Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 422 Kneel down and ask you to do something [5,000 words]

Until the wolf-fanged ghost completely left and disappeared, the two players who were hiding in the dark and observing all this dared to come out again.

They looked at Jiang Ming and then at the two ghost king corpses on the ground, and the shock on their faces never faded.

They all felt that this scene was too incredible.

It felt unreal.

"Jiang, brother Jiang, who are you?"

The corpse-spotted man asked dryly.

His words became cautious.

He looked at Jiang Ming with awe.

Although Jiang Ming did not show much strength in the previous battle, his brainwashing ability and ghost domain ability had already shocked their eyes.

Especially the former.

They watched the whole process to the end, but they didn't understand how Jiang Ming made the existence of the first-level peak of the ghost king forgive him against common sense.

For this, he helped humans kill his two accomplices.

The only thing they could think of was a skill similar to charm.


To control a ghost king and brainwash the other party, how high a skill level is this?

Level 8? Level 10?

They still couldn't imagine the strength of this skill.

This teammate was stronger than the normal level 7 ghost tamer.

In addition to the fact that the skill level exceeded the standard, they had reason to suspect that Jiang Ming was a beta player before.

He had experienced a game copy before, and now he was re-selected.

That's why he has such an amazing ability.

In response to this.

Jiang Ming just chuckled.

No response.


He stretched out his hand and put it on the two ghost kings, absorbing the evil spirit.

[Absorb the evil spirit of the ghost king's first-level ghost, Luosha Nether Melon experience +100,000. ]

[Absorb the ghost king's first-level... experience +130,000. ]

[Luosha Nether Claw (lv13): 250,000/30,000,000. ]

Seeing this.

Jiang Ming sighed.

If Luosha Nether Claw wants to continue to upgrade to level 14, it needs 30 million experience points, which is three times higher than the 10 million experience points when upgrading to level 13.

It is not so easy for him to unlock the ghost and god characteristics of poison attribute control.


According to the strength of the lv13 Luosha Nether Claw, even if it is upgraded to level 14, it cannot compete with real ghosts and gods. At most, it can reach the level above the ghost king. It must be above level 15 to truly activate the ghost and god characteristics of poison attribute and have the strength to fight against ghosts and gods in the true sense.

Level 14 is 30 million experience points, and level 15 is 80 million to 100 million experience points to upgrade once.

How many ghost kings does he have to kill to gather such a huge amount of experience?

Jiang Ming's eyes flickered.

The road of absorbing evil spirits to upgrade Luosha Nether Claw has to continue, but at the same time he has to find the ghost and god characteristics of poison attribute. Directly absorbing the poison gas at the ghost and god level will obviously increase faster.

It can greatly shorten the time for him to unlock the control of poison attribute.

At the right time.

The fluorescent gray panel flashed.

[Side quest: Official debut (completed)]

[Reward: Side quest +15%. ]

[Note 1: Congratulations, your existence has been officially known to the event organizer and has attracted attention. The organizer has sent a special observer to enter the venue, preparing to use you as a gimmick to attract more forces to enter the venue and place bets. ]

[Note 2: This is special information, which is the care of the Pure Land for partners with 1% authority (blink.jpg). ]

Jiang Ming glanced at it.

His expression moved.

The so-called special observer is similar to the eye ghost in the battle of the city gods, who can broadcast the battle situation in real time?

Or is it a real-time broadcast of the picture?

If so, the lv5 plug-in [Give me a face] can start brewing again.

He has to make a few big waves.

Even if the effect of the lv5 plug-in [Give Me a Face] cannot be triggered at the moment, he still has a new plug-in [Forgive Hat] to back him up,

It doesn't matter how much noise he makes.

The main point is that he has a plug-in and is unscrupulous.


The corpse-spotted man has come over.

He licked his face and said flatteringly: "Brother Jiang, I wonder if you still want the bodies of these two ghost corpses? If not, can I peel off their skins?"

Jiang Ming glanced at him.

The corpse-spotted man explained: "Brother Jiang, I have a special skill that can use the skins of ghosts to replace the fake with the real, and make myself look like a real ghost in a short period of time. It is with this method that we can make a name for ourselves in the Pure Land World and enter the Sorrow Mountains twice and escape unscathed."

"I'll give it to you."

Jiang Ming waved his hand.

The ghost that has been absorbed by the evil spirit of Luosha Nether Claw only looks like it was dead, but in fact, the inside has long become an empty shell, and the ghost body has lost its due function. Except for a ghost skin, there is nothing useful to find.

However, the ability of the corpse spot man can just work on ghost skin, which is a professional match.

This can be regarded as the other party's fate.

Jiang Ming thought so.

He gave it casually.

He gave the other party two ghost king-level corpses.

Seeing this.

The corpse spot man was very excited.

He almost drooled.

He expressed gratitude again and again.

Thanking Jiang Ming for the gift of corpses,

he looked like he was licking his superiors.

The shoulder-to-shoulder female player next to him also bowed to Jiang Ming in gratitude.

After all.

Jiang Ming's behavior was too generous.

The players who have made it this far in the Pure Land world are not all as cunning as wolves, but they are basically deep-minded and take advantage of others.

If it were other players who didn't kill them when they knew they needed Ghost Skin, they would be at a loss.

You can't get it without paying the price of physical pain.

And Jiang Ming just gave it away for free.

This is definitely unique among high-level Pure Land players.

The two players were amazed.

This time, they bumped into each other.

With this thought.

They looked at Jiang Ming with friendly eyes.

Subconsciously, Jiang Ming took the lead.

The female player with short shoulder-length hair asked: "Brother Jiang, what should we do next? If we want to ensure that we can enter the City of the Past smoothly, it is best to collect a complete set of twelve kinds of ghost talismans, so as to ensure that we can enter the City of the Past smoothly. Top 100."

"According to the Langya ghost, it is easier to find the talisman hidden in the cave, but with less than 4 days left, it is impossible for us to walk through the entire Wailing Mountains. As for the second way, we need to face the ghost beast directly. , This requires the cooperation of multiple people, one person involves the energy of the ghost beast, one person cooperates to take off the talisman, and another person handles the emergency, the risk will be greatly increased. "

While peeling off the skin, the corpse-spotted man said the third way: "Actually, there is another way, which is to snatch the talismans from the hands of other participating ghosts. Although most of the ghosts who dare to enter the Wailing Mountains have grades above the Ghost King level, there is still Some ghost generals and ghost commanders have broken into it, and we can rob them."

"This approach is more dangerous. Who dares to break into the Wailing Mountains and dream of entering the City of the Past? Who has no one to rely on? It is safer to rob them than to rob those ghost beasts below the Ghost King level."

The female player with short shoulder-length hair denied the proposal.

Listen to the arguments.

Jiang Ming looked calm.

They are all adults, so naturally all three methods must be put on the agenda.

Grab whatever you come across.

No need to worry.


Jiang Ming figured out the direction.

Walking towards the depths of the Wailing Mountains.


The corpse-spotted man handed a piece of ghost king painting to Jiang Ming and said with a smile: "Brother Jiang, this is the ghost skin on one of the ghost kings. You can imitate the ghost to a certain extent just by sticking it next to you." Aura, as long as the ghosts are not close, it is basically difficult to tell whether you are a human or a ghost. This is definitely the best tool for walking in the pure land world. "

He was not stupid enough to occupy all two Ghost King paintings.

Even if Jiang Ming said he would give it away for free, he couldn't be so shameless as to take it all away.

Hand over one, this is the most correct thing.

Jiang Ming glanced at it.

Shaked his head.

The corpse-spotted man thought Jiang Ming was disgusted, so he explained: "Brother Jiang, although this is peeled off a ghost, after I made it, it is basically like a facial mask and will not cause any discomfort."

To this.

The corners of his mouth opened slightly.

Say it bluntly.

"After putting on this ghost skin, how can I rely on my human identity to attract those ghosts who are not afraid of death and steal their ghost talismans?"

Corpse-spotted Man:!

Shoulder-length female player:! !

They all took a breath.


So that’s what you thought.

Are the beta players really that awesome?

While the public beta players are still using all kinds of tricks to avoid ghosts, this group of inside players have begun to openly snipe ghosts?

Not only ghosts hunt people, but people also start hunting ghosts?

This is amazing.

The two players were stunned for a moment.

Once again, Jiang Ming's strength was raised to a higher level.

In such awe.

They moved on.


A ghost appeared.

Wearing a decoration similar to that of an ancient scholar, with blush on his face, and carrying a cage on his back, he was walking happily on the forest path.

Sensing movement, the blushing ghost turned its head and glanced sideways.

He was stunned for a moment.

Then he showed a bit of playful expression.

"Humans? Poor guys, do you want to buy supplies? Only if you catch up with me are you qualified, otherwise you will starve to death here when your Yin power is exhausted."


The blusher ghost ran away.

Extremely fast.

Fluctuations of quasi-ghost king level Yin energy spread out from his body.

In less than three seconds, he ran hundreds of meters away.

Almost disappeared.

See this.

The corpse-spotted man reacted.

"Brother Jiang, that should be the salesman mentioned in the rules. He has materials that can replenish yin power and spiritual attributes, and there is a high possibility that you can buy ghost talismans from him."

Jiang Ming said nothing.

As early as the same time that the salesman started running, he flexed his five fingers.

Level 13 Luosha Nether Claw is activated.

In the direction where the blushing ghost sprang out a few hundred meters away, a colorful poisonous hand about one meter in diameter flicked out.


Only a rumble was heard.

The blusher ghost was bounced away on the spot.

Smash it in the direction it came from.

After a gully of several hundred meters was plowed on the ground, it fell right at Jiang Ming's feet.

Jiang Ming stepped forward with his right foot.

He said condescendingly: "Am I qualified for this?"

Hear this.

The blushing ghost was stunned on the spot.

He looked up at Jiang Ming in disbelief.

He seemed shocked that a human could capture him.


He reacted sharply.

Furious, he said, "Damn it, human, do you know what you are doing? I asked you to catch up with me, not to attack me. I am a neutral NPC in this event. If you attack me, you will offend all the peddlers. I will definitely tell my other colleagues about this and ask them not to receive you. You will become a public enemy and then be forced to leave the field because you cannot replenish supplies."

He roared in a low voice.

He struggled desperately,

trying to get rid of the humiliation of being stepped on by a human.

It's a pity...

He couldn't do it.

The place where the human stepped on felt a piercing pain, as if it was corroded, so he could only scream.

He was powerless to break free.

He could only threaten with all his might.

He looked at Jiang Ming with extremely resentful eyes.

In response,

Jiang Ming was indifferent.

He pulled off the box behind the other party.

After finding that it couldn't be opened, he threw it in front of the blush ghost and said in a light tone: "Open it, let me see if there is a ghost talisman inside."

"Human, do you think I will listen to you? You are the first one who dares to coerce our peddlers like this. If you have the ability, open it yourself, but I want to remind you that without me, the result of forcing it to open first will be to detonate the detonating Yin talisman inside and blow up all the items. This was originally to prevent those ghosts with ulterior motives. I didn't expect that the first person to do this would be a human."

"Human, you will be famous soon."

He roared again.

I have made up my mind to make this human completely famous.

How many participating ghosts will pay attention to it at that time, that will be the bad karma of this human.

This is the fate of offending their peddlers.

Hearing this.

The two players showed worry on their faces.

It is obvious from the rules that the so-called peddlers are most likely ghosts from the event organizer, otherwise they would not dare to carry a large amount of valuable supplies in the Sorrowful Mountains. It is not a wise decision to offend this group.

Once the other party retaliates, there is no need to do it yourself, just spread the news and give a little profit, and some participating ghosts are willing to serve.

By then.

Jiang Ming will become a thorn in the eyes of all ghosts.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an enemy of the whole world.

It is not too late to surrender now.

With this idea.

Both players set their eyes on Jiang Ming.

Seeing this.

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

He looked at the blush ghost with a pitying look.

The plug-in [Forgiveness Hat] was activated.

Jiang Ming put the green hat on the other party's head with his own hands.

His expression was playful: "It turns out that offending you will be so miserable, well, can you forgive me?"

After that.

Jiang Ming rubbed the blush ghost's face with his feet a few times.

Indicated to the other party to speak.

Two players: ...

The corners of their mouths twitched in unison.


Stepping on someone's face and asking for forgiveness.

This was the most hardcore apology they had ever seen.

It was not much different from "Kneel down and ask you to do something."

Can ghosts really accept such an apology?

Last second.

They thought so.


Next second.

The blush ghost underfoot spoke with difficulty.

"Of course I have to forgive you, you didn't do anything wrong."

Hearing this.

Jiang Ming was very satisfied.

Released his foot.

Signaled the blush ghost to open the box, he wanted to buy, buy, buy.

The blush ghost opened it immediately.

Revealing the three-layer shelf in the box.

The first layer was filled with daily necessities.

Items such as fire-making supplies, food, clothes, tents, etc.

The second layer was filled with resources.

Yin force supplements, mental supplements, and various Yin pills that can enhance the state.

The third floor was filled with ghost talismans.

There were originally three types on the shelf, but two of them had been sold, leaving only a few vermilion talismans, or detonating talismans.

The corpse-spotted man stared at them intently.

Until he saw the price.

"Fuck, a bottle of Yin force supplement costs five million ghost coins? Is it made of gold? A spiritual force supplement costs eight million ghost coins? What a joke, who can afford this."

The short-haired female player also gasped and said, "A Yin device for making fire, selling for one hundred thousand ghost coins? A portion of uncooked ghost general-level ghost beast meat, asking for five hundred thousand ghost coins? And a ghost talisman, 30 million ghost coins each? This is money laundering."

The blushing ghost heard it.

He was unhappy.

He pouted and said, "If you think it's too expensive, you don't have to buy it. When we sell these, we didn't consider that there are humans involved. Also, we are not asking for an exorbitant price. Hot-selling products such as Yin Power Supplements and Mental Power Supplements are all resources specifically for ghost kings and above. You only need to drink two bottles to fully recover. Ten million ghost coins can be exchanged for a full-power output. This is worth it, right? Moreover, this kind of Yin Power Supplement is an exclusive resource in the Rebirth City. You can't see it anywhere else."

The meaning of these words is the same,

If you are poor, don't come out and embarrass yourself.

The two players opened their mouths, but couldn't say anything to refute.

Ten million ghost coins can be exchanged for a second output opportunity for the ghost king. In a battle, it is definitely the key to a comeback. It is indeed not expensive.


They can't afford such expensive resources.

Let alone ten million ghost coins, they don't even have one million ghost coins.

The only things that can be bought on the shelves are daily necessities.

Or the kind that will make you go bankrupt after buying them.

They are indeed poor.

The other party is right.

It is really beyond their ability for humans to participate in this level of auditions.

Let alone persisting to the end, they can't even afford the necessary supplies.

Unless they don't do anything and keep their Yin power at full capacity, food can be obtained through hunting.

But this also creates a problem.

If they want to obtain food through hunting, they can't avoid fighting.

This is a dead end.

No matter how they think about it, they can't find any way to pass the level.

The two players thought so.

A sense of powerlessness arose in their hearts.

Humans are still too small in the Pure Land World.

Especially the advanced game area map, which is a gap that they cannot cross.

At this time.

Jiang Ming said casually: "I bought them all."

As soon as this was said.

The two people and one ghost at the scene were shocked.

They looked at Jiang Ming in astonishment.

Did they hear it wrong just now?

What did this guy just say?

Buy all?

Although there are not many things on these three shelves, they are expensive. If you buy them all, you need at least 500 million ghost money.

A human can take out 500 million ghost money?

Is it true?

The blush ghost hesitated and said, "Human, are you sure you want to buy all of them instead of robbing them? Although you must have your reasons for doing so, I have to remind you that you have to show the ghost money first before you can unlock the things on the shelf. This is to prevent ghosts from robbing. Before the ghost money is put in, the supplies will not pop out."

Jiang Ming's mouth curled slightly.

He stretched out his hand and waved.

Stacks of ghost money were piled on the ground.

"It's just 500 million, not a lot of money."


Jiang Ming put all the ghost money into the box.

One by one, the supplies were spit out.

They were placed on the ground.

There were so many things to see.

It was overwhelming.

Eyeballs were about to pop out.

Especially the two players, their mouths were wide open, unable to close.

They looked at Jiang Ming in disbelief.

Who on earth is this teammate of theirs?

He took out 500 million Hell Money without blinking an eye, and also bought all the supplies on the shelf.

This financial power is simply heaven-shattering.

More importantly, a player who can easily take out 500 million Hell Money must have more real assets than 500 million Hell Money. As for how much higher, it is beyond the imagination of poor people like them who don’t even have 1 million Hell Money.

They are both players, and they are experiencing the same dungeon. The gap is too big.

They are no longer in the same class.

For a while.

The two players were stunned.

Their eyes were dazed.

On the side.

The blush ghost looked at the 500 million Hell Money in white, and his eyes were straight.



You said you were a local rich man.

If you had revealed your identity first, I would have held the boxes and crates in front of you and let you buy them.


I got beaten for nothing.

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