Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 420 No matter what I do, the whole world will forgive me [5,000 words]

Looking at the three plug-ins that were refreshed in front of him, Jiang Ming's eyes lit up.

Because the effects of these three major plug-ins can be felt intuitively, and they all have a great effect on the current copy.

The first [Magical Conch] belongs to a type of plug-in that has never appeared before. According to the category, it should be classified as omniscient.

Just shake the conch and you can ask the conch girl any questions.

No matter what he wants to know, he can know it through the conch girl.

For example, how to obtain more permissions in the Pure Land, how to eliminate wanted orders, how to become the judge of Hades, how to achieve the position of King of Hell, etc., you can all know it clearly through this plug-in.

to be honest,

Jiang Ming was very excited.

This reservation.

The second one [Big Brother 666] is a forced recognition of the younger brother type.

It belongs to the same genre as [I am your father], [Yuanfang, what do you think], and [The King cannot be insulted].

The only difference is that he became that little brother.

No longer in a dominant position.

With Zhuyu in front, Jiang Ming passed this directly.

The third [Forgiveness Hat], forced modification of cognitive series,

As long as he wears a green hat, no matter how outrageous his behavior is, the other party will forgive him unconditionally.

The last one with a type effect was [Give me a face].

Jiang Ming was also very excited about this new plug-in.

With this.

No matter how outrageous his behavior in that copy is, the other party must forgive him, including helping him cancel the wanted order, etc., which can be easily accomplished.

The most critical point.

After putting this forgiveness hat on, will it disappear after being used once, or will it always be on the other person's head?

If it’s the former, it’s a different kind of [Give me a face], but the focus will be different.

If it's the latter, that would be awesome.

As long as he doesn't take off the forgiveness hat, the designated target is basically the same as becoming his plaything.

Think of this.

Jiang Ming's eyes flickered.

I paused for a few seconds between the two major cheats: [Magic Conch] and [Forgiveness Hat].


He chose the [Forgiveness Hat].

The effect of [Magical Conch] is outstanding, but it can only provide a method. He still needs to do the specific things himself. Unless it is a very obscure secret, he can learn it from the Pure Land or the mouths of ghosts from all over the world.

In comparison.

The effect of [Forgiveness Hat] will be more suitable for him to enter the advanced game area.

Finished selection.

Jiang Ming withdrew his gaze.

There was a bit of a smile on his face.

The new plug-in [Forgive Hat] is very suitable for the current copy.

He had to make some big noise to announce his arrival to the City of Rebirth.

It doesn't matter even if it attracts the wrath of heaven and ghosts.


No matter what he does, the whole world will forgive him.

Because I...oh no, because he has a cheat by his side, that's why he is so confident.

Just thinking about it.

Two players were teleported in.

Falling beside him.

One male and one female.

The man's face was old, with corpse spots on his face, and he looked like a dying old man. However, he had a strong body and tight skin below his head, which was exactly what a young man should look like.

The woman has short hair that reaches her shoulders, and her muscles are also not small. She is wearing a smart outfit, looking like she is surviving in the wilderness. She is obviously well prepared.

Jiang Ming saw it.

The Yin power fluctuations in the two players are both at the level of seventh-level ghost masters. According to the Yin power value, the male player with corpse spots on his face has a Yin power value of 400,000 points, and the short-haired female player has a Yin power value of 350,000 points. Around 500,000 points, which is not much different from the eighth-level ghost master.

At the level of seventh-level ghost masters, they are undoubtedly the top group.

Otherwise, I would not dare to participate in the Wailing Mountains dungeon and try to enter the advanced game area.

Especially the corpse-spotted male player, who has changed his profession to an Onimusha.

In terms of strength, it is definitely one of the best in the global player queue.

While Jiang Ming was observing each other, the two players on the opposite side were also observing their teammates.

Seeing Jiang Ming, they were all stunned for a moment.

They seemed surprised that besides them, there were other players who dared to enter here, and it was an unfamiliar face.

"Brother, you are quite unfamiliar. You have just been promoted to our top circle. I admire you for having the courage to enter the Screaming Mountains alone."

The corpse-spotted man handed over his hand, admiring Jiang Ming's courage.

To be honest, this was the first time he had seen a player like this who dared to participate in the Wailing Mountains dungeon alone.

The other party is not a fool, that is, he has some kind of support.

He believes it's the latter.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Luo Wen, she is Zhao Zhen, we are here together, and this is my girlfriend."

The corpse-spotted man introduced him sincerely.

Reveal your name.

He also introduced another female player as his girlfriend.

He looked very proud.

Jiang Ming was slightly startled.

This was the first time he had seen a couple form a double queue, which was quite rare.

"Jiang Ming."

See this.

Jiang Ming also took the initiative to say his name.

"Brother Jiang, I have long admired your name. From now on, we are just grasshoppers on the same rope. I hope we can cooperate in a friendly way and strive to break into the high-end game area."

Before the corpse-spotted man finished speaking, the female player with short shoulder-length hair solemnly corrected her: "It's not about fighting for it, it's about determination. If you miss it again this time, you will have to wait for half a year. My sister has been lost in the City of the Past for a year, and I don't want to do it again. Waiting down."

Smell it.

The corpse-spotted man sighed helplessly: "It's not that I don't want to say something auspicious. This is the third time we have entered the Wailing Mountains. You have also seen the results of the first two times. In the depths of the Wailing Mountains, there are even ghosts at the third level of the Ghost King. There are all the beasts, and we have no ability to cross this road. The other paths are basically guarded by ghost beasts of the third level and above. It is more difficult to reach the City of Rebirth than to climb to the sky. The limit is to escape intact. "

"Your sister is also my leader. I owe my current strength to Sister Zhao's help. I shouldn't be in a hurry, but haste is not the answer."

The female player with short shoulder-length hair gritted her teeth: "This time is an opportunity. Compared with the previous two times where we could only rely on our efforts to cross the Wailing Mountains, this time the dungeon of the Wailing Mountains has undergone different changes. We only need to If you get into the top 100 in the audition, you will be taken in by the forces from the City of the Past. This will be the closest we get to success."

"Don't be careless. Although we don't need to climb over the Wailing Mountains this time, the difficulty has become even greater. Ghosts from the entire Pure Land periphery have gathered here to participate in the audition. There are many ghosts above the third level of the Ghost King. We are still the best. On the bottom side, it’s a pity that the group of players I contacted who also wanted to explore the Wailing Mountains couldn’t do it, otherwise our success rate would have been higher.”

The corpse-spotted man said with some pity.

Then his eyes fell on Jiang Ming again, and he explained: "Brother Jiang, we won't hide it from you. This is the third time we have entered the dungeon of the Screaming Mountains, and it is also the closest we have come to success. We will definitely try our best to win the first place. There is a quota of 100 people. If there is a chance, we will bring you in. "

Jiang Ming listened with interest.

No reaction.

It seems that these two people are the new members that the Poison King mentioned at that time.

From the conversation, it was obvious that the reason why they were able to survive twice in the Wailing Mountains dungeon was entirely due to the missing sister of the female player.

If the guess is correct, this so-called sister should also be a beta player, and she is the kind who has already established a foothold in the City of the Past and has a good background.

Just thinking about it.

A fluorescent gray panel pops up.

[It has been detected that the player has entered the Wailing Mountains. The supplementary rules are as follows. 】

[1: Currently, the Wailing Mountain Range is within the competition range throughout the entire process. Leaving it is a failure. 】

[Two: Look for the twelve kinds of ghost talismans placed by the competition team throughout the Wailing Mountains. If you collect twelve of them, you can leave your name on the list. The more you collect, the higher your ranking will be. 】

[Three: Special rules are currently shrouded in the Wailing Mountains. The hunger value is accelerated, the Yin energy consumption is doubled, the spiritual consumption is doubled, and no external materials can be used. If you need to replenish resources, you can look for the wandering salesman. 】

[Four: Members participating in the audition: all cities outside the Pure Land, the City of Rebirth. 】

[5: Fighting for other contestants is allowed, regardless of life or death. 】

[Six: Before the end of the competition, you need to arrive at the safe area outside the City of the Past, otherwise it will be deemed invalid.]

[Current event end time: 90:56:36. 】

Looking at the panel prompts that kept appearing, the expressions of the two players changed.

In addition to the ghosts from the outer areas of the Pure Land, are there also ghosts in the City of Rebirth involved?

The strength gap will undoubtedly widen even further.

Not only are there ghosts at the third level of the Ghost King or above, there may also be beings above the Ghost King involved.

Once a ghost of this level ends, unless it is not encountered, it will only follow the path of sacrifice.

Not to mention, the rules of the competition are life or death.

If you want to attract the attention of the forces or officials organizing the event, showing your ability to dominate the entire field is undoubtedly the fastest way.

By then.

The entire Wailing Mountains will become a bloody slaughterhouse.

These lowly players are undoubtedly the easiest to become cannon fodder.

It would be better to let them explore the road to the City of the Past alone.

The corpse-spotted man thought so.

The pressure is unprecedented.

In particular, the three points of accelerating hunger, doubling the consumption of Yin energy, and doubling the mental consumption completely made their situation worse.

The beginning is hell difficulty.

He couldn't see the way forward at all, let alone the possibility of completing the main mission.

"Brother Jiang, you are really unlucky. The first time you entered the dungeon of the Screaming Mountains, you encountered this level of difficulty. This is no longer an S+ level difficulty. Even if it is placed in the advanced game area, this is probably an A-level dungeon, except that there are no legends. Except for the ghosts and gods in the game, it is basically the upper limit of A-level dungeons in the advanced game area."

The corpse-spotted man said with lingering fear.

The difficulty level has seriously exceeded the standard.

It's simply not something humans can play around with.

Being able to survive is already a blessing.

To this.

Jiang Ming narrowed his eyes.

No ghosts?

That's not necessarily the case.

According to what he learned, the overlord-level ghost beast Earth Dragon in the Wailing Mountains has reached the level of the Ghost King and is in the process of transforming into a ghost. Once successful, the difficulty of this dungeon will directly rise to the S-level dungeon in the advanced game area.

The entire Wailing Mountains will be destroyed.

Until then.

Beast riot.

Few members who participated in the competition could survive.

This is the biggest crisis in this copy.

It is also where the biggest scoring points are.

If the Earth Dragon can be prevented from being promoted to a ghost or god, or the Earth Dragon can be killed, then even the ghost and god level forces will be eager to recruit him into his sect and focus on training him.

Think about it.

This is the reason why the ghosts from the City of the Past also participated in this audition.

Looking at it this way.

The power that held the event is most likely not an ordinary ghost-level power.

Jiang Ming was thoughtful.

A lot of information was analyzed from the rules information given by the Pure Land.

An idea came to mind.

At the right time.

Another fluorescent gray panel popped up.

[Side quest has been triggered. ]

[Side quest: Official debut. ]

[Task conditions: Find the first ghost talisman and officially inform the organizer that humans have participated in this ghost event. ]

[Reward: Side quest exploration +15%. ]

After reading.

Jiang Ming retracted his gaze.

Prepare to leave.

The content of the main task one and the main task two are basically the same.

One is to perform well in the event, so that you can be valued by the power that observes this event, take it for your own use, and successfully enter the city of rebirth.

The other is to collect ghost talismans and rank in the top 100, which can also be favored by all forces in the city of rebirth and successfully enter the city of rebirth.

It's just that one is random and the other is inevitable.

No matter which method is used, it is always right to collect ghost talismans first.

He wants to get a π-level evaluation, which cannot be missed.

Just then.

Deep in the dense forest.

A rustling sound was heard.

That was the sound of dead wood being stepped on and broken.

In such a primitive mountain range, the only things that can make such noises are ghosts or ghost beasts.

No matter which one, it is an unfavorable situation for the players.

The corpse-spotted man and the shoulder-high female player changed their faces in shock,

and fled at the first time to avoid a head-on encounter.


They found that Jiang Ming did not move.

He just stood there in a daze.

This made the two people confused.

I don’t understand what Jiang Ming is thinking. Could it be that he thinks that he doesn’t have to worry about being remembered because he hasn’t collected the ghost talismans yet?

If so.

That’s too naive.

In such a life-and-death event, once a ghost beast or a ghost encounters a human, the first choice of the other party is to kill the human.

It's not that they think humans are a threat, but they just have fun.

This is the status of humans in the Pure Land.

In the eyes of ghosts above the ghost king level, the image of humans is no different from ants. If they are interested, they will step on them to death and will not care about what humans think.

"Brother, why are you still standing there? Do you think you are the immortal king of all laws and have the strength to face danger?"

The corpse spot man kindly reminded.

The action is not slow at all.

It has retreated dozens of meters and hidden in the bushes.

A ghost fur coat is draped over the two players, blocking the ghost's perception.

Jiang Ming ignored it.

Standing there without moving.


In one direction, three ghosts walked side by side.

The Yin force fluctuations on their bodies are all at the ghost king level.

The ghost with wolf teeth hanging on its neck is the peak of the first level of the ghost king.

The three ghosts seem to come from the same place and have a good relationship. They are in a triangle formation, carefully observing the movements around them, very cautiously.

Seeing Jiang Ming not far away, the three ghosts were stunned.

They seemed to suspect that they had seen it wrong.

Otherwise, how could they see human figures in such a place.


They reacted.

They were not wrong.

That was really a human.

There were traces of humans in the Sorrowful Mountains, which was beyond their expectations.

After a brief moment of astonishment.

The three ghosts laughed at the same time.

The ghost faces laughed fiercely.

They looked extremely creepy.

They were walking towards Jiang Ming step by step.

They were originally cautious, but they relaxed because Jiang Ming was a human.

They became fearless.

There was even a bit of teasing on their faces.

"Human? Are you lost? Do you want me to help you find the way out?"

As they spoke.

The three ghosts walked in front of Jiang Ming.

Seeing that this human did not make any attempt to escape, they preconceived that this human had been frightened.

Not only was he so frightened that he could not even make a frightened expression, but he also forgot to run away.

This made them very satisfied.

Seeing this.

Jiang Ming looked strange.

He asked back: "Have you collected the ghost talisman?"

Hearing this.

The three ghosts were stunned again.

They all felt that this human's brain circuit was a bit strange. At this time, shouldn't the first thing he said beg for mercy?

Asking them if they have collected the ghost talisman for what?


Still want to rob.

The three ghosts dispelled such unrealistic thoughts.

The wolf-tooth ghost in the lead took out a vermilion talisman from his body and said jokingly: "Yes, human, this is the ghost talisman. Why, do you know where there is such a competition prop? Do you want to use this as a condition to ask us to let you go?"

Jiang Ming's expression moved.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

The vermilion talisman was already in his hand.

"Thank you, this talisman is mine now, do you have any more?"

Ghosts: ? ? ?

This time.

The three ghosts were completely dumbfounded.

He looked at Jiang Ming with a completely different look.

Damn it.

This human really dared to rob.

And he did it in front of them. He was really too brave.

Who gave this human the confidence?

Thinking like this.

The wolf-fanged ghost's expression turned completely cold.

He looked at Jiang Ming with a gloomy look.

He showed a ferocious look.

"Human, do you know what you are doing? How many lives do you have to lose to steal my things?"

He took a step forward.

He looked down at the human in front of him.

The teasing in his eyes turned into pure murderous intent.

He wanted to tear this human who dared to snatch the ghost talisman from him into pieces.

Jiang Ming had a playful expression.

He slapped him with a slap.

After the slap.

He looked at the wolf-toothed ghost with a look of pity.

The plug-in [Forgiveness Hat] was activated.

A green hat that only Jiang Ming could see was put on the other's head.

Seeing this.

Jiang Ming's mouth curled up.

"No matter what I do, whether it's snatching the ghost talisman from your hand, slapping you, or killing you, you will forgive me, right?"

Hearing this.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.


What the hell are you talking about?

You first robbed someone, then slapped him hard, and now you want him to forgive you?

What kind of joke is that.

Who do you think you are?

Do you also want to say that I am beautiful, so I deserve to be forgiven?


The other two ghosts looked at Jiang Ming with a look of a fool.

The two players hiding in the distance also looked at Jiang Ming with a confused look.

I don’t know what Jiang Ming is doing.


At this moment.

The wolf-fang ghost who was robbed and slapped suddenly said: "You are right, although you did such a bad thing to me, you deserve to be forgiven, of course I forgive you."

Ghosts:? ? !

Players: !!!

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