Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 351 Four consecutive announcements for the entire server, the Immortal Lord of All Laws has

As the golden banner was displayed, the entire Pure Land game forum was in an uproar.

All the players were shocked.

They stood in place, with shocked expressions on their faces.

They were shocked not by the fact that Wanfa Xianjun had once again received an EX-level rating, but by the fact that Wanfa Xianjun had survived the S+-level dungeon in the Push City Prison where no one survived, and was able to shine.

This was amazing.

There were only two S+-level dungeons in the intermediate game area.

One was located in the City Lord's Mansion in the City of No Return.

The other was the Push City Prison.

This was the final burial place for players who failed their missions.

Since the advent of the Pure Land, no player has been able to be released alive after serving his sentence.

Wanfa Xianjun was the first.

He set a precedent.

He achieved an achievement that no player had ever achieved.

He could be called the number one in the Pure Land.

Thinking of this.

The entire Pure Land forum was boiling.

"Fuck, fuck, Wanfa Xianjun has created another miracle. He has cleared the S+ level dungeon that no player in the world has cleared."

"Fuck... This is too shocking. Wanfa Xianjun is going to be the best. After today, who dares to say that other people are the best players in front of him?"

"Wanfa Xianjun is awesome. There is no limit to his ability. We know that Wanfa Xianjun is an absolute god. He has created a miracle."

The low-level players from the primary game area are cheering.

They keep speaking.

Praise, worship, and respect are all words coming out of their mouths.

They have completely placed "Wanfa Xianjun" on the altar.

They have deified him.

In their eyes, Wanfa Xianjun is a real god.

On the high-level players' side.

Compliments are also not uncommon.

They are all lamenting that Wanfa Xianjun has become famous too quickly.

Since becoming the fifth batch of public beta players and receiving the first SS-level evaluation, he has been unstoppable. His rise has been so fast that all old players can't catch up.

He doesn't even have the qualifications to follow behind him and eat the exhaust gas.

Many high-level players who have teamed up with Wanfa Xianjun have commented:

"Wanfa Xianjun is a real god. Although our memories of the dungeon have been blurred, we always remember one sentence in our hearts-Wanfa Xianjun is a real god. He is omnipotent. As long as he wants, he can go anywhere in the Pure Land World."

"If you are lucky enough to team up with Wanfa Xianjun, you will know what it means to win the whole process by relying on a big thigh."

"Remember one sentence, if you meet Wanfa Xianjun, stay by his side, no matter what he says, just believe it, because you will see that there is nothing he can't do."

As more and more such voices are heard, all players are amazed.

Wanfa Xianjun is also a god.

He is extremely unfathomable.

He is neither human nor ghost, just like a god, just like his game ID.

For a moment.

The entire forum became the shape of Jiang Ming.


Of course.

There were many high-level players who thought Jiang Ming was doomed to die. Their expressions were as uncomfortable as if they had eaten a fly.

They all found it hard to accept.

Especially those who reached level 80 and mastered the first batch of public beta players who were the first to open the intermediate game area and the first to contact the S-level and above dungeons.

They could not imagine that five years later, there would be a "newcomer" who surpassed their status and beat them to death on the beach.

They tried to deny it all.

They spoke one after another.

"Is there a problem with the Pure Land program? Didn't the Immortal Lord of All Laws get a sentence of 10,000 years? How was the sentence of 29,000 years calculated? In just seven days, the sentence was reduced by nearly 30,000 years. Is this possible?"

This high-level player went straight to the core of the problem.

The Wanfa Xianjun, who was originally sentenced to only 10,000 years, had his sentence increased to 29,000 years. If he wanted to be sentenced to another 19,000 years in prison, it would be impossible to have such an outrageous sentence unless the prison was blown up.

Not to mention, the other party also offset the sentence while increasing it.

What earth-shaking things can a human prisoner in prison do to make the prison reduce his sentence for so many years?


Developed nuclear fusion technology in prison?

Or built F35?

Or turned the tide and saved the prison?

This is a joke.

With human capabilities, how could it be possible to do these.

Being able to survive in a prison full of prisoners and ghosts is already a big miracle.

Want to make trouble, want to reduce the sentence, don't even check whether your human identity is useful in the Pure Land World.

After this was said.

Many players who regarded Wanfa Xianjun as a belief couldn't stand it.

They argued.

Claimed that this group of high-level players were jealous.

They are used to being high and mighty, and they cannot bear to see newcomers surpass them.

Although they do not know how Master Wanfa Xianjun did it, they believe one thing, that Pure Land will not make such a server-wide announcement for no reason.

Such an announcement means it is true.


With the gold content of the Pure Land gods, it is normal that they can do things that other players cannot do and create miracles.

They do not allow anyone to slander the image of Master Wanfa Xianjun.

The high-level players who posted earlier posted several top comments in succession.

"What do you know? The difficulty of S+-level dungeons is beyond the imagination of those below S-level. I don't know about the Prison of Push City, but I still know the situation of the City Lord's Mansion of Wuhui City."

"In addition to Wuhui Ghost King, the ruler of the second-level Ghost King, as far as I know, there are six ghost kings above the deputy city lord, secretary general, butler, and three captains of the city defense. This is not including the size of Xuanyin Division, otherwise the number of ghost kings exceeds two digits. In such a lineup, what waves can a human make?"

"Even if I admit that Wanfa Xianjun has the combat power of ghost king level, so what? Can he, a human with combat power reaching ghost king level, match multiple ghost kings, or match ghost kings above the second level?"

"Wake up, this is the difficulty of S+-level dungeons, which is many times more difficult than S-level. I don't believe that Wanfa Xianjun can still maintain his advantage under such a size."

As such comments were noticed by more players, everyone became suspicious.

Nothing else.

The difficulty of such an S+-level dungeon is too exaggerated.

So exaggerated that even if they unconditionally believe in Wanfa Xianjun, they are still confused in their hearts-how did Wanfa Xianjun get an EX-level evaluation in such a dungeon?

And how did the prison staff give so many commutation opportunities and complete them in a short time?

This is indeed incredible.

It is puzzling.

If they didn't know that the Pure Land does not allow players to bring other things into the dungeon privately, they all suspected that Wanfa Xianjun was cheating.

Too powerful.

For a while.

The game forum fell into a brief silence.

Everyone was wondering how Wanfa Xianjun did all this.


For all this.

Jiang Ming didn't pay attention.

He was still adding points.


[Player uses universal soul points. ]

[One has been consumed. ]

[Level has been increased. ]

[lv1-lv2. 】

【Copycat, that's awesome (lv2): When you see something, you have a 30% chance of copying everything you need. The higher the value of the copycat, the lower the chance of triggering it. 】


His eyes fell on the attribute points again.

He thought about it.

This time he didn't put all the attribute points into the spiritual attribute.

Instead, he allocated them to strength and speed.

【The player has used attribute points. 】

【130 points have been consumed. 】

【Strength: 450. 】

【Speed: 500. 】

Strength +20, speed +110.


Jiang Ming felt a sense of lightness all over his body.

There was a sense of déjà vu of floating in the air.

This was the illusion caused by the speed attribute increasing too much at one time.

It gave him the feeling of expansion that he could jump over the Pacific Ocean.


Jiang Ming restrained this thought.

He looked at the panel again.

Among his current three-dimensional attributes, his speed has reached the standard of a ninth-level ghost rider, and his Yin power has even exceeded the scope of a tenth-level ghost rider.

Only his strength and spirit are still a little lacking.

However, with the two super-quality Yin materials, the golden fish and the gem grapes, it is not a problem to increase his spirit attribute to 50,000 points, and it can be achieved easily.

As for the strength attribute, he does not have any targeted Yin materials.

If he wants to increase, he needs to rely on daily meals to solve it.

Jiang Ming pondered for a moment.

He smiled casually.

It seems that his food needs to be upgraded.

Just thinking about it.

With a bang, the door of the office was pushed open.

A large group of figures rushed in.

They were official personnel from the Wancheng Public Security Bureau.

The leaders were the captain Zhou Tai and Gu Miaoli.

When they saw Jiang Ming, their eyes were full of excitement and surprise.

"Mr. Jiang, welcome back. The noise you made this time was really too big. It shocked the entire Pure Land Forum and made all the players unable to sleep."

Jiang Ming chuckled.

It seemed calm and nonchalant.

"It's just a dungeon. It's a bit of a fuss."

Hearing this.

A group of public security officials gave a thumbs up.

The amazement in their eyes could not be concealed.


Too damn humble.

That was an S+ level difficulty dungeon in the intermediate game area where no one had ever come out alive. It was a miracle to be released alive after serving the sentence. It was completely a pipe dream to want to get an EX level evaluation on this basis.

No matter how humble Wanfa Xianjun was, it was a fact that he was a fortress.

This clearance shocked all the players.

He is the well-deserved number one in the Pure Land.

"Boss, there are high-level players questioning you on the Pure Land forum. I have seen their jealous faces in Wancheng. Do you want to clarify and slap them in the face?"

A member of the Wancheng Public Security Bureau suggested.

He said what happened in the Pure Land game forum.

He claimed that the questioning post had been topped on the hot search, and its popularity exceeded the announcement broadcast of the whole server.

It attracted discussions from players around the world.

But no matter how hard the players thought, they could not think of a way for the Immortal Lord of All Laws to reduce his sentence by 29,000 years in just seven days.

The only explanation is that there is a problem with the internal program of the Pure Land.

It was a false alarm.

Jiang Ming opened the [Forum] template.

He glanced at it.

He said lightly: "You clown, the Pure Land will endorse me."

As soon as the voice fell.

The fluorescent gray panel popped up.

A server-wide announcement is displayed.

[Ding, a player has broken through the upper limit of the seventh-level ghost controller, and the Pure Land has officially opened a new grade version. ]

[Note: This grade version update is a small non-stop update, which is the Pure Land 6.5 version. ]

[The content is as follows. ]

[1. Two new player grades are added, the ninth-level ghost controller and the tenth-level ghost controller (click to view more details). ]

[2. A new usage of the perfect-level ghost control contract is added (click to view more details). ]

[3. The probability of players obtaining a perfect-level ghost control contract is increased. ]

[4. The probability of players obtaining Yin materials is increased. ]

[5. The amount of ghost money obtained by players is slightly increased. ]

[6. The level experience value is slightly reduced. ]

[The above is all the contents of the new version of the Pure Land grade. Players are requested to preview carefully. ]

[Note 1: Celebrate, the predecessors have paved the way and raised the upper limit of your overall players. ]

[Note 2: Pure Land sent a congratulatory message, thanking the player "Wanfa Xianjun" for his contribution. Pure Land will give special rewards. ]

[Note 3: A player has reached the upper limit of the new grade version in advance. Pure Land is urgently developing an updated grade version. Please look forward to it. ]

As soon as the announcement came out.

All players were in an uproar again.

Their heads were buzzing.

New grade version?

A player broke through the upper limit of the seventh-grade ghost rider and reached the unprecedented eighth-grade ghost rider?

This news was too shocking.

It caught everyone off guard.

They speculated one after another, which old player was so low-key that he achieved such an amazing achievement quietly.


A group of players continued to read down.

They saw the special note of Pure Land.

[Thanks to the player "Wanfa Xianjun" for his contribution. ]

In an instant.

The uproar rose again.

The player who broke through the upper limit of the seventh-grade ghost rider was Wanfa Xianjun!

It was that Pure Land God.


All the players were going crazy.

A fifth-batch public beta player, a newcomer who had just joined the Pure Land game more than three months ago, actually surpassed all the old players and set a new rank limit record in advance.

The other party's three months of hard work exceeded the five years of accumulation of the old players.

This undoubtedly rubbed the faces of all the old players on the ground.

It was telling how extraordinary the other party was and how useless the old players were.

Wanfa Xianjun, he was really going to defy the heavens.

Worship, cheers, and jealousy filled the Pure Land forum.

It was like a group of demons dancing wildly.

It was very lively.

Some high-level players who couldn't accept this fact started to shout.

"Rank does not represent strength. It only means that Wanfa Xianjun eats too well and has a talent for earning ghost money. However, such a fast promotion speed means that Wanfa Xianjun cannot accumulate his own foundation. He is just a numerical freak who piles up data and cannot compare with the old players who have been immersed in this field for many years."

"Yes, the comprehensive combat power between ghost controllers depends on the strength of the skills they master in addition to the contracted ghosts, props, and three-dimensional attributes. This is the key factor to make up for personal combat power. Wanfa Xianjun can only pile up numbers, so he has no time to improve the proficiency of skills. When encountering some special environments where props cannot be used, Wanfa Xianjun will die the fastest."

The group of people became more and more excited.

With a firm attitude, they believed that Wanfa Xianjun only knew how to pile up numbers and his strength depended entirely on external objects. Once he encountered a special copy, he would easily die.


When they were talking excitedly.

Another server-wide announcement was broadcast.

[Important announcement. ]

[Congratulations to the player "Wanfa Xianjun" for winning the title of the first person in the Pure Land. 】

【The criteria for judging this title are as follows:

【1: The Yin force value leads all players. 】

【2: The item level of the contracted ghost leads all players. 】

【3: The props owned lead all players. 】

【4: The skill level mastered leads all players. 】

【5: Any of the above items reaches the upper limit of the intermediate game area. 】

【Note: This is a historic moment. The player "Wanfa Xianjun" is currently the undisputed number one in the Pure Land. Let us congratulate him. 】

Seeing the content of this line of the full-server announcement.

The high-level players who were shouting were dumbfounded.

Their eyes widened.

Their faces were full of disbelief.

As soon as they finished saying that Wanfa Xianjun was a data monster who could only exchange values, the Pure Land slapped them in the face and announced that Wanfa Xianjun was the number one in the Pure Land.


Was the Pure Land bribed by Wanfa Xianjun?

Three full-server announcements were issued in succession, each of which was related to Wanfa Xianjun.

In the end, the title of the number one in the Pure Land was given out.

This means.

Pure Land has acknowledged that the strength of the Immortal Lord of All Laws has surpassed all players and reached an even more amazing level.

In other words.

It is meaningless for them to compete for who is stronger.

Because in this regard, Pure Land is the real authority.

At present, the strength of the Immortal Lord of All Laws is the strongest among all players.

Thinking of this.

A group of players sighed.

They have been fighting for the first person in Pure Land for four or five years, and the curtain fell today.

"The Immortal Lord of All Laws is amazing."

"The title of the first person announced by Pure Land is too hardcore, the boss is really going to heaven."

"It is hard to imagine that a newcomer won such a title. The god of Pure Land is worthy of the name."

"Am I the only one who is carefully checking the criteria? The first four items are easy to say, but how did Wanfa Xianjun do the fifth item? Isn't the intermediate game area the City of No Return? In what aspect did the boss surpass him?"

As this topic was brought up.

All the players joined the discussion.

An old acquaintance with the ID "Poison King" expressed his inference: "I am a fan of Xianjun. For me, the ruler of the City of No Return is a second-level ghost king. The Yin force value is passed, and the contract ghost can also be passed. As for the props, according to the rumors I heard, the ruler of the City of No Return is suspected to have a semi-finished top-grade Yin device, which can also be ruled out. The only thing left is skills."

"I have seen from afar that Wanfa Xianjun released a skill with poisonous attributes. The toxicity is so strong that I can't judge the strength. I guess it is probably referring to this."

As soon as this statement came out.

Many players were shocked.

Because we also think this inference is very real

The truth is likely to be like this.


They still find it hard to imagine.

After all.

Skill strength is the most difficult of the four criteria to improve.

Players need to continuously improve their proficiency.

It takes time to endure.


Wanfa Xianjun is exactly the one who lacks time the most.

Three months to improve the strength of a skill to the upper limit of the intermediate game area.

Even for unpopular poisons, the standard is still not low.

They guessed that it would take at least lv7 to reach the upper limit of the City of No Return.

Three months to improve the skill to lv7 or above.

This is just like a dream.

Especially as the skill level increases, the proficiency will become higher and higher. When it reaches lv4 or above, it often takes more than two or three years to improve one level.

They can't imagine what method Wanfa Xianjun used to improve his skills to such a high level in such a short time.

The more they think about it.

The more they feel that Wanfa Xianjun is extremely unfathomable.

For a while.

All the players were deeply shocked and couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.


On the other side.


Public Security Bureau.

Looking at the Pure Land Forum, where the server-wide announcement was released three times in a row, all the members of the Public Security Bureau were also shocked.

They were all stunned.

They didn't know what expression to use to express their shock.

They were numb.

They were trembling all over.

They were excited.

Because the Wanfa Xianjun, who was deified in the Pure Land Game Forum, was now standing in front of them.

Which player could experience such an honor?

This kind of excitement of first-line contact with idols cannot be described in words.

The more they saw the praise of Jiang Ming by all the players in the Pure Land Forum, the more they felt superior.

The look of secretly delighting clearly said: We know Wanfa Xianjun, do you know how high the gold content is.

In response to this.

Jiang Ming just smiled.

He seemed very calm.

He looked at the three crazy server-wide announcements of the Pure Land and secretly smacked his lips.

He knew that this clearance would make a big noise.

But I never expected it to be this big.

In time.

A fluorescent gray panel popped up.

[Player "Wanfa Xianjun" opened a new grade version of Pure Land, and made great contributions. He has been given a special reward. ]

[Special reward - three exemptions. ]

[Note: This is a privilege that can eliminate the player's three copy violation records. Why is this privilege given? I hope players have some ideas in their minds and don't let Pure Land overwork. ]

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Pure Land, you didn't have this attitude when you just broadcast it to the whole server. Where was your flattery at that time? I made such a great contribution, shouldn't your attitude be better?"

"You admit that I am excellent in person, and you are reluctant to let me quit the game. Isn't this good?"

[Excellent? ]

Jiang Ming shrugged.

"Isn't it?"

[Average/Pulling up pants. ]

Jiang Ming:?

His facial muscles pulled slightly.

He felt that the intelligence of Pure Land seemed to be higher.

No, to be more precise, it was because Jingtu invested more energy in him and used more algorithms on him, which led to such a change.


A line of words appeared on the fluorescent gray panel again.

[Detected that the post about "Jingtu program error, Wanfa Xianjun cheating" in the forum was hot, and Jingtu asked the players - as the biggest contributor to the Jingtu version update, Jingtu can give you the right to ban this post. ]

Jiang Ming said casually: "I don't care too much."


[Wrong answer. ]

[Jingtu is disappointed with you - as the recognized first person in Jingtu, questioning your cheating is questioning the unfairness of Jingtu, and Jingtu can't stand it. ]

As soon as this line of words came out.

[Forum] The template floated over a server-wide announcement again.

[Congratulations to the player "Wanfa Xianjun" for becoming the first prisoner to leave the Push City Prison. ]

[His daily report on sentence reduction has been made public. ]


All the players were furious again.

The fourth server-wide announcement.

It’s related to Wanfa Xianjun again.

What’s going on.

Has Jingtu become a fan of Xianjun too?

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