Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 179 Collect three treasure maps and unlock the great secret treasure

Guild residence.

The scene was cleaned.

Jiang Ming still sat in the exclusive position of captain of the Cross Pirates.

Sitting in the lower row were the captains of the three major ghost generals and the captain of the seventh division. Opposite him was the former captain of the Cross Pirates, the six-eyed ghost commander.

These twelve people are the current decision-making group.

To this.

Jiang Ming was very satisfied.

If you can't be a family member, then it would be great to be his subordinate.

He doesn't pick


Jiang Ming said, "Where's the treasure map?"

The six-eyed ghost commander took out a bone tube and spread out the map.


A fluorescent gray panel pops up.

[Props: Broken page map. 】

[Current quantity: 2/3. 】

Jiang Ming raised the corners of his mouth.

I also took out my own share and pieced it together.

The general appearance of the map has been initially displayed.

Only the last crucial map is missing, and the treasure of Queen Weak Water will appear.

See this.

The six-eyed ghost handsome was also shocked.

It seems that Jiang Ming didn't expect that Jiang Ming actually had a treasure map.

He blurted out: "Lord, which treasure map do you have in the Golden City?"

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows slightly: "No, the Golden City holds the last treasure map?"

"That's right, and the Golden City did not deliberately conceal the information. This information is basically semi-public at the upper level. The Golden City also explained that if someone can collect the other two treasure maps, the Golden City can The third portion is given free of charge.”

"So generous?"

"My lord, you don't know something. To some extent, the Golden City is richer than the Weak Water Queen. The treasure of 300 million nether coins is less than one-tenth of their total assets. It's normal to look down on them. But It must be conditional, only a fool would believe it.”

The six-eyed ghost handsome explained.

Jiang Ming was thoughtful.

He underestimated the auction house on Mayfly Island.

There is indeed a reason why it dares to be called the "Golden City".


Jiang Ming's eyes fell on the treasure map and he said with a smile: "That's great. The last treasure map has been found. Spread the news. I want to go to the Golden City again."

Mayfly Island.

A real-time broadcast of the news spread like wildfire.

[The Cross Pirates Group has officially belonged to the Black Skeleton Pirates Group and has become a vassal of the King of Sea Beasts. 】

As soon as the news came out.

Shocked in all directions.

The first reaction of the ghosts was that someone was deliberately planning to discredit the Cross Pirates and make them confront the human king of sea beasts.


Others went to verify the authenticity of the news.

Regarding this statement, the Cross Pirates did not immediately clarify, but collectively remained silent.

This time.

A group of pirate ghosts finally discovered something was wrong.

The Cross Pirates did not clarify, and the Black Skull Pirates did not deny it. In other words, this is true.

The third largest pirate force in the Nether Sea really surrendered to the Black Skeleton Pirates and became their vassal.

In an instant.

The entire Nether Sea fell into an uproar.

There was disbelief in his eyes.

I think this is so ridiculous.

after all.

They had not received any news before that the King of Sea Beasts was going to war with the Cross Pirates, and according to the ghosts who attended the auction yesterday, Jiang Ming was still attending the auction yesterday.

In other words.

It only took Jiang Ming one day to make the Cross Pirates surrender.

This was even more difficult for the ghost to accept.

In one day, conquering the third largest pirate force was just like a fantasy.

How did that human being do it?

Who is he?

at the same time.

The three top ghost general-level captains, who had only just woken up due to a hangover from a party, clearly noticed some changes in the surrounding environment while walking on the streets of Mayfly Island.

Many pedestrians passing by looked at them with very different eyes.

Their brows furrowed.

After some questioning, I found out that the Cross Pirates group they announced to challenge last night was conquered today.

The one who was subdued was still the human being Jiang Ming.

When hearing this kind of news, the first reaction of the three top ghost generals was disbelief, thinking it was false news.

They were all confused until they heard that the Cross Pirates did not clarify and acquiesced to this fact.

When I woke up, the world was turned upside down.

Are they still drunk?

How could a human being who only owned three large ships and had just emerged have the ability to make the Cross Pirates surrender?

To know.

Even if any one of them faced off against the Cross Pirates alone, they would have no chance of winning.

You must join forces to be qualified to challenge.

Just when they fell into sluggishness.

Suddenly there were exclamations all around.

They woke up with a start and looked in the direction.

I saw two figures walking towards each other on the street.

One is Jiang Ming, who we just met last night.

One is a ghost with six eyes.

Astonishing fluctuations of Yin energy overflowed from this ghost.

The ghost-shuai level strength was clearly displayed.

There is no doubt that this is the captain of the Cross Pirates, one of the maritime overlords of the Nether Sea.

And now...

This maritime overlord is following Jiang Ming.

Like a follower.


All the ghosts in the audience couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Guessing the truth and confirming the guess with your own eyes are two different concepts.

The current position of the captain of the Cross Pirates Group makes it possible to become Jiang Ming's follower.

This is amazing.

Why would a majestic and handsome ghost lower his status and choose to become a vassal of humans?

They tried hard but couldn't figure out why.

At this time.

Jiang Ming also saw the three peak ghost generals standing on the roadside.

He raised his brows slightly, stopped and said hello: "Hey, it's the three of you. Sorry, you may need to change the goal of the challenge. Go challenge the second-ranked force. This is easier now. some."

"Otherwise, if you challenge the Cross Pirates, I will not show mercy."

Say it.

Jiang Ming then said to the Six-Eyed Ghost Handsome: "As a senior, what do you want to say to these three juniors? They publicly announced last night that they would challenge the Cross Pirates."

After listening.

The six-eyed ghost commander glanced at the three of them and said disdainfully: "They are just clowns. Even if it is three against one, they may not have a chance of winning. If it is a one-on-one fight, I can beat them out by myself. I want to challenge the Cross Pirates. Let’s talk about it in five years.”

Hear this.

The captain's fists were hardened by the three peak ghost generals.

He looked at the six-eyed ghost handsome in front of him with an angry look.

But they also know that they are not qualified to challenge one-on-one now.

If you are provoked, you can only endure it.


They suppressed their anger.

Turn around and leave.

See this.

Jiang Ming looked at this scene with a smile.

He comforted him kindly: "Xiao Sun's tone of voice is so aggressive. Don't mind. Just come back and challenge again in five years. I will wait for you."

Captains of the three top ghost generals:...

Their fists became harder.

It always felt like Jiang Ming was troubling them, and what he said seemed familiar, and it had the same meaning as what they said last night.

The difference is that when they wake up, they are still maintaining the status quo.

On Jiang Ming's side, he had already conquered the Cross Pirates.

The captain of the Cross Pirates, who was invincible in front of them, became a "little grandson" in Jiang Ming's mouth.

It has only been one day, how could the world have become like this?

They growl internally.

It is admitted that Jiang Ming is now on equal footing with them, and even slightly higher than them, but this gap can be surpassed by their sudden strength.

The three top ghost general-level captains thought so.

other side.

Seeing the captains of the three top ghost generals leaving, Jiang Ming felt comfortable.


Went straight to the auction house.

The staff seemed to have received the news in advance. When they saw Jiang Ming's arrival, they immediately stepped forward and said respectfully: "Lord Neptune, the boss of our Golden City, please come up and explain."

Jiang Ming nodded slightly.


The staff didn't leave until they came to the door of an antique box.

Jiang Ming walked to the door.

The carved wooden door opens on its own.

What catches the eye is a lavender tulle curtain that presents a beautiful scenery.

Behind the curtain.

It's a royal couch.

Above, a plump and charming woman, Luo Shan, could be seen vaguely undressing and lying on her side with her legs crossed.

It is thought provoking.

When ordinary people come here, even if they realize that there is a ghost inside, their blood will surge and their energy and blood will surge.

I can't wait to pounce on him.

Jiang Ming squinted his eyes, slightly surprised.

The boss behind Golden City is a female ghost?

Just thinking about it.

Behind the curtain, a sweet voice chuckled: "I was mistaken. I never thought that defeating the Black Jack Pirates was still not the King of Sea Beasts' limit. Now, even the captain of the Cross Pirates is willing to become the King of the Sea. "My vassal, can you tell me how you did it?"

Jiang Ming said casually: "Charming personality."


The other person seemed to be choked by these words.

I don't know whether to agree or call this human being thick-skinned.

It took a while.

The female boss on the imperial concubine's bed was the one who changed the subject.

"Well, it seems that it's the little girl Meng Lang. Then Your Excellency, the King of Sea Beasts, may I ask why you came to me?"

"Treasure map."

Jiang Ming simply said that he was horrified.

Hear this.

The female boss on the imperial concubine's couch was startled. She sat up straight from her lazy side-lying position and asked in surprise: "Have you already collected the other two?"

"That's right."

Jiang Ming didn't hide it either.

He heard that Golden City was willing to donate it for free, so he didn't call in.

Otherwise, the female boss of the Golden City in front of him would come out holding his head in the next second and respectfully call him lord.

"Hold on."

Finished this sentence.

The slim figure behind the curtain lay down and rummaged under the bed.

Enjoying it from Jiangming, the scenery is infinitely better.

The upright part is plump and shapely.

At first glance, it seems that he is exercising to get in shape.

Maintaining perfect shape.

Jiang Ming thought of a very suitable fruit.


Just thinking about it.

A bone cylinder was thrown out.

A fluorescent gray panel pops up.

[Props: Broken page map. 】

[Current collection quantity: 3/3. 】

[It has been detected that players have collected the treasure map of Queen Weak Water, and the coordinates have been displayed. 】

[Note: Inject Yin power, and the final treasure will appear. 】

See this.

Jiang Ming raised the corners of his mouth.

I never thought that the last treasure map could be obtained so easily.

He looked up at the slender figure under the curtain and asked curiously, "Just give it to me like this?"

"I have promised that whoever can get the other two treasure maps, I will give the last one for free. Breaking my promise is not my style as a ghost."

Jiang Ming smiled and said, "I like straightforward ghosts. If you encounter any unsolvable problems in the Golden City in the future, you can try to find me and I will solve it for you."

The female boss on the chaise longue was stunned.


"Are men so loud? If the Golden City can't solve this trouble, the King of Sea Beasts will be helpless. What's more, you don't even give me your contact information. Even if I want to find you, I can't find you."

Jiang Ming waved his hand.

"When you need help, go to the City of No Return and find a big force to find out my whereabouts."

After that.

Jiang Ming turned and left.

The female boss on the chaise longue was shocked by Jiang Ming's words.

This human is too arrogant.

He actually dared to say that he could find out his whereabouts by just asking around.

Doesn't the underlying meaning mean that he is well-known in the City of No Return?

Only the Ghost King of No Return would dare to say that.

The female boss thought so.

Then she shook her head.

She threw this sentence behind her.

Humans are still too naive.

The City of No Return is not so easy to break into.

I hope the other party will not lose confidence from the initial high spirits.


After leaving the auction house.

Jiang Ming immediately returned to the Black Skull Pirates.

Put the third fragment of the map together.

The six-eyed ghost commander took a look and said immediately: "My lord, this location is located on an abandoned island in the Nether Sea. It is the place where the weak water queen was captured after conquering the Nether Sea. Many pirates have visited that place since then, but they can't find any clues about the treasure."

"Because the most critical key to unlock the treasure is still missing."

Jiang Ming pointed to the map.

And then.

After the ship arrived at the destination,

the Yin force was injected into it.


The terrible Yin force vortex rose into the sky.

The huge phenomenon attracted the attention of many pirate ships in the surrounding waters.

Obviously, they all found the location of the Yin force vortex, which was located in the former territory of the weak water queen.

Many active pirates guessed something.


They all approached.

Jiang Ming also noticed this.


From the scale of this Yin force vortex, the weak water queen is not far from the real ghost king level.

At this time.

The six-eyed ghost commander also realized it later and his face changed slightly.

"My Lord, I remember now that before the Weak Water Queen conquered the Netherworld Sea, she was known as the Slaughtering Female Rakshasa."

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