Lei was awakened by a burst of laughter.

In his mind was still the red maple leaves falling scene that he had dreamed of and left a deep impression on him, except that the young man in kimono was missing.

He looked at the direction of the laughter with a slightly dazed look - the ground about one meter in front of him.

The crow, which had moved from Lei's shoulder to the ground at some point, saw that the young man had woken up, and simply stopped suppressing his laughter and laughed out loud without any hesitation.


The night crow laughed so hard that he fell down.

"What happened?" Lei asked in a daze.

"You, you are losing, losing your hair! Hahahahaha——"

Lei was startled, and reflexively raised his hand to touch the top of his head, and then...

pulled a handful of fallen hair.

By the way, because most of the fallen hair was braided in the braid, he pulled it too hard and hissed in pain.

After laughing for a while, seeing Lei still anxiously checking his hair volume, Night Crow patted his chest with his wings, and said with a smile: "Don't worry! Your hair is not lost. It will grow again the next moment after it falls."

"Really..." Lei felt relieved a little, and took the long braid in front of him and untied the hairband.

——On the one hand, he confirmed the hair volume again, and on the other hand, his hair was messy and needed to be combed urgently.

After the braid was untied, Lei finally felt relieved when he saw the red hair falling to the ground with the "gravity" provided by someone unknown after a simple combing with his fingers.

——With this amount of hair loss, since he is not bald yet, it means he is really fine.

While combing her hair and braiding it again unskillfully, Lei asked, "This method seems to have failed... What should I do next?"

"I don't know!" Night Crow rolled his eyes, "You should have lost leaves, but you lost your hair..."

"Uh." Lei felt a little aggrieved, "I'm in human form now! There are no leaves to fall, so I just lost my hair!"

"No, it's just that your 'self-awareness' is too stubborn..." Night Crow said helplessly, "If it were me, there would be a lot of red leaves on the ground."

"Really, is that so..." Lei felt a little guilty for some reason, "How about I do it again Try it?"

"Goodbye!" Night Crow hurriedly stopped him, "Although the demon blood from your grandfather is too strong, causing your human form to directly become the same as his, but in fact, you are still a real sapling. It is too wasteful to drop such a large number of leaves that should not be dropped. "

"This..." Lei Yi was a little dumbfounded, "What should I do?"

Night Crow thought for a while and said, "First, collect these leaves...hair, and use them to satisfy hunger when necessary."

"...Okay." Although Lei Yi didn't quite understand how hair could satisfy hunger, he squatted down as he was told and carefully collected the hair on the ground.

With a fold of wings, all of Lei's fallen hair was collected into the "cabin". Night Crow said: "Leaf darts are not suitable. I will find a way to make you learn to transform your arms into bark."

"Transform your arms into bark?"

"Well, with the experience of those fighting skills, the simple application of "claw attack" is not difficult for you. Compared with this, how to make you learn to transform partially into a monster is a big problem..." Night Crow said, and couldn't help but complain, "You are obviously a complete monster, but you don't know how to show your true form..."

"Isn't it that I have always been a human before..." Lei defended himself in a low voice.

Ignoring Lei's weak defense, Night Crow switched to the formless body Lei version again, grabbed Lei's right hand and put it between his palms, and said seriously: "Feel it carefully, I am going to change."

Lei followed with a serious expression, staring at the three overlapping palms without blinking.

Without any sound or light effects, the color of Night Crow's human white hands suddenly deepened, and the texture began to transform into rough bark.

After trying to slow down for more than a minute, Night Crow raised his hands that were completely demonized and looked like ferocious old tree branches, waved them in front of Lei, and asked: "How is it? Do you feel the process of change?"

Lei nodded and said thoughtfully: "One thing... Let me try it first."

Night Crow switched back to the crow body and looked at the timer alarm of the virtual phone: "You can try it, there is more than an hour left, I will remind you when the time is almost up."

As a part of the mobile phone brick, the virtual phone has a certain degree of intelligence.

At least, it will not fail to "set an independent timer alarm every time it enters a new room".

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