Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 431: Run away! The old thief Wanfa is coming [5,000 words]

at this time.

On the ruins.

Twenty-eight ghost king-level participating ghosts squatted on the ground, holding their heads with both hands, trembling.

This is an extremely rare condition.

Among the participating members participating in the audition event, even the existence of the third-level peak ghost king cannot make so many ghost king-level ghosts submissive and dare not resist with their own personal power.

And Jiang Ming did it.

A human being subdued all the ghost kings in the Wailing Mountains, which are full of ghosts. If this spreads out, not only the outer reaches of the Pure Land, but even the City of Rebirth within the Pure Land will cause a lot of noise.

Look at this scene.

As a special observer of Wufu Sect, the black-eyed ghost couldn't help but record the scene at this moment.

Collect the picture into the photo talisman and prepare to upload it to the City of the Past.

He was sure that once this picture was released, most of the forces watching the battle in the City of the Past would be in an uproar.

It set off waves of discussion.

The name "Immortal Lord of All Laws" will also become glorious for a short time.

Be known to more ghost people from the City of the Past.

Some people with a gambler's mentality will also choose to bet on humans to see if they can make a big gain out of something small.

all in all.

This human being is going to be on fire.

The black-eyed ghost thought so.

at the same time.

Jiang Ming began to mobilize.

Teach these captives the principles of repaying debts,

"You have clearly seen the contract in your hand. If you sign it, you will get favorable treatment. You only need to work 20 hours a day, three days off, no meal and credit allowance, no transportation subsidy, no tool subsidy, no five insurances and one housing fund. I got it. Yin tools, Yin pills, Yin materials, and Yin minerals are settled according to market prices. As long as you are diligent enough, you can repay one billion in three days. You only need to pay a 20% deposit for the excess, and you can take it away. "

"Of course, the final right of interpretation belongs to me."

Jiang Ming explained the contents of the contract.


Signed to these ghosts to sign.

This is not an ordinary contract, but a negative contract.

Has a restraining effect.

Protected by the rules of the Pure Land.

Once it is violated, the rank will be lost at best, and the Yin power will be lost at worst.

Because of this.

None of the competing ghosts present took action.

Everyone stared.


What kind of cattle and horse work requires working for 20 consecutive hours?

Do you really need to rest if you are a ghost?

Zhou Bapi is not as exploitative as you.

If we sign it, then we are just deceived by lard.

With this thought.

All the ghosts fell silent.

See this.

Jiang Ming was not surprised either.

He just said lightly: "Only one kind of ghost is allowed to exist in this mountain range, and that is my contract worker. The rest will be buried here as fertilizer and become food for ghost beasts. Which one do you choose?"


Jiang Ming raised three fingers again.

I put down the first one without any hesitation.

The meaning is clear.

There are two seconds left to think about it.

Don’t wait until the time comes.

Ghosts:! ! !


You are serious.

Do you really want to flatter us by only giving us such a short time to think about it?

Is this human being really not afraid of killing ghosts everywhere in the Wailing Mountains, arousing their anger, and attracting crowds?


Jiang Ming's finger dropped again.

The expression is somber.

It was as if he was ready to kill them on the spot.

This time.

All the participating ghosts were panicked.

Knowing that Jiang Ming is really not afraid of death, he really dares to kill them.


Before the one-second countdown ended, they all grabbed the contract and injected their yin power to make the contract effective.

Then placed it in front of Jiang Ming.

Tell the human they've signed.

Stop counting.

They are afraid.

See this.

Jiang Ming was very satisfied.

"Very good, it seems we have reached a consensus. In that case, let's go dig. I have marked the location where the treasures are on the contract. Just follow the direction and find them. The number of valuable treasures is limited, first come first served. , There is no way to dig it later.”

Hear the words.

The ghosts seemed to accept their fate and left dejectedly.

The back looks extremely desolate.

She looked like she was being forced into prostitution.

But it's normal.

Anyone who signs such an unequal contract and is exploited by a human being will feel that his ghost life is dark.

At this time,

One of the injured ghosts was a bit serious. A piece of his waist was blown off, and the ghost blood could not stop flowing. The ghost king suddenly said: "Boss, I have a treasured piece of information that I want to tell you."

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows slightly: "Tell me."

"It's like this. I see, boss, that you have collected seven kinds of ghost talismans. The remaining five are rare types and there are not many of them. But I happen to know that one of the high-level water attribute talismans is on a third-level ghost king. The peak ghost beast should not have been taken away yet."

Hear this.

The participating ghosts who had not yet left were stunned.

A word popped into their head.

Certificate of submission.

This vampire ghost king is showing his sincerity to Jiang Ming, a human being.

It shows that he is willing to be treated as a gold digger.

Put another way.

This motherfucker is nakedly trying to please that human being.

The ghosts were furious.

I spurn this kind of person and think that the other person doesn't have any dignity at all.

Being exploited like this, you still want to please the other person.

This must be such a love for men.

They all spat.

They looked at this "traitor" with contempt.

In response.

The weak and bloodless ghost king ignored it.

He continued to tell Jiang Ming about his discovery.

"Boss, this ghost beast at the peak of the third level of the ghost king is a walking dragon, a special ghost species, with some dragon blood, and is living in a lake. The high-level talisman with water attribute is attached to his back, protected by the condensed water of this walking dragon. When I found it, there were already ghosts trying to take it away, but they couldn't even get close to the lake. They were very ferocious."

Jiang Ming listened with interest.

He had already learned that the reason why the ghost beast had such a ghost talisman on its back was that the ghost-god-level force Wu Fu Men reached some kind of agreement with the ghost beasts in the Sorrow Mountains.

The content of the agreement was very simple.

As long as he could keep the ghost talisman on his back, after the competition, the ghost beast would also be qualified to enter the City of Rebirth.

Strength coercion + interest temptation, this is what promoted the formation of this audition event.

This audition is not only for the participating ghosts, but also an opportunity for ghost beasts to leap over the dragon gate.

Because of this.

Unless they really can't fight, no ghost beast will be willing to hand over the ghost talisman.

Thinking of this.

Jiang Ming looked at the residual blood ghost king in front of him with an approving look.

"You are very good, quite sensible, in this case, you will be the team leader, the contract workers here will be left to you for the whole process, and your share will be made up by them."

Hearing this.

The residual blood ghost king was surprised and surprised.

He just wanted to try to see if he could use this information to reduce his debt, but he never thought that he would become the team leader.

You know.

There are still many second-level ghost kings among this group of ghosts.

In another context, he is an ordinary first-level ghost king, how can he have the ability to command a being more powerful than himself.

But now...

With Jiang Ming as his backer, he is indeed qualified to command the second-level ghost king to work.

This is wonderful.

Thinking of this.

The bloodless ghost king suddenly felt that it was not unacceptable to succumb to humans.


He straightened his chest.

Ghost eyes saluted Jiang Ming solemnly and said: "Boss, please rest assured, we promise to complete the task, I will supervise the situation of each ghost for you."


This ordinary first-level ghost king looked at the group of his peers who had not yet left, and scolded: "What are you still standing for? Hurry up and complete the performance indicators assigned by the boss. Don't think about being lazy. I will keep a close eye on you."

Hearing this.

The participating ghosts were shocked and angry.

Their fists were hard.


They have seen many dogs relying on the power of others, but this is the first time they have seen ghosts relying on the power of others.

A mere ordinary first-level ghost king dared to climb over their heads and bully ghosts by taking advantage of their power, but the other party really took advantage of it.

The fox-like appearance of pretending to be powerful made them almost gnaw their back teeth.

Some of the quick-reacting ones had already come to Jiang Ming, flattering him with a licking face: "Boss, I also have information to tell you."

"I have too."

"We have too."

For a while.

The scene fell into chaos.

They successfully saw the Bloodless Ghost King promoted to the team leader, and they all ignored the shame and told Jiang Ming all the information they knew.

There were clues about the other five ghost talismans, about the abnormalities in the depths of the Sorrowful Mountains, and about the Rebirth City. The information was shaken out one by one by this group of participating ghosts who wanted to be promoted.

They all wanted to get privileges from Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming nodded frequently.

He had insight into many secrets.

He also reduced the corresponding arrears for these contract workers one by one.

This made many ghosts very happy.

They were grateful to Jiang Ming.


They went to pan for gold with a satisfied look.

Watching this scene.

Jiang Ming's eyes were filled with more satisfaction.

He walked in the opposite direction, that is, deep into the Wailing Mountains.

In addition to the main task 1 of becoming famous and the main task 2 of collecting ghost talismans, there is a third main task in this dungeon, which is also an exclusive task.

Only he, as the City God of Wuhui, can trigger it.

That is to prevent the destruction of the Wailing Mountains.

According to the information he learned from the White Bone Wolf King, the destruction of the Wailing Mountains was caused by the overlord-level ghost beast Earth Dragon here absorbing the core of the mountain and trying to upgrade to a ghost god.

To complete the main task, he must go to the deepest part of the Wailing Mountains.

With this idea.

Jiang Ming continued to walk towards the depths.


Along the way.

Jiang Ming used the same trick again.

Capture all the participating ghosts encountered along the way.

Let them sign a contract.

Act as his own worker and dig out treasures buried in the ground of the Wailing Mountains for him.

Such a cruel act caused the ghosts participating in the audition to boil.

This was the first time that a human exploited them as ghosts in their territory, and they had no way to deal with it.

They could only watch the other party do whatever they wanted.


They had to admit that they had developed a bit of awe for this human.

They didn't dare to look directly at the other party's edge,

they were all afraid.


On the way to the second half of the Sorrowful Mountains.

Every time a participating ghost sees Jiang Ming, a human being, he will be frightened and run away.

Some will even yell at the top of their lungs to alert other participating ghosts around them.

Humans are coming.

"Run away quickly. The old thief is coming. Anyone who is nearby should run away quickly."

"Damn it, when will ghosts hide from humans? This is simply a shame and a shame. If you have the guts, just kill that human. What? You ask me why I don't go? Damn it, I have no guts."

Such sounds spread throughout the Wailing Mountains.

The Ghost King, who was determined to hunt for treasure but didn't understand the situation at all, was surprised and asked what happened.

Who is the old thief referring to?

An insider ghost revealed that a human contestant has come to the Screaming Mountains. He is very powerful and has strange and unpredictable methods. He also has a large number of fire-attribute detonating talismans. The ghost king is below the third level and can explode without making a sound.

The most important thing is that this human being still insults ghosts.

Forcing them as ghosts to sign unequal contracts that humiliate their country and exploit their labor force is a complete capitalist.

They gave him a bad name - the old thief of all laws.

To the end.

This kind-hearted insider solemnly advised: "If you don't have a rank above the third peak of the Ghost King, don't provoke this human being. It will serve no purpose other than humiliating yourself and adding new black slave labor to this human being."

Hear this.

Many participating ghosts who heard about this for the first time were shocked.


Is there such an alien among human beings?

This is incredible.

And is the event organizer dead? Why hasn't this human being been sanctioned yet for being so flamboyant and clearly destroying the balance of the competition?

In such an uproar.

Jiang Ming has arrived at the lake that the residual-vampire ghost king mentioned.

This is located in a hidden valley.

The valley is surrounded by mountains.

There is a waterfall flowing.

Under the waterfall.

It is a giant lake that occupies two-thirds of the valley.

When Jiang Ming came here.

The human aura was immediately noticed by many ghost kings who were preparing to secretly plan this high-level water attribute talisman.

None of these ghosts are lower than the second level of the Ghost King.

There is also a third level ghost king.

There were even two peak third-level ghost kings standing outside the valley, waiting for an opportunity.

Many of them were stunned when they saw Jiang Ming, a human being, walking swaggering towards him.


A ghost who had heard Jiang Ming's name exclaimed.

"It's the old thief Wanfa, he's here too."

The ghost exclaimed while telling the news it had heard.

Jiang Ming's evil deeds were described in detail.

This made many contestants frown.

This human has tons of fire-attribute detonating charms? Also used this to kill a real third-level ghost king?

Real or fake?

Can a species as weak as a paramecium like humans mutate into an alien species that can kill the Ghost King?

Although it relied on external help, the performance was already amazing.

I have the qualifications to intervene here.

See this.

Two third-level peak ghost kings led their respective small groups out of the darkness.

Invite Jiang Ming.

"Human, we have learned about you. You are qualified to enter into a cooperative relationship with us. Our three teams can join forces to first seize the high-level water attribute talisman guarded by the dragon, and then distribute it."

A monster over two meters tall, with a black body and extremely muscular muscles opened its mouth.

Showing the fluctuations of Yin power at the peak of the third level of the Ghost King.

Telling Jiang Ming that it is a human honor to cooperate with him.

Another ghost at the third level of the Ghost King also raised its head, half of its face was distorted, and its whole body revealed a sense of decay. It asked Jiang Ming in a hoarse to sharp ghost voice: "Humans, can we work together with you?" Cooperation, this is worth bragging about. You only need to mobilize the fire attribute detonating talisman on your body to blow up the lake and reveal this dragon. We will take care of the rest. "

Two peak third-level ghost kings extended their olive branches at the same time.

After inviting Jiang Ming to join the team, they worked together to conspire to remove the high-level water attribute talisman from Jiao's body.

He also pointed out that Jiang Ming only needed to use the fire attribute detonating talisman to blow up the lake, and the task would be completed.

Later, you can discuss with them the ownership of the ghost talisman.

Such conditions are undoubtedly very tempting.

It doesn't even need to confront the ghost beasts that are at the peak of the third level of the Ghost King.

There is almost no risk.

Although the other party's tone was condescending and somewhat contemptuous, the fact that they could choose to cooperate with humans really showed that they recognized Jiang Ming's abilities.

They couldn't think of a reason why Jiang Ming would refuse.

The ghosts thought so.

Waiting for Jiang Ming's reply.

Two ghosts at the peak of the third level of the Ghost King are also waiting confidently.

I don't think Jiang Ming will refuse this proposal.

after all.

The ghost beasts at the peak of the third level of the Ghost King are beyond the range that humans can deal with. The fire attribute detonating talisman that they rely on cannot cause fatal damage to the dragons in the lake.

It can be said that if this human being wants to have a chance to obtain high-level water attribute talismans, he must cooperate with them.

Otherwise, I can only pray that I can encounter another high-level water attribute talisman.

But there are no ghost beasts that can guard high-level water attribute talismans lower than the peak of the third level of the Ghost King.

This is an endless loop.


Jiang Ming just cast a sidelong glance at these ghosts.


He walked straight towards the valley.

At the same time, he left a sentence.

"Not interested. Also, get out of the way and don't block my way."

Hearing this.

The ghosts were all stunned.

It was totally unexpected that Jiang Ming actually rejected this proposal.


What did this human want to do by walking towards the valley?

Is he trying to hunt this walking dragon alone and get the high-level talisman with water attribute?

This is too self-important.

Do you really think that a batch of fire attribute detonating talismans are omnipotent?

The black ghost said with a cold face: "Human, don't be ungrateful. I give you this opportunity, you should take it, instead of asking for trouble."

Another rotten ghost also reminded: "Human, don't blame me for not reminding you, this walking dragon guarding the high-level water-attributed talisman has the blood of a dragon species, and is a special ghost species. Its ability to control water is more powerful than that of the river god, which is also a special ghost species. In other words, as long as the battle is in a place with water, even if the opponent is of the same level, it is impossible to defeat the opponent. In such a lake, the strength of the walking dragon can be increased to above the ghost king, you have to think about it."

"Let him go, when he sees the terrifying strength of the walking dragon and the ability to control water, he will beg us to save him."

The black ghost said again.

Watching the show with arms folded.

Showing a disdainful look.

Being sure that Jiang Ming will ask for help later.

Seeing this.

The rotten ghost said no more.

Also showed a bit of overestimation of one's own ability.

They knew that this human was going to put on a show for them soon.

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