Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 83: Talking about Science in the Ghost World

As soon as Jiang Ming said this, the whole audience was shocked.

The ghosts were obviously very confused, their brain cells were all fuzzy, and they didn't understand what Jiang Ming meant.

Neither human nor ghost? Even non-existent?

What are you talking about.

If it doesn't exist, how did the lady see the ghost?


There is nothing in this world that is not human or ghost. Are you telling ghost stories to us ghosts?

This joke is probably a bit cold.

For a while.

The eyes of the whole audience fell on Jiang Ming.

With confusion, scrutiny, and mockery, it seems that Jiang Ming is grandstanding.

"Human, what do you mean by this?"

The lady thought deeply, but was still confused.

Jiang Ming did not respond directly.

Instead, he said: "I need a piece of paper and a candle."

After the words fell.

The ghosts couldn't help but take a sip of cold noodles again.

This human is so brave.

He actually dared to give orders to the lady.

Is he tired of living?

You know.

What the eldest lady hates most is someone speaking to her in an imperative tone.

The eldest lady looked at Jiang Ming deeply.

Her red lips slightly parted: "Go, prepare what he wants."

Hearing this.

One of the guards hurried to prepare. Before leaving, he did not forget to look at Jiang Ming's face, as if to say: Let the eldest lady execute your orders, you can brag about this for the rest of your life.

In this regard.

Jiang Ming was calm and indifferent.

He did not care.

He looked relaxed and contented.

With the plug-in [Yuan Fang, what do you think], he can turn the people present into his subordinates at any time. In this case, he is really fearless.

Coupled with the blood-locking ability of [Hard Mouth], he has enough time to deal with various emergencies. To be honest, he feels that he is very powerful now.


The guard came back.

There was an A4 paper and a candle in his hand.

The eldest lady made a "please" gesture, and her fox-like eyes lightly indicated: Human, it's your turn to perform.

Jiang Ming took it.

Fold the paper in half to form a three-dimensional box pattern, and cut off one side so that the inside of the box can be seen through it.

Punch a few small holes in the box.

Aim the candle at the location of the small holes.


Jiang Ming said.

This time.

All the ghosts present were confused.

They looked left and right, but did not find any clues.


The ghosts on the scene looked at Jiang Ming with expressions as if he were a dead person.


You used your life to trick the lady once.

We would like to call you a Spartan warrior.

They never thought that there are really humans in this world who are not afraid of death, and they prepare everything in a mysterious way just to trick others.

This is also a very explosive thing in the entire explosion world.

The lady's face also darkened.

She stared at Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming was not panicked.

He lit the candle slowly.


At the same time.

The three players standing far away, watching Jiang Ming's operation, also felt familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere.

"This... Why do I have a strong sense of déjà vu? It seems that I can do it too?"

Zhou Qi stared at his eyes full of dark circles, uncertain.

"Hey, don't mention it, don't mention it, I also have some impression, it seems that I have tried it before."

The young man with a knife on his back also scratched his head.

The black-haired woman gave the answer: "Of course you know, this is basic science, which I have learned before, but... He actually deduced all this with just this little clue, which is amazing."

As he was talking.

There were ghosts in the inner court who couldn't stand it anymore.

"Human, there is a limit to playing tricks. Do you know what you are doing? You are using everyone's precious time to accompany you here to show off. You are looking for..."

Before he finished speaking.

As the candle burned more and more, the candlelight began to pass through the small hole in the box and projected light and shadow into the box.


The scene was quiet.

The guard who prepared paper and candles at the beginning came to the box with his eyes wide open, his eyes almost popping out.

"Madam, there is light and shadow moving inside the box."

He said excitedly.

The other ghosts did not believe in evil and also came over.

After seeing the operation of turning decay into magic, they were all stunned.

The strange ghost faces were full of shock.

It seemed that they did not expect that Jiang Ming really solved the mystery of ghosts.

And all he used was a simple piece of paper and a candle.

This is amazing.

How did this human brain grow? He even knew this technique.

The lady also came down.

After seeing the light and shadow inside the box clearly, she immediately understood what Jiang Ming meant by "ghosts are neither human nor ghosts, and they don't even exist."

The so-called ghosts are just light and shadows projected into the bedroom.

Without the triggering conditions, they don't exist.

"You are very good. If it weren't for you, I would have been fooled by this murderer and wasted my time."

The eldest lady was not stingy with her praise.

She looked at Jiang Ming with admiration.

Seeing this.

Jiang Ming grinned: "It's just a very simple trick, not worth mentioning."

It's really simple.

So simple that even elementary school students can understand it.

Because this is a type of basic science - small hole imaging.

Anyone who has attended nine years of compulsory education knows this.

It's just that most people can't remember it for a while.

If placed in the human world, even a primary school student would be able to expose this method.

In the Pure Land world, strength is valued, and ghosts have all kinds of strange abilities. Even if ghosts appear in the bedroom, the local ghosts will not think in a scientific direction.


If he hadn't known about the forbidden Yin power and abilities here, he wouldn't have thought in this direction.

The eldest lady looked at Jiang Ming, and the more she looked at him, the more satisfied she became. "You are a humble man. If you want anything, I can satisfy you as long as I am in the Yan Mo Chamber of Commerce."

As soon as these words came out.

All the ghosts looked enviously.

This is the promise of Madam Yan Mo Chamber of Commerce, a huge opportunity that not many people can ask for.

Not to mention anything else, just by asking the eldest lady to give me a way to make money, I can lie down and be free and easy for the rest of my life.


The scene of begging for reward that the ghosts expected did not happen.

Jiang Ming smiled and said, "Madam, if you don't mind, I can help you catch the real culprit."

"Do you have an idea?"

The eldest lady's eyes lit up.

Then he looked at Jiang Ming carefully and said, "You don't want a reward? Then what do you want?"

She didn't think any human being could be so selfless.

No requirement is precisely the biggest requirement.

Of course I have evil intentions and covet you a bit... Jiang Ming thought silently.

Not only does he want the entire Yan Mo Chamber of Commerce, he also wants people.


Jiang Ming could only think about this in his heart.

Externally, he used another set of rhetoric.

"I want to be Madam's right-hand confidant. Solving this case is my surrender."

Hear this.

The eldest lady stared at Jiang Ming for a long time, and Jiang Ming was calm enough to look at her without evading.

This look.

He felt that the eldest lady in front of him was more similar to Qin Yue, the female ghost in cheongsam.

The resolute look between his eyebrows, and the expression when he raises his eyebrows are exactly the same.

Jiang Ming remembered that Qin Yue, the cheongsam ghost, seemed to have said that she did have a sister who was already married.

Could it be...

Jiang Ming's heart rippled.

for a long time.

The eldest lady withdrew her gaze.

The admiration on his face was undisguised.

"Human, you are very brave. If you can solve this case and catch the murderer for me, you will follow me from now on."

Jiang Ming smiled.

The corners of his mouth curled up.

"I'll let you see my abilities, madam."

In a few simple words, the two of them made an agreement.

All the ghosts present were stunned for a moment.

They all looked at Jiang Ming with malicious eyes.


This human being actually wants to steal food from their mouths.

You don't take them seriously.

To know.

The reason why they are willing to do odd jobs at the eldest lady's place is that most of them have the idea of ​​being favored by the eldest lady and then getting ahead.


Jiang Ming, a human being, wanted to get in among them and get a piece of the pie. How could such a good thing happen?

not to mention.

If Jiang Ming really came to power, wouldn't they, a group of ghosts, have to live under a human being?


This is absolutely impossible.

They would never let that happen.

Even if it messes up the case, he won't hesitate.

after all.

The mystery of ghosts has nothing to do with them.

Even if the case cannot be solved, there is no loss for them.

On the contrary, if Jiang Ming cannot solve the case, the eldest lady will be disappointed in him.

Think of this.

All the ghosts have different thoughts.

"He is too confident." The woman with long black hair and straight hair said bluntly at the entrance of the inner courtyard.


Zhou Qi looked confused: "Aren't things going in a good direction? As long as the ghost case is solved, he will be taken seriously and skyrocket."

"That has to be broken down. As I said, most ghosts have extremely low tolerance for humans. There is a big difference between interrogation by guards and interrogation by humans. For ghosts, maybe in front of the lady, They dare not not answer, but if they answer randomly or conceal their answers, no one will know whether they are true or false.”

The young man with the sword also explained.

Hear the words.

Zhou Qi's expression changed drastically.


The biggest fear in solving a crime is lying about information.

The direction derived from an erroneous information will only get further and further away from the correct answer.

And with so many suspects at the scene, no one knows how much wrong information there is under questioning one by one. If the ghosts still hide from each other and collude in confessions, then don't even think that the case can be solved.

Does the Wanfa Immortal Lord know this?

other side.

Got Madam's promise.

Jiang Ming looked at the dozens of suspects in the yard, his eyes a little more intriguing.

He did not choose to ask one by one.

Instead, start analyzing the case.

"Now that the mystery of the ghost has been solved, the most important thing now is to find the evidence."

"According to the First Lady, the ghost she saw was a human-shaped shadow. This means that the projection of the light source is most likely an item cut into a paper figure. Did you search the inner court before and find nothing?"

Hear the words.

The ghosts began to stir.

You look at me, I look at you.

His eyes were a little dazed.

When they searched before, they didn't seem to see any paper figures.


Maybe someone saw it and picked it up.

In this case, the ghosts picked up were even more afraid to make public.

after all.

This is already considered an obstruction case.

In serious cases, you may even be expelled from the Chamber of Commerce.

Who dares to admit it?

The eldest lady squinted her eyes, preparing to see Jiang Ming's performance. If it were her, she would choose the safest method, which is to search her body and residence.


Jiang Ming did not do this.

After he finished speaking, he randomly clicked on a servant with twinkling eyes and asked, "What do you think?"

The named servant:? ? ?


What do I think?

I stood and watched.

Do you still think that your light words can make me tell you what I have experienced?

It's noisy.

How do you get the ability to command me?

The servant ghost curled his lips and had already planned how to answer, but... when he looked at Jiang Ming again, his eyes suddenly changed.



This human seems familiar, like his superior.

What's going on?

Since when did he have a superior?

Does he still have a hidden identity?

Agent? Undercover? Lurking?

I gather.

It turns out I have a lot of background.

The servant ghost looked shocked, and his heart was filled with turmoil.


He concealed his emotions calmly.

No hesitation.

He pointed directly at a ghost holding a broom with his head lowered and looking honest.

"Report, I saw him picking up a white thing on the ground. It was very thin and neatly cut. I was standing far away at the time and didn't see clearly what it was, but after being reminded by this human adult, Only then did I realize that it was a paper man.”

As soon as these words came out.

All the ghosts in the audience were stunned.

There are actually paper figures.


That's not the point now.

The point is, they found a traitor.

You promised to muddy the waters and make this human fail to solve the case. You betrayed the organization and chose to reveal the truth to humans?

You really deserve to die.

The ghosts looked indignantly at the servant ghost who stretched out his hand to identify it.

The servant ghost looked disdainful.

Who the hell is in the same organization as you?

I'm an undercover agent.

He is a subordinate of this human being.

Now that his superiors are using him, he must take sides.

Jiang Ming ignored the resentment of these ghosts. He raised the corners of his mouth and focused his gaze on the identified ghost. "Are you going to take it out yourself, or should I ask the eldest lady to ask you to take it out?"


The identified ghost knelt down on the spot.

Tremblingly, he took out a paper man from his arms.

Place it on the ground.

He hesitated and said: "At that time, I thought that this paper figurine was just a low-grade vagina. It had no function other than moving. I thought it might be a failed product and was left here, so I picked it up. I didn't take away the evidence on purpose. "

Jiang Ming said nothing.

Pick up the paper man.

A fluorescent gray panel pops up.

[Props: Cut out paper figures. 】

[Grade: Lower Grade 1. 】

【Function: Electric toys. 】

[Note: You ask me why I am missing an introduction? A toy used to amuse children, but when introduced to the Pure Land, it seems shabby. 】

Jiang Ming glanced at it.

Inject a little bit of the yin energy into it.

The next second.

The paper man began to swing erratically.

Sometimes it makes scary movements, sometimes it shrinks its body furtively, and sometimes it jumps up.

But within seconds.

Because of the lack of Yin power, the paper man fell down again.

See this.

The eldest lady's expression was terrifyingly cold.

"At that time, I did see this ghost figure making sneaky movements, but after I discovered it, it disappeared without a trace. Now it seems that it is not that the ghost figure disappeared, but that the injected Yin energy just disappeared. ” The paper man fell down and no longer pointed at the light source.

"What about the candlelight?"

Jiang Ming's eyes fell on the ghosts again, "Then we have to ask them who put out the fire."

Hear this.

A frightened maid ghost with a pale face did not dare to hide any more, and almost cried out of fright: "Madam, I put out the fire. I saw a white candle burning in the direction of your window. , I thought someone accidentally set it on fire, so I put it out. I also saw the paper man, but I didn’t pick it up at the time.”

Hear the words.

The eldest lady stood up.

He came to his screen window and rubbed it with his fingers.

The discovery soon came.

Directly above the screen window, he saw several small holes.

The holes are so hidden that no one will notice unless they know in advance.

Small holes, paper figures, and candles, all three conditions have been met.

This shows that Jiang Ming's guess is correct.

The so-called ghosting is a simple technique.

If the servants in her yard hadn't taken it upon themselves to destroy and pick up the evidence, she wouldn't have gone further and further in the wrong direction, targeting the specific condition of "ghost".

But soon.

The eldest lady had a new doubt.

What is the purpose of this murderer risking her death to do all this?

It can't be just to scare her.

She looked at Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming also narrowed his eyes.

"Madam, if you want to know the murderer's motive, you have to know what the murderer did after taking you away. For example... is there anything missing from your bedroom?"

For that matter.

Jiang Ming actually had a rough guess.

In addition to the large number of Yin materials, Yin utensils, and Yin coins in the Yan Mo Chamber of Commerce, the most precious thing is what the Pure Land reminds us - super-grade Yin utensils.

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