Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 322 New copy, new plug-in loaded


Inside the Sheriff's Department office.

Everyone looked at Jiang Ming with surprised expressions.

There was a lot of hope in my heart.

Because Wanfa Immortal Lord had already anticipated the current situation, and even intentionally increased his illegal operations in order to meet the standards for entering the Impel City Prison.

This represents strong self-confidence.

I think that even if I enter this S+ level dungeon, I can still pass it successfully.

If you were an ordinary player, they would just think that the other party is bragging.

But for now.

The one who said these words was the Pure Land God and the Immortal Lord of Ten Thousand Dharmas.

He is a miracle worker.

It is even possible for Pure Land to give three serious warnings, which requires him to be imprisoned in the Impel City Prison for 10,000 years, and to be announced to the whole server.

If it was him, it might be possible.

For a while.

All members of the Public Security Department were shocked.

One member even said bluntly: "Mr. Jiang, if you really clear this S+ level dungeon and advance to City University Prison, and escape from the dungeon after serving your sentence, then the title of the world's number one person will definitely belong to you. And it’s universally recognized.”

"That's right, those high-level players are singing their condolences in the Pure Land Game Forum, saying that you are going to die, big boss, and the name Ten Thousand Fa Immortal Lord will also become history. This must be a slap in their face."

"Mr. Jiang, you are the eternal god in our hearts. No one else can be called the number one person in the world except you. This must be yours."

Members of the Public Security Department sent their blessings.

Clench your fists.

Waiting for Jiang Ming to pass the customs and advance to Chengdu Prison, so that he can feel proud and completely establish his reputation as the first person in the Pure Land.

Jiang Ming smiled.

His expression was very calm.

Seems very relaxed.

It gives people a sense that the 50-minute time limit displayed on the panel is not a countdown to death, but a journey that can be taken at any time.

At this time.

Zhou Tai, captain of the Wancheng Public Security Department, also appeared in the office.

He immediately browsed the content of the Pure Land Forum.

The mouth opens wide.

I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time.

His memory began to blur as soon as he left the dungeon, but he was deeply shocked by Jiang Ming's performance in the "Golden City" dungeon, and his awe and worship were engraved deep into his soul.

Even though his memory was blurred, he still remembered his evaluation of Jiang Ming.

Not a man of God.



Because of this, after seeing the contents of the three Pure Land server-wide announcements and the punishment results for Jiang Ming's violations, he suddenly had a shocking thought in his mind.

Could it be that the ten illegal operations announced by Pure Land were all the work of Immortal Lord Wanfa?

If this is the case, then the Pure Land's tolerance towards the Immortal Lord of All Laws can be called "preference".

The punishment was imposed after being unable to bear it any longer.


It is unimaginable to what extent the Immortal Lord of Ten Thousand Arts can commit ten extremely outrageous and illegal operations.

His evaluation of Immortal Lord Ten Thousand Laws is really accurate.

This is really a god riding a horse.

With this thought.

Zhou Tai looked at Jiang Ming with even more admiration.

"Mr. Jiang, how much time do you have left?"

"45 minutes."

"That's enough. There is some secret information from the Public Security Department regarding the Impel City Prison."

While talking.

Zhou Tai pulled out a piece of information from the file and handed it to Jiang Ming.

"Mr. Jiang, do you know where those players who failed their missions ended up?"

Hear the words.

Jiang Ming looked stunned.

"Could it be that they are pushing into City University Prison?"

"Yes, the reasoning from the Public Security Department is the same. In the second year after the Pure Land game came, the Public Security Department tried to explore the traces of players who failed the mission. In an experiment, we located the foothold of players who failed the mission in the Nether Sea. ”

"Finally, in the fourth year of the Pure Land game, we can basically confirm that players who failed the mission were forcibly sent to the impel city prison, which is located in the second half of the Nether Sea, where even pirates will not set foot. Ordinary ships cannot sail into the windless zone."

"More importantly, perhaps due to the weak water or some other condition, the sea beasts living there are huge, several times the size of normal sea beasts, and their grades are ridiculously high."

"And it is in the depths of this ghost restricted area that one of the most difficult dungeons in the intermediate game area, Advance City University Prison, lies."

Hear this.

The expressions of everyone on the field changed drastically.

The Nether Sea is a forbidden area that is daunting to humans. I never thought that in the second half of the Nether Sea, even ghosts would regard it as a forbidden area.

For humans, that is undoubtedly the abyss of death.

Once sent in, there is no chance of escape even if one can escape.

This is truly a place of death that can only be entered and cannot be exited.


They also knew for the first time that the players who failed the original mission were eventually sent to this ghost place.

Gu Miaoli looked gloomy: "If according to Captain Zhou, the players who failed the mission were eventually sent here, then until now, there is no news about the Impel City Prison in the Pure Land Forum. In other words, there is no one Players were released after serving their sentences.”

"In other words, they won't last long enough to be released from prison."

Zhou Tai added this.

The tone was equally heavy.

The expressions of the others were not much better.

Although they knew that the difficulty of the S+ level dungeon in the intermediate game area was very high, they never thought it would be so high.


Everyone looked at Jiang Ming with concern.

In this regard.

Jiang Ming was very interested.

This news was really a secret.

It was also the first time he knew that after the player failed the mission, he would be directly sent to the Impel Down Prison.

This was not intended to let the player survive at all.

Compared with being killed if the mission failed, being sent to prison was equivalent to giving the player a chance to survive, but this chance was extremely slim, maybe not even 0.01%.

Compared with being killed directly, it was just an extra step in the middle.

Not much difference.


Zhou Tai changed the subject: "Of course, this should not be a big problem for Mr. Jiang. The only thing to pay attention to is the evil ghosts from the advanced game area who were sent to the prison in the early days. Among those ghosts, there are many ghost kings and above."


They stared at the captain blankly.


Wasn't it you who just said that the Impel Down Prison was horrible and abnormal, and was a forbidden area for ghosts?

Why are you saying it's not a big problem now?

Are you split?

Facing the gazes of this group of people, Zhou Tai said with a sense of superiority: "Although my memory has been blurred by the Pure Land, I vaguely remember that my evaluation of Mr. Jiang at that time was that even in the advanced game area, Mr. Jiang could run rampant and was a real immortal figure."

Hearing this.

Everyone was shocked.

This evaluation is too outrageous.

The advanced game area is an area where even the ghost king can only protect himself, but now their captain said that the Immortal Lord of All Laws can run rampant.

Isn't this too outrageous?

If this is true, doesn't it mean that the real strength of the Immortal Lord of All Laws is already above the ghost king level?


Everyone took a breath of cold air.

They were shocked by this news.

There was an uproar in their hearts.

They were even more surprised.

They all wanted to know what shocking scenes their Captain Zhou saw in the dungeon, and he actually had such a believer-like respect for the Immortal Lord of All Laws.

In response to this.

Jiang Ming did not speak.

His eyes fell on the [Personal] attribute panel.

He chose to invest all 51 attribute points in the spiritual attribute.

[Spirit: 5101. ]

[Yin power: 510000. ]

Jiang Ming narrowed his eyes.

At present, he has reached the level of the eighth-level ghost control in terms of Yin power.

With only 14,000 points of spiritual attribute, he can officially advance to the eighth-level ghost control, break through the upper limit of the current version of Pure Land, and become the first eighth-level ghost control in human history.

For ordinary players, facing this 14,000-point difference in spiritual attributes, I am afraid they would have despaired long ago.

Even if they eat low-grade Yin materials and gnaw the flesh and blood of evil ghost-level ghost beasts every day, it will take countless years to accumulate. In this process, they have to work frantically and earn ghost money, which can be exchanged for the capital to support their squandering.

The time required is further extended.

This is also the main reason why no player has ever been promoted to the eighth-level ghost control since the advent of Pure Land.

Of course.

This problem is not a big deal for Jiang Ming.

If he wants, he can even fill the entire Impel Down Prison with golden fish.

With a plug-in, it is so arrogant.


Very soon.

Time passed by minute by minute.

During this period.

Jiang Ming also received a call from the captain of the Qichuan City Public Security Bureau.

The other party claimed that there were some clues about the counterfeit who pretended to be him. After he cleared the Impel Down Prison, he could start the investigation.

He must come back alive.

Jiang Ming: ...

His facial muscles pulled slightly.

It was just an S+ level copy, but that group of people made him feel like he was going through fire and water and making a heroic sacrifice.

It seems that the shock is not enough.

Have to continue to deepen the impression.

It would be best if there were ghosts and gods who wanted to kill him, and this group of people would persuade the ghosts and gods to go back and not come to die.

This should be enough.

Jiang Ming thought so.

At the right time.

The fluorescent gray panel popped up again.

[Countdown: 00:00:00. ]

[The farewell time given by the Pure Land has been detected to have ended. Player Wanfa Xianjun, prisoner number 9527, has been officially put into the Push City Prison. ]

[The copy is anchoring...]

[Already matched. ]

[Enter the copy: Push City Prison. ]

[Introduction: A large prison that holds the most vicious criminals. You can only enter but not leave. It is terrifying to ghosts. It is said that since its establishment, no ghost has ever escaped from the prison. Tremble, human. ]

[Difficulty: S+. ]

[Type: Multiplayer (Death Type)]

[Main quest: Reform well and strive to shorten the sentence. ]

[Note 1: This copy is a long-term task. The task time limit is until the player dies, and the Pure Land will reclaim the invitation qualification. ]

[Note 2: This copy has only one main quest. The only standard for passing the level is to be released after serving the sentence. Other than that, any method is considered to be escaping from prison - don't look at it, this is a special reminder prepared for you. The Pure Land hopes that you can start a new life. 】

【Note 3: Due to the player's special contribution to the Pure Land, the player can stay in a cell alone. 】

【Note 4: I wish the player good luck. 】

With the last prompt appearing.

Everything in front of Jiang Ming was changing.

Coming to his senses again.

Already appeared on a sailing ship.

Wooden ships are also the specifications of medium-sized ships.

There is a lot of space.

Jiang Ming looked down.

I don't know when his clothes turned into prison uniforms.

There is a conspicuous number written on it.


There is also something like an electronic bracelet on his wrist.

There are also numbers on it.


It is also an identifying mark for prisoners.

But the strange thing is that he himself is not restricted from movement, nor is he bound by bracelets or anklets.

At this time.

Jiang Ming suddenly heard a whimpering sound coming from the left side.

Look sideways.

Two human women were holding each other and sobbing softly.

The yin power in his body is not even at the first level.

Obviously, these are two newcomers.

There is a high probability that they will be the sixth batch of public beta players.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible not to reach the first level.

Beside the two human women, there was a human man with a gloomy face and bulging veins on his forehead, who looked like he had been betrayed. He was squatting on the ground at the moment.

The Yin energy in his body fluctuates at the fourth level.


There is also a high-level player with empty eyes and a despairing heart.

He is a middle-aged man who wears glasses, is polite, and looks like a teacher.

The Yin energy in his body fluctuates at the sixth level.

It seemed that he noticed Jiang Ming's gaze.

The teacher pulled a wry smile from the corner of his mouth and said in a difficult tone: "Don't look at it. Although I am a high-level player, those who can appear here are losers. It's useless for you to look at me. I can't even protect myself, let alone Don’t talk about asylum.”

"If you are desperate, just jump down. This place is already deep in the Nether Sea, with weak water below and huge sea beasts. The moment you jump down, the death device on your wrist will blow you into pieces first. Countless pieces of meat, then become lunch for sea beasts.”

"Just before you arrived, two players couldn't bear the torture and demonstrated the effect to us."

The teacher player told Jiang Ming the function of this bracelet.

He stopped talking immediately.

Continue to look blankly.

He looked like he was waiting to die.

Hear this.

The two female players who joined the group to keep warm cried louder.

From a small whimper to a full-blown cry.

"We are just newcomers, but even if we fail, we will be sentenced to a hundred years in prison. We will never be able to get out in this life. We will have to live alone in prison."

"Shut up. It's not like a one-hundred-year sentence cannot be commuted. As long as the sentence is reduced, we can still get out alive. I must go out and kill the adulterer and the adulterous couple. How dare you stab me in the back and steal the fruits of my victory."

The male player with a gloomy face and bulging veins on his forehead started drinking.

But don't dare to be too loud.

It seemed that he was afraid of disturbing the beings in the cabin.

Jiang Ming watched with interest.

It’s been a while since I’ve encountered such a mixed team.

But it's normal.

Those who can appear here are losers from various dungeons. There are those in the intermediate game area, and naturally there are also those in the elementary game area.

Just then.

In front of Jiang Ming.

A plug-in prompt appears.

[It is detected that the host enters the copy and the plug-in is loaded successfully. 】

[Ask the host to choose one of the following three plug-ins. 】

[My pain is above yours: Designate a target and shout "My pain is above yours" to transfer all the pain you have suffered. 】

[Since ancient times, you have lost on the left side of the wave: when you stand on the right, your attack will definitely win. 】

[Magic pen Ma Liang: With one stroke in hand, I have the world. 】

[The current plug-in is a test server version, please use it with caution. 】

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