Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 340 Pure Land: I'll do the sentence reduction task to get you out

The next day.

Jiang Ming walked down Penglai Immortal Island.

He got on a golden chariot, pulled by two ghost king-level fire unicorns.

When driving into the Xiongcheng University Prison, both the guards guarding the outer walls of the prison and the staff passing by along the way greeted each one with enthusiasm and admiration.

There is a sense of déjà vu as the prison’s grassroots staff have a closer relationship with the top brass.

Full of panache.

The word prison bully is displayed vividly.


Jiang Ming laughed it off.

Walking around the prison as a prisoner unscrupulously.


Jiang Ming arrived at the warden's office area.

at this time.

The deputy warden, warden, and the iron tower ghosts are all here.

Saw Jiang Ming arriving.

The three ghost kings stood up one after another, bowed and saluted, and shouted "Hello, Mr. Jiang".

His words were full of admiration.

For those who didn’t know, they thought Jiang Ming was the person in charge here.

The real warden isn't bothered either.

on the contrary.

He also personally made a pot of tea for Jiang Ming.

Like a hotel waiter, he brought the teacup to him.


The other two ghost kings were not to be outdone.

The deputy warden used the ghost domain one after another to deliver a breakfast.

The iron tower ghost had nothing to do, so he became anxious and grabbed the super-grade first-order Yin Mine demon ice crystals that the warden placed on the wall. He poured Yin power into them to lower the temperature to a comfortable level suitable for humans, treating himself as a human-shaped air conditioner.

A moderate chill spread to Jiang Ming's whole body.

Extremely hardworking.

Even if the palms are frostbitten, they will not hesitate.

after all.

Jiang Ming, a divine figure, has been concerned about his condition for more than a month ago and is still helping him find a solution. It took more than a month to finally find a way to awaken his zombie blood. Now there are only a few days left. can succeed.

He was flattered by such treatment.

I can't wait to show my heart and soul to prove my gratitude.

How can a mere frostbite defeat this grace?

To this.

Jiang Ming accepted it calmly.

Enjoyed the service of the three ghost kings.

Asked: "I came here just to tell you that I want to go down to the fourth floor, but I don't seem to see the entrance to the fourth floor."

The warden explained: "Mr. Jiang, it's like this. The fourth level of chaotic hell is different from the other three levels. It is specially used to detain prisoners above the ghost king level. These ghost kings all have special skills, so they are imprisoned. The prison entrances are hidden and require special techniques to open."

"In the entire Impel Down City, only I and the Ward Chief on the third floor have mastered this method. Let me take you there."

Jiang Ming was thoughtful.

Starting from the fourth floor, are all the ghost kings imprisoned?

This actually surprised him.


Jiang Ming waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, I'll just go there."


He just left.

He didn't let these ghosts follow him one after another.

Yesterday's Penglai Xiandao group had already maxed out their intimidation, fame, and mystery. As long as he said a word, these ghosts from Impel Down City would switch back and forth between sons and younger brothers, and another face fruit. , it can be said that he is 100% at his mercy, and nothing can be done by following him.

no need.

Before leaving.

The warden reminded: "Mr. Jiang, there is something I need to let you know in advance. The Jincheng University Prison has a history of several thousand years since its establishment. During this period, many great figures have been imprisoned in the prison. They are all located below the fourth floor. In order to guard these big-shot prisoners, starting from the fourth floor, each floor is guarded by a district chief. "

"Most of these prison chiefs are immortals who have lived for thousands of years, and their identities in the Impel City Prison are not simple, so even if I go there, I may not get a good look."

"But don't worry, they only exist to guard the prisoners on their floor. As long as you ignore them, they will ignore you."

Jiang Ming looked stunned.


It seems that from the fourth floor down, the identity of the prisoners is indeed not simple.

They have specially set up the post of superintendent to guard them.

Judging from the performance of the district chiefs on the third level of the Extreme Cold Hell, from the fourth level down, the district chiefs are at least at the peak of the first level of the Ghost King or above.

Otherwise, he would not live for thousands of years.

With this thought.

Jiang Ming got on the golden chariot again, pulled by the fire unicorn, and walked in from the Red Temperature Hell.


After passing through the first and second floors, Jiang Ming returned to the third floor.

Without the dazzling three-legged Golden Crow, the place has been covered with ice and snow again.

The ultimate chill came through my bones.


The three-legged Golden Crow once again demonstrates the power of the sun.

The golden wings spread out.

Turn yourself into a "big sun" and float above the golden palace.

Within a kilometer radius, all the ice and snow melted.

Warmth comes.

Jiang Ming smiled.

He threw a golden fruit up casually.

The three-legged golden crow picked it up, swallowed it, and chirped excitedly.

I am happy that I can help the Creator.

Fire Qilin also roared.

Dark red heat waves blew out from his breath.

Seems to be asking for credit.

Jiang Ming didn't show any preference. He took out two golden fruits and threw them at the two fire unicorns.

After swallowing.

The fire unicorn roared.

The heat wave on his body was even more shocking.

Flames burst out from beneath his feet.

It's faster.

Look from afar.

It's like two flames running.

Extremely miraculous.


Running for a few minutes.

Jiang Ming came to the staff station of the third level of extreme cold hell.

The ghost king-level prison chief led a group of prison guards and ghosts and ran out 300 meters to greet him.

Standing on both sides.

Bow and salute.

He looked at Jiang Ming with a fiery gaze.

The utmost welcome was given.

What they saw and heard yesterday is still fresh in their minds, and they couldn't be more enthusiastic.

further away.

Cell direction.

The flower-armed ghost, the master of Jiuyou Sect, who was imprisoned again, looked at Jiang Ming's unusual high-profile, and all the prison staff and even the warden were vying to please him.

There was no resentment in his eyes anymore.

Some are just fear.

Not to mention continuing to scream, he didn't dare even if he was within Jiang Ming's sight.

Because under the current situation, if Jiang Mingruo was really determined to kill him, all the staff at City University Prison, including the warden, would just pretend not to see him.

He was completely frightened.

There was only regret in his eyes.

He regretted why he was greedy and had to get involved in the prison escape operation to rescue the gray ghost, so that the original sentence of three thousand years has now become five thousand years. Not only has his ability been blocked, but his Yin power has also been blocked. If he were not a ghost king, His physical fitness is still there, but he has already been frozen to death.


Even if he didn't freeze to death, his situation was extremely difficult.

Basically, I can't survive the moment of old age and death.

Looking at Jiang Ming, who was so bright and beautiful, driving a golden chariot, and then looking at himself shaking with cold, huddled in a dark cell, only daring to sneak a glance at him like a mouse crossing the street.

The master of the Nine Nether Sect regrets the flower-armed ghost.

other side.

Jiang Ming is used to this kind of battle.

He said straight to the point: "I need to go to the fourth floor for a walk."

The superintendent did not hesitate.

Agree immediately.

This is a combination of a savior and a god. Not to mention that he has the authority to bring trusted staff down. Even if he doesn't, he will violate the rules once and use his authority to open a back door for Jiang Ming.

With this thought.

The warden on the third floor took Jiang Ming to a deserted snow-capped mountain.

The Yin force pours in.

A secret door suddenly appeared in the snow.

Covered with traces of formation patterns.

Without the correct means, it cannot be opened at all.

Jiang Ming was very interested.

This is a super-grade ghost formation.

Ban type.


When it comes to treating prisoners above the Ghost King level, Jinjin City Prison attaches great importance to it. It has implemented internal and external double insurance and added a guard to basically eliminate the possibility of prisoners escaping.

No wonder there was so much commotion yesterday, and no prisoners on the fourth floor or above were seen rioting, so Ganqing couldn't notice the changes outside at all.


The snow began to tremble.

A passage leading to a lower level is revealed.

The warden of the third district led the way and explained: "Mr. Jiang, if you go further down, you will reach the chaotic hell on the fourth floor of the city. In this prison, prisoners will always be in a state of losing control of their bodies. , because the space here is broken, which deprives ghosts of their sense of space, and the world they see is upside down, left, and right. If you stay in such a chaotic hell for a long time, even if the prisoners are given a chance to escape, they will not be able to get out of here. "

Jiang Ming listened.

While stepping into the fourth floor.

The overall layout of the cells here is similar to that of the first level of Red Temperature Hell.

There are rows of cells on each side.

The environment is dark.

Although it was not a small dark room, it was barely bright enough.

It was dead silent inside.

It was so quiet that just the sound of footsteps made an echoing sound.

"Mr. Jiang, we have officially entered the cordon of chaotic hell. Every next step, the space will be chaotic. You will lose your sense of direction. Maybe you think you are moving forward, but in fact, you may be there. fall back."

"If you want to maintain balance, you need to expand the ghost realm so that you can't be affected by the chaos here."

"For ghosts, the only way to avoid being affected by the chaos is to sit still, close your eyes, and endure it all like a vegetable."

The warden on the third floor was talking.

A quiet voice sounded at the same time: "Take the prisoner and take the prisoner. Why are you explaining so much to him? This is not your job."

This voice sounded.

The prisoners in the entire fourth level of chaotic hell opened their eyes that had been suppressed for a long time.

Looking towards the entrance.

They leaned against the wall and glanced out of the corner of their eyes.


Such a voice came from somewhere in a cell.

The voice is quiet.

With echoes,

"Female Rakshasa, are humans some new species? His yang energy is quite strong, not quite like us."

The prisoner, known as the female Rakshasa, was silent for a long time and explained the existence of human beings.

To sum it up in just a few words.

Weak and humble, it is an existence at the bottom of the food chain. Due to unknown reasons, it broke into this place a few years ago and quickly became a species even weaker than a grudge-level ghost.

How weak?

The resentful ghost-level ghosts at the bottom of the Pure Land can kill ten thousand with one.

Heard this statement.

The prisoners on the fourth floor booed.

This is too low-level.

There is actually a species in this world that is weaker than the Resentful Ghost. It is not just a little weaker, but it is cliff-like weak, and there is no comparison at all.

When such a species breaks into the pure world, they can basically predict the outcome.

Surviving in a pinch is a perfect way to describe it.

"Female Rakshasa, haven't you noticed that this so-called human being is actually a ghost king?"

Another voice sounded.

The female Rakshasa paused for a while and said with astonishment in her tone: "Ghost King? This is impossible. It has been less than five years since I entered Impel Down City. Although I spent most of my time in the Nether Sea, there are still humans wandering here from time to time. On the other hand, they have no yin power at all in their bodies. Their physical fitness is less than one-tenth that of the resentful ghosts, and they are still unable to absorb yin energy to advance. They can only rely on food to increase their yin power. If they want to reach the ghost king level in such a short period of time, It’s simply impossible to do.”

"But that human being is the Ghost King."

Hear these words.

In the third cell on the left, a thin figure grabbed the railing, slowly climbed up, and approached the cell door.

This look.

She also immediately noticed that the Yin energy fluctuations escaping from Jiang Ming's body were stronger than hers.

"How could this happen? How could a human being reach the level of a ghost king in such a short period of time? This is simply unbelievable."

Hear this incredible sound.

The prisoners in the cell restrained their contempt.

Although they have been imprisoned for a long time and have never seen so-called humans, it can be easily judged from the description of the female Rakshasa that humans are indeed a species at the bottom of the food chain.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed amazing that the human being in front of him can advance from an ordinary person with no yin power to the level of a ghost king.

Among humans, it is undoubtedly an alien among aliens.

Such a character is qualified to be locked up with them on the first floor of the prison.

other side.

Jiang Ming listened to these remarks.

An inexplicable color flashed in his eyes.

The female Rakshasa, from the Nether Sea, had been imprisoned for less than five years. The combination of these descriptions reminded him of a ghost - the Weak Water Queen who once stood at the top of the Nether Sea.

Think about it.

Jiang Ming said in a strange tone: "Are you the Queen of Weak Water?"


He walked straight to the third cell on the left.

When the female Rakshasa heard this, she was also startled.

"Do you know me? Human being, I advise you not to move. Without the superintendent to guide you, once you step into the chaotic hell, you will put on a circus for us."


"There is no reason. You are a prisoner and the ghost realm cannot be opened. Why do you still want to walk normally? In that case, a prisoner would have escaped long ago."

"But I have a ghost realm."

The words fell.

Jiang Ming took one step forward.

LV4 level ghost domain is activated.

Standing directly in front of the third cell.

at once.

The prisoners in the fourth level of chaotic hell were dumbfounded.

A look of surprise.


Isn't this human a prisoner? Why not seal his ghost domain?

Has the city been reformed?

Damn it.

It's not a good time.

The ghosts thought so.

They all stared at Jiang Ming intently.

at the same time.

Jiang Ming's side.

The moment he stepped into the chaotic hell.

A row of bright fluorescent gray panels popped up simultaneously.

[No commutation mission has been detected on the fourth level of chaotic hell in Impel Down City. 】

[Pure Land is revising the plan. 】

【Completed. 】

[A new sentence reduction task has been added. 】

[The player has triggered the sentence reduction task. 】

【Hit by hand...】

[Sub-mission of commutation of sentence: Repair the space here. 】

[Introduction: Chaotic Hell imitates the turbulence of space. In it, ghosts lose all sense of direction. However, due to the passage of time, the broken void here is about to dissipate. Repair the space and allow Chaotic Hell to maintain for another thousand years. 】

[Reduction time: one thousand...three thousand years. 】

[Note: Pure Land doesn’t know how players can do this, but... Pure Land judges that players can accomplish it. 】

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