In the center of Phantom City, a towering, huge and bizarre building stands here. The main material is like obsidian, but it hardly reflects light.

This is the Obsidian Holy Tower, a miracle place of the Phantom Clan that integrates multiple functions such as zz, faith, inheritance, reincarnation and resurrection.

The forbidden area on the top of the tower, the Temple of Ever-Darkness that is like a small city, a spacious room full of alien display screens.

The gap in the dark alien space suddenly opened, and a black-haired girl in a dark Gothic dress floated out of it, reaching out to pick up the quaint compass lying quietly on the high cushion in the center of the room.

"Long time no see, Kampers." Lenari checked the compass, which had not changed much in appearance, over and over again, and greeted happily.

Kampers was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed: "Master! You finally woke up!"

"Yes, I woke up." Lenari responded casually, patting the body of the compass, "You have done a good job these years."

Kamppers was so excited that the whole compass trembled slightly after receiving the praise, but he seemed quite restrained in his words: "This is what I should do."

Confirming that Kampers was still healthy and even grew a lot after leaving the dark realm for seventeen years, Lenari put him back on the cushions on the high platform and asked: "Where is the mobile phone brick?"

"It's next door." Kampers said, "This tower-top temple is quite spacious. Everyone who has evolved self-awareness is assigned a room of their own."

Lenari, who had already learned about it in the dream divination, nodded, reached into the suddenly opened shadow crack, and grabbed the "Life Game" mobile phone brick from the sofa cushions next door, which was arranged as an electronic game room.

The mobile phone brick is actually no longer a mobile phone brick.

Over the years, it has been full of food, and with the help of Kampers, it has merged with many alienated mobile phones, barely evolved self-awareness, and successfully upgraded itself into a real black-tech smartphone that can make calls and surf the Internet normally.

Lenari opened the "bb" chat software on his phone, which has become more and more classic after 17 years, and logged into his account.

He sent a thought to the phone brick, which cleared the many "999+" coming in one breath. Lenari entered the "World Mission Chat Room" and went straight to the member list.

It is worth mentioning that in the past 17 years, this chat room, which was originally ordinary but with high-end members, has somehow suddenly become a strange story and was taken over by Green Star.

Except for the "Green Star" at the top, the member list seems to be arranged in order of birth, or the time of "becoming a god and appearing in the world", from top to bottom:

Frozen God, Lord of Nuclear Explosion, Lord of Darkness, Lord of Hell, Principle of Glory, Lady of Pain, Weaver of Destiny

Lenari stared at the last "Fate Weaver" for a moment.

Her knowledge of fate was limited, far from the conceptual level. Apart from the Radiant Truth, which was completely defenseless against her, the only things that Dream Divination could see were those that did not involve the conceptual level.

After hesitating for a moment, Lenari greeted the chat room in a normal way with her mind. ——A chat room that was turned into a ghost story was convenient in every sense.

[Lord of Eternal Darkness: Hi~ Good morning, everyone!

Lord of Nuclear Explosion:!

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Awake?

Lord of Eternal Darkness: Yes, I'm awake. There are a few new faces. Wouldn't you like to introduce them?

Lord of Hell: Let me out!!!

Lord of Eternal Darkness: You're still alive.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Yes, but it's better to be dead.

Radiant Truth: Currently, the seal bead of Hell is sunk somewhere in the sewer of Phantom City. Do you want to find it and kill it?

Lord of Darkness: Oh, isn't it better to fight and kill? Let's just live in peace! [Funny]

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: That makes sense. [Funny]

Ms. Pain: Tsk tsk tsk. [Funny]

Fate Weaver: [Funny]

Lord of Darkness: @Fate Weaver, Strange Tales Weaver?

Fate Weaver: [Shy]

Lord of Darkness: Tsk.

Fate Weaver: No! I really haven't done anything bad in these years!

Radiant Truth: He really hasn't, I've been watching.

Fate Weaver: [Frightened][Shocked]

Lord of Darkness: I didn't expect you wanted those two petals of seed shells to assist in becoming a god... I'm glad to hear that!

Ms. Pain: [Curious] Seed shell?

Lord of Darkness: Didn't someone stir up trouble for the "seed of chaos" before? In fact, this seed has already sprouted and borne fruit, and the little bit of residual energy left can barely be called a "seed shell".

Lord of Hell: {Beep——}

Lord of Darkness: To be honest, I am surprised that this guy can resist spamming.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Hey, how can he resist? He is just restricted from speaking.

Lord of Darkness: 6

Lady of Pain: So, are there any side effects of using seed shells to assist in becoming a god?

Lord of Darkness:The Principle of Glory and I are the fruits of the "seed of chaos", what do you think?

Fate Weaver: ...

Lord of Darkness: I didn't expect that after waking up from a sleep, I would find a subordinate god... [Laughing to the ground. GIF expression]

Fate Weaver: [Growing mushrooms] Expired information kills people...

Frozen God: That's not called "expired information", it's called "wrong information", by the way, you deserve it!

Fate Weaver: [Crying]

Lord of Darkness: By the way, when will Green Star travel next time?

Frozen God: It's hard to say, it depends on His mood.

Lord of Darkness: @ Fate Weaver, the only way to escape from bondage alive, you know it, right?

Fate Weaver: I understand... If the universe that Green Star travels to next time is suitable, I will get out immediately.

Lord of Darkness: [Smiling face]

Lord of Darkness: By the way, what kind of universe is this planet in now?

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: At least within the observable range, it is a mysterious desert...

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: [Shocked]

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: What about next door?

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Ordinary human society without any trace of mysterious side, the current technological level is similar to that of the surface world 17 years ago.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: This "Trial of the Brave" copy must be very simple.

Frozen God: It's a pity that there are too many previous copies, and it's too early for it to be its turn...

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: How did you see that?

Frozen God: This has to mention my gains in the Black and Red Theater.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Speaking of which, the "Black and Red Theater Ticket Office" on the dark web has only released one three-flower ticket every month in recent years... [Drooling][Rubbing hands]

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: No problem.

Ms. Pain: @Lord of Everlasting Darkness, excuse me, I have something very important to say.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness:?

Lady of Pain: Is there a purifier named "Donahue Sunflower" under your command?

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Yes, he has been trapped in the alien space of the gray doomsday for many years.

Lady of Pain: What I want to say is that I want to propose to him.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: !!!

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Σ(⊙▽⊙"a

Frozen God: [Eating melon]

Fate Weaver: [Eating melon]】

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