"...What?" Lei's expression became more and more confused.

On the side, Yaerlin wiped his face, coughed and said, "It's not a big deal. Anyway, everyone who needs to know knows..."


"Hey! It's like this." Yaerlin tried to make his expression look serious, "The Green Star Federation military's conceptual-level strongman 'Nuclear Explosion Lord', he is a superpower who became a god, and because his superpower is too special, he has a serious bias..."

After waiting for a long time without getting the next word, Lei asked, "So?"

"..." Yaerlin's eyes wandered.

"So, he is very slow, and his honorific name is read in a language with a low degree of mystery. No matter how loudly and piously it is read, unless he happens to be nearby, he can't sense it."

Ye Ya teased somewhat without thinking about the trouble, and his short bare legs hanging on the back of the sofa swayed rhythmically.

"..." Lei was silent for a moment and forced to change the subject. "There is something I don't quite understand. For those 'gods', some say conceptual level, some say mythical level, and some just say gods... For the pronouns, they also use He, He/She mixedly... Is there any particularity?"

"There is no particularity," Yaerlin cooperated and turned the topic to popular science. "Words like gods and myths belong to the 'old traditions' that are difficult to abandon. The word 'conceptual level' tends to be a scientific and rational name in the new era..."

"The pronoun 'He' is a little more complicated. After all, some natural conceptual levels have no gender, so it is not convenient to refer to them as He/She..."

"I see..." Lei nodded, looking like he had learned something.

"So," Night Crow interrupted, bringing the topic back to the main business at hand, "Do you have any effective countermeasures for the current situation?"

Yarlin sighed again, smiled bitterly and spread his hands: "No... Unless there is a passenger on this train who is closely connected to a certain concept level and realizes the problem in time..."

"..." Night Crow tilted his head, almost thinking that the other party was referring to something.

Lei thought for a while and asked: "Does it have to be 'closely connected'? Ordinary devout believers are not okay?"

Yarlin shook his head: "We are now in the space-time gap created by the strange story 'Never-stopping Transportation'... Even within this strange story, if there is no close connection as a foundation, no matter how much you call, you can't reach those concept levels..."

"Otherwise, in the past few years, there wouldn't be so many elites of the Seventh Team who died at the hands of this strange story... There are more concept levels that are friendly with the federal officials than just Mr. Nuclear Explosion."

"This..." Lei frowned worriedly.

Aside, Night Crow was hesitating.

Should I "self-destruct" now...

Because of the difficult problem of "pollution", things like "God's Blessing" are rare in modern times...

At this time, Lei Yi had a flash of inspiration and asked immediately: "Just now, why didn't the existence pretending to be Eve dare to recite the honorable name of the Radiant Truth?"

"Because that existence is most likely the strange story itself... Our signals will be isolated when we are in its body, but it obviously can't "enjoy" this treatment." Yaerlin said, "There are actually many such examples."

"Uh..." Lei Yi pondered again.

At this time, Yaerlin finally noticed the abnormal behavior of the lady sitting opposite him.

"Rosalind?" Yaerlin called out worriedly to the female colleague who had been silent and seemed to be in a daze since just now.

"Ah? Oh, what's the matter?" Rosalind, whose long golden curly hair was loosely gathered on her back, straightened the hair by her ears and asked in confusion.

"You just...?" Yaerlin tactfully reminded his colleague that his behavior just now was too abnormal.

"Well," Rosalind shrugged and said casually, "I'm fine, I'm just thinking about how to write a suicide note..."

"..." Yarlin was silent.

--The only good thing about this strange story about transportation is that after the life on it dies, the remaining dead things will be "spit out" and returned to the world...

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