At midnight, Lenari, who was lying on the bed in the dormitory, opened his eyes on time and woke up Lucia, who was curled up next to the pillow and had a different schedule from other cats.

"Huha~" Lucia yawned, sleepy, "Is it time?"

"Actually, you don't have to come..." Lenari said.

"How can that be!" Lucia instantly became energetic, "I finally have a chance to participate in the investigation. Vivian never took me with him before."

Lenari picked up Lucia and said, "It's dangerous to investigate ghost stories. He is also worried about you."

"I know." Lucia said, "So this kind of safe investigation can't be missed!"

Lenari touched Lucia's cat head: "Do you want to eat something first? Or go investigate now?"

"I'm not hungry, let's go now!" Lucia said excitedly, "Of course Lenari can have a midnight snack if he's hungry."

"I'm not hungry either, let's go." Lenari said, and the door to the dark area opened, "Let's go find a 'local' to ask."

"Local?" Lucia didn't understand.

"Yes, local." Lenari didn't explain, and just stepped into the open dark door.


Almost every school with ghost stories has an abandoned building, and Maria Girls' Middle School is no exception.

When Maria Girls' Middle School was first established, it directly took over all the properties of a private school that had declared bankruptcy, including land and buildings. This abandoned teaching building was a relic of that time.

The capital behind Maria Girls' Middle School naturally wanted to demolish the old building and rebuild it. Unfortunately, once the project started, accidents occurred frequently and had to be stopped.

After several engineering teams were replaced in succession, the old building was naturally abandoned and blocked under the same frequent accidents.

On the rooftop of the abandoned teaching building, the dark door opened, and Lenari, who had returned to a black Gothic dress, took Lucia and stepped out.

"Good evening." Lenari greeted a place on the rooftop that should have been empty.

"...What? There's nothing there?!" Lucia said in a panic, with her hair standing up slightly.

"Can't you see the soul?" Lenari lowered his head and asked in confusion.

"How can I see it?" Lucia said, and she could not help but lean into Lenari's arms, her hair becoming more fluffy. "Even if they are superpowers, most of them cannot see souls!"

"I see..." Lenari looked like he had learned something, "It's okay, I'll 'play' it for you later."

Lucia, who kept shrinking into Lenari's arms, nodded vigorously when she heard the words, and her ears that had slumped into airplane ears stood up briefly, then immediately collapsed.

Lenari touched Lucia's head with some amusement, looked up at the rusty guardrail, and said again: "Good evening, Miss Ghost in a colorful dress."

Miss Ghost, who stood barefoot on the guardrail in a Mary Sue colorful dress: "..."

"Can you see me?" Miss Ghost was surprised and curious.

"Of course I can see it, otherwise how would I know you're wearing a colorful dress?" Lenari said as a matter of course, "Generally speaking, red and white dresses are more common, right?"

"... Makes sense." Miss Ghost nodded, "But I don't usually wear colorful dresses, this color is really stupid."

"I think it's okay..." Lenari, who was dressed in black, said.

"Not good at all!" Miss Ghost said, "It's like wearing a palette."

"Then why do you wear it?" Lenari asked curiously.

"When I'm in a bad mood, I wear something weird and rebellious to change my mood." Miss Ghost said so.

"...This is indeed a good method." Lenari said, changing the subject, "I want to find out some news."

"What news?" Miss Ghost asked excitedly, "Don't look at me like this, but this Maria Girls' Middle School has already existed before it was founded."

"I can see it." Lenari said, "So when I wanted to find out the news, I found you the first time."

"You have good eyes." Miss Ghost sat down on the railing, "Tell me, what is the news?"

"It's like this..." Lenari briefly talked about the "Red Girl in the Middle of the Night", and finally asked, "Have you heard or seen anything about this?"

Miss Ghost shook her head: "No, I haven't heard of it at all, let alone seen it."

After a pause, Miss Ghost smiled cunningly, with a hint of subtle malice in her cunning: "In fact, for decades, there has been only one 'Red Ghost' in Maria Girls' Middle School, and that is me."

"I see." Lenari nodded, "Obviously, you are not interested in appearing in the middle of the night,Randomly scare people."

"Yeah." Miss Ghost said faintly, "I usually don't take action. If I do, it will definitely result in bloodshed."

In response, Lenari looked normal and did not comment.

"Which other ghosts in the school can "talk"? " Lenari asked.

Since he couldn't get anything from the strongest Miss Ghost of Maria Girls' Middle School, Lenari decided to try his luck with other ghosts.

"Let me think..." Miss Ghost counted on her fingers, "The aunt in the No. 1 cafeteria... Kelly on the rooftop of the No. 3 teaching building... is gone."

"Gone?" Lenari raised her eyebrows.

"Gone." Miss Ghost spread her hands, "There are few ghosts, and even fewer who can maintain their sanity."

"...I understand. "Lena sighed.

The No. 1 canteen and the No. 3 teaching building both belong to the junior high school, and obviously have nothing to do with the red-dressed girl in the middle of the night that is circulated in the high school.

Miss Ghost obviously understood this, and she suggested: "Why don't we go to the sighting site together?"

"Okay." Lenari said.

Miss Ghost laughed twice, as if her prank had succeeded, and immediately flew into the air, waved her hand, and shouted the classic line: "Follow!"

She flew a few meters out and stopped, looking back to see Lenari's reaction.

Lenaari was calm, stepping on the shadows that appeared out of thin air, and rising step by step.

"Is it in that direction?" She raised her empty hand and pointed to the direction of the sighting site.

"That's right." Miss Ghost said uninterestedly.

"Then let's go. "Lenari said, taking the lead and leaping forward lightly.

"..." Miss Ghost curled her lips and followed in boredom.

The two "people" were hurrying in the air. Lucia, who was lying in Lenari's arms, couldn't help her curiosity and looked down.

Noticing Lucia's movements, Lenari adjusted his posture to make it easier for Lucia to "see the scenery" while preventing her from falling.

"... The scenery is so beautiful, meow!" Lucia said, squinting her eyes comfortably. - The gentle, slightly cool night breeze made her feel very comfortable.

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