanyinsi recalled and said one by one.

"A lot, but they are all sundries, such as books, and human items bought from the market, such as chess, chessboard, old tape recorder, and a newly opened tape."

Jiang Ming:?

Hearing these objects.

Jiang Ming paused obviously.

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes.


He smiled.

"I have locked the murderer!"

As soon as this was said.

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law were shocked with confusion.

Shen Rongfei was shocked with her pupils widened.

The leader of Xuanyinsi was shocked in disbelief.

The murderer was locked?

How did you lock it?

Did we miss anything just now?

The leader of Xuanyinsi said with a look of horror: "You, you know who the murderer is? Really?"

"Of course."

Jiang Ming smiled.

"Who is it?"

"It depends on who was using the old tape recorder during the time of the death of the deceased."


The ghosts were puzzled.

What does this have to do with the tape recorder?

The tape recorder came alive and killed people?

This is not a ghost story.

How is it possible.

Jiang Ming's mouth curled up.

He stood up and took a tape recorder from his bedroom. This was an old tape recorder from the 1980s and 1990s in the real world, which required tapes.


He took a few irregular cones that could be inverted from the table, put a hard book on top, stretched the tape, passed the key, and put it outside the door.

After doing all this.

Jiang Ming recorded a few sounds casually and locked the door.

Everyone became more confused.


The next second.

As the sound recorded by Jiang Ming began to play, the tape inside began to run, pulling back the stretched magnetic strip little by little, and during the process it hit the inverted cone that was placed, the book fell down in response, covering the key, and the magnetic strip was gradually retracted into the tape recorder.


Shen Rongfei, the leader of the Xuanyin Division, exploded.

He exclaimed: "So that's it, so that's it, this is the truth of the murder in the secret room, it turned out that a tape recorder and a tape were used, no wonder the murderer could disappear in the secret room after killing someone, it turned out to be like this."

At this moment.

He was completely shocked by Jiang Ming's performance.

His face was full of surprise.

With only less than ten sentences, Jiang Ming actually fully understood the murderer's method of making a secret room. This operation was simply amazing to him.

It can be said.

This refreshed his understanding of investigating the case.

There are actually people in this world who can solve the case without going to the scene in person.


This is a detective.

If he called Jiang Ming "detective" before just to express a friendly attitude, then now, the name of the detective is well deserved.

Jiang Ming smiled.

"It's just a simple secret room trick, not worth mentioning."

"Detective Jiang is too modest. If it was really simple, Xuanyin Division wouldn't be at a loss for three days, and even I couldn't guess the secret."

The leader of Xuanyin Division smiled.

He was very satisfied with Jiang Ming.

He was sure that once Jiang Ming joined Xuanyin Division, the crime record in Minghai City would be reduced by at least 30%.

It's not an exaggeration to say that he is the "light of the city".

"Detective Jiang, on behalf of Xuanyin Division, I thank you and congratulate you in advance on joining Xuanyin Division. It's a blessing for Minghai City to have you here."

"I'll add your name when I go back. Three days later, you just need to show up on time at Xuanyin Division to participate in the final round of assessment."

After that.

The leader of Xuanyin Division left with excitement.

He was so happy.

Seeing this.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law, who had been listening to the whole thing in a daze, looked over and pulled Shen Rongfei over, whispering: "How did the case get solved? I don't think I heard who the murderer was until the end. Why is this big leader so excited?"

Shen Rongfei looked at Jiang Ming with a radiant look on her face, and then explained: "The murderer used a recorder and a tape to create a closed room murder case. The recorder is the evidence. As long as we know who recorded his voice on the recorder during that period, that person is the murderer."

After listening.

The couple finally understood.

In other words, their son-in-law really solved a case that the Xuanyin Division could not solve.

And he solved the case on the spot.

He didn't even go to the crime scene.

Even if they didn't understand solving the case, they knew what it meant.

With such a terrifying reasoning ability, it's not an exaggeration to say that he is a detective, but a fact.


The couple took a breath.

Somewhat dazed.

After the miracle doctor, their human son-in-law has unlocked a new title-detective.

Moreover, with Jiang Ming's ability to solve cases on the spot, it is a foregone conclusion that he will be selected into the Xuanyin Division.

In other words.

Three days later.

Their family will have a pair of ghost catcher daughter and son-in-law.

This is no longer a question of whether Jiang Ming is worthy of their daughter, but whether their daughter can catch Jiang Ming, the rich son-in-law.


The couple's attitude changed 180 degrees.

Father-in-law looked at Jiang Ming who was picking up the key, and immediately asked Jiang Ming to sit down and he went to pick it up.

Mother-in-law Liu Ruyan was also excited.

For the first time, she asked Jiang Ming what he wanted to eat tonight with concern, and asked him to kill a fierce ghost-level sea beast and make eight dishes and a soup.

Jiang Ming accepted it with a smile.

When he checked the couple's favorability again, the value was completely changed.

[Consume 100 ghost coins. ]

[Unlocked. ]

[Secondary target: Liu Ruyan. ]

[Favourable: 52. ]

[Consume 100 ghost coins. ]

[Unlocked. ]

[Secondary target: Shen Zhong. ]

[Favourable: 52. ]

Jiang Ming couldn't help but sigh.

He was probably the only one in the entire Pure Land who could raise the favourability from negative to 50 points at once.

According to the main task three prompted by the Pure Land, he has now refreshed the favourability record of the social master.

In this regard.

Jiang Ming commented: 50 points of favourability, just average.

Something that can be done easily.


He checked Shen Rongfei's favourability value again.

[Consume 100 ghost coins. ]

[Unlocked. ]

[Specified target: Shen Rongfei. ]

[Favourable: 45. ]

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows.

It seems that his contract marriage partner is much more reserved than her parents.

Under the continuous surprises, the favorability has only increased by 15 points.

But it doesn't matter.

This is only the first day of entering the dungeon.

He has more surprises prepared.

He won't leave the dungeon until the favorability reaches 100 points.

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