Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 168 It’s bad, humans have become employers

at this time.

On the giant ship.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Some people were sobbing softly, some people fled back to their rooms in a panic, and some people looked like the sky had fallen, with despair on their faces.

To this.

Jiang Ming ignored it.

He looked into the distance.

He squinted his eyes.

A hundred meters away, a medium-sized ship was gradually approaching. A skull and crossbones flag was hung on the bow, indicating that it was a pirate ship. Standing on the bow was a ghost with gray skin and a pirate hat.

The Yin energy in his body fluctuates at the fierce ghost level.

None of the ghosts and water bandits behind him were lower than the level of ghosts.

This made Jiang Ming lament that the overall level of the ghosts in the intermediate game area was much higher than that in the primary game area.

It's just a small pirate ship with no auxiliary ship to follow, but the overall lineup of ghosts is no less than that of the Fusheng Hotel.

One can imagine.

What kind of background do those real great pirates have?

Even ghosts and generals don’t know what to do.

Just thinking about it.

The black skull pirate ship has approached the giant ship.

From a distance, you can hear a ghost saying excitedly: "Captain, this is a giant ship of humans. I also saw a lot of humans on it."

"Haha, you're lucky to meet the humans involved here. Let's go up and have a look."

The gray-skinned captain in the lead laughed.

Soon we boarded the giant ship and came to the deck,


Some tourists who still held on to the naive idea that this was filming, felt chills running through their heads at this moment.

All kinds of ghosts with gray skin, sharp blades, one horn, one eye, elf ears, and big steel mouths stood on the edge of the deck, showing evil smiles.

No matter how hard they tried to hypnotize themselves, they were filming a movie, but when the facts were revealed before their eyes, they had to accept the fact that they had really wandered into the ghost world and encountered ghosts that only existed in legends.

In an instant.

The scene was chaotic.

Screams continued to ring out on the deck, and ordinary tourists were everywhere running away.

Face it all.

Boss Liu Rui Liu quietly retreated behind Jiang Ming.

"Boss Jiang, what should we do? There are so many ghosts here, how many can you deal with?"

Hear the words.

Jiang Ming waved his hand.

"No need to take action."

Say it.

Jiang Ming stepped forward.

His actions immediately attracted the attention of the pirates who boarded the ship.

Nothing else.

Among the group of fleeing humans, it was difficult not to notice this one coming in the opposite direction.

Captain Black Skull stared at Jiang Ming and smiled sinisterly: "Human, you are not an ordinary person, you are the so-called ghost master. Tell me, how much do you plan to spend to redeem these people? Otherwise, we will have to kill them. Valuable things were moved here.”

Human beings are of little use to them.

It has no value other than being used for fun.

If this human being can afford the price, they can retreat.

This is an unwritten rule belonging to the Nether Sea.

Unless there is a grudge, they will let you go as long as they can afford the ransom.

"How much do you want?"

Jiang Ming said casually.

With his strength, he can kill all these water bandits at any time.

But this treats the symptoms rather than the root cause.


He can't sail a boat.

I don’t know the coordinates either.

This is the biggest problem.

Because of this, he did not kill directly.

Seeing Jiang Ming ask him to bid, Captain Black Skull hesitated.

This is the first time he has encountered a gang that can rob, and he doesn't know how much money he should ask for.

Think about it.

He offered an exorbitant ransom.

"Five hundred thousand, human being, as long as you can afford the ransom of half a million, we will leave."

Captain Black Skull did the math.

His ship was only worth 300,000 yuan, and since humans were worthless in front of him, 500,000 yuan was already the highest price he could think of.


Hear this quote.

Jiang Ming looked a little strange.

Half a million?

Who are you looking down on?

His bounty alone is as high as 30 million hell coins.

A ransom of half a million yuan, if it were him, he would be too embarrassed to pay it.

Jiang Ming raised five fingers.

Report a number.

"Five million, I will hire you for five million, and the time limit is 10 days."

As soon as these words came out.

All the ghosts were shocked.

All the water bandits present were frightened by this astronomical figure.

Damn it.

We want 500,000, why don’t you just double it ten times?

That's outrageous.

You are so inhumane.

For a while.

All the water bandits were stunned by this shocking figure, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Even Captain Black Skull had his mouth open.

Scalp numbness.

A human being has five million nether coins at his side. He knows without even thinking that this human being has a great background in the Pure Land.

This fierce ghost like him cannot afford to offend him.


His attitude slowed down a lot.

He said cautiously: "Human, do you really want to spend five million to hire us? Just for 10 days?"

He still couldn't believe it.

Five million in 10 days, that’s half a million in one day.

Is there such a good thing in this world?

"Of course, if you perform well during this period and satisfy me, I can add another five million in employment fees."

Jiang Ming smiled.

On the vast sea, there is no map, you don’t know how to sail a boat, and you don’t know the way?

That's simple.

Just hire.

If five million ghost coins were thrown down, which ghost wouldn't be confused?

Being a pirate is not as easy as making money as a subordinate.


Hearing Jiang Ming's attitude of not taking money as money, the water bandits of the Black Skeleton Pirate Group took a breath, and their eyes almost turned into the shape of banknotes.

Five million is not the limit.

You can even add an additional fee of five million hell coins.

This adds up to ten million hell coins.

They are a bunch of scoundrels, who have never seen so much money.

After finishing this job, they feel like they can retire.

God of Wealth.

This human being is the God of Wealth.

With this thought.

The originally ferocious water bandit immediately put away the penis in his hand, and the ferocious smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a warm smile.

"Excuse me, this human being, what is your surname?"


"Okay, Mr. Jiang, please come on board with us. From today on, the Black Skeleton Pirates will serve you all the way."

Captain Black Skull rubbed his hands together.

Jiang Ming was welcomed aboard with an eager look.

He also used his vagina to form a staircase on the deck that could lead directly to the pirate ship. He called in a water bandit and laid out a red carpet.

Although the carpet is not long enough.

But the attitude is impeccable.

Jiang Ming was very satisfied.

See this scene.

The panicked ordinary tourists on the deck were dumbfounded.

That's it?


You are ghosts.

What's going on with this attitude of being greedy for money?


The ransom offered is 500,000 yuan. Is your ghost world too poor?

Which tourist here doesn't have some family background? We can come up with half a million ourselves.


If we had known that money could be used to push people around, we would still be in a panic.

Just then.

A more heroic voice sounded.

"Wait a minute, five million is nothing. I'll pay you ten million. I'll pay you ten million to hire you to take me out of this hellish place."

came the sound.

A pot-bellied man, surrounded by four bodyguards, ran quickly and shouted the price.

As soon as this sentence came out.

Other wealthy bosses at the scene also reacted.

All of them raised their hands to bid.

"Fuck, ten million is nothing, I'll pay fifty million!"

"One hundred million, I will give you one hundred million, and I will hire you."

"Two hundred million is not enough for me to add more. As long as it can take me away from this and protect my safety, I will pay one billion."

They scrambled for offers.

The price is higher than the other.

In the end, he shouted out a sky-high price of one billion.

But for this group of rich people, spending money to have the legendary ghosts serve them and provide necessary protection is so worth it.

As long as they can leave here alive, they can give up all their wealth.

Hear this quote.

The water bandits of the Black Skeleton Pirates also went from shock and horror at the beginning to indifference and coldness.

When this group of humans offered 10 million, they thought they were another tycoon.

But when the amount reached 100 million, 500 million, or 1 billion, they knew something was not right.

The Queen of Weak Water, who conquered the Nether Sea, left behind a fortune worth 300 million nether coins before she was captured. How could this group of ordinary humans with no Yin power come up with a billion nether coins.

They get it.

This group of people is talking about the currency of the human world.


Captain Black Skull came to the middle-aged man who had the highest bid. The powerful threat made the man tremble and break out in cold sweat.

But he is the master of this giant ship.

He is also a big shot in the human world, not to mention that he is his employer now.


He held on and took out a bank card from his body with great confidence.

"Mr. Ghost, there are 500 million in this card. The remaining 500 million will be transferred to the account as soon as I leave this ghost place."


Just when he thought the pirate captain would smile warmly at him, he noticed that the other party's face darkened. He grabbed the bank card, crushed it, and kicked it away, sending it flying.

"Human, you dare to play tricks on me? What do I need your human banknotes for? To wipe my butt? What I want is the underworld coins."

Captain Black Skull’s voice was violent.

His eyes scanned the other humans bidding again.

at once.

This group of wealthy people who made fierce offers were dumbfounded.


I dare you to think that what others want is not money from the human world, but money that is common in the ghost world.

No one told them this.

For a while.

They all lowered their heads.


See this.

Captain Black Skull finally set his sights on Jiang Ming.

"What you gave is probably a ghost coin, right?"

Hear the words.

Jiang was obviously calm and calm.

He took out the black card of Hades Bank from his body, and took out five million Hades coins in cash on the spot.

Stack it on the deck.

"How about counting?"

Jiang Ming raised the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, what do you mean? I have never doubted you. I can see at a glance that you are definitely a big shot in the Pure Land. How could you lie to us?"

Captain Black Skull's eyes widened when he saw the five million Hades coins piled together.

Especially when he saw the Hades Bank black card that Jiang Ming took out, his heart was pounding, and he no longer doubted whether Jiang Ming had the money to pay.

His expression also became flattering.

Bow and make a gesture of invitation.

The other water bandit ghosts also stood on both sides of the team, sincerely inviting Jiang Ming to board the boat.

Jiang Ming smiled.

Under the welcome ceremony of the Black Skeleton Pirate Group, he stepped off the pirate ship.

Before leaving.

He remembered the content of main mission three.

Think about it.

He turned around and said, "Why are you standing there in a daze? Follow me."

Hear this.

The ordinary tourists on the deck were overjoyed and looked at Jiang Ming gratefully.

Old boss Liu Rui was the quickest to react and trotted after him.

Gu Miaoli had been following Jiang Ming from the beginning. Seeing the respectful attitude of these water bandit ghosts, she looked at Jiang Ming with even more admiration.

"Mr. Jiang, if you spread out these five million or ten million coins, if you put them on the forum, I'm afraid it would have caused a sensation in the whole place."

She said sincerely.

to be honest.

Even she, a player who knew more about Jiang Ming and had entered the same dungeon together, was frightened by the sky-high hiring fee of five million hell coins.

She really couldn't imagine where Jiang Ming's money came from.

The only thing she knew was to follow Jiang Ming's footsteps in order to survive in this A-level dungeon.

"It's just a small amount of money, not worth mentioning. I'll leave these people to you. I need to see how to complete the second main task."

Jiang Ming said modestly.

For him who now has a net worth of hundreds of millions, five million ghost coins is indeed small money.

"I see."

Gu Miaoli said seriously.

She is very clear about her position as a logistics manager.

She couldn't help much with the rest.


All the tourists on the giant ship got off the pirate ship in fear.

The pirate ship is not too big. With a few hundred humans on board, it has almost reached its upper limit. It is normal for people to be crowded.

But no matter whether it is a rich man with a net worth of hundreds of millions or a pampered beauty, no one dares to complain at all.

Because they are currently on a pirate ship full of ghosts.

The only person who can save them is Jiang Ming, who is standing on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, looking towards the sea.

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