(For convenience, Lenari will be referred to by the character name when playing role-playing games in the following text.)

Three o'clock in the morning, No. 4, Golden Rose Community, master bedroom.

In a daze, Night Crow felt something was watching him.

Forcing himself to break away from the charming dreamland, Night Crow saw a skeleton wearing a black hooded cloak and a black robe, standing by the bed, looking at him faintly.

"...Death?" Night Crow asked uncertainly.

"It's me." The skeleton did not move, but a hoarse, mechanical "voice" sounded in Night Crow's mind.

Night Crow yawned, rubbed his sleepy eyes, changed his position to make himself lie more comfortably, and then asked: "Is the problem of this house related to you?"

"... There was a strange story about snatching life here, and I ate it." The "voice" of the God of Death was still mechanical, and Night Crow was stunned to hear some pleasure from it.

"...Oh." Night Crow yawned again, "What are the rules of the ghost story?"

"One year of the owner's life span is taken away every day." Death said, "Decorating the house more luxuriously than before can stop this kind of taking for a month."

"Well..." Night Crow thought about it and asked, "How long does my body have a life span?"

Death looked at Night Crow silently, and said after a moment: "Your body is also a derivative of the ghost story, and there is no life span limit."

"Oh... Can you trace my body back?"

"No." Death said, paused, and then said, "Even if you can, it's meaningless."

That's right... The body doesn't even have the attribute of "life span".

Night Crow yawned again, trying to fight sleepiness: "If you mind, I will tie a sacrifice for you every once in a while."

"No." Death said.

Hesitation - don't ask how Night Crow could see hesitation from a skull face, anyway, "he" did "see" it - after a long time, when Night Crow was about to fall asleep, the God of Death said at a slower pace than usual: "I'm curious about how your body was made."

"..." Night Crow seemed to have fallen asleep.

A few seconds later, Night Crow, who was almost asleep, instantly became alert.

He got up quickly, not caring that half of his loose robe had slipped off due to the sudden big movement, and said energetically: "If you talk about this, I won't be sleepy!"

Pulling up the half of the robe that had slipped off, Night Crow said: "This is a very interesting strange story, called..."

After the introduction, Night Crow invited enthusiastically and sincerely: "How about it? Let's play together!"

-As for the game, it is of course more fun to play it lively.

"..." The God of Death pondered.

"Okay." The God of Death nodded.

[You are a superfluous person, without a father or mother, no relatives, no friends, no property, and no job.

You have tried to kill yourself, but when you were looking for a suitable place that would not cause trouble to others, you accidentally ran into a young woman who was smiling happily and killing a taxi driver with bad intentions.

For some reason, you walked up and asked if you needed help to destroy the body.

The young woman looked at you in surprise.

When you thought you would be brutally killed here, just like the bald driver, the young woman nodded.

When you came to your senses, you were already on the way back to the city.

You suddenly wanted to live. 】

No. 4, Golden Rose Community.

The "young woman" Night Crow in the story looked up and down at the young man in front of him with dead fish eyes, and said weakly: "...So, you don't know what to do, so you sneaked on the train and came all the way to Inisel City?"

"...Yes." The Death God in a human shell said slowly, "This house is considered my territory... Although there is no property certificate."

"Oh..." Night Crow said sadly, and walked back with floating steps, "Come in... You can do it first, and I will talk about everything after I wake up naturally..."

"..." Death God's young and beautiful face showed some confusion, as if he didn't understand why the other party behaved like this, but he still followed Night Crow silently into the door.


In the evening, Night Crow, who was disturbed from sleeping at night and woken up from his nap, finally slept well and recovered his energy.

In the small living room on the second floor.

Night Crow looked up and down at the role shell of the Death God.

Not tall or short, not fat or thin, with regular features, beautiful face, black hair and purple eyes, and a very low sense of presence.

"Is your 'character' a superpower?" Night Crow asked curiously.

"... Maybe. When I got on the train, no one paid attention to me." Death said, pausing, he raised one hand to cover his abdomen and the other hand to cover his throat, "Here, and here, it feels a little strange..."

"Oh, you onlyI am hungry and thirsty." Night Crow said, "If you don't know what to do, use your main body to observe how ordinary people live... But don't be discovered, and don't kill them, and don't steal their lifespan."

"Okay." Death said, looking a little obedient.

"Every human has his own name, you should also give yourself one... If the "background story" given to you by the "Life Game" is not there." Night Crow suggested.

"'Talos.'" Death Talos said, "This is the name I gave myself a long time ago."

Night Crow nodded: "Did that mobile phone brick prepare an ID for you?"

Talos shook his head.

Night Crow picked up the phone: "I'll ask someone to prepare a set for you... By the way, can you drive?"

Talos shook his head again.

"After the ID card is issued, you should go and learn it. "Night Crow said, typing flexibly.


[Night Crow: The owner of the house No. 4 in Golden Rose Community has become a human on another level. Please prepare a set of identity documents for him. The name is "Talos".

Operator 339: ...

Night Crow: The cost will be deducted from my future remuneration.

Operator 339: The organization does not make false certificates.

Night Crow: The original body of that person is the ghost story "Death God".

Operator 339: If you use the identity created by the organization, you are a member of the organization.

Night Crow: If it is similar to me, I don't think he will have any objection.

Operator 339: Last name?

Night Crow: Let me ask.]


Night Crow looked up from the mobile phone screen: "The side that makes false certificates asked you what last name you want to use?"

Talos pondered for a long time and gave an answer: "Des. "

Night Crow nodded.


[Night Crow: Call "Des".

Operator 339: Three days at the latest.

Night Crow: By the way, since he is a member of the organization, the expenses will be charged to his account.

Operator 339:...

Operator 339: No need, just consider it a gift from the organization.

Night Crow: Tsk tsk.]

Operator 339's avatar dimmed in seconds.

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