The Night Raven moved forward again, and the bow slowly "rammed" into the building in front.

Lucia held her breath unconsciously.

The familiar office layout came into view, but there was no one.

"At this time, Vivian is still eating breakfast upstairs..." Lucia murmured, her eyes were wet.

Hearing this, the Night Raven slowly "floated up".

In the final analysis, everything around, whether it is land, buildings, or even the sky, is just an "image". The Night Raven, which does not belong here, will naturally not be bound by it.

The small living room and dining room on the second floor of the office, next to the dining table.

A beautiful red-haired woman held a sandwich filled with bright red meat in one hand and handed it to her mouth. With a fork in the other hand, she forked a piece of fried egg white and tried to feed the cat.

There was a lot of bright red sauce on the small piece of egg white. Looking at the obvious disgust and evasive posture in the eyes of the black kitten, Night Raven dared to bet that it was definitely not ketchup.

"Vivian..." Lucia called out in a low voice, her vision blurred unconsciously.

More than a decade ago, she had remembered everything.

That day, on an ordinary morning, Vivian, who loved spicy food, made two sandwiches, one large and one small, fried two eggs, and squeezed a thick layer of spicy chili sauce on the large sandwich and one of the fried eggs.

At that time, Lucia had a small appetite, and she could eat a small shrimp sandwich and half an fried egg.

Lucia remembered that Vivian was just like usual at that time, teasing herself with food dipped in spicy chili sauce, while slowly finishing her super heavy breakfast, and then went out, and then...

Never came back.

Wiping away the tears in her eyes, Lucia said sullenly: "Let time flow..."



Like the dead city in the old photo, as "time" flows again, it suddenly becomes bustling, and the false "popularity" blows in.

The Night Raven carried the black cat, chasing the charming red-haired woman, accompanying her in driving, shopping, driving, distributing gifts to the orphanage, and teaching the children.

Lucia quietly watched Vivian's figure, her emerald eyes both sad and happy.

After a simple but balanced lunch, Vivian was invited to the director's office of the orphanage called "Maple Leaf" to discuss the details of the new funding project.

Lucia's eyes became more focused.

She remembered that it was at noon on this day that the director of the Maple Leaf Orphanage, a kind old lady, died of a heart attack and failed to be rescued.

The general direction had been decided long ago, and Vivian was always vigorous and resolute, so the discussion between the two ended quickly.

Standing up one after another, Vivian was about to say goodbye, when suddenly, a straight red beam flew in from the window, piercing the director's head and then Vivian's heart.

The smiles on their faces froze, and they fell down one after another.

Blood, winding on the old floor tiles.

A moment later, a middle-aged man in casual clothes with a passerby face climbed in from the open window lightly - even though this room was on the third floor, he avoided the blood and walked to Vivian's body, took out a screw-top glass test tube from his arms, unscrewed it, and poured the pale green liquid inside on Vivian's body.

The harsh corrosion sound of "sizzling" sounded, and in a few minutes, the red-haired woman disappeared from the world, and her body was gone.

Strangely, the pale green liquid did not affect the surrounding furniture and clothes at all.

Before the unknown liquid with some pale green winding to the pool of blood of the dean, the middle-aged man took out another screw-top test tube in time and poured out the light red liquid inside.

There was another slight "sizzling" sound, different from the previous one, accompanied by bursts of light white smoke. Soon, there was only a suspicious water stain left at the place where Vivian fell except for her clothes.

The middle-aged man nodded gently, and with his rubber-gloved hands, he picked up the clothes and handbag left by Vivian, hastily put them into a black opaque plastic bag, turned around to avoid the blood of the dean, and climbed out the window again to leave.

"Follow him." Lucia said hoarsely.


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