The woman raised her hand and waved it, and several white flames suddenly appeared in the void. The flames flew and burned the vines that bound Night Crow and Talos in an instant.

"Ugh!" Because of the unfavorable posture, Night Crow had difficulty adjusting his body shape for a while, and was about to "hit the ground with his head". Talos turned around and flexibly borrowed the power from the huge vines, moved a few times, and caught Night Crow steadily.

"Beautiful!" The woman in red couldn't help but applaud.

"Ahem." Seeing that the two landed safely, the woman took back the prepared protection measures, coughed lightly and said to the two: "It's not very safe here, let's talk while walking."

"Okay." Night Crow came down from Talos' arms, staggered a few steps to stand firm, and took the lead to raise his legs to follow.

Talos followed silently.

In the intricate underground corridor, a woman in a dark red evening gown stepped on high heels and walked briskly. Several white flames floated around her, illuminating the corridor as bright as day.

"My name is Frem, the 'Witch of Blazing Flame'."

"We, the Witch Society, believe in a great goddess, named 'Mother Earth', who is the incarnation of the earth, the origin of life, and the mother of all living things."

"She lovingly protects us, gives us strength and youth, and allows us, the originally weak women, to live quite well in this dangerous and barren world."

"There are only women in our Witch Society, and men are not welcome. Even most sisters will kill men on the spot when they see them."

"But the Mother Earth is tolerant. Those dirty men were once pure children. As long as they are still pure, they have a chance to be redeemed."

As the story continues and the emotions are aroused, Frem's charming face becomes more and more fanatical.

"There is a safe area protected by the Earth Mother not far ahead. When we get there, I will hold a ceremony for you to transform you into pure women and completely get rid of that dirty male skin."

The Night Crow, who was following behind Frem quickly, thought about it, bypassed her overly extreme views on men, and asked seriously: "After becoming women, can we also become witches as powerful as you?"

Hearing this, the elegant and efficient Blazing Witch chuckled and said happily: "Of course! In fact, the ceremony of transforming into a woman is also a ceremony of transforming into a witch."

"Uh..." Night Crow hesitated, as if he was really worried about something, "We were originally men. After the transformation, will there be any congenital defects?"

"Don't worry, no!" Frem said seriously, "I can see that you are all still pure children."

As he spoke, the corridor in front suddenly opened up.

"We're here." Frem quickened her pace in a good mood. "I've brought all the materials needed for the ceremony. This place is very barren, and the sisters don't like to come here usually. We can hold the most formal ceremony without being disturbed."

"That's really good news." Night Crow said softly.


The safe area protected by Mother Earth, as Frem said, is a forest composed of many giant fungi.

In the center of the giant fungus forest is a simple, flat natural stone platform with a large area, like a luxurious double bed.

Frem carefully placed various unknown fungi and plant materials in a specific area around the stone platform according to some rules that Night Crow couldn't understand. After that, she left the material placement range and turned to ask the two people: "Who will go first?"

"I'll go first." Night Crow took a small step forward and said eagerly.

Flame nodded and raised her hand to indicate the spacious natural stone platform: "Just lie down on it, try to lie in the middle."

"Okay." Night Crow responded obediently, avoiding the materials placed by Flame, walked quickly to the edge of the stone platform, and lay down neatly.

When Night Crow lay flat and motionless, Flame walked to a specific position, bowed her head and began to pray: "Great Mother Earth..."

As Flame's incomprehensible spell became louder and louder, a bunch of illusory dark brown tree root-like tentacles stretched out from the rock dome dozens of meters high directly above the stone platform, growing wildly while crowding towards Night Crow lying in the center of the stone platform.

Watching those hideous and ominous roots piercing into his body as if they were real, Night Crow groaned and instinctively started divination based on this most direct connection.

The endless rain of meteorites, the fragmented earth, and the turbid dark yellow air.

The ocean has dried up, and the earth is dying.

The once glorious city is now only wreckage and bones.

That is the end of civilization.

On the stone platform, the dark brown root-like tentacles violently pierced into the body of the Night Raven, greedily sucking its blood without any hesitation.It stretched its blood vessels without mercy, squirming forward wantonly, as if it would not stop until it filled up its blood vessels.

Finally, the Night Crow, whose eyes rolled back in pain, could no longer bear it and screamed.

On the side, Talos shrank slightly and quietly took a small step back.

——He could not adapt to the pain alone...


Dark Realm.

Lenari paused and temporarily stopped the literal "inch-by-inch search" of the city of Inisel through the "Dark Sea of ​​Illusion".

After hesitating again and again, she gave up the idea of ​​"sending" the Night Crow directly to make a clearer divination, and let that trace of consciousness temporarily dormant.

——It was just unnecessary, and it was definitely not because of fear of pain!


After an unknown amount of time, the Night Crow woke up slowly.

"...What time is it?" "She" trembled and slightly tilted her head, asking hoarsely.

"Three days." Flame said softly, holding a ceramic water pitcher to the night crow's mouth, "Come, drink some water."

The throat was indeed so dry that it was about to smoke, and the night crow opened its mouth and swallowed in big gulps.

"Slow down, there is still a lot, no one will snatch it from you." Flame said softly, feeding the night crow about half a liter of water before stopping.

Obediently letting Flame wipe the water stains on her cheeks with a cloth, the night crow asked weakly: "Where is Talos?"

"There." Flame stood up and motioned the night crow to look behind her.

Following Flame's guidance, the night crow tried to raise its head and found that there was a stone bed next to it, and there was still a stone bed next to it, and on that stone bed, there was a...

A beautiful snake.

The soft black, slightly curly long hair was casually and messily spread on the simple stone bed. The skin was as white as jade, the facial features were delicate and flawless, and the thick eyelashes trembled gently with the breathing. It was a picture of a sleeping beauty.

——If you don’t look at the purple and black winding snake tail in the lower body.

“……?” Confused, Night Crow subconsciously looked at himself.

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