"Who is it?" Lenari asked curiously.

Campers said: "You will never guess that it is Aisha Flynn, the daughter of the client."

Hearing this, Lenari was slightly surprised: "I really didn't expect it... How is she now?"

"I don't know..." Kampers said honestly, "There is no surveillance installed in her bedroom. I just inferred it based on the location of the breath."

Lenari nodded, pondered for a moment, and picked up the phone.

Just after turning on the screen, Lenari thought of something and put away the phone again: "Forget it, it's so late, Ms. Perlisa should be asleep... Anyway, it's not urgent, let's talk about it in the morning."

Campers: You didn't treat Team 7 like this before...


At breakfast the next day, Lenari edited an email and sent it to Perlisa, briefly explaining the whole story, and then concentrated on comforting Lucia who was extremely frustrated because she missed the "moment of revealing the truth".

As the general manager of Team 7 at Maria Girls' Middle School, Berissa is responsible for unexpected awakenings of teachers and students.

As for the investigation commission... because it involves the "other world", according to the process, it is necessary to report to Team 7 first. Lenari believes that Berissa will handle everything.

——Anyway, since the founder of Rumored There is a Firm, no one has cared about reputation since Groot.

On Sunday morning, the new superpower girl Aisha and her mother knocked on the door of Rumored There is a Firm with exquisite homemade snacks.

When Lenari sent away the enthusiastic single mother and the shy introverted girl, it was almost time for lunch.

Lucia, who had just been chatting with Aisha's mother, Ms. Janet (mainly popular science and answering questions), stretched her limbs and asked lazily, "What are we having for lunch?"

Lenari thought for a moment and suggested, "Ms. Janet has a wide variety of snacks made by herself, and they look delicious... Why don't we ask downstairs to send some side dishes and soup, and we'll have that for lunch?"

"Okay, okay!" Lucia's tail swayed happily.

One "person" and one cat both have the attribute of longevity, and they don't need to work hard to maintain their health. Since Groot was gone, no one cared whether their diet was healthy. Day after day, they naturally let themselves go.


After dinner, Lucia licked the juice and suddenly remembered something: "By the way! Lenari, do you know the 'dark web'?"

"Dark web?" Lenari swiped his phone without looking up, "A website that is only open to the inner world?"

"No! It's that one, that one!" Lucia explained hurriedly, "Well, the one that often appears in urban novels!"

"Oh, that one..." Lenari's eyes moved away from the phone screen, took the special notebook that Shadow's little hand had handed over and was already turned on, and opened the private chat with Anthony, "Let me ask."

Hearing this, Lucia's ears moved slightly, licked the corners of her mouth that were stained with some juice, and walked to the position where Lenari could clearly see the notebook screen, and squatted down gracefully.

[Forever Gothic Loli: Are you there?

If you work overtime again, you will skip work:?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Your nickname...

Working overtime or skipping work: Oh, the higher-ups saw that the public security index of Inisel City was high, so they tried to add more burden to us...

Working overtime or skipping work: We can only monitor the city of Inisel and some suburbs, and we can't do more.

Working overtime or skipping work: Don't worry, although the higher-ups did propose that you "tour", the city hall, the General Security Bureau, and the Seventh Team of this city strangled it as soon as there was a sign... I have been working for more than 20 years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a spectacular scene of concerted efforts without anyone dragging their feet!

Forever Gothic Lolita: That's good... By the way, do you know the "dark web"?

Working overtime or skipping work: Those underground networks of criminals?

Forever Gothic Lolita: I think so... It's the kind that often appears in urban novels.

Working overtime or skipping work: That, I will send you an installation package later, find a new laptop to install it, and you can log in to the dark web very conveniently.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Is the dark web under control?

If you work overtime again, you will skip work: That’s not the case… Behind the dark web, there is a powerful existence that is suspected to be a ghost story. Even Team 7 must abide by the rules of the game. At most, they can only use some small tools for very limited monitoring.

Forever Gothic Lolita: What about the installation package?

If you work overtime again, you will skip work: You need a set of secret keys that are updated at any time to log in to the dark web. This software can automatically obtain the secret keys and prevent tracking and intrusion.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I understand.

If you work overtime again, you will skip work: You are not an insider. It is best to prepare a brand new laptop computer for logging in. In this way, once something happens,If there is any mistake, it can be easily blocked by physical means.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Got it.

If you work overtime again, you will skip work: I will send you the installation package now?

Forever Gothic Lolita: OK, thank you for your trouble.

If you work overtime again, you will skip work: You are welcome, we will follow each other. 】


Use the USB flash drive to copy the installation package sent by Anthony to the newly unpacked special notebook, click to install, and while waiting, Lenari took Lucia and ran downstairs, bringing back a lot of snacks.

——Dark web or something, it seems very interesting, it should be studied for a while, right?

Lenari and Lucia were disappointed.

This dark web is not as interesting as the two-dimensional forum, and most of the sections require payment to unlock access rights.

One person and one cat have no financial management awareness, so they naturally don’t care about these small amounts of money, but a sufficiently safe and hidden real account is a problem.

The dark web does not accept so-called "tourists". All log-ins need to register an account. Account registration is very simple. Just pick a unique nickname and set a password.

Each dark web account comes with a virtual wallet. The virtual currency is called "Green Coin", which is said to be equivalent to the Green Dollar officially issued by the Green Star Federation.

In the dark web, there is a special section for green coin cashing services. Of course, the "handling fee" is not low.

According to the instructions on the registration page, the dark web will automatically cancel accounts that have been inactive for 1 year or more and have a wallet balance of 0.

For accounts with a wallet balance of not 0 and inactive for more than 1 year, a considerable "account retention fee" will be automatically deducted every month from the expiration of 1 year until it is deducted and cancelled.

In short, it is full of overlord terms.

One person and one cat soon lost interest in the legendary dark web. Lenari threw this "special notebook for logging into the dark web" to Kampers in the dark field to play with, opened the ordinary notebook commonly used in the office, and started to watch anime with Lucia.

——This pile of delicious snacks cannot be wasted.

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