Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 385: Learn the secrets of the sixth anniversary celebration [6,000 words]

The city of no return.

City Lord's Mansion.

Jiang Ming walked out of the whirlpool passage.

I found myself back in the city lord's office.

Standing right where he disappeared not long ago.

It seems that the channel opened by this City God privilege is the location where he exits the copy.

This ability is so useful.

It's the same as the fixed-point teleportation array.

It allows him to travel freely between the real world and the Pure Land world.

If he could learn this method and leave a coordinate point here, he would not need to be restricted by the Pure Land and could only enter the Pure Land world every three days.

Jiang Ming was very interested.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

The newly released lv5 level plug-in [copycat machine is just a cow] is launched.

[Ding, the copycat is successful. 】

[The host has learned this ability. 】

[Space teleportation (lv1): Leave a space coordinate, and you can travel between two places freely. 】

See this.

Jiang Ming smiled.

Level 5 plug-ins are invincible.

Even this ability, which is obviously related to high-level ghost realms, can be copied.

It was really not in vain for him to invest all the Universal Soul Point Stud into it.

Good harvest.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Ming started clicking on evolution points.


[Players use evolution points. 】

[Three servings have been consumed. 】

[The level has been improved. 】

[Space teleportation: lv1-lv2. 】

[Space teleportation (lv2): You can place three spatial coordinates,]

See this.

Jiang Ming was slightly surprised.

Does it take three evolution points to level up?

This is the first time this has happened.

In the past, no matter what skill it was, only one copy was required when adding points for the first time, and only after reaching level 4 did it start to transition to two copies.

And now.

A level 1 skill requires three evolution points.

This is not as simple as doubling.

But it grows exponentially.

The further back you go, the more evolution points you need.

He did the math,

If you want to upgrade this skill to level 5, you need a full 90 evolution points.

That is 90 golden fruits.

If one golden fruit is sold for more than one billion dollars, the cost would be as high as hundreds of billions of coins.

Jiang Ming clicked his tongue.

Not to mention whether ordinary ghosts have such a large net worth, even if they do, they probably won't be able to gather so many resources.

If he hadn't had unlimited resources, he might not have been able to level up one or two levels in his life.

He sighed sincerely.

In the entire Pure Land world, he is the only one who can add such extravagant points.


The office door was pushed open.

The Wuhui Ghost King swayed his body and commanded the decoration craftsman ghosts with a slightly majestic expression.

I saw a total of eight craftsman ghosts in this batch.

He slowly moved in carrying a valuable desk with carved patterns. Judging from the expression, it was not light, otherwise it would not have made the eight fierce ghost-level ghosts so strenuous.

Seeing Jiang Ming, the eight craftsman ghosts were stunned.

It seemed that he was wondering why there was a human being standing in a sacred place like the city lord's office. Judging from his demeanor and position, it was obvious that he had sneaked in, but he had entered here openly.

At this time.

One of the fierce ghost-level craftsman ghosts seemed to recognize Jiang Ming's identity. His pupils shrank sharply and said with a bit of uncertainty in his tone: "You are... Mr. Jiang, Lord Jiang Chenghuang, yes, that's right. Mr. City Lord Jiang, I was of low strength and did not squeeze into the central square, but I also witnessed the heroic appearance of City Lord Jiang from a distance. Among humans, the only one with such aura is our Lord City Lord. "

Hear this.

The other seven craftsman ghosts were also shocked.

They knew that a human being had been elected as the new city god, and they chose to support Jiang Ming because of the grand publicity.


None of them had ever met Jiang Ming.

Now this is the first time to see this human city god who has caused a sensation in the entire City of No Return.


They put down their desks one after another.

He came to Jiang Ming and bowed.

The expression may be one of respect and admiration.

Nothing else.

Jiang Ming created a refining furnace that can automatically refine elixirs. As long as the Yin material is put in, it can produce super-quality three-line Yin elixirs on its own.

Each one only sells for 500,000 hell coins.

If you buy 10 of them, you can become a quasi-ghost king in a short time.

This undoubtedly gives the low-level ghosts a chance to reach the top of the City of No Return.

Even craftsmen at the bottom of society like them can have the opportunity to become masters.

With such benefits, how could they not be grateful to Jiang Ming.


All the craftsmen and ghosts shouted in unison: "I have met Mr. Jiang City Lord."

Jiang Ming chuckled.

Raise your palms weakly.

"Get up and ignore me."


Jiang Ming came to Wuhui Ghost King.

Curious: "Did you decide?"

The Wuhui Ghost King nodded.

"You are now the city lord and the ruler here. Even if you stay for a short time, you still need the highest standard of treatment. A desk is a must. In addition to the desk, this place also needs to be decorated simply and add something that can symbolize the status of the city god. Object, otherwise it would be too monotonous, do you have any objection?”

Monotonous style is not what she likes.

It's just that as a city god, she was eager to achieve something and always had a sense of crisis in her heart, so she didn't decorate the office environment too much.

But now...

Everything is different.

There was a man in front of her to protect her from the wind and rain, and as her support, her tense mood immediately relaxed.

Only then did I pay attention to these trivial matters.

She renovated the office with a mentality of "laying out a new home".

So I do it myself and take it very seriously.

"You are the future Madam of Hell, so naturally everything is decided by you."

Jiang Ming blinked and joked.

This made the Dewuhui Ghost King look angrily, revealing a somewhat feminine attitude, which was completely different from his majestic image to the outside world.


She didn't refute.

It's like this identity is accepted by default.

His eyebrows were slightly bent, as if he was a little happy.

This gesture made the eight craftsman ghosts who were moving the desk salivate.

Emma I'm going.

Is this really the former City God who was so majestic along the way and whose aura was so strong that they didn't dare to breathe too much? This look of a little woman is too much for ghosts to believe.

They seemed to have discovered some great secret.

The relationship between the former City God and the current City God seems to be more than just colleagues.

They thought so.

His head dropped hard.

I didn't dare to lift it up at all.

I'm afraid I won't be able to leave here alive if I see more details.

At the same time, he worshiped Jiang Ming, the new city lord, extremely.

Lord Wuhui Ghost King is the brightest pearl in Wuhui City. During his rule, Wuhui City truly realized a society like the rule of law.

As long as there is a ghost who dares to break the law, Xuanyin Division will let the other party know what the supremacy of the law means.

It can be said.

The reason why they are still alive is that they have a stable job and a stable environment, and the jurisdiction of Wuhui Ghost King plays a key role.

This also made the Wuhui Ghost King once become a high-ranking goddess in the hearts of the people, and she attracted the admiration of many young ghosts.

It's a pity...

From beginning to end, no young talent captured this heart.


This bright pearl is about to be captured by a human being.

If this were said out, the entire City of No Return would be shocked.

But then I thought about it.

Besides Jiang Ming, the unparalleled human city god, who else could be worthy of their returnless ghost king?

This is a combination of a talented man and a beautiful woman, a couple of gods and gods.

Belongs to a strong alliance.

Other admirers are not even qualified to compete with Jiang Ming.

The ghosts sighed.

This human being is truly a god-man.


The Wuhui Ghost King also noticed something strange about several craftsman ghosts.

The dimples are reddish.

He glanced at Jiang Ming again.

"In addition to the desk, I also asked the craftsmen to make other modifications. This is not a good place to talk in a short time. Follow me."


The invisible ghost realm flashed past, wrapping Jiang Ming and disappearing here.

When it reappears.

Jiang Ming found that he had appeared in a boudoir.

This is the top floor of the main building of the city.

It is the palace of the city lord.

It retains the style of ancient boudoir.

However, compared to the complexity of the boudoir of a wealthy family, this place seems very simple.

There were only a few vases placed in the room as ornamental objects, and the floor was covered with a soft blanket.


There was only a square bed and a screen.

"Are we talking here?"

Jiang Ming looked strange.

This seems to be the boudoir of this female city god.

Talking about things here is too obvious.


He likes it.

The Wuhui Ghost King covered up and said: "The rest of the city lord's main building is an office area. When we talk about things, we can't disturb other ghosts' work."

"That makes sense."

Jiang Ming took advantage of the situation.

Nodding very seriously.

"Then what did I say?"


The Wuhui Ghost King stood there slightly restrained.

His fingers moved the hem of his clothes unconsciously.

A little nervous, but also a little looking forward to something.

See this.

Jiang Ming thought for a while and decided to let the other party relax first.

So he asked: "Will there be any big moves in Pure Land World in the next few days?"

The Wuhui Ghost King was stunned.

You really mean it.

She quickly adjusted her mood and started thinking.

"Are you referring to the recovery from the disaster?"

"Talk about it."

Jiang Ming's expression changed.

What he was just referring to was naturally the sixth anniversary celebration.

It was just a rhetoric at first, and I never thought that there was really special information.

"It's like this. The outer area of ​​the Pure Land World is very large. It is far more than just the city of No Return. The nearest big city to the City of No Return is called Donglin City, and the owner of Donglin City is a The three-term Old City God is a peak third-level ghost king. Although the size of the city is not as good as that of Wuhui Capital, the overall lineup is stronger than Wuhui Capital. "

The Ghost King of No Return explained:

"Recently, I heard that Winterland City intends to apply to the City of Death to become one of the economically powerful cities and wants to get more support. However, since there is no existence above the Ghost King to take over, the Lord of Winterland City is preparing to awaken a statue to become an embryo. The ghosts and gods want to take this opportunity to conquer each other. "

"However... this ghost and god was once known as the Fiery Disaster. Once it revives, it will turn into a magma hell for thousands of miles. It has a record of destroying cities, so the Lord of Donglin City has not made up his mind for a long time. But according to the information I got, Donglin Lincheng seems to have selected a location as the place where the fire disaster will be released. "

"I speculate that it should be your human world, because I have also received a notice saying that some ghosts will be selected in the City of No Return and released into the human world to serve as activists."

Hear the words.

Jiang Ming's eyes flickered.

He finally understood the theme of this sixth anniversary celebration.

This is indeed a big shakeout.

Once the disaster is revived, the human world will suffer heavy losses.

He speculated that the player's task should be to prevent the disaster from awakening.

It requires global players to work together.

Fight against the forces of Winterfell that want to awaken the plague.

Jiang Ming clicked his tongue.

For the human world to confront a city that is larger than the entire city of No Return, this is simply a matter of striking an egg against a stone. As long as a few existences above the Ghost King level appear, the players can only stare.

Look at it this way.

There should be some restrictions on the ghosts that are released into the human world, otherwise the human world will never be able to stop them.

Jiang Ming was thoughtful.

His first reaction was that world-class achievement was guaranteed.

With this thought.

Jiang Ming asked again: "Can Donglin City control the ghost-level fire disaster?"

"How is that possible?"

The Wuhui Ghost King shook his head and said: "The history of this Fire Calamity can be traced back to tens of thousands of years ago. Now it is only in its embryonic state. Even if it can be awakened, it will only be stronger than the Ghost King. Otherwise, Winterfell City would not have this courage."

Jiang Ming understood.

Although there is no ghost-level strength, the Ghost King is also a force that players cannot resist.

Even now, without using plug-ins and props, he is no match for a ghost of this level.

"Do you need me to negotiate?"

Seeing Jiang Ming's thoughtful look, Wuhui Ghost King suggested.

She naturally understood that since Jiang Ming brought up this topic, it proved that her guess was correct. The place where Winterland City chose to release the fire disaster was the human world.

And the man in front of her was a human being.

"No need, I'm also quite interested in this Yan disaster."

The corners of Jiang Ming's mouth raised slightly.

I already have an idea in my mind.

He continued to discuss the information with the Ghost King of No Return.

The more I listened, the more I realized what a wise decision it was to let the Ghost King of No Return become his spokesperson and continue to govern the Capital of No Return on her behalf.

This is definitely a genius that no amount of money can hire.


Jiang Ming took out a copycat River God Soul Bead from his body and handed it to the other party.

"Is this... compensation for not giving you any reward?"

The Ghost King of No Return thinks lightly.

She had witnessed the scene where Jiang Ming went back in time to ask the River God to hand over the soul pearl, so she naturally recognized this semi-top quality treasure.

Swallowing it can increase the probability of being promoted to a ghost or god. No ghost will be tempted by such a resource.

She is no exception.


The Wuhui Ghost King only glanced at it a few times.

Then he looked straight at Jiang Ming: "What if I say no compensation or reward is needed?"

Remuneration = employment relationship.

She doesn't like this.

"This is not compensation, this is the feeling of wanting to share something good with the people you like."

Jiang Ming changed his mind.

"Do you really like me?"


"How to prove it?"

"How do you want me to prove it?"

"If you want me...I'll believe it...well!"

The Ghost King of No Return had the courage to say such a sentence.

The words are not finished yet.

The mouth was blocked.

The temperature of the room is rising rapidly.

a long time.

Only then did Jiang Ming leave.

"Can this express my feelings?"

"Not yet, not enough."

"Then I'll keep working hard."

There was something strange in Jiang Ming's eyes.

He is good at understanding people and at the same time, he is also good at understanding Guiyi.

He knew that the body of the Wuhui Ghost King was an Overlord Flower, but apart from the vague red flower under his cheek, he did not find any similar characteristics.

He originally thought that the characteristics of the Overlord Flower were displayed in its attack methods, but now... he discovered that this characteristic was also displayed in the structure of the ghost's body.

The rhizome of the Overlord flower shows small bumpy particles.

Jiang Ming took a breath of cold air.

This is definitely a novel experience.

The next day.

When the Ghost King of No Return wakes up.

She found that she was the only one left in the boudoir.

This made her feel a little lost.

Covering her exquisite body with a quilt, she felt a little lost.

Just then.

The door to the boudoir was pushed open.

Jiang Ming came over with a breakfast.

It is porridge that nourishes the stomach.

The porridge is fragrant.

It exudes an indescribable breath of life.

Give the ghost a big appetite.

"You're awake."

Jiang Ming chuckled.

"I saw you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't disturb you. Would you like to get up and have some porridge?"

"So you didn't disappear."

Seeing that Jiang Ming did not disappear, but instead went to serve him porridge, the disappointment on Wuhui Ghost King's face immediately turned into a bright smile, his eyebrows crescent.

The eyes that looked at Jiang Ming were crazy.

With a bit of pink.

She was only wearing a silk pajamas, and her hazy beauty seemed to be absent. She got out of bed and looked at the porridge in Jiang Ming's hand with some emotion.

Take a sip.

The pupils suddenly contracted.

Not only the taste, she tasted the extremely strong breath of life in the porridge.

This breath was exactly the same as the three drops of blue dew that Jiang Ming absorbed when he crushed the River God Soul Pearl.

And the smell is stronger.

It feels like the water for cooking porridge is filled with this kind of dew.

She could clearly feel that an indescribable wonderful feeling was filling her body.

That is the gestating ghost and god characteristics.

She only took a sip, and the characteristics of ghosts and gods were already generated in her body. Although it was only the initial stage, she was only at the second level of the Ghost King.

The ghost and god characteristics are born at the second level of the Ghost King, which is three points more difficult than opening up a ghost realm before reaching the Ghost King.

"How many river soul beads did you put in this porridge?"

The Wuhui Ghost King regained his composure.

The look of shock could not be concealed on her pretty face.

"Not many, just ten."

Jiang Ming said in a casual tone.

Smell it.

The Ghost King of No Return was shocked.

Her lips parted slightly.

He looked at Jiang Ming with an incredible look.

If you use ten priceless River God Soul Beads to cook porridge, there must be a limit to your wealth.

To know.

For those who are at the peak of the third level of the Ghost King or even above the Ghost King, an ownerless soul bead is simply a peerless divine object. Once it is born, it will definitely lead to a bloody storm.

If she took a soul bead to auction, it would be a matter of minutes to sell it for more than 10 billion.

And now...

Jiang Ming took ten of them and used them to cook porridge for her.

In other words.

The price of this bowl of porridge is over 100 billion.

It's such a luxury.

Not to mention the city god, even the judge of Hades in the City of the Past cannot afford it.

Even ghosts and gods would drool after seeing it.

How could her little ex-Cheng Huang afford such a bowl of porridge worth hundreds of billions.

Jiang Ming seemed to see the reluctance of the Ghost King of No Return, and smiled: "Eat it, this River Soul Pearl is not valuable to me, I can get as much as I want. If you are not tired of it, we can eat like this every meal. You only need to simply eat and drink to successfully possess your own ghost and god characteristics, instead of having to study hard.”

The Wuhui Ghost King swallowed his saliva.

Accepted Jiang Ming's statement.


It was difficult for her to adjust to this concept of using soul beads as cabbage in a short period of time.

It can only be said that she tried her best to adapt to this unimaginably luxurious life.


She tasted the porridge again.

He fed Jiang Ming another mouthful.

Jiang Ming did not refuse.

A bowl of porridge. The two drank it with relish.

The fluorescent gray panel is responsible for painting the screen.

[Swallowing life porridge, water attribute control +1, strength +60, speed +60, spirit +160, Yin power +16000. 】




When the two walked out of the room.

The time has come to the afternoon.

Jiang Ming pushed open the door of the city lord's office.

at this time.

Things have changed inside.

Not only were there more calligraphy and paintings, but the vases, floors and walls were also newly laid, and the empty corners were also decorated with elegant decorations.

There are two desks facing each other.

Just look up and see each other.


Jiang Ming praised.

At this time, his opinion is not important, just praise and that's it.

Sure enough.

The look of joy on Wuhui Ghost King's face was very obvious.

Admiring his carefully decorated "new home".

It took a while to calm down.

Asked: "How many days will you stay here?"

"Two days. In two days, the Fire Disaster will be released in Winterland City. I have to go and deal with it."

Jiang Ming glanced at the countdown to the sixth anniversary celebration.

[Countdown: 58:36:54. 】

Give accurate time.

"Then I'll have someone sort out the documents. You are the City God, so you must know the general outlines of the City of No Return."


The Wuhui Ghost King took his personal secretary to organize the information.

Jiang Ming didn't stop him either.

Sitting on his own Chenghuang desk.

A tea set was set out.

He took out dozens of River God Soul Beads from his body, crushed them, and dropped the green dew into the kettle.

Then he placed the first-grade super-grade Yin Material Soothing Tea obtained from the Wuhui Ghost King on the tea cup.

Make a cup of tea with a fragrant aroma and immeasurable value.

Take a sip.

Nearly four months have passed since he became an official player. He has also moved from the primary game area to the intermediate game area, and has become the well-deserved master of the intermediate game area.

Sitting on an entire city of no return.

Whether it is status, identity, or power, they have reached a peak that is beyond the reach of players.

It can be said.

Today, he is at the top of mankind.

Even in the Pure Land world, he is still one of the beings with a monstrous status.

There are basically few ghosts that can compare with him here.

Think so.

Jiang Ming was filled with emotions.

Drink the tea in one gulp.

"It suddenly becomes clear."


The fluorescent gray panel flashed again.

[Swallow the special combination of calming life tea, water attribute mastery +1, strength +200, speed +200, spirit +500, Yin power +20000. 】

Look at the 3D properties displayed on the panel.

Jiang Ming did the math.

Basically, in the next two days, he will be able to make up for the missing 5,000 spiritual attributes and officially advance to the ninth-level ghost controller.

He is very satisfied with this natural advancement.

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