Choosing to compromise, San Xi sighed inwardly, and calmly reached out to take the tablet placed beside him, trying to order.

——Although he knew almost everything about Puinsus Restaurant, it was indeed his first time here.

On the side, Night Crow saw that there was no more melon to eat, and immediately flapped his wings and landed on San Xi's right shoulder.

San Xi glanced at the crow, and continued to study the menu with his head down without changing his expression.

"I want this, this, and this..."

Night Crow stood on San Xi's shoulder and ordered him to order for him unceremoniously.

There was no way, the body structure of birds was really not suitable for operating touch-screen tablets...

"... And these few pages, all of them." Night Crow finally said, "Don't forget to fill in the notes, so that the kitchen can make all kinds of ingredients into sizes suitable for crows to eat."

"You're welcome." San Xi said, but there was no dissatisfaction in his expression, and he didn't stop the operation in his hands, filling in Night Crow's requirements one by one.

"Come to think of it, I still don't know how to address you. You can't just call me 'San Xi' outside, right?" Night Crow said.

"Moir." The young man said.

"Moir? Got it." Night Crow nodded, flew to the short stick on the table, and began to study this unique vehicle.

After a moment, Night Crow stood on the short stick that was floating in the air and steady, and announced excitedly: "From now on, it will be called 'Black Roost'!"

"Why 'Black Roost'?" Molly asked, "It obviously looks like white oak."

Night Crow said seriously: "Because it is 'Crow's Roost'."

Moly: "..."

On the side, Mol silently lowered his head to drink tea.


Around 11 o'clock in the evening, Lei privately chatted with Night Crow on BB and shared the latest situation of the Kunnier incident.

The encirclement and suppression of Team 7 failed.

Valk Deaver, the neighbor of "that girl" Millie Bertram and the murderer who stole good luck indiscriminately through Millie, had accumulated too much good luck and miraculously escaped from the airtight encirclement of Team 7.

Night Crow was not surprised at this result.

Those whose good luck was grafted away and whose fate came to an abrupt end, who were not supposed to die, their good luck should have disappeared with them because the main body had died, but because of the clever grafting state, they were confused and forced to stay on Valk with nowhere to go...

Even for ordinary people, the good luck of a lifetime piled up together is a terrible number, not to mention that Valk's "good luck for the rest of his life" accumulated far more than from one or a few people.

Night Crow yawned, closed the private chat interface, nestled into the cushion again, and continued to sleep.

——Moer, who was too lazy to go out and look for a place to stay, paid to extend the room for another day. This place had everything that was necessary and unnecessary. If you didn’t consider the cost-effectiveness, it would be no problem to use it as a hotel.

Eight o’clock the next morning.

Moer turned on a super loud alarm clock expressionlessly, waking up the man and the crow who were staying in bed.

Reaching out to catch the pillow that was thrown at him, Moer said, “It’s eight o’clock in the morning. It’s time to get up and start working.”

“Ha~ah…” Molly, or Jasmine, stretched her body in a “charming” way and got up reluctantly.

Putting on his coat with great difficulty, the thin and pale young man pouted and muttered: "I'm still getting my beauty sleep... By the way, this coat is so ugly... I know, I know~ I will wear it properly, I won't buy random clothes, and I won't suddenly wear women's clothes... I can't even put on makeup? Tsk..."

Mumbling embarrassing words, probably because she was completely awake, Jasmine stopped dawdling and cleaned up her morning clothes neatly.

Moore had already ordered some packed breakfast in advance. Seeing that Jasmine had finally finished, he immediately picked up the exquisite paper bag, picked up the sleepy Crow, and urged: "Let's go! Finish early and get off work early."

With her hands in her pockets, Jasmine followed behind the slightly hurried pace of Moore and asked puzzledly: "Are you in a hurry?"

"I came out without telling my father..." Moore said.

"What's there to hide about this kind of thing?" Jasmine looked puzzled.

"My second ability is a bit troublesome, and it's at a critical fork in the road. He hopes that I won't act rashly before making a choice." Moore explained.

"Oh... I think going out for a walk will help me make the right choice." Jasmine said.

"I thought so too, so I came out." Moore said.

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