For Lenari, "home" is an important anchor point, which can prevent her from alienating into an unreasonable existence that only pursues fun in eternal boredom, emptiness and loneliness.

Lenari is still young, but her instinct has foreseen such a future.

Lenari has always been quite restrained in the Sunflower Orphanage, Oak Orphanage, and even when facing Vivian Grote, because she understands that they are short-lived species with a lifespan of only a hundred years and cannot accompany her for a long time.

But Lucia is different.

Lucia, who has the ability of "eternal youth", can live with herself until the end of the world as long as she is not destroyed by external forces.

Lenari understands that such behavior is equivalent to creating a weakness and a burden for herself with her own hands, and she is happy with it.

Lenari agreed to the "deal" of the ghost story weaver, and she had no choice.


[Forever Gothic Loli: Add a condition, you have to cooperate in the performance in fooling the Lord of the Underworld.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Besides, I don't trust you. You must swear to my essence.

Weird Weaver: It's okay to fool that Lord of Hell, but swearing to your essence... To be honest, I don't trust you either.

Weird Weaver: How about this, let's compromise and swear to that "light and creation" together?

Forever Gothic Lolita: He is my twin god.

Weird Weaver: At least I don't have to worry about your impulse.

Forever Gothic Lolita: OK.

Weird Weaver: So, how do you want to deal with the cat's memory? Erase Vivian's related? Erase Vivian's related? Or just erase everything?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Slowly erase all the "modifications" and let her know the truth.

Weird Weaver: Aren't you worried? As the adopted daughter of Vivian who took over the magpie's nest?

Forever Gothic Lolita: She should know the truth.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's get started.

Weird Tales Weaver: Hehe... As an innate myth, as a "weird story", you are really "kind"...

Forever Gothic Lolita: I say, stop talking nonsense.

Weird Tales Weaver: Okay~ Then, I'll start here?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Hurry up!

Weird Tales Weaver (voice): The twin gods born from the seeds of chaos, the light that creates everything, the great existence sleeping in the core of the star, I beg you to witness my transaction with the Lord of Everlasting Darkness. 】

In the dark realm, Lenari "took a deep breath", regardless of whether it would pollute the other party, and solemnly said to the laptop microphone: "My twins, my reflection! Please witness my transaction with the 'Weaver of Weird Tales'."

Neither party specifically mentioned the details of the transaction, because everything was already included in their respective requests for witnessing.

If the "views" and "understandings" of both parties cannot be unified, then not only will this "witness" not take effect, but each party will also receive the "difference points" fed back by the "witness party".

In other words, tricks such as word games will only bring shame upon oneself, and even anger both the transaction party and the witness party.

This is tantamount to digging one's own grave when the transaction party and the witness party are twin myths and the highest known existence.

The Weird Story Weaver is a smart person, and he/she certainly won't play any tricks in such a place.

Moreover, in this transaction, what he needs to pay is insignificant.

After waiting for a while, Lenari really received feedback, along with a god name and a honorific name.

Lenari "raised his eyebrows" in surprise, and even the anger aroused by the Weird Story Weaver was mostly gone.

Private chat interface.

[Weird Story Weaver: It seems that this person is indeed not asleep... When do you plan to deliver the seed shell?

Forever Gothic Lolita: 10 minutes, where to send?

Weird Tales Weaver: (An accurate latitude, longitude and altitude coordinate)

Forever Gothic Lolita: Sure, but we don’t provide after-sales service if it is lost.

Weird Tales Weaver: Of course. 】

The original place where the seeds of chaos existed was the overall concept of "Inisel City", not any actual address.

The Lord of Hell wanted to rule this city in order to make "Inisel City" completely his subordinate in the form of "absolute rule", and to be stained with his own mark from the inside out, so as to forcibly reach that illusory place.

Let’s not talk about the feasibility of this plan for the time being. What the Lord of Hell said about "co-governance" was just a prelude to "slowly plan".

Everyone can see this, so Lenari threatened to duel without hesitation.

Lenari "closed her eyes" to meditate and empty herself.

Then, she moved her mind and turnedInstantly, he arrived at the illusory place where he was born.

Here, there is no light, no darkness, no time, no space, everything is chaotic and ambiguous.

The so-called "seed shell" is just a metaphor. If you have to say it, the remaining chaos around is all "seed shell".

Lenari, who was reluctant to leave when the time came, sighed secretly. As his tentacles wandered, he grabbed the chaos that should have been nothingness, gathered them into two balls evenly, and then patted and squeezed them hard until they condensed into gray, inconspicuous gray stones.

Rolling up the two stones, Lenari "looked around" around to confirm that the place had returned to a pure concept, so he followed the faint repulsive force and returned to the dark realm in a blink of an eye.

After sending the stones to the place designated by the weaver of strange stories, Lenari chatted with Wang Bao, Apophi, Miles, and Frederick privately, and told them to pay more attention to Lucia's condition recently.

According to the Ghost Story Weaver, the matter of "Vivian Groot - now it can be confirmed that it is Vivian - is being resurrected in Lucia" is not difficult to deal with, and it can be solved without side effects in a month.

On the contrary, the memory aspect is particularly difficult to deal with because it is too subversive.

In terms of calculating people's hearts, Lenari believes that he is far inferior to the Ghost Story Weaver, so they agreed to "gradually remove the rewriting of Lucia's memory within the buffer time that the Ghost Story Weaver considers the most appropriate."

In this matter, Lenari really can't do much.


Calming down his good mood, Lenari privately chatted with Petipher.

[Forever Gothic Lolita: Are you interested in being affiliated with a real God of Light?

An ordinary old man: What do you mean?

Forever Gothic Lolita: My twin gods, "Light and Creation", just awakened from the core of the green star not long ago... Although only the "light" power side awakened, because He only has divinity, He is stronger and more stable than me.

An ordinary old man: Can we ask why He woke up? 】

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