When Eve entered the room with the basket, she found the atmosphere in Room 2209 a bit strange.

Looking at the red-haired young man who squatted back on the sofa after opening the door, facing the back of the sofa with his hands on his knees, curled up in a ball, and said nothing, Eve closed the door and sat down at the dining table. While taking out the things in the basket, she asked Night Crow, who was squatting beside the nut plate, pecking at the nuts bit by bit, probably playing with his mobile phone:

"What's wrong with him?"

"He's autistic." Night Crow said casually while playing a mobile game.


"It's hard to accept that you suddenly made a fool of yourself and left a black history." Night Crow said with some gloating.

"..." Eve was silent for a moment and decided to skip this topic.

The action of placing the colorful, jelly-like gel blocks wrapped in plastic wrap in her hands stopped temporarily, and Eve said seriously: "I brought some information about the strange story "God Hidden Mist".

"Oh?" Night Crow raised his head with interest.

Eve took out her phone and asked, "Send it to you now?"



The "God-hidden Mist" is an ancient legend that spans multiple civilizations. It appears as a thick but clean white mist with a diameter of about a kilometer. It usually floats randomly on the sea and occasionally lands on land.

When there is still "civilization" in the God-hidden Mist, it is basically harmless, no matter how primitive or weak the civilization inside is.

Once the "civilization" inside the God-hidden Mist dies, it will expand endlessly until it swallows up a ready-made "country", or surrounds the entire Green Star, until "civilization" appears again on the Green Star and swallows it.

Speaking of this, we have to mention the measures taken by the Green Star Federation to deal with this type of "country-to-country" legend.

On January 1, 2040 of the Green Star Calendar, the year after the "Inisel Incident", the Green Star Federation officially launched a global administrative region reconstruction plan called the "Beehive Plan".

In this plan, the Green Star Federation divides the entire surface of Green Star, including the ocean, into regular hexagons, and solemnly grants each regular hexagonal administrative block corresponding sovereignty, regardless of whether there are intelligent species living in the block.

In a federal system, each administrative block is relatively independent and sovereign, and it is no problem to call it a country if it is taken out separately.

Before the "Beehive Plan", the main components of the Green Star Federation were "cities" of different sizes and irregular shapes; after the "Beehive Plan", "districts" of the same area and regular hexagons replaced the previous "cities".

Such a large-scale structural reorganization, even a behemoth like the Green Star Federation, will inevitably suffer some damage, but the benefits are also gratifying.

At least, if a disaster of the scale of the "Inisel Incident" occurs again, let alone the Radiant Ring of the Radiant Truth, it will be a comfort.

In mysticism, symbols are very important.

The symbol of territorial scope is even more important for the Green Star Federation.

Once Lenari's power went out of control, and the pollution that came out of the shadow rift only affected one office and did not spread to others, relying on a thin property certificate.

Of course, in the case of the appearance of the mythical entity in the "Inisel Incident", if ordinary people look directly at it, it is not something that can be protected by just a few symbols.

In short, even if we only consider "risk resistance" and "timely stop loss", the "Beehive" plan is worth promoting vigorously by the Green Star Federation.


After reading the information Eve sent, Night Crow asked in confusion: "Is there no stable way to enter and exit this 'God-Hidden Mist'?"

"Actually, there is, but the confidentiality level is relatively high." Eve said, "As long as you hang a lit white candle lantern on the bow of the pure wooden boat, and then drive the boat into the fog of the 'God-Hidden Mist', you can travel inside and outside."

"What are the precautions?"

"After entering, before you actually reach the inner 'civilized' territory, there is a circle of very large stormy sea area..."

"Wooden boat, storm, tut tut!" Night Crow sighed and shook his head.

"In fact, this difficulty is nothing to powerful extraordinary people, but the Federation does not agree to enter and exit the 'God-Hidden Mist' at will..."

"Why?" Night Crow asked puzzledly, "Even if it was abandoned, as the legacy of the successful ascension of Xia Country, it should be very valuable to the Green Star Federation, right?"

"You also said it was abandoned." Eve shrugged, "Compared to that so-called value, it is more important to ensure that the God-Hidden Mist is harmless... Besides, now there is the 'Black and Red Theater', a more stable and reliable channel for studying Xia Country."

"That's true..." Night Crow nodded, and changed the subject, "Lei seems to have the idea of ​​exploring the country, you" "I..." Eve hesitated, and finally said, "It depends on the situation. As a magician specialized in destiny without much combat power bonus, my ability to resist risks is not high..." Night Crow nodded in understanding. "In addition," Eve said, "Team Seven is preparing to take down the laboratory of the super power factory in the western suburbs in the near future. Do you want to join?"

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