Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 274 If you have the guts, let the train hit you


Jiang Ming, led by the ghost attendant, arrived at the departure point of the ghost train.

It can be seen.

The ghost train has changed a lot at this time.

The first seven carriages remain unchanged.

From the eighth carriage, the deck on the top of the carriage was removed and made into an open-air design.

A full ten ghost lions of the peak ghost level have boarded the train. Seeing Jiang Ming, the ghost lions roared with joy.

Seeing this.

Jiang Ming smiled.

Slowly approached.


The ghost attendants arranged in two rows all folded their hands in front of them and saluted respectfully: "Welcome Mr. Jiang to take this ghost train. We will serve you wholeheartedly on this journey. You are an important guest of our ghost train. Your feelings are the purpose of our service."

After the words fell.

The red carpet was laid.

The salute sounded.

The tidbits fell.

Full of ritual sense.

Jiang Ming was given super-standard treatment beyond the normal ghost.

The ghosts waiting for the next train at the train station stared and exclaimed.

Some ghosts who didn't know the situation subconsciously asked the people around them who knew who this human was and how he could get such special treatment.

After learning that this human bought the entire ghost train to transport his pet, the ghosts fell silent.

Thousands of words finally converged into one word: Awesome!

They have seen rich ghosts.

But this is the first time they have seen rich people.

They have never heard of humans who are rich enough to buy a ghost train to ride.

If this is said out, it will definitely cause an uproar in the Pure Land World.

For a while.

Under the gaze of the ghosts.

Jiang Ming walked into the seventh carriage leisurely.

Behind him.

More than 20 players also walked forward slowly.

Although the ghost attendants scattered on both sides did not give the highest standard of hospitality, they also made a welcoming gesture, and the ghost faces did not show any impatience, revealing a standardized fake smile.


Hearing this.

The players of the Public Security Bureau were flattered.

They all seemed a little at a loss,

not knowing whether they should walk on the red carpet.

After all.

Such treatment has far exceeded the imagination of the players.

In their eyes, ghosts are scary, ferocious, and cruel. They have never seen ghosts smiling at them and making welcoming gestures.

This simply refreshed their three views.

It made them feel very unreal.

"Don't hesitate, let's go. We are now representing the face of the Immortal Lord of All Laws. Being timid will only make these ghosts think that humans are like this. Remember, our current identity is the companion of the Immortal Lord of All Laws. Even if the ghost commander is in person, he must give us due respect."

The blond young man patted the deputy captain of the Public Security Bureau on the shoulder.

Walked on the red carpet.

Seeing this.

Everyone was shocked.


They are now in the same group with the big boss of the Immortal Lord of All Laws.

There is no need to be timid.

There is no need to please these ghosts deliberately.

Or rather.

It is these ghosts who should please them.

With this thought.

They straightened their chests and walked onto the red carpet.

They enjoyed the taste of being superior to others in the Pure Land.

This made them marvel in their hearts: Wanfa Xianjun, the great man, is also a living god.

On the other side.

Jiang Ming, who walked into the seventh carriage, immediately found the changes in decoration.

Some of the original high-end furniture was replaced.

It was replaced by more complete supporting facilities.

Even the monotonous deck was replaced with rows of log-style baffles. Overall, it looked much better than the previous patchwork style and completely turned into a luxurious box.

He liked it.

The female ghost train conductor was standing in the carriage.

Spreading her arms, her crystal eyes flashed, and she said with great anticipation: "There are still six days and six nights left in the journey, so I took the initiative to help you upgrade the supporting facilities here, so that it doesn't look so monotonous and messy. How do you feel?"

Jiang Ming praised without hesitation, and said sincerely: "Very good, I was stunned. It took only half a day to transform this place into this. It should be quite difficult. Thank you for your hard work. I like it very much."

Hearing this.

The ghost train conductor smiled brighter.

Her eyebrows were curved.

She was in a very good mood.

"It's good that you like it. If time is not limited, I can make it more perfect."

"I have seen your intention."

Jiang Ming blinked.

The smile was warm.

The body moved closer.

The distance between the two was less than a few centimeters.

The four eyes met.

The air seemed to become a lot more anxious.

The ghost train conductor was the first to lose, lowered her head, and avoided Jiang Ming's gaze.

Then, as if fleeing in panic, she walked out of here.

From Jiang Ming's perspective, it can be clearly seen that the uniformed female ghost train conductor has red earlobes.

She is obviously not calm inside.

At this time.

A group of players also walked in.

After seeing the luxurious environment of the seventh compartment, they all gasped.

It is not enough to buy the ghost train, but also change the interior decoration to the style of a luxury compartment.

This kind of thing.

They have never done it in the real world.

And the Immortal Lord Wanfa experienced it one by one in the Pure Land World.

It can be said that the style is directly full.

There is no more high-profile way to travel than this.

I dare not imagine how happy they will be lying in such a compartment for six days and nights.

"Think about it, this is Jiang Ge's exclusive compartment, we live in the first few compartments."

The blond young man interrupted the players' fantasy.

He pushed open the door of the seventh compartment and pointed to the compartment full of seats in front.

On one side is a narrow ordinary compartment, and on the other side is a luxurious high-end compartment, which is almost two worlds.

The former belongs to them, and the latter belongs to Jiang Ming.


It was hit hard.

When can they have such treatment in the Pure Land World?

With such envy, a group of players from the Public Security Bureau chose the fifth compartment as a temporary resting place.

Because the sixth compartment is too close to the seventh compartment.

It will make them daydream that "they can also".

This is not conducive to their seeing themselves clearly.

The deputy captain of the Public Security Bureau said bluntly: "Don't think about it. There is only one Wanfa Xianjun in the entire Pure Land. The place where he is is an illusory dream for us, and it is even an untouchable peak. This is the environment that ordinary players like us should have. Even occupying an entire carriage in the ghost train and sleeping lying down is also a luxury. Except for this copy, we don't have such an opportunity."

A member of the Public Security Bureau asked unwillingly: "Deputy Captain, as long as we survive in the Pure Land copy, one day we should be able to reach the realm of Wanfa Xianjun."

There was silence for a long time.

"Are you sleepy now?"

The deputy captain of the Public Security Bureau asked.

"Yes, I haven't had a good sleep since I was caught in the bloody circus for more than a month. I sleep on the ground now."

"That's right. How can anyone have such an idea except daydreaming? Go to sleep. There are everything in the dream."



The next day.

It was another simple day.

At this time, four days had passed since entering the ghost train copy, and the second death realm was getting closer and closer.

Jiang Ming was in the seventh carriage, eating an ordinary meal cooked by the cook ghost.

[Swallowing the ghost beast meat of the ghost commander level (made by the ghost chef master), the effect is doubled, strength +16, spirit +20, Yin force +6000. ]

[Drinking seafood ginseng soup (made by the ghost chef master), the effect is doubled, speed +10, spirit +26, Yin force +5000. ]



Looking at the three-dimensional attributes that kept refreshing the screen, Jiang Ming smiled obviously.

Rewarded himself with a bottle of medicinal wine brewed from the golden tree seedlings.

The panel prompt popped up again.

[Swallow the golden tree seedlings, evolution point +1. ]

This is another plain meal.

Jiang Ming sighed.

After eating and drinking enough.

He got up and prepared to find the female ghost train conductor to get in touch with him.

At this moment.

The train braked suddenly.

It stopped completely.

This sudden scene made everyone unable to react. The two human survivors were hit on the back of the front row and gasped in pain.

Jiang Ming narrowed his eyes.

Walked out of the compartment.

Passed through several carriages and came to the front of the train.

The female ghost conductor and the ghost steward rushed over as soon as possible. When they saw Jiang Ming, they asked: "Mr. Jiang, are you okay?"

"Nothing happened? Why did the train suddenly stop?"

Jiang Ming asked doubtfully.

The female ghost conductor answered: "The front is the famous bloody mass grave. It is a no-man's land. Dead ghosts often crawl out and build graves for themselves. This time they went too far and built the graves on the rails. They also gathered on the rails and held a funeral ceremony."

"In a hurry, our train ghost driver can only brake urgently and stop the train."


The female ghost conductor brought Jiang Ming into the cab.

From the window, you can see a group of ghosts kneeling on the rails a few hundred meters away, worshipping a grave mound built on the rails.

Every time they kneel, grave soil keeps falling off their bodies.

It falls on the rails.

It seriously hinders the train's movement.

At the right time.

The female ghost train conductor explained: "To make so many ghosts in the bloody mass grave kneel down, the item level of the corpse ghost buried in the grave must not be lower than the peak ghost commander level. It should be the main force of the owner of the bloody mass grave. It is difficult to say whether the other party's behavior is instructed by the owner of the mass grave. If so, it will be difficult to deal with."

"Mr. Jiang, wait a moment, I will communicate."

The female ghost train conductor took out a loudspeaker,

and shouted from a distance: "This is the route of the ghost train, leave immediately, there can be no living things on the rails."

The words fell.

A hand suddenly stretched out from the grave on the railroad track, and a dead ghost with mud on its body climbed up, and the Yin force of the peak ghost commander level surged out.

A cold voice came to the train.

"You are finally here. I am here to formally inform you that because the route of your ghost train is unreasonable and does not pass directly through the mass grave, it does not attract many ghosts willing to get off. From today on, the ghost train cannot pass through here, and the railroad tracks must be dismantled. Remember, I am informing you, not discussing with you."

"If you don't want to dismantle it, I can help you, but then these materials will not belong to you."

Hearing this.

In the cab.

The ghost train conductor frowned.

The ghost train attendant's face changed drastically.

Let the ghost train change its route?

What a joke.

This railway connects a whole 100,000-kilometer-long road.

If it is dismantled.

The loss will be at least more than 10 billion ghost money.

Add to that the cost of re-paving the road and smoothing relations. After all, no one can afford this loss.


The ghost train conductor also realized this.

After a short silence.

She objected firmly, "The rails can't be removed, and the ghost train won't change its route. If you dare to remove it without permission, the Wangchuan Terminal will not let you go. If you want to negotiate, let your master come here in person."

"Hehe, unfortunately, this is exactly what all the members of our mass graves mean. You probably don't know that our boss is about to be promoted to the ghost king. By then, the unequal treaty signed between the mass graves and you should be torn up. If you want to continue on this path, your people should come here in person and negotiate with our boss."

As soon as these words came out.

The ghost train conductor's face changed several times.

No wonder such a change occurred.

It turned out that the master of the bloody mass grave was about to be promoted to the ghost king. He felt that he was stronger and wanted more benefits.

Such things are not uncommon in the Pure Land World.

There are countless ghosts who tear up the agreement because of their strength.


How could such a bad thing happen to Jiang Ming's train.

This is what bothered her the most.

"Mr. Jiang, if I contact Wangchuan headquarters to send someone to discuss, it may take quite some time. We can send a special car to take you back, or let you take another train."

The ghost train conductor told Jiang Ming the solution.

Hearing this.

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

He looked a little strange and said: "Why do you want them to negotiate? If they don't give way, why don't you just hit them directly?"

Ghost train conductor: ? ? ?

She opened her mouth wide.

She wanted to say something, but swallowed it back in the end.

Because she suddenly thought that it was normal for Jiang Ming to make such a choice with his style of destroying the Bloody Circus.

This human is more unconventional than a ghost.

It was at this time.

She found that the loudspeaker was not turned off.

Jiang Ming's voice just now had already been transmitted through the instrument.

Sure enough.

The next second.

The dead ghost on the railroad track had a cold face and said grimly: "Who was talking just now? If you have the ability, just hit it and try. Do you have the courage?"

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