Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 393 Pure Land: You stepped on my face? I also want to save face [6,000 words]

As the fluorescent gray popped up, the global players were presented with the statistics of the number of ice ores needed to seal the fire disaster.

All the players were dumbfounded.

Because the number of ice ores required was too much.

The low-quality ones were easy to say, basically you could win several pieces in one game. As long as half of the global players could win, it would be easy to collect 10,000 pieces.

The medium-quality ones were somewhat difficult.

Because the lowest level of participating ghosts in the game venue that could win the medium-quality ice ores was the fierce ghost level, and the ghost general level was not rare.

For ordinary players participating in this level of game, it was purely looking for death. Only ghost controllers above level 5 were eligible to participate.

It would not be possible to collect 3,000 pieces in a short time.

As for the high-quality Yin ore, it was even more difficult.

The ghost in charge of the game was at least a ghost commander, and the quasi-ghost king was considered standard.

It was undoubtedly difficult to win the ice attribute Yin ore from this level of ghost.

It not only requires the ability to take shortcuts and superb strength, but also requires a lot of manpower to find loopholes or ways to pass the game.

If the medium-grade ice ore can be collected by time, then the high-grade ice ore requires luck.

Of course.

It is still possible to complete.


When the players saw the number of super-grade ice ore in the last column, they all showed desperate expressions.

Because the high-grade ice ore still has the possibility of completion.

And the super-grade, they have no chance to collect it.

Especially when the number reaches 10 pieces, the possibility of collecting it has dropped sharply to 0.0001%.

It is almost impossible.

After all.

According to the ghost item grades of low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade ice ore, those who can own super-grade Yin ore are undoubtedly ghost kings.

Wanting to get the spoils from a ghost king is no different from a fool's dream.

Even if it is just a game, they have little chance of winning.

This is over.

This idea just came to players around the world.

The number of ice mines held by players counted by Pure Land was also displayed.

From low-quality to super-quality.


The players' eyes suddenly fixed on the column of super-quality Yin ore.

[1/10. ]

They were shocked.

Has a player already obtained super-quality ice mines?

How is this possible.

It is only the first day of the dungeon, and the intelligence has not been explored yet. Who dares to gamble with the ghost king-level ghost under such circumstances?

With such astonishment.

They clicked on the contribution ranking list.

[First place: Wanfa Xianjun (a super-quality...)]


All parts of the world exploded.


It turned out that Wanfa Xianjun obtained super-quality ice mines.

This first person in Pure Land, who was as bright as a star, was like everyone else in the sixth anniversary dungeon of Pure Land. He was only ranked ninth in the total contribution ranking list. He did not have the legendary status of a god at all.

His performance was mediocre.

This made many Western players secretly feel superior.

They thought that no matter how special Wanfa Xianjun was, he could not compare to the power of a country. They thought that this time they would break the myth of Wanfa Xianjun and break the curse that "only Wanfa Xianjun can get SS-level or above evaluation".

But now...

Their sense of superiority has been disintegrated.

Wanfa Xianjun made a stunning debut.

While other players were still working hard for the three qualities of ice ore, he directly obtained a piece of super-quality ice ore, surpassing the front row in one fell swoop, reaching the first place in the total contribution list, and completing a curve overtaking.

This is amazing.

Many players exclaimed that it was incredible.

They were amazed in their hearts that Wanfa Xianjun was worthy of being the first person in the Pure Land. When the first and second place had to rely on the power of the country to occupy the first and second place on the list, he forcibly topped the list by obtaining super-quality Yin ore.

Such an unexpected approach can only be done by Wanfa Xianjun.

If it were them, they would not even have the courage to stand in front of the Ghost King, let alone win a Ghost King in a life-threatening situation.

Although this does not mean that the true strength of the Ghost King is like this, being able to win the game is enough to prove that Jiang Ming has at least the combat power of the quasi-Ghost King level.

Otherwise, there is no possibility of winning

For a while.

All the players around the world cheered.

Because this means that they have the hope of collecting 10 super-quality ice mines.

As long as the Immortal Lord of All Laws performs normally, and they are behind the scenes as a helper and think tank, they may be able to open this sixth anniversary celebration event copy within a month and end the disaster of the human world being ravaged by the fire disaster.

The Immortal Lord of All Laws, the God among Gods.

Everyone celebrated a little in their hearts.

The admiration for the Immortal Lord of All Laws increased by another degree.


On the other side.

Scarlet Amusement Park.

Jiang Ming looked at the four missing qualities of ice mines and signaled all the ghosts here to hand over the Yin mines.


In the huge amusement park, ghosts from the City of No Return, from the City of Winter, or from the staff of the Scarlet Amusement Park, lined up in a long and orderly manner.

Each of them handed the ice ore in their hands to Jiang Ming with great awe.

Holding it with both hands.

Nodding and bowing.

The posture of kneeling and licking was clearly visible.

Watching this scene.

All the members of the Qichuan City Public Security Bureau were stunned in place.

Their faces were full of shock.

This kind of scene where ghosts line up neatly and hand out treasures to humans one after another. To be honest, they would never dare to dream like this.

Because it's too far from reality.

Let them subconsciously not believe that there is such a thing.

But now...

All this has become a reality.

The Three Swords of the Ten Thousand Magic Immortal Lord subdued the entire Scarlet Amusement Park.

Demonstrated miraculous skills,


They remembered what Jiang Ming said when he came here, "get here in one day".


They also thought it was an exaggeration.

It simply cannot be done.

But now...

This thinking has changed.

An idea arose in their minds: Perhaps, this time, the Immortal Lord of Ten Thousand Arts can continue to create new miracles that have never been done before or since. A day later, he will speed through a dungeon with at least S+ level difficulty and once again make a global sensation.

If this can be done, the Immortal Lord of Ten Thousand Magics will completely break away from the ranks of players and reach the point where he can rival the power of the country.

The power of one person is enough to rival a country.

By then.

The influence of Wanfa Immortal Lord will once again increase to another level.

It reaches the point where no one knows it and no one knows it.

Can be respected as a "national player".

A group of members of the Public Security Department thought so.

Heart pounding.

They may witness a new miracle.

In such shock.

Jiang Ming also gathered all the ice-attributed ores.

The total contribution ranking has been refreshed again.

[First place: Wanfa Immortal Lord (1 piece of super grade, 24 pieces of high grade, 90 pieces of medium grade, 230 pieces of low grade)]

Jiang Ming is quite satisfied with this harvest.

Even if the super-quality Yin Ore is not included, the amount of Yin Ore that can be collected by a ghost king-level force has exceeded the number that can be collected by the combined national power of the first and second list.

Look at it this way.

It is more convenient to directly destroy the ghost king level forces.

Think of this.

Jiang Ming asked: "How many ghost king-level forces in Winterland City have come here?"

The smoke ring ghost pulled out a far-fetched smile and said without hesitation: "There are eight locations in total, and each location holds a piece of this super-quality ice ore in their hands. They also received a death order to awaken the flames at all costs." Disaster, the reason why we do not allow humans to enter our territory to participate in the game is because of this consideration. We must get rid of the shackles of the rules as soon as possible, go to the forbidden place of the disaster, and awaken the opponent. "

Smell it.

Jiang Ming couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

According to what the other party said, a ghost king-level force controlled a piece of super-quality ice mine. In other words, during the sixth anniversary celebration of the Pure Land, a total of ten ghost king-level forces were released into the human world.

The total amount is close to two-thirds of the city of no return.

It is no problem to say that half of the high-end power of the No Return City has been invested.

Under such difficulty, the human world has no hope at all.

Recovery from the disaster is almost certain.


A group of members of the Public Security Department also thought of this.

The original excitement also turned gloomy at this moment.

My heart went cold.

Ten ghost king-level forces, what a despairing fact this is.

It can be said.

As soon as the first day passes, the human world will be in chaos.

Life is ruined.

And it’s the kind that no one can stop.

No wonder the difficulty of this anniversary copy is unknown, because except for the first day, the difficulty for the rest of the time is beyond S+ level.

This is more than just a major reshuffle, it is simply a process of great destruction of human civilization.

Jiang Ming ignored the thoughts of this group of official personnel and continued to ask: "Why do so many ghost king-level forces come to your Winterland City? Logically speaking, the human world is the benchmark for the city of no return, and it should be no return. It’s only right that the ghost king-level forces return to the capital.”

The smoke ring ghost explained: "Sir, it's like this, because our old city lord of Winterland City mobilized the power of connections he accumulated for three consecutive terms, reported to Hades, and forcibly applied for an extra quota. In other words, Winter Lincheng is an unplanned and unexpected situation.”

Jiang Ming understood.

The context has basically been sorted out.

According to the original scale of the Sixth Anniversary Celebration of the Pure Land, all the ghosts released should be from the City of No Return. Ghost King-level forces will only come to two places, and the number of ghosts will never be so large.

It was Winterland City that forced its way into this quota due to the need to awaken the Flame Disaster, and this created the current situation.

Think about it until this point.

Jiang Ming stood up.

Collect all the ice-attributed ores in front of you.

Turn around and leave.

The Scarlet Amusement Park is no longer of much use to him. He needs to collect the ice minerals from other ghost king-level forces to increase the total contribution.

He is bound to get a π-level evaluation.

See this.

The smoke ring ghost was very happy.

This human being is finally leaving.

Scarlet Amusement Park saved.

His dog's life was also saved.

This is really great.

Last second.

That's what he was thinking.

The next second.

Jiang Ming paused.

Look back.

His eyes swept across all the ghosts in the amusement park.

The frightened smoke ring ghost's expression froze again.

Shrinking his neck.

Like a frightened puppy.

I didn't even dare to raise my head.

I was afraid that Jiang Ming would leave and cause trouble for him again.


The other party obviously thinks too much.

Jiang Ming fixed his eyes on the ghosts from the City of No Return, and his expression was raised.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you going to follow me?"

Hearing this.

All the ghosts at the scene were stunned.

Including the ghosts from the City of No Return.

They were also stunned.

I don't understand what the city lord means.

Can they leave whenever they want?

Now is the first day they are thrown into the human world. Even if they want to get rid of the shackles, they have to wait until the next day at the earliest. Leaving now is undoubtedly against the rules.

They can't afford the price of breaking the rules.


The quasi-ghost king-level ghost with "I want to improve" written on his face considered his tone and explained respectfully: "Sir, we have all signed a contract, which lists various restrictions and penalties for violations. Even if we are willing to bear this price, we will be forced to return to the City of No Return at the moment of breaking the rules. But don't worry, sir, we will be by your side on time the next day."

The meaning of this is very clear.

They can't get out of the game venue right now.

They need to wait until the next day to be free.

In response to this.

Jiang Ming's mouth corners slightly raised.

"Just come out. You may not believe it. I am responsible for deciding the final result of the contract you signed. In other words, as long as I don't enforce it, you don't have to pay the price."

As soon as these words came out.

The ghosts were dumbfounded.

They were dumbfounded.

They were all looking at Jiang Ming with a weird look.

You drank fake wine in broad daylight?

Otherwise, how could you say such an outrageous thing?

The illegal contract they signed was directly responsible from the upper level. Not to mention the capital of no return, the outer areas of the pure land such as Donglin City, even the inner city of rebirth, can't directly view this document, let alone decide the final result, or even offset their illegal penalties.

What's the matter.

Are you also one of the decision makers in the upper circle?

You are making a fuss.

You see, whether we believe it or not, you are finished.

For a while.

The ghosts looked at each other.

I wanted to laugh, but I was afraid that this human would think of me and kill me, so I could only lower my head and remain silent.

Their expressions were almost the same distrust.

They were just short of putting on an expression that said "I'm listening to your nonsense".

The quasi-ghost king-level ghost from the City of No Return seemed to see the silence, and hurriedly said: "Sir, with your ability, the city god is definitely not the end. Even if you are promoted to the position of judge or the king of hell, it is only a matter of time. By then, you can influence the choices of the upper level and participate in the decision-making of the upper level. It is natural to offset a contract."

The other ghosts also agreed after hearing this.

They had no doubt that Jiang Ming's future would not be limited to the position of a city god. Even if he sat on the position of judge, they would not find it strange. As for the king of hell, who is considered a top figure in the entire Pure Land world, Jiang Ming may not have no hope of taking on the position.


That is something that can only happen in the future after all.

Jiang Ming is now only the city god of Wuhui City, and he is a new city god who has just taken office for less than five days. He has not even consolidated his power, let alone helping them to offset the cost of violating the contents of the contract.

Their move is just to give Jiang Ming a way out.

Seeing this.

Jiang Ming's smile flashed in his eyes.

You are right not to believe it.

I will have a headache if you believe it.

[Skill [You may not believe it when I say it] has been triggered. ]

Seeing this.

Jiang Ming's mouth curled up again.

When he raised his hand.

There was already a stack of contracts in his hand.


He casually threw it into the hands of the ghosts on the side of Wuhui City.

"Tear up the contents of the contract you signed and follow me. As the subjects under my rule, you are special and do not need to be restricted here like ghosts in other places."

After that.

Jiang Ming turned and left.

Indicated to the group of ghosts to follow him.

At this moment.

All the ghosts in Wuhui City who took back the contract were stunned.

My head was buzzing.

His face was full of disbelief.

This was really the contract they had signed, and the fluctuations of their Yin power were clearly visible.

Their new city lord could get and interfere with the documents that only the upper level could access?

This was too outrageous.

With such thoughts.

After a brief stagnation, the ghosts from the City of No Return became more and more excited. They followed Jiang Ming and tentatively stepped out of the door of the Scarlet Amusement Park.

A few minutes passed.

Nothing happened.

Not only was there no punishment, but they were not sent back to the City of No Return.

They really broke the restrictions of the rules.

On the first day of being thrown into the human world, they got rid of the restrictions of the playground and moved freely in the human world.

And all this was entirely due to their new city god.

Thinking of this.

The ghosts exclaimed.

They looked at Jiang Ming with an extremely fanatical look.

Their eyes were full of worship.

Their city lord was really amazing.

He is just a human being, and he is just a newly appointed city god, but he can directly interfere with the content that has been determined by the upper level and tear it up.

Such power is unimaginable for ghosts.


The city lord is a true god.

The ghosts from the City of No Return were constantly amazed.

On the other side.

Seeing this scene.

The smoke ring ghosts in the Scarlet Amusement Park and the ghosts from the City of Winter were also stunned.

Their eyes widened.

Their jaws almost dropped.

This human City God actually allowed the ghosts from the City of No Return to break free from the restrictions of the playground, and they were not punished or sent back to the Pure Land.

This is ridiculous.

The smoke ring ghost murmured: "How is this possible? You are just a City God. Placed on the periphery of the Pure Land, such a City God is not rare at all. In the eyes of the upper class, it can only be regarded as a middle-level force. How could you get such a contract, and how dare you tear it up? You, who are you?"

His words were full of shock.

It is completely unimaginable what kind of identity Jiang Ming must have to be able to carry such a document with him and tear it up on his own initiative.

The judge obviously does not have such power.

As for the high-level people above the level of Hades, they were big figures that a second-level ghost king like him could not contact or imagine.

He was dumbfounded.

He had just offended such a mysterious big figure.

Donglin City was finished.


In such cheers.

Jiang Ming led the ghosts belonging to the City of No Return out of the Scarlet Amusement Park.

Behind him followed a group of members of the Qichuan City Public Security Bureau.

They swallowed their saliva.

They didn't know what to do.

They just felt that their cognition was collapsing.

Because from the current situation, Jiang Ming's identity and background were far more terrifying than they imagined.

They couldn't imagine how Wanfa Xianjun, who had been a formal player for less than four months, had developed connections outside the intermediate game area.

This was too incredible.

They followed behind him, secretly frightened.

Along the way.

They saw a group of players who had gathered at the door of the Public Security Bureau before and followed later.

At this time.

When these players saw Jiang Ming surrounded by ghosts, they all froze.

Standing there, at a loss.

They were eager to know what happened. How come in less than half an hour, there was a group of ghosts who could move freely in the human world, and followed Wanfa Xianjun with a bowing look.

Those who didn't know would think that these ghosts were servants.

The flattery was too much.

The captain of the Qichuan City Public Security Bureau trotted over, pulled the crowd apart, and made way.

Then he started to tell the story.

"They are all ghosts from the City of No Return."

Hearing this.

These players understood.

Wanfa Xianjun is the city god of the City of No Return, the master of the intermediate game area, and has supreme power. It is normal for him to be so flattered by the local ghosts of the City of No Return.


This is only the first day.

Why can these ghosts get rid of the restrictions of the game venue?

For this question.

Captain Zhu was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "Master Wanfa Xianjun helped them remove this restriction. Now, they are free ghosts."

Everyone was shocked.

Is the power of the City God so great?

Can he control the authority of the Pure Land copy?

Captain Zhu shook his head: "The City God can't, but...Wanfa Xianjun can."

Everyone was confused.

What does it mean?

Is this saying that the power of the City God is not as great as the power of the name Wanfa Xianjun?

What happened just now, why did the captain of the Qichuan City Public Security Bureau express such a feeling?


At the same time.

Jiang Ming's side.

He decided to make a big move.

Use the effect of the plug-in [You may not believe it] that he just activated.

Otherwise, he would not be able to travel through the other nine ghost king-level forces in one day, and it would be even more impossible to gather the ice ore needed to seal the fire disaster in such a short time.

As soon as this idea came up.

The fluorescent gray panel suddenly popped up.

[An abnormal change was detected in the anniversary copy. 】


【Testing completed. 】

【Abnormal situation - a total of 63 ghosts have been freed from the restrictions of the contract and are no longer restricted by the rules of the Pure Land. 】

【The Pure Land flipped through the contract and found that the record was deleted. 】

【? 】

【It's you again, right. 】

【The Pure Land hurried over and screamed like a groundhog - giving you the right to violate the rules does not mean you can do whatever you want. The player's current behavior is too bad. He tore up the contract signed between the Pure Land and the ghosts in the copy, causing the credibility of the Pure Land to decline. This violation is worth three penalty records. 】

【The number of violations that the player can commit in the current copy: 0. 】

【The Pure Land warns again - the number of violations has reached the standard, and the copy cannot violate the rules again, and reminds you earnestly that it is okay to violate the rules, but you are stepping on the face of the Pure Land to raise your reputation, which is too much. The Pure Land also needs face. 】

【Wanfa Xianjun, you are really bad, tui. 】

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