Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 330: Pure Land explodes, players create new species

[Trigger the commutation side quest. ]

[Side quest: Go to the sea to mine. ]

[Introduction: The source of the Red Temperature Hell is located in a special magma land, which continuously breeds special Yin minerals that can increase the temperature. Mining them can effectively prevent the destruction of the first layer. ]

[The task standards are as follows:]

[One: Dig out 100 pieces of special Yin minerals during the sentence (commutation of 50 years)]

[Two: Dig out 500 pieces of special Yin minerals during the sentence (commutation of 100 years)]

[Three: Dig out 1,000 pieces of special Yin minerals during the sentence (commutation of 200 years)]

[Note: The commutation time is calculated based on the total number of special Yin minerals dug by the player. ]

Looking at the refreshed side quest content on the panel, Jiang Ming narrowed his eyes.

The reward for the previous commutation task has not been calculated.

The next commutation task has been triggered in advance.

The interval between them is less than two days.

It seems that.

The Pure Land still provides a ray of hope for players who fail the task.

Commutation tasks come one after another.

This is picking players who can win the resurrection match.


No one has successfully passed the level yet.

With this thought.

Jiang Ming stood up.

He said that he would also participate in the labor.

The deputy warden hesitated.

He whispered: "Young Master."

"My last name is Jiang."

"Young Master Jiang, this labor is actually quite dangerous. Every once in a while, a prisoner will die due to various accidents. You should stay with me when the time comes."

Jiang Ming nodded slightly.

He did not refuse.

From the known task prompts, this labor reform work requires ghosts to enter the magma land and dig out the special Yin ore that causes the temperature of the Red Temperature Hell to continue to rise, preventing the high temperature from spreading to other floors, making the entire push city unsuitable for ghosts to live.

This is not an ordinary danger.

It is almost a life-and-death struggle.

If you are not careful, you will die in the magma pool.

Trying to get enough people to reduce the sentence is completely a life-and-death struggle.

Seeing Jiang Ming listen to the advice, the deputy warden was also relieved.

He was afraid that Jiang Ming would be too young to challenge his limits.

If he died in the Push City, he would be held responsible.


Jiang Ming gave him two golden fruits, which allowed his strange ability to rise by two levels, greatly improving his strength, enough to compete with the general first-level peak ghost king. He would never forget such a great favor.

Naturally, he had to treat him specially.



Under the leadership of the deputy warden.

The group passed through the end of the Red Temperature Hell and entered a primitive environment similar to a volcanic zone.

The layout was not much different from the treasure hiding place of the Hanba ghost king.

There was only one crater.

High temperature.



Even the space was slightly deformed.

Jiang Ming was a little surprised.

The temperature here was even higher.

It had reached more than 700 or 800 degrees.

No wonder the first floor of the Push City would be destroyed if no treatment was done.

Once the volcano erupted, not to mention the first floor, the entire Push City prison would be destroyed.

As if seeing Jiang Ming's surprise, the deputy warden explained: "Mr. Jiang, do you think it's strange? The first level of the prison is actually built near the crater? When I first took office, I had the same idea as you. Later, I learned how ambitious the owner of the Push City Prison was."

Speaking of this.

The big pendulum ghost sighed: "It is said that this Push City Prison imitates the legendary 18 levels of hell in the underworld. It was originally planned to build 18 levels, but then its owner found that he could not control the abnormal situation of the 18 levels of prison erupting at the same time, so he built it to the sixth level and it was abandoned."

"And this crater was moved here by the owner of Push City using the ghost domain, in order to imitate the volcanic hell in the 18 levels of hell."

Hearing this.

Jiang Ming secretly smacked his lips.

Using the ghost domain to move an active volcano here, the lv5 ghost domain cannot do this, it must be lv6 or above.


"Is that a ghost?"

"Yes, the original owner of Push City was indeed a ghost, but after giving up, he was re-employed by the upper echelons of Xuanyin Division, and on this basis, the idea of ​​the ghost was continued to build this Push City prison."

Jiang Ming understood.

It was indeed a big deal.

It coincided with his initial guess.

This place was indeed built in imitation of the Eighteen Hells.

It's just that its owner's ability was limited, and he only built to the sixth floor and gave up.

"What is the prisoner's job?"

Jiang Ming asked.

"Enter the magma and dig out the special Yin ore Li Huoshi that will cause the active volcano to erupt."

The deputy warden continued to explain.

"Li Huoshi is a super Yin ore that grows under the magma pool. If it is not mined for a long time, it will burst inside, causing the active volcano to be stimulated and the magma water level to rise. Once it escapes from the crater, Push City will be finished."

"Therefore, we need to mine regularly every day to observe whether the magma of the active volcano has exceeded the safety value, and this requires prisoners."

Jiang Ming nodded.

I understand.

To sum it up in one sentence: the prisoners and ghosts who can be sent to the Push City, their lives are not lives.

This is in line with the Dark Forest Law of the Pure Land World.


We arrived at the active volcano.

There are four magma pools under the volcano.

Every magma pool is filled with bubbling bubbles, and heat waves hit your face.

The air seemed scorched.

The four peak ghost general-level prisoner ghosts who were named showed a bit of fear on their faces.

Want to refuse.

But they can't resist the jailers here, let alone the ghost king-level deputy warden.

If you go down and mine Li Flint, you may die.

Disobey orders and you will die now.


The four ghosts reluctantly received a Yin Dan that could reduce the damage of magma, and then jumped in with shovels.


The deputy warden continued: "Mr. Jiang, that Yin Dan combined with the ghost's Yin power can allow them to stay in the magma pool for more than five minutes. As long as they pay attention to the time and come up before the Yin Dan expires, the skin will be damaged at most. It's just burns, and we also gave them the benefit of restoring their Yin power. They should also be grateful to us, otherwise even if they are quasi-ghost kings and ghosts, their Yin power will be exhausted in ten days and a half. By then, they can only be tortured in the cell. Roasted."

Jiang Ming clicked his tongue.

The living environment in the Pure Land world is indeed difficult.

Not only for humans, but also for ghosts.

Without any strength, even the aborigines can only be at the bottom.

Ghost lives are equally worthless.

Not long after.

The first batch of ghosts came up.

Only one ghost mined a super-grade yin material black fire stone.

Jiang Ming looked around.

This is a stone mine with dark red crystals inside.

You can vaguely see that the dark red crystals inside are still flowing, like fire poison.

Once it bursts, the consequences would be disastrous.

The deputy warden came over.

His face was grim.

"Just one piece? Five minutes is enough for you to mine three or more pieces. No matter how unskilled you are, it's enough time to mine one piece. Why are you here working hard with me?"

A red-skinned ghost spread its hands and said: "Sir, it's not that we don't want to mine, but the situation at the bottom of the magma pool is complicated. We always need to find and give ourselves time to escape. Now all those near the top have been destroyed. After mining out, the rest is in the middle section, and a single trip takes more than three or four minutes. We are really powerless.”

Hear the words.

The other two ghosts also complained.

What he said was exactly the same.

It was obviously discussed in advance.

Just grind foreigners hard.

Counting the time to come up.

This not only restores the Yin power, but also eliminates the need to worry about losing track of time and being burned alive by the magma during the mining process.

As for an active volcano erupting?

Their sentence itself is more than five hundred years, and they will not be able to get out until they die.

Death is everywhere.

If an active volcano erupts, they may still have a chance to escape.

Under this premise.

How could they be willing to listen to the prison.


The deputy warden also thought of this.

The whole grimace turned gloomy.

Waves of Yin energy belonging to the Ghost King level are sweeping out.

Press on the three ghosts.

The three ghosts took a breath.

Somewhat frightened, he said: "Deputy Warden, do you want to kill the prisoner for no reason? This is a serious crime, and you will also have to bear the sentence."

See this.

The deputy warden issued a sinister threat.

But his eyes were still darkly watching the three ghosts

"Next batch."


He ignored the three ghosts and continued shouting.

The four ghost general-level prisoners who were called out had different thoughts and looked at each other.

Everyone seems to have seen the other party's plan.

As long as you don't disobey the deputy warden's order to mine the magma pool, even if you are resented by the other party, it is better than dying in an unknown and dangerous magma pool.

This is a good idea.

With this thought.

Four ghosts entered the magma pool. After waiting for five minutes, they almost counted the seconds before sticking their heads out and quickly climbed ashore.

The hands are empty.

No grains harvested.

Even more extreme than the first batch.

The deputy warden's face turned dark.

Deliberately shoot all these prisoners to death here.

In this way, we can kill the chicken to scare the monkey as much as possible.


Two batches of seven ghosts are too many.

Kill them all once.

He is definitely going to jail.

This is not what he wants to see.

But if you don't punish him, every batch of ghosts will follow his example.

By then.

Just wait for the active volcano to erupt.

That's when.

He will still be implicated due to joint liability.

Damn it.

The deputy warden looked uncertain.

See this scene.

The seven prisoners and ghosts were overjoyed.

They did this because they were sure that the deputy warden would not dare to attack them privately. Now that they saw it, the effect was surprisingly good.


As long as every batch of prisoners imitates the same example, the deputy warden of the prison will not be able to do anything to them. Sooner or later he will have to compromise and bow to them.

By then.

Their best days are coming.

The ghosts thought so.

Just then.

A leisurely voice suddenly sounded.

"I'll try."

As soon as these words came out.

All the ghosts on the scene were stunned.

Especially the deputy warden's expression changed.

Because it was Jiang Ming who spoke.

The other party volunteered to try to go deep into the magma pool and mine black flint.


Big brother.

Haven't you seen that even ghosts have to work hard and don't dare to go deep into the magma pool?

Where did you get the courage?

Even though you are very strong, human bodies and ghost bodies are different.

Even if you swallow the Yin Dan, it will be difficult for a human's weak body to sustain it for more than two or three minutes.

And the skin will ulcerate.

Organs may also suffer varying degrees of damage.

It can be said that it is completely worth the loss.

Just as the deputy warden was about to persuade, the seven ghosts on the side spoke first.

The peak ghost general-level ghost with red spots on his skin frowned and said disdainfully: "Human, I advise you not to ask for trouble. This is not a job you can do."

He knew that Jiang Ming was a strange human being and he couldn't afford to offend him.

But this matter is related to their future situation. Even if they collide with this human being, they must stop it.

Prevent the deputy warden from seizing the opportunity to punish them.

In that case, other ghosts would not dare to follow suit.

Humanity's behavior at this time is completely detrimental to the interests of all of them.


Several other ghost general-level ghosts also spoke one after another, mocking: "Human, you have mysterious means to make the things you draw come true, but even if you can draw a real black flint stone, it is useless. After all, it is not. Minerals mined from active volcanic pools cannot effectively prevent the eruption of active volcanoes.”

"You are so overestimating your abilities. You are an extraordinary human being, but you are still a human being with a mortal body. You are inherently inferior to a real ghost."

"Grandstanding, worried about being directly burned to death by the magma."

"Why bother, it will only cost you your life."

The seven ghosts laughed sarcastically.

He also expressed his feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred towards Jiang Ming.

A human being enjoys such privileges in their world of ghosts, while these local ghosts can only watch helplessly.

It would be a lie to say that I don’t feel resentful.

It's just that Jiang Ming's status is too high for them to dare to express such thoughts.


Jiang Ming overestimated his ability and wanted to try to go deep into the magma pool. Naturally, they wanted to take this opportunity to vent their dissatisfaction.

Listening to these remarks, another group of prisoners and ghosts also looked at them with fixed eyes, all thinking the same thing.

He thought Jiang Ming was seeking death.

Obviously you have the privilege and don’t need to work, you have to try it yourself.

It would be great fun to be burned to death at the bottom of a magma pool.

Among them.

The one who wanted Jiang Ming to die the most was undoubtedly the green-skinned ghost.

He stood at the front, where the jailers could see him, to prevent sudden attacks.

Seeing that Jiang Ming wanted to go deep into the bottom of the magma pool, he almost shouted in his heart, telling Jiang Ming to go in quickly, or it would be best to die directly inside.

That way he would be saved.

In such an extremely depressing atmosphere.

The eyes of the ghosts all fell on Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming's mouth curled up slightly.

Go straight to a magma pool.

Eyes twinkling.

The side task of commuting his sentence requires him to mine at least one hundred pieces of black fire stone to reduce his sentence by fifty years. To achieve the maximum reduction of two hundred years, he needs to dig out one thousand pieces.

This commutation date is far from the ideal value in his mind.

He needed more time off his sentence.

I just don’t know how to mine all the black fire stones that have been deposited for a long time. How much time can be reduced from the sentence?

Think of this.

Jiang Ming immediately activated the plug-in [Magical Pen Ma Liang].

A straight paintbrush appeared in his hand.

This time.

Jiang Ming doesn't even need the carrier "paper".

Sketch directly in the void.

With the magic pen in hand, anything can become "paper".

This is also one of the characteristics of plug-ins.

Less than five seconds.

A fire element elf was drawn by Jiang Ming.

The image refers to the Ice and Fire Man in the 4399 mini-game.

【? 】

【stop. 】

[Warning from Pure Land - Players are trying to create new species! 】

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