——If it fails, then the Deus ex Machina will kill "herself".

That's what Lenari planned.

This strange story of Mobile Brick is quite strong. Lenari cannot get rid of herself by herself with only this little consciousness in the "character".

Of course, Mobile Brick is also powerless to cut off the connection between her little consciousness and the main body.


Tenderly removing an iron rod from the iron bed, Lenari came to the door and carefully pulled the bolt to avoid making any sound.

Then, she stepped back a little, lowered her body, and suddenly jumped out while pulling the door open.

Lenari actually didn't know the other party's position.

But it didn't matter. Even if it was just a little consciousness, her reaction speed was far better than that of ordinary people, and coupled with her nearly perfect body control, she was enough to respond on the spot.

Once, when Vivian was still alive, relying on her familiarity with Team 7, she used Team 7's venue and the instructor to formally train Lenari in fighting skills and the use of various "common" cold and hot weapons. Lenari has always been a "genius" in the instructor's words.

Although Lenari did not have many opportunities to practice, and although her current body shape and physical fitness are very different from before, this does not affect her performance.

——Adapting to the body was over within the first few seconds after landing.

For Lenari, whose "body" has always been much stronger than her consciousness, the situation suddenly reversed and her consciousness became much stronger than her body. It was really novel and interesting...

Back to the present, the moment she jumped out of the door, Lenari's peripheral vision had already captured the position and even the posture of the "enemy".

The "enemy", a middle-aged man, was tall and thin with prominent cheekbones. He was leaning against the wall beside the door, pretending to look at his phone, with a lit fake cigarette between his left fingers.

The reason why it was obvious that it was a fake cigarette at first sight was that the smoke from the cigarette was constantly drilling into the "crack" under the control of an invisible force.

In a flash, facing the surprised look of the tall and thin man, Lenari twisted his waist slightly and hit the man's head with a stick.

With a loud muffled sound, the tall and thin man who was unable to react in time immediately had a red forehead.

Lenari took advantage of the victory and took advantage of the opponent's dizziness to hit his head with a powerful stick.

Unexpectedly, the tall and thin man was quick-witted and roared, and sharp vacuum air blades suddenly burst out from his body, densely and indiscriminately shooting around.

The upper limit of ordinary people is too low after all.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, and the best case scenario was that he would be seriously injured on the spot, Lenari made up his mind, his eyes flashed with ferocity, and he slightly adjusted his posture to actively face one of the air blades with his neck. At the same time, he swung the iron rod in his hand with all his strength, leaving no room for response.


Dark realm.

Lenari closed the cut on his body with a "grin", and after a while, he asked Kampers to check the "background story".

The "character" inserted by the mobile phone brick was generated out of thin air, but those supporting characters were not.

Anything that exists must leave traces, even if its traces are erased by some force, the fact that it existed will not change.

Of course, most of those supporting characters are ordinary people, and even the tall and thin man who was "arranged" to "plot kill" Lenari is just a weak and capable person. It is unlikely that he can reach that level, and Kampers's data processing ability is almost enough.

It took about ten minutes for Kampers to send a report to Lenari's phone, explaining at the same time: "The building the master mentioned is similar to a slum. Not to mention surveillance cameras, there are not many electronic products that can connect to the Internet smoothly..."

"It's okay, just know the general idea to satisfy your curiosity." Lenari said, and a tentacle rolled up the alienated mobile phone that came to him, and read Kampers' report with a melon-eating mentality.

As Lenari expected, the thin and tall man was a weak scum mutant. Although he had a lot of criminal records and wandered around, he committed some small crimes. He was the type that the Seventh Team was too lazy to deal with, and the risk of ordinary sheriffs arresting him was too high, so he could get away with it for many years.

This time, the thin and tall man suddenly came to attack Lenari. It is hard to say that there was no influence from the mobile phone brick of "Life Game".

As for what the influence was, it is no longer important, because he died, and died from being hit on the head by an iron rod.

On the other hand, about the experience of the short-haired girl, in simple terms, she has a twin sister. One day, she was walking on the pedestrian street, and was suddenly pulled over by a passerby by the arm, saying that she was his girlfriend. No matter how she denied it, it was useless. She was suspected to be a mental patient.

After finally getting away with all the persuasion, the unfortunate girl was still in shock. That night, she was tied to a van at the gate of her community. A few days later, a large number of people who thought she was aHigh-definition discordant videos and photos of the protagonist were flying everywhere.

The girl did not die on the spot. She was sent to the doctor by a kind passerby who found her by chance, but she became disabled and her life was ruined. Not long after, she jumped from a high building and ended her life in a hurry.

The girl's parents were already in poor health. Their beloved daughter suddenly encountered such a thing and was tormented by rumors. Not long after, they also died one after another.

A happy family was suddenly broken up, and the only girl left was still not let go.

Just because of a face that was extremely similar to her sister, the girl was surrounded by dirty words all day long. The bad behavior of rubbing against the edge was hard to guard against. Even the key high school that she had finally passed through expelled her...

Finally, the girl disappeared.

When she reappeared, she had plastic surgery, changed her name, and spent a huge amount of money to enroll in ××× Private High School...


After reading the short and concise report, Lenari asked: "Can't you find out how the girl took revenge on the 'fiancé'?"

Campers replied: "At least there are no corresponding traces on the ordinary Internet. Judging from the movement trajectory of the mobile phone, the routes of the two have overlapped many times. It is impossible to confirm which one... or all of them."

"Is that so..." Lenari pondered, and said after a moment, "Tell the logistics team and let them check! If it's them, they will definitely be able to figure out the whole picture of the incident."

"Ah? Isn't this a waste of talent?" Kampers asked in surprise while sending a message in the "Dark Logistics Team" chat room using his BB number "No. 1 Subordinate" as he said.

"It's okay. No matter what the truth of this matter is, it is essentially an extraordinary crime. Team 7 should be in charge of it." Lenari said nonchalantly.

Why is Lenari so obsessed with finding out the whole picture of the incident?

Because she was worried that when she played another game, that unknown terrible "tactic" would be affected by the bricked phone and fall on her head...

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