Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 366: Build high walls, store up food, and slowly claim the throne

The next day.

Jiang Ming woke up from the soft big bed.

He came to the balcony.

Facing the cold wind, he looked out at the neighboring Mang Village and started his day's work. He felt happy.

The female ghost secretary came in.

She reported what she had discovered last night.

"Mr. Jiang, you are currently far ahead. The one with the biggest advantage among the other three candidates for the City God is the rich young man from Wangsheng City. With the power from Wangsheng City, he has gained the trust of the village chief of Huiyin Village and is willing to cooperate with him. He is a great rival."

"And, due to the influence of yesterday's daily records, the other three candidates have already known your situation and will most likely choose to speed up and show their cards in advance."

Seeing that Jiang Ming didn't care, the female ghost secretary glanced around with a serious sense of stealth. Seeing that no one was around, she lowered her voice and said, "Mr. Jiang, this is only the first day of the City God battle. Don't relax. I have heard Lord Wuhui Ghost King analyze the situation of the four candidates and make their own analysis."

"Among them, although the Red Corpse Ghost King is a retail investor with no supporting forces behind him, he is also considered a half-special ghost species. Although he is only at the peak of the first-level ghost king, with the blood advantage of the Flame Demon and a compatible ghost king-level ghost beast, he is enough to compete with one in a short period of time. According to the analysis of Lord Wuhui Ghost King, this candidate will most likely choose to enter the Sorrowful Mountains to hunt, arm the power of the jurisdiction, let the people see his power, win fame, and finally take the road of eliminating other candidates. "

"The resentful ghost is the owner of the cemetery of the ghost king-level force. He is very outstanding in training and disciplining soldiers. The cemetery where he is located has a strict hierarchy. The lower ghosts must absolutely obey the orders of the upper ghosts. Such a behavior pattern makes many powerful ghosts in Wuhui City willing to stand on his side. He is most likely on the road of hegemony. "

"As for the young man from Wangsheng City, he should be planning to develop the economy. This is the easiest way to widen the gap between the jurisdictions. In addition, he comes from Wangsheng City and should have a lot of good things on him. As long as they can be cultivated within half a year, the economy of the jurisdiction will immediately usher in a leap, and the gap will be established at that time. "

"And the owner of Jubao Villa who was eliminated by you also chose this route. "

Jiang Ming listened.

He said with interest: "Then what did the Wuhui Ghost King say about me?"

The female ghost secretary was silent for a while.

She uttered a paragraph.

"The Wuhui Ghost King said that you are too mysterious. She can't see clearly and can't make an effective judgment, but she guesses that you will definitely be the most outstanding in this battle for the city god, and you may do something incredible."

Jiang Ming's mouth curled up.

He chuckled: "She is really good at judging people."

Just saying.

There was a sudden movement in the direction of Mang Village.

There was a chaotic sound.

Jiang Ming looked over.

I saw that less than two hundred meters outside Mang Village, there were five or six wolf-like ghost beasts with fangs and sawtooths outside, rushing out of the jungle, staring at Mang Village with green eyes.

Or, staring at the palace next to Mang Village.

Waiting for an opportunity to move.

The Yin force fluctuations of the ghost general level spread from these ghost beasts.

It was testing the target in front.

The direction of Mang Village.

The ghost commander-level village chief also noticed this abnormal situation and organized people to go outside the village to fight the enemy together.

The two sides confronted each other.

The situation was tense.


The village chief of Mang Village noticed Jiang Ming standing on the balcony on the third floor, and immediately became excited and commanded other villagers to rush up.

He himself took the lead.

He was at the forefront.

He had the momentum of one man blocking the pass and ten thousand men could not open it.

Very eye-catching.

The other villagers and ghosts behind him were a little confused when they saw this, because the village chief seemed a little excited, as if he was performing for someone.

With this idea.

The other ghosts also looked sideways.

When they saw that the river god in their minds was standing on the balcony and looking at the situation on their side, they were also shocked.

Their blood boiled.

They felt brave all over.

They wanted to fight bloody battles and let the river god see their strength.


A group of villagers and ghosts also rushed up.


Just one word: do it!

Not long.

In the fierce battle between the villagers and ghosts, all six wolf-type ghost beasts were killed.


The next second.

More wolf-type ghost beasts emerged from the deep jungle.

A pair of green beast eyes shone brightly, revealing a ferocious head, and with a roar, they pounced on the villagers of Mang Village.

The three huge wolf-types in the lead had the Yin force fluctuations on their bodies reaching the level of ghost commanders.

They bit hard.

They looked like they were going to eat all these villagers clean.

They were extremely fierce.

The ghosts were shocked.

They understood that this was a trap.

The previous ghost beasts were just baits, and this was the main force.

The purpose was to lure them out and catch them all in one fell swoop.

Such IQ is not something that a group of ghost generals and ghost commanders can think of, at least it must be a wolf king above the ghost king level.

Is there a ghost king-level ghost beast eyeing this place?

The expression of the village chief of Mang Village changed drastically.

He realized that he knew it too late.

It was too late to organize the villagers to leave.

At this time.

A leisurely voice came from afar.


As soon as the words fell.

The sky was overcast.

The wind was blowing.

A seven-colored poisonous hand condensed in the air and slapped down heavily.

The three ghost beasts that passed by were turned into pus on the spot under the poisonous palm that melted everything.

The other ghost general wolf species saw this and showed fear and fled in panic.

In this regard.

Jiang Ming, who was standing on the balcony, ignored it.

He just narrowed his eyes.

He had some ideas in his mind.


Not long after.

The villagers of Mang Village came back with frustration.

They came to the door of the palace where Jiang Ming was, and confessed: "Lord River God, we disappointed you. I didn't expect that such a group of small characters needed you to personally deal with them."

Originally, they wanted Jiang Ming to see more of their value, but they didn't expect that their cleverness would backfire and they almost died in the hands of a group of ghost beasts, and they needed Jiang Ming to rescue them personally.

They are really useless.

If they had not been chosen by the Lord River God to govern Mang Village, they would probably have lived a life of mediocrity and died of old age in such a backward and barren village.

From "Don't bully the poor young" to "Don't bully the poor old" to "The dead are the greatest".

This is probably their life.


With the arrival of Jiang Ming, they have seen a wider world, but they do not have enough talents, skills, and value. In the eyes of Lord River God, they are probably a bunch of waste.

The villagers and ghosts thought so.

They were ashamed.

They lowered their heads.

Jiang Ming glanced at them.

It seems that he knows what these ghosts said.

But he did not comfort them.

After all.

For him now, these villagers and ghosts are really not very useful.

Except for making some special dishes, they are completely useless.

Of course.

With the plug-in [You may not believe it], he has no useless ghosts in his hands, only ghosts that cannot be used.

Thinking of this.

Jiang Ming asked, "Where do the ghost beasts here come from?"

The village chief of Mang Village said in a low voice, "Lord River God, these basically came out from the Wailing Mountains. The Wailing Mountains are very dangerous and are the paradise of ghost beasts. Without the strength of the ghost king level or above, it is basically difficult to gain a foothold. Even the ghost king dare not go deep into the mountains. Because of this, many ghost king-level ghost beasts choose to lead their tribes out of the Wailing Mountains and stop to cultivate along the way."

"The wolf-type ghost beasts that attacked us are most likely such a tribe, and they are likely to come to the palace where Lord River God is."

The village chief of Mang Village explained:

"Lord River God, you may not know that the Mang Village has lived in this place for generations, and has long studied ways to make ghost beasts ignore the village. Normally, ghost beasts will not be interested in Mang Village. Today's abnormal behavior can only mean that Mang Village has been targeted, and the target is still your residence, Lord River God. This batch of wolf species is the vanguard, testing the strength of Mang Village."

At the end.

The village chief of Mang Village looked solemn.

He was not worried that this group of wolves would pose a threat to Jiang Ming, but in the situation where the enemy was in the dark and we were in the light, they needed to be on guard against the sneak attacks of wolf-type ghost beasts at all times.

If they were not careful and let this group of ghost beasts disturb the sleep of Lord River God, they would die.

This was what they were most worried about.


A village ghost volunteered: "Lord River God, in order to prevent the ghost beasts from disturbing you, we are willing to guard your door day and night. Unless you step over our corpses first, no ghost beast can invade."

"We are willing to do so."

"It will be our supreme honor to guard the door for Lord River God."

The ghosts spoke willingly.

Willing to guard the door every day, regardless of wind and rain.

For them, this is not a humiliation, but a gift.

It allows them to get close to the temple.

Guarding the temple, they are heavenly soldiers and generals.

Such an honor.

Even the head of Mang Village seemed very tempted.

He seemed to be ready to run for the position as long as Jiang Ming agreed.

Hearing this.

Jiang Ming shook his head and said casually: "Instead of passive defense, it is better to take the initiative. Just build a wall to surround Mang Village, and you don't have to worry about this problem anymore."

Hearing this.

The ghosts looked at each other.

Build a wall?

What's wrong with your brain circuit?

The crisis is real-time, but building a wall is a long process.

The wolf-type ghost beast will not give Mang Village so much time to build a large-scale project.

Not to mention, with Mang Village's current technical level, it is impossible to build an earth wall that can resist ghost beasts above the ghost general level.


Even if it is really built, how high does it need to be built?

Without dozens of meters, it is impossible to stop the charge and jump of the wolf-type ghost beast.

Where does Mang Village need to get this batch of building materials?

You can't make it again.

This is too whimsical.

You can say.

It is simply impossible to build a city wall by relying on the size of Mang Village.

In the final analysis.

Mang Village is too backward and too barren to keep up with the development plan of the River God.

In this regard.

Jiang Ming ignored it and continued to talk.

"I know a kind of Yin mine, the characteristic of which is that it can be extended indefinitely. Not to mention this group of ghost beasts below the ghost king level, even if they are above the ghost king level, it is impossible to climb up."

What he said was, of course, the portal to the treasure place of the ghost king Hanba that he had seen before.

He still remembered the effect of this Yin ore.

If it is used to build a city wall, it is undoubtedly an impenetrable abyss.

It is very suitable for the situation of a resource supply area.

It is just right to bring it up now.

On the side.

Listening to Jiang Ming's description.

The old ghost in the earth subconsciously said: "Nine-layer magic stone, super-quality Yin ore, one of the specialties of the city of rebirth, has the characteristics of unlimited extension and plasticity. It is said that the entire city of rebirth is built with this Yin ore material. The highest extension height of its city wall has reached more than 5,000 meters. It is a truly magnificent wall and one of the six wonders of the Pure Land World."

"My Lord, if this is what you said, it may be difficult to achieve. Although this super-quality Yin ore is not rare, it is only produced in the city of rebirth, and there is little flow of this Yin ore. It is basically impossible to use it to build a city wall."

His words were not final.

Giving Jiang Ming a way out.

But he also had no expectations for Jiang Ming's idea.

This was too fantastic.

Although Mang Village was not big, with the area of ​​the four-story palace, if you wanted to enclose it all, the amount of Yin ore required was countless. Even if you searched the entire Wuhui City, you couldn't find this amount of Yin ore.

Building a city wall is nonsense.

The other villagers were surprised to hear this.

They had to marvel at the generosity of Lord River God.

They actually wanted to build a city wall with super-quality Yin ore, which was too extravagant.

Using it to surround Mang Village is just like painting a toilet with gold edges.

It's all gold and jade, but rotten inside.

Not to mention that Mang Village doesn't have such resources yet.

The head of Mang Village hesitated and said, "Lord River God, we don't need to develop so fast, and Mang Village doesn't have such super-quality Yin ore for us to build a city wall."

Jiang Ming's mouth curled up slightly.

"Who said there is none?"

"You may not believe me, but I found the Nine-Layer Demon Stone Yin Mine hidden underground when I entered Mang Village. The location is behind the palace and you can see it as soon as you dig."

Ghosts: ! ! ?

Hearing this.

All the ghosts present were stunned.

The pupils shrank suddenly.

There is a vein of super-quality Yin Mine Nine-Layer Demon Stone in the back mountain next to Mang Village?

And it is underground?


It is too incredible.

It is unbelievable for ghosts.

Who would have thought that such a huge wealth is buried under the ground of Mang Village.

If according to the old ghost who was buried, the materials used to build the Rebirth City are all this Yin Mine, then the value must be not small.

The value of a whole vein like this is immeasurable.

It is easy to turn all the villagers of Mang Village from paupers into billionaires.

It is not just a few hundred million, but tens of billions, tens of billions of ghost money.

This number is too outrageous.

So much so that they couldn't imagine it.

The old ghost who had some knowledge of the Nine-Layer Magic Stone also couldn't believe it.

He opened his mouth wide.

His expression was horrified.

But soon.

He gave up such an idea.

Nothing else.

This is too ridiculous.

As the culprit who killed the God of Luo River, he had already explored the land of Mang Village, and wanted to trace the source of the ghost and god characteristics of the river god. He was sure that there was nothing under Mang Village.

If there was.

Not to mention him, the God of Luo River would have dug it out long ago.

For a while.

The field fell into a strange silence.

Seeing this.

Jiang Ming smiled.

[Specified target does not trust, the plug-in [You may not believe it when I say it] has been triggered. ]

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