Lei's practice progress was very slow.

In order to give him enough time to practice quietly, Night Crow could not eat up every room he went to. He could only eat up the wood in the previous room that was about to expire when he arrived at a new room...

Fortunately, Lei had really begun to adapt to his overly "idealistic" identity as a monster. The later he got, the faster Lei's progress.

Finally, on the third to last day of September, Lei really learned to "eat" by turning into tree roots.

- Although he still couldn't learn to become a complete monster, it was at least enough to deal with the current situation and Night Crow's "plan".

So, a genuine maple monster and a pirated maple monster that looked more genuine than the genuine ones began to eat a lot. Wherever they passed, there was only a pitiful non-wood material left.

- Even cement and stone materials would be forcibly dismantled by Night Crow in the spirit of not letting go of them, and all the nutrients that could be digested would be sucked away.

Well, I have to say that the nutrient absorption ability of plant monsters is powerful.

On the second day of October, Night Crow and Lei had just finished a room and walked into the next room one after the other, and suddenly their eyes blurred.

Blinking, Lei was surprised to find that outside the window without a window frame right next to him, it was not another room, but a courtyard full of weeds in the night.

Feeling the long-lost cold wind blowing in his face, Lei was a little dazed.

"It actually came out..." Lei murmured in disbelief, suspecting that he was dreaming.

"Hehe~ I said my method works!" Night Crow raised his fist and waved it complacently.

"Those ghost stories will not keep living things for no reason... As long as they feel 'lost' and do not have a suitable killing mechanism, then 'throwing away' is the most worry-free way."

"...You make sense." Although Lei felt that it was just a coincidence, he wisely did not say it.

"Speaking of which, what is this place?" Lei looked around, and before he could feel happy about escaping the predicament, he was filled with worry.

The rough stone room, with relatively small windows, seemed to be an abandoned castle.

What really made Lei feel uneasy was that the surface of these stones, which were full of time marks, had a very obvious burn mark.

Night Raven felt the connection with the original body become stable again, and felt full of security.

Her so-called character clone was actually the result of Lenari's two minds. After being forcibly blocked from the connection with the original body, she became a little "residual consciousness", which was actually constantly weakening, far from being as calm as Lei thought.

Originally, Night Raven had made several special "4-hour" alarm clocks with the limited materials secretly collected when "dismantling" the room, and wrote down the design drawings, production steps and some basic knowledge of alchemy together into notes, waiting for a suitable time to hand them to Lei, and then find an excuse to leave.

Unexpectedly, the so-called "idea" that was randomly proposed actually worked...

Lucky, this weird story "Infinite City" is actually quite "reasonable".

Yes, the moment it reconnected with the main body, Night Crow returned to the main body from the "remnant of consciousness" and became a trace of Lenari's consciousness.

If it is the same person, there is naturally no information gap.

How long can Night Crow, as a "remnant of consciousness", last?

Five or six years.

After all, the status of the main body is there.

Hearing Lei's question, Lenari, who had just withdrawn this trace of consciousness, subconsciously answered: "The northwest edge of the Hegar District in the north."

"Hegar District?" Lei frowned.

He once aspired to be a great detective. As early as elementary school, he had memorized the Green Star Map by heart, and even the irregular old version of the map before the implementation of the "Beehive Plan" could be called "memorized".

Hegar District, in the northern temperate zone close to the frigid zone, there is a medium-sized city in the next district to the west.

——No wonder the wind is so cold...

Lei muttered to himself, and said: "This place doesn't look right, let's leave quickly."


As soon as Night Crow's answer came out, the two of them saw a blur.

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