Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 176 Damn, you can even tame ghosts?

The next day.

The news that the three legendary captains were going to challenge the old-line Cross Pirates and meet with the King of Sea Beasts, saying that he would have a chance to challenge them in five years spread throughout the Netherworld Sea.

It caused a huge sensation.

During this period.

Jiang Ming was planning another thing.

That was the treasure of the Queen of Weak Water in the main task 2.

"No clues?"

Jiang Ming asked.

The former captain of the Black Skull Pirates smiled bitterly and explained: "Sir, the wealth of the Queen of Weak Water is coveted by all pirates in the Netherworld Sea. No one would think of making it public. The Black Jack Pirates' share was completely an accident. Otherwise, the treasure would have been gathered long ago."

"Sir, if you aim for this, I'm afraid you will have to stay on the sea for an unknown period of time."

Jiang Ming also thought it made sense when he heard it.

After thinking about it.

He said: "Write down the names of all the pirate groups you know, whether they are famous or not, write them down, I will use them."

The former captain of the Black Skull Pirates:?

He was slightly startled.


What do you mean?

What does this have to do with finding a treasure map?

Are you going to look for them one by one?

How much time would that waste?

There are hundreds of pirate groups in the Netherworld Sea. It is simply a luxury to find them all.

With this idea.

The former captain of the Ghost Class began to rack his brains and write furiously.


A list was written.

Jiang Ming took a look.

He couldn't help but sigh.

The number of pirate groups above exceeded two hundred, and with the ones he didn't know, the total number would at least double or triple.

You can imagine.

How big is the Netherworld Sea.

It can accommodate so many pirates, but there is no crowding.

"Sir, if you plan to look for them one by one, the efficiency is very low. You may not be able to find them even after searching for decades."

The former captain of the Black Skull hesitated for a while, but still dissuaded him.

"That's not necessarily true. What if a pie falls from the sky and I find the right one at once?"

Jiang Ming's mouth curled up.

Old God said.

Level 2 plug-in [Unless a pie falls from the sky], as long as the conditions are triggered, a pie will fall from the sky to solve 30% of the current dilemma. He asked the former captain of the Black Skull Pirates to write down the names of these pirate groups in order to maximize the power of the plug-in.

After the words fell.

On the lake.

A gust of cold wind blew.

Blow up the feather pen that was pressing the list.

Draw a mark on the list.

The position of this mark was drawn right in the middle of the Cross Pirates.

Jiang Ming smiled.

"Very good, I know where the second treasure map is. You know where the Cross Pirates are, right? Let's go there."

The former captain of the Black Skull:? ? !

He looked at the list with a horizontal line drawn on his face with a confused look on his face, and his heart was shocked.


I thought you asked me to write these lists so that you could find them one by one. I didn't expect that you would choose metaphysics over big data analysis?

So careless?

Do you want to reconsider?

After all, it's the Cross Pirates.

You relied on this metaphysical method to be sure that the Cross Pirates had a treasure map. If you didn't know, you would think that you had a grudge against the Cross Pirates and were deliberately causing trouble for them.

In this regard.

Jiang Ming didn't mean to explain.

Once the conceptual ability of the plug-in is triggered, it's no joke.



The Black Skull Pirates started.

Three large ships began to leave Mayfly Island.

Heading towards the location of the Cross Pirates.

On the way.

The former captain of the Black Skull Pirates continued to say: "Sir. The Cross Pirates firmly control the position of the third largest pirate group in the Nether Sea. Its captain is also a ghost commander-level ghost. Even if the three top ghost generals join forces, they may not be able to win. With our size, we used to be like a gnat trying to shake a tree."

"Moreover, unlike the pirate groups that have been wandering on the sea for many years, the Cross Pirates already have their own base, which is on a small island. The seventy-five sea beasts you have tamed are of no use at all."

This last paragraph is the biggest reason for the former captain to dissuade Jiang Ming.

If it is a battle at sea, even if facing the Cross Pirates, Jiang Ming can retreat unscathed with the foundation of seventy-five sea beasts.

But if it is on land, the situation is different.

When the sea beasts cannot help, Jiang Ming is just a human who can kill ghost generals alone. Although he is also very powerful, it is far from enough to shake the third largest pirate group in the Nether Sea.

It can even be said that he overestimated his own abilities.

"Who told you that I can only tame sea beasts?"

Jiang Ming's light words stunned the others on the scene.

There was an uproar in his heart.

Not only can he tame sea beasts?

What do you mean?

You can also tame ghost beasts?

In addition to these 75 sea beasts, have you tamed other species?


That's not right.

Even so, there are no ghost beasts in the Netherworld Sea for you to tame.

For a moment.

On the deck.

Everyone was silent.

Staring at Jiang Ming's back, he felt more and more that this human was unfathomable, mysterious, and immeasurable.


Not long after.

The Black Skull Pirates drove to a red soil island.

Just after landing.

A patrol team of ten people came here, led by a big man holding a spear and a penis, the peak fierce ghost grade, roared fiercely: "This is the territory under the jurisdiction of the Cross Pirates, irrelevant personnel, get out, otherwise we will take compulsory measures."

After the words fell.

All the patrol ghosts of the ten-man team stared at the pirate ship.

Prepared to be on guard.

Until seeing Jiang Ming standing at the bow, the spear ghost in the lead was stunned, and then suddenly realized: "Human? The king of sea beasts? Human, you are indeed very powerful, but this is not a place for you to run wild, leave quickly, otherwise you, the king of sea beasts, will become a prisoner."

They obviously recognized Jiang Ming.


So what?

Just a human who has just become famous.

Maybe he can be violent in other places, but in the territory of the Cross Pirates, he is not qualified.

What's more.

Can the sea king who comes to land still be called the king of sea beasts?

It's just a human being.

They are not afraid.

Seeing this.

Jiang Ming's face was calm.

He took out a white dagger from his body.


The ten-man patrolling team below suddenly changed their faces.

The leading peak fierce ghost-level spear ghost shouted: "King of sea beasts, do you really dare to attack us here? Aren't you afraid that our captain will come to settle accounts with you?"

As soon as this sentence was shouted.

Everyone saw that Jiang Ming raised the dagger and cut his neck very neatly.

A group of ghosts: ! ! ?

In an instant.

Everyone on the field was confused.

They stared blankly at Jiang Ming who committed suicide in front of them.

There was a big doubt in the little ghost's mind.


What are you doing?

Are you tired of living?

Then you don't have to run all the way to us to perform the neck-cutting operation.

What hatred and resentment.

Let you do this to us.

What's the difference between you and "hanging at the door of a merchant"?

Too creepy.

The face of the spear ghost in the lead froze.

He opened his mouth wide.

He didn't know what to say.

He subconsciously looked at the group of ghosts behind Jiang Ming, as if asking: Is your captain seriously ill?

Members of the Black Skull Pirates:...

The corners of their mouths twitched together.

They didn't understand Jiang Ming's operation.

But they were not panicked.

Because they had all seen Jiang Ming's weird method of resurrecting from the dead.

He could survive even if his body was cut in half. Now it's just a cut on the neck. It's a small problem, don't cue.


Jiang Ming moved again.

After the plug-in [Hard Mouth] took effect, the blood on his neck stopped.

And he took off his head casually.


This kind of body dataization, plug-and-play feeling, is really wonderful.

Seeing this.

The spear ghost was dumbfounded again.

A chill rose in his heart.


This human is so fucking weird.

It's not like a human at all.

It gave him a chilling feeling.


He couldn't help but say: "Human, no matter what serious illness you have, you can't leave today. I will go and inform our captain now, and I will let our captain come to meet you."

As he said.

The spear ghost took out a communication device.

Just as he was about to call.

Jiang Ming had already thrown his head down.


The spear ghost who was about to call for reinforcements was attracted all of a sudden.

His eyes began to be dazed.

His feet also moved subconsciously.

When his head was about to fall to the ground, he kicked his feet hard and caught Jiang Ming's head at the last moment. His face showed joy and shouted: "My lord, I am late to protect you, please forgive me."

As soon as these words came out.

The whole audience was shocked.

The other nine patrolling ghosts of the ten-man team looked at the captain who surrendered to the enemy with disbelief, and their heads were buzzing.

Damn it!

Captain, you surrendered to the enemy?

You just acted like "what kind of garbage is the king of sea beasts", but now you call him "lord" and regard yourself as a subordinate?

It's hard to hold back.

They said in disbelief: "Captain, what are you talking about? You are the captain of the sixth team of our Cross Pirates, not this human's subordinate."

The spear ghost held Jiang Ming's head, as if holding some kind of holy object, with a pious face.

Hearing his former subordinates speak rudely to his lord, his face suddenly became fierce, and the peak fierce ghost-level Yin force wave surged out.

The other nine patrolling ghosts were so oppressed that they couldn't breathe.

They turned pale.

Knowing that their captain was completely brainwashed by this human's weird means, they turned around and ran without hesitation.

And divided into nine directions.

This can delay time to the maximum extent.

As long as one of them escapes, the Cross Pirates will come out in full force to destroy Jiang Ming.


The idea is beautiful.

The reality is cruel.

Looking at the nine patrolling ghosts fleeing, Jiang Ming took off his nine fingers calmly, aimed at a mud pit, and threw them in at random.


Nine roars echoed on the island.

"Don't taint the master's body."

"Master, don't panic. I'm here to protect you."

"How can the master's golden hands be stained with filth."

The nine patrolling ghosts that fled caught the nine fingers thrown by Jiang Ming at a speed that was not in line with their own rank.

Then they walked to the shore one by one.

They stood in a row respectfully, spread their hands, and held Jiang Ming's fingers in their hands.

"My lord, I am late in protecting you, please punish me."

At this moment.

Seeing such a dramatic scene, the members of the Black Skull Pirates were in a trance.

Their eyes were about to pop out.

My lord?

When did the crew of the Cross Pirates become your subordinates?

These people didn't know you earlier.

In just two minutes, the situation has reversed so much?

You cast some kind of witchcraft.

At this time.

The former captain of the Black Skull Pirates finally understood what Jiang Ming meant by "He can not only tame sea beasts".

In addition to sea beasts, Jiang Ming even tamed ghosts.

This is completely contrary to common sense.

It is a supernatural event.

In such horror.

Jiang Ming got off the boat.

He took the head from the first spear ghost and put it on.

He then put his nine fingers back one by one.

From the state of being headless and handless, he returned to normal.

And there were ten more subordinates to protect him.

Previously, on the sea, because of the special environment, only sea beasts could protect him, so all sea beasts were summoned.

But this is not the limit of the plug-in [The King Cannot Be Insulted].

Right now.

Summoning ghosts to come and protect the king is the correct way to use the plug-in.

It is similar to the plug-in [Yuan Fang, what do you think].

The Cross Pirates?

Just his Guard Knights.

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