The blonde beauty seemed to know from the headset that the "relevant personnel" outside were already in place.

The blonde crossed her legs and leisurely changed from the left leg on top to the right leg on top. She supported her chin with one hand and took out a golden pocket watch from the pocket of her uniform with the other hand and checked the time.

Then, while playing with the pocket watch, she looked at the girl opposite with interest and said playfully: "You have been silent for long enough... After entering this place, you don't naively think that you can keep your little secret just by "silence", right?"

"..." The girl sighed, feeling helpless and depressed, "At least, I should know what I have done wrong, right?"

"It's not a big deal." The blonde said lightly, "It's just indiscriminately harming ordinary citizens."

"That's impossible!" The girl's face changed drastically.

The Green Star Federation has a loose control over the inner world. Accordingly, once it is found that the members of the inner world harm the citizens of the outer world for no reason, it is a third-level crime.

Among them, "indiscriminate harm" is the most unforgivable.

"Why not?" The blonde raised her eyebrows, playing with her pocket watch with her fingertips, "The intelligence shows that you disappear for a while every once in a while, from three days to several months... Where did you go during this time?"

"..." The girl pursed her lips tightly, turned her eyes away, and did not dare to look directly at the blonde.

"So," the blonde asked easily, "Is it the 'Gods' Space' or the 'Infinite Trial'?"

"...Ah?" The girl was dumbfounded.

"Look at your cute little look~" The blonde admired the girl's expression with interest, and said in a slightly frivolous tone, "Such a big anomaly, you don't think the official knows nothing, right?"

"..." The girl wanted to speak, but bit her lips forcibly to prevent herself from saying the wrong thing by accident.

"Don't worry~ The so-called 'secrecy or obliteration' of the 'Infinite Trial' only works for those who don't know about it." The blonde said casually, "If you don't believe me, you can ask your 'system'."

"...Can that thing still ask questions?" The girl finally couldn't help it, but she was still cautious and didn't mention the relevant words.

In fact, she was already roaring in her heart:

I haven't said anything yet! How come you suddenly determined that it was the "Infinite Trial"! More importantly, that thing is really {beep——} called "Infinite Trial"!

Outrageous! It's outrageous!

Is this the strength of the legendary Team 7?

Damn! I really want to hug my thighs...

In a short moment, a complicated drama has already taken place in the girl's heart.

In reality.

"You don't know?"

The blonde's surprise didn't seem fake, and then she suddenly realized: "Oh! I almost forgot that you came in for this reason, rookie~"

"..." The girl tried to keep silent.

"Forget it~ It's not a big problem anyway, I'll just tell you directly." The blonde changed to a more comfortable posture, leaning lazily on the backrest chair with a certain degree of elasticity and softness.

"Compared with the 'Space of Gods', the portable system of 'Infinite Trial' is much more user-friendly. In terms of basic rules, you can ask in the sea of ​​consciousness at will, such as 'System, can I tell the person in front of me about the Infinite Trial?' and so on."

"..." The girl tried silently.

The result...

"... It really works?" The girl who got the affirmative answer from the system couldn't help but mutter to herself.

"It seems that you have confirmed it." The blonde said, leaning forward, her expression much more serious, "Then, let's proceed to the next step."

The girl's body subconsciously tensed up.

"Are you particularly unlucky?" The blonde asked.

"... Yes, I have been particularly unlucky since I was a child." The girl took a deep breath and said affirmatively.

"Is there anyone around you who is particularly lucky?"

"... Yes." The girl said reluctantly.

"Someone is using you as a medium to indiscriminately 'steal' the 'good luck' of all those who are kind to you. Do you know this?" The blonde woman's blue eyes suddenly became sharp.

"...What?" The girl looked confused, as if her brain had crashed.

"Someone is using you as a medium to indiscriminately 'steal' the 'good luck' of all those who are kind to you." The blonde woman repeated slowly, "And this is exactly why you were 'invited' to this interrogation room."

"..." The girl subconsciously covered her chest, her face suddenly turned pale.

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